Preben Ingvaldsen 955cddbbbe t: add netrc retry test
Add a test to ensure that, if netrc credentials fail, the
credential helper will successfuly fall back on other credential
2018-10-08 16:18:06 -07:00

522 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
ensure_git_version_isnt $VERSION_LOWER "2.3.0"
begin_test "credentails with url-specific helper skips askpass"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git config credential.useHttpPath false
git config credential.helper ""
git config credential.$GITSERVER.helper "lfstest"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "hello" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "initial commit"
# askpass is skipped
GIT_ASKPASS="lfs-bad-cmd" GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" -eq "$(grep "filling with GIT_ASKPASS" push.log | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials without useHttpPath, with bad path password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" without-path
git config credential.useHttpPath false
git checkout -b without-path
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
printf "a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin without-path 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "credential calls have no path:"
credcalls="$(grep "creds: git credential" push.log)"
[ "0" -eq "$(echo "$credcalls" | grep "no-httppath-bad-password" | wc -l)" ]
expected="$(echo "$credcalls" | wc -l)"
[ "$expected" -eq "$(printf "%s" "$credcalls" | grep '", "")' | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with url-specific useHttpPath, with bad path password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-url-specific-path
git config credential.$GITSERVER.useHttpPath false
git config lfs.locksverify false
git checkout -b without-path
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
printf "a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin without-path 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with useHttpPath, with wrong password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-path-wrong-pass
git checkout -b with-path-wrong-pass
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
contents_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents")
printf "%s" "$contents" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin with-path-wrong-pass 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" = "$(grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 0 B" push.log)" ]
echo "approvals:"
[ "0" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with useHttpPath, with correct password"
set -e
reponame="$(basename "$0" ".sh")"
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:$reponame" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-path-correct-pass
git checkout -b with-path-correct-pass
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
# creating new branch does not re-send any objects existing on other
# remote branches anymore, generate new object, different from prev tests
contents_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents")
printf "%s" "$contents" > b.dat
git add b.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add b.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin with-path-correct-pass 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "credential calls have path:"
credcalls="$(grep "creds: git credential" push.log)"
[ "0" -eq "$(echo "$credcalls" | grep '", "")' | wc -l)" ]
expected="$(echo "$credcalls" | wc -l)"
[ "$expected" -eq "$(printf "%s" "$credcalls" | grep "t-credentials" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "git credential"
set -e
printf "git:server" > "$CREDSDIR/"
printf "git:path" > "$CREDSDIR/"
mkdir empty
cd empty
git init
echo "protocol=http
path=some/path" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
git config credential.useHttpPath false
echo "protocol=http" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
echo "protocol=http
path=some/path" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
if [[ $(uname) == *"MINGW"* ]]; then
begin_test "credentials from netrc"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword netrcpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push netrc master 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "any netrc credential calls:"
[ "4" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential approvals:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from netrc with unknown keyword"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\nnot-a-key something\npassword netrcpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo2
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push netrc master 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "any netrc credential calls:"
[ "4" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential approvals:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from netrc with bad password"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword badpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo3
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
git push netrc master 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" = "$(grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log)" ]
begin_test "credentials with bad netrc creds will retry"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword badpassretry\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
# ensure we provide the correct creds through ASKPASS so we can fall back
# when .netrc fails
export LFS_ASKPASS_USERNAME="netrcuser"
export LFS_ASKPASS_PASSWORD="netrcpass"
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo4
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_ASKPASS="lfs-askpass" git push netrc master 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
# netrc credentials should be attempted then rejected for the lock request
echo "netrc credentials attempted:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "netrc credentials rejected:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential reject" | wc -l)" ]
# credhelper should then use askpass to find the proper credentials, which
# should be successful
echo "askpass credentials attempted:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "askpass credentials approved:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
# askpass creds should be cached and used for the batch request
echo "cached credentials used:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential cache" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from lfs.url"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
echo "bad push"
git lfs env
git lfs push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "good push"
gitserverhost=$(echo "$GITSERVER" | cut -d'/' -f3)
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" push.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" push.log)" ]
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "bad fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" fetch.log
echo "good fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# No 401 should occur as we've already set an access mode for the
# storage endpoint during the push
[ ! "$(grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log)" ]
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" fetch.log
echo "good fetch, setting access mode"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git config lfs.http://$gitserverhost/storage/.access "None"
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" fetch.log)" ]
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" fetch.log
begin_test "credentials from remote.origin.url"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push b" > b.dat
git add .gitattributes b.dat
git commit -m "add b.dat"
echo "bad push"
git lfs env
git lfs push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "good push"
gitserverhost=$(echo "$GITSERVER" | cut -d'/' -f3)
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" push.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" push.log)" ]
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "bad fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# Missing authentication causes `git lfs fetch` to fail before the progress
# meter is printed to the TTY.
echo "good fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# No 401 should occur as we've already set an access mode for the
# storage endpoint during the push
[ ! "$(grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log)" ]
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" fetch.log
echo "good fetch, setting access mode"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git config lfs.http://$gitserverhost/storage/.access "None"
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" fetch.log)" ]
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" fetch.log