2016-08-10 09:33:25 -06:00

112 lines
2.8 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
// errNoMatchingLocks is an error returned when no matching locks were
// able to be resolved
errNoMatchingLocks = errors.New("lfs: no matching locks found")
// errLockAmbiguous is an error returned when multiple matching locks
// were found
errLockAmbiguous = errors.New("lfs: multiple locks found; ambiguous")
unlockCmdFlags unlockFlags
// unlockFlags holds the flags given to the `git lfs unlock` command
type unlockFlags struct {
// Id is the Id of the lock that is being unlocked.
Id string
// Force specifies whether or not the `lfs unlock` command was invoked
// with "--force", signifying the user's intent to break another
// individual's lock(s).
Force bool
func unlockCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var id string
if len(args) != 0 {
path, err := lockPath(args[0])
if err != nil {
if id, err = lockIdFromPath(path); err != nil {
} else if unlockCmdFlags.Id != "" {
id = unlockCmdFlags.Id
} else {
Error("Usage: git lfs unlock (--id my-lock-id | <path>)")
s, resp := API.Locks.Unlock(id, unlockCmdFlags.Force)
if _, err := API.Do(s); err != nil {
Exit("Error communicating with LFS API.")
if len(resp.Err) > 0 {
Exit("Server unable to unlock lock.")
Print("'%s' was unlocked (%s)", args[0], resp.Lock.Id)
// lockIdFromPath makes a call to the LFS API and resolves the ID for the locked
// locked at the given path.
// If the API call failed, an error will be returned. If multiple locks matched
// the given path (should not happen during real-world usage), an error will be
// returnd. If no locks matched the given path, an error will be returned.
// If the API call is successful, and only one lock matches the given filepath,
// then its ID will be returned, along with a value of "nil" for the error.
func lockIdFromPath(path string) (string, error) {
s, resp := API.Locks.Search(&api.LockSearchRequest{
Filters: []api.Filter{
{"path", path},
if _, err := API.Do(s); err != nil {
return "", err
switch len(resp.Locks) {
case 0:
return "", errNoMatchingLocks
case 1:
return resp.Locks[0].Id, nil
return "", errLockAmbiguous
func init() {
RegisterSubcommand(func() *cobra.Command {
if !isCommandEnabled(cfg, "locks") {
return nil
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "unlock",
Run: unlockCommand,
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&lockRemote, "remote", "r", cfg.CurrentRemote, lockRemoteHelp)
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&unlockCmdFlags.Id, "id", "i", "", "unlock a lock by its ID")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&unlockCmdFlags.Force, "force", "f", false, "forcibly break another user's lock(s)")
return cmd