2023-07-18 15:00:35 -04:00

521 lines
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// Package tools contains other helper functions too small to justify their own package
// NOTE: Subject to change, do not rely on this package from outside git-lfs source
package tools
import (
// FileOrDirExists determines if a file/dir exists, returns IsDir() results too.
func FileOrDirExists(path string) (exists bool, isDir bool) {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false, false
} else {
return true, fi.IsDir()
// FileExists determines if a file (NOT dir) exists.
func FileExists(path string) bool {
ret, isDir := FileOrDirExists(path)
return ret && !isDir
// DirExists determines if a dir (NOT file) exists.
func DirExists(path string) bool {
ret, isDir := FileOrDirExists(path)
return ret && isDir
// FileExistsOfSize determines if a file exists and is of a specific size.
func FileExistsOfSize(path string, sz int64) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return !fi.IsDir() && fi.Size() == sz
// ResolveSymlinks ensures that if the path supplied is a symlink, it is
// resolved to the actual concrete path
func ResolveSymlinks(path string) string {
if len(path) == 0 {
return path
if resolved, err := CanonicalizeSystemPath(path); err == nil {
return resolved
return path
// RenameFileCopyPermissions moves srcfile to destfile, replacing destfile if
// necessary and also copying the permissions of destfile if it already exists
func RenameFileCopyPermissions(srcfile, destfile string) error {
info, err := os.Stat(destfile)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// no original file
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := os.Chmod(srcfile, info.Mode()); err != nil {
return errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("can't set filemode on file %q: %v", srcfile, err))
if err := RobustRename(srcfile, destfile); err != nil {
return errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("cannot replace %q with %q: %v", destfile, srcfile, err))
return nil
// CleanPaths splits the given `paths` argument by the delimiter argument, and
// then "cleans" that path according to the path.Clean function (see
// Note always cleans to '/' path separators regardless of platform (git friendly)
func CleanPaths(paths, delim string) (cleaned []string) {
// If paths is an empty string, splitting it will yield [""], which will
// become the path ".". To avoid this, bail out if trimmed paths
// argument is empty.
if paths = strings.TrimSpace(paths); len(paths) == 0 {
for _, part := range strings.Split(paths, delim) {
part = strings.TrimSpace(part)
// Remove trailing `/` or `\`, but only the first one.
for _, sep := range []string{`/`, `\`} {
if strings.HasSuffix(part, sep) {
part = strings.TrimSuffix(part, sep)
cleaned = append(cleaned, part)
return cleaned
// repositoryPermissionFetcher is an interface that matches the configuration
// object and can be used to fetch repository permissions.
type repositoryPermissionFetcher interface {
RepositoryPermissions(executable bool) os.FileMode
// MkdirAll makes a directory and any intervening directories with the
// permissions specified by the core.sharedRepository setting.
func MkdirAll(path string, config repositoryPermissionFetcher) error {
umask := 0777 & ^config.RepositoryPermissions(true)
return doWithUmask(int(umask), func() error {
return os.MkdirAll(path, config.RepositoryPermissions(true))
var (
// currentUser is a wrapper over user.Current(), but instead uses the
// value of os.Getenv("HOME") for the returned *user.User's "HomeDir"
// member.
currentUser func() (*user.User, error) = func() (*user.User, error) {
u := &user.User{}
u.HomeDir = os.Getenv("HOME")
return u, nil
lookupUser func(who string) (*user.User, error) = user.Lookup
lookupConfigHome func() string = func() string {
return os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
// ExpandPath returns a copy of path with any references to the current user's
// home directory (spelled "~"), or a named user's home directory (spelled
// "~user") in the path, sanitized to the calling filesystem's path separator
// preference.
// If the "expand" argument is given as true, the resolved path to the named
// user's home directory will expanded with filepath.EvalSymlinks.
// If either the current or named user does not have a home directory, an error
// will be returned.
// Otherwise, the error returned will be nil, and the string returned will be
// the expanded path.
func ExpandPath(path string, expand bool) (string, error) {
if len(path) == 0 || path[0] != '~' {
return path, nil
var username string
if slash := strings.Index(path[1:], "/"); slash > -1 {
username = path[1 : slash+1]
} else {
username = path[1:]
var (
who *user.User
err error
if len(username) == 0 {
who, err = currentUser()
} else {
who, err = lookupUser(username)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, tr.Tr.Get("could not find user %s", username))
homedir := who.HomeDir
if expand {
homedir, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(homedir)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, tr.Tr.Get("cannot eval symlinks for %s", homedir))
return filepath.Join(homedir, path[len(username)+1:]), nil
// ExpandConfigPath returns a copy of path expanded as with ExpandPath. If the
// path is empty, the default path is looked up inside $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, or
// ~/.config if that is not set.
func ExpandConfigPath(path, defaultPath string) (string, error) {
if path != "" {
return ExpandPath(path, false)
configHome := lookupConfigHome()
if configHome != "" {
return filepath.Join(configHome, defaultPath), nil
return ExpandPath(fmt.Sprintf("~/.config/%s", defaultPath), false)
// VerifyFileHash reads a file and verifies whether the SHA is correct
// Returns an error if there is a problem
func VerifyFileHash(oid, path string) error {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
h := NewLfsContentHash()
_, err = io.Copy(h, f)
if err != nil {
return err
calcOid := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
if calcOid != oid {
return errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("file %q has an invalid hash %s, expected %s", path, calcOid, oid))
return nil
// FastWalkCallback is the signature for the callback given to FastWalkGitRepo()
type FastWalkCallback func(parentDir string, info os.FileInfo, err error)
// FastWalkDir is a more optimal implementation of filepath.Walk for a Git
// repo. The callback guaranteed to be called sequentially. The function returns
// once all files and errors have triggered callbacks.
// It differs in the following ways:
// - Uses goroutines to parallelise large dirs and descent into subdirs
// - Does not provide sorted output; parents will always be before children but
// there are no other guarantees. Use parentDir argument in the callback to
// determine absolute path rather than tracking it yourself
// - Automatically ignores any .git directories
// rootDir - Absolute path to the top of the repository working directory
func FastWalkDir(rootDir string, cb FastWalkCallback) {
fastWalkCallback(fastWalkWithExcludeFiles(rootDir), cb)
// fastWalkCallback calls the FastWalkCallback "cb" for all files found by the
// given *fastWalker, "walker".
func fastWalkCallback(walker *fastWalker, cb FastWalkCallback) {
for file := range {
cb(file.ParentDir, file.Info, file.Err)
// Returned from FastWalk with parent directory context
// This is needed because FastWalk can provide paths out of order so the
// parent dir cannot be implied
type fastWalkInfo struct {
ParentDir string
Info os.FileInfo
Err error
type fastWalker struct {
rootDir string
ch chan fastWalkInfo
limit int32
cur *int32
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// fastWalkWithExcludeFiles walks the contents of a dir, respecting
// include/exclude patterns.
// rootDir - Absolute path to the top of the repository working directory
func fastWalkWithExcludeFiles(rootDir string) *fastWalker {
excludePaths := []filepathfilter.Pattern{
filepathfilter.NewPattern(".git", filepathfilter.GitIgnore),
filepathfilter.NewPattern("**/.git", filepathfilter.GitIgnore),
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("LFS_FASTWALK_LIMIT"))
if limit < 1 {
limit = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) * 20
c := int32(0)
w := &fastWalker{
rootDir: rootDir,
limit: int32(limit),
cur: &c,
ch: make(chan fastWalkInfo, 256),
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
go func() {
defer w.Wait()
dirFi, err := os.Stat(w.rootDir)
if err != nil { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
w.Walk(true, "", dirFi, excludePaths)
return w
// Walk is the main recursive implementation of fast walk. Sends the file/dir
// and any contents to the channel so long as it passes the include/exclude
// filter. Increments waitg.Add(1) for each new goroutine launched internally
// workDir - Relative path inside the repository
func (w *fastWalker) Walk(isRoot bool, workDir string, itemFi os.FileInfo,
excludePaths []filepathfilter.Pattern) {
var fullPath string // Absolute path to the current file or dir
var parentWorkDir string // Absolute path to the workDir inside the repository
if isRoot {
fullPath = w.rootDir
} else {
parentWorkDir = join(w.rootDir, workDir)
fullPath = join(parentWorkDir, itemFi.Name())
if !isRoot && itemFi.IsDir() {
// If this directory has a .git directory or file in it, then
// this is a submodule, and we should not recurse into it.
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(fullPath, ".git"))
if err == nil {
workPath := join(workDir, itemFi.Name())
if !filepathfilter.NewFromPatterns(nil, excludePaths).Allows(workPath) {
} <- fastWalkInfo{ParentDir: parentWorkDir, Info: itemFi}
if !itemFi.IsDir() {
// Nothing more to do if this is not a dir
var childWorkDir string
if !isRoot {
childWorkDir = join(workDir, itemFi.Name())
// The absolute optimal way to scan would be File.Readdirnames but we
// still need the Stat() to know whether something is a dir, so use
// File.Readdir instead. Means we can provide os.FileInfo to callers like
// filepath.Walk as a bonus.
df, err := os.Open(fullPath)
if err != nil { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
// The number of items in a dir we process in each goroutine
jobSize := 100
for children, err := df.Readdir(jobSize); err == nil; children, err = df.Readdir(jobSize) {
// Parallelise all dirs, and chop large dirs into batches
w.walk(children, func(subitems []os.FileInfo) {
for _, childFi := range subitems {
w.Walk(false, childWorkDir, childFi, excludePaths)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
func (w *fastWalker) walk(children []os.FileInfo, fn func([]os.FileInfo)) {
cur := atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, 1)
if cur > w.limit {
atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, -1)
go func() {
atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, -1)
func (w *fastWalker) Wait() {
func join(paths ...string) string {
ne := make([]string, 0, len(paths))
for _, p := range paths {
if len(p) > 0 {
ne = append(ne, p)
return strings.Join(ne, "/")
// SetFileWriteFlag changes write permissions on a file
// Used to make a file read-only or not. When writeEnabled = false, the write
// bit is removed for all roles. When writeEnabled = true, the behaviour is
// different per platform:
// On Mac & Linux, the write bit is set only on the owner as per default umask.
// All other bits are unaffected.
// On Windows, all the write bits are set since Windows doesn't support Unix permissions.
func SetFileWriteFlag(path string, writeEnabled bool) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
mode := uint32(stat.Mode())
if (writeEnabled && (mode&0200) > 0) ||
(!writeEnabled && (mode&0222) == 0) {
// no change needed
return nil
if writeEnabled {
mode = mode | 0200 // set owner write only
// Go's own Chmod makes Windows set all though
} else {
mode = mode &^ 0222 // disable all write
return os.Chmod(path, os.FileMode(mode))
// TempFile creates a temporary file in specified directory with proper permissions for the repository.
// On success, it returns an open, non-nil *os.File, and the caller is responsible
// for closing and/or removing it. On failure, the temporary file is
// automatically cleaned up and an error returned.
// This function is designed to handle only temporary files that will be renamed
// into place later somewhere within the Git repository.
func TempFile(dir, pattern string, cfg repositoryPermissionFetcher) (*os.File, error) {
tmp, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
perms := cfg.RepositoryPermissions(false)
err = os.Chmod(tmp.Name(), perms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tmp, nil
// ExecutablePermissions takes a set of Unix permissions (which may or may not
// have the executable bits set) and maps them into a set of permissions in
// which the executable bits are set, using the same technique as Git does.
func ExecutablePermissions(perms os.FileMode) os.FileMode {
// Copy read bits to executable bits.
return perms | ((perms & 0444) >> 2)
// CanonicalizePath takes a path and produces a canonical absolute path,
// performing any OS- or environment-specific path transformations (within the
// limitations of the Go standard library). If the path is empty, it returns
// the empty path with no error. If missingOk is true, then if the
// canonicalized path does not exist, an absolute path is given instead.
func CanonicalizePath(path string, missingOk bool) (string, error) {
path, err := TranslateCygwinPath(path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(path) > 0 {
path, err := filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
result, err := CanonicalizeSystemPath(path)
if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) && missingOk {
return path, nil
return result, err
return "", nil
const (
windowsPrefix = `.\`
nixPrefix = `./`
// TrimCurrentPrefix removes a leading prefix of "./" or ".\" (referring to the
// current directory in a platform independent manner).
// It is useful for callers such as "git lfs track" and "git lfs untrack", that
// wish to compare filepaths and/or attributes patterns without cleaning across
// multiple platforms.
func TrimCurrentPrefix(p string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, windowsPrefix) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(p, windowsPrefix)
return strings.TrimPrefix(p, nixPrefix)