
338 lines
8.6 KiB

package lfs
import (
type Transferable interface {
Check() (*objectResource, *WrappedError)
Transfer(CopyCallback) *WrappedError
Object() *objectResource
Oid() string
Size() int64
Name() string
// TransferQueue provides a queue that will allow concurrent transfers.
type TransferQueue struct {
transferc chan Transferable
errorc chan *WrappedError
watchers []chan string
errors []*WrappedError
wg sync.WaitGroup
workers int
files int
finished int64
size int64
authCond *sync.Cond
transferables map[string]Transferable
bar *pb.ProgressBar
clientAuthorized int32
transferKind string
// newTransferQueue builds a TransferQueue, allowing `workers` concurrent transfers.
func newTransferQueue(workers, files int) *TransferQueue {
return &TransferQueue{
transferc: make(chan Transferable, files),
errorc: make(chan *WrappedError),
watchers: make([]chan string, 0),
workers: workers,
files: files,
authCond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
transferables: make(map[string]Transferable),
// Add adds a Transferable to the transfer queue.
func (q *TransferQueue) Add(t Transferable) {
q.transferables[t.Oid()] = t
// Watch returns a channel where the queue will write the OID of each transfer
// as it completes. The channel will be closed when the queue finishes processing.
func (q *TransferQueue) Watch() chan string {
c := make(chan string, q.files)
q.watchers = append(q.watchers, c)
return c
// processIndividual processes the queue of transfers one at a time by making
// a POST call for each object, feeding the results to the transfer workers.
// If configured, the object transfers can still happen concurrently, the
// sequential nature here is only for the meta POST calls.
func (q *TransferQueue) processIndividual() {
apic := make(chan Transferable, q.files)
workersReady := make(chan int, q.workers)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < q.workers; i++ {
go func() {
for t := range apic {
// If an API authorization has not occured, we wait until we're woken up.
if atomic.LoadInt32(&q.clientAuthorized) == 0 {
workersReady <- 1
obj, err := t.Check()
if err != nil {
q.errorc <- err
if obj != nil {
q.transferc <- t
}"(%d of %d files) ", q.finished, len(q.transferables)))
for _, t := range q.transferables {
apic <- t
go func() {
q.authCond.Signal() // Signal the first goroutine to run
for _ = range workersReady {
// processBatch processes the queue of transfers using the batch endpoint,
// making only one POST call for all objects. The results are then handed
// off to the transfer workers.
func (q *TransferQueue) processBatch() error {
transfers := make([]*objectResource, 0, len(q.transferables))
for _, t := range q.transferables {
transfers = append(transfers, &objectResource{Oid: t.Oid(), Size: t.Size()})
objects, err := Batch(transfers)
if err != nil {
if isNotImplError(err) {
tracerx.Printf("queue: batch not implemented, disabling")
configFile := filepath.Join(LocalGitDir, "config")
git.Config.SetLocal(configFile, "lfs.batch", "false")
return err
q.files = 0
for _, o := range objects {
if _, ok := o.Links[q.transferKind]; ok {
// This object needs to be transfered
if transfer, ok := q.transferables[o.Oid]; ok {
q.transferc <- transfer
close(q.transferc)"(%d of %d files) ", q.finished, q.files))
sendApiEvent(apiEventSuccess) // Wake up transfer workers
return nil
// Process starts the transfer queue and displays a progress bar. Process will
// do individual or batch transfers depending on the Config.BatchTransfer() value.
// Process will transfer files sequentially or concurrently depending on the
// Concig.ConcurrentTransfers() value.
func (q *TransferQueue) Process() { = pb.New64(q.size) = false
// This goroutine collects errors returned from transfers
go func() {
for err := range q.errorc {
q.errors = append(q.errors, err)
// This goroutine watches for apiEvents. In order to prevent multiple
// credential requests from happening, the queue is processed sequentially
// until an API request succeeds (meaning authenication has happened successfully).
// Once the an API request succeeds, all worker goroutines are woken up and allowed
// to process transfers. Once a success happens, this goroutine exits.
go func() {
for {
event := <-apiEvent
switch event {
case apiEventSuccess:
atomic.StoreInt32(&q.clientAuthorized, 1)
q.authCond.Broadcast() // Wake all remaining goroutines
case apiEventFail:
q.authCond.Signal() // Wake the next goroutine
// This goroutine will send progress output to GIT_LFS_PROGRESS if it has been set
progressc := make(chan string, 100)
go func() {
output, err := newProgressLogger()
if err != nil {
q.errorc <- Error(err)
for l := range progressc {
if err := output.Write([]byte(l)); err != nil {
q.errorc <- Error(err)
var transferCount = int64(0)
direction := "push"
if q.transferKind == "download" {
direction = "pull"
for i := 0; i < q.workers; i++ {
// These are the worker goroutines that process transfers
go func() {
for transfer := range q.transferc {
c := atomic.AddInt64(&transferCount, 1)
cb := func(total, read int64, current int) error {
progressc <- fmt.Sprintf("%s %d/%d %d/%d %s\n", direction, c, q.files, read, total, transfer.Name())
return nil
if err := transfer.Transfer(cb); err != nil {
q.errorc <- err
} else {
oid := transfer.Oid()
for _, c := range q.watchers {
c <- oid
f := atomic.AddInt64(&q.finished, 1)"(%d of %d files) ", f, q.files))
if Config.BatchTransfer() {
if err := q.processBatch(); err != nil {
} else {
for _, watcher := range q.watchers {
// Errors returns any errors encountered during transfer.
func (q *TransferQueue) Errors() []*WrappedError {
return q.errors
// progressLogger provides a wrapper around an os.File that can either
// write to the file or ignore all writes completely.
type progressLogger struct {
writeData bool
log *os.File
// Write will write to the file and perform a Sync() if writing succeeds.
func (l *progressLogger) Write(b []byte) error {
if l.writeData {
if _, err := l.log.Write(b); err != nil {
return err
return l.log.Sync()
return nil
// Close will call Close() on the underlying file
func (l *progressLogger) Close() error {
if l.log != nil {
return l.log.Close()
return nil
// Shutdown will cause the logger to ignore any further writes. It should
// be used when writing causes an error.
func (l *progressLogger) Shutdown() {
l.writeData = false
// newProgressLogger creates a progressLogger based on the presence of
// the GIT_LFS_PROGRESS environment variable. If it is present and a log file
// is able to be created, the logger will write to the file. If it is absent,
// or there is an err creating the file, the logger will ignore all writes.
func newProgressLogger() (*progressLogger, error) {
logPath := Config.Getenv("GIT_LFS_PROGRESS")
if len(logPath) == 0 {
return &progressLogger{}, nil
if !filepath.IsAbs(logPath) {
return &progressLogger{}, fmt.Errorf("GIT_LFS_PROGRESS must be an absolute path")
cbDir := filepath.Dir(logPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(cbDir, 0755); err != nil {
return &progressLogger{}, err
file, err := os.OpenFile(logPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
return &progressLogger{}, err
return &progressLogger{true, file}, nil