brian m. carlson 183fd6df64
smudge: ensure custom transfer agent work
When we use the smudge call (as opposed to filter-process), we want to
be able to look up a custom transfer agent based on the URL we're
fetching from. In order to do so, pass the remote we're using in order
to find the right URL and therefore the right custom transfer agent.
2019-08-02 17:23:46 +00:00

188 lines
5.6 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
// smudgeSkip is a command-line flag belonging to the "git-lfs smudge"
// command specifying whether to skip the smudge process.
smudgeSkip = false
// delayedSmudge performs a 'delayed' smudge, adding the LFS pointer to the
// `*tq.TransferQueue` "q" if the file is not present locally, passes the given
// filepathfilter, and is not skipped. If the pointer is malformed, or already
// exists, it streams the contents to be written into the working copy to "to".
// delayedSmudge returns the number of bytes written, whether the checkout was
// delayed, the *lfs.Pointer that was smudged, and an error, if one occurred.
func delayedSmudge(gf *lfs.GitFilter, s *git.FilterProcessScanner, to io.Writer, from io.Reader, q *tq.TransferQueue, filename string, skip bool, filter *filepathfilter.Filter) (int64, bool, *lfs.Pointer, error) {
ptr, pbuf, perr := lfs.DecodeFrom(from)
if perr != nil {
// Write 'statusFromErr(nil)', even though 'perr != nil', since
// we are about to write non-delayed smudged contents to "to".
if err := s.WriteStatus(statusFromErr(nil)); err != nil {
return 0, false, nil, err
n, err := tools.Spool(to, pbuf, cfg.TempDir())
if err != nil {
return n, false, nil, errors.Wrap(err, perr.Error())
if n != 0 {
return 0, false, nil, errors.NewNotAPointerError(errors.Errorf(
"Unable to parse pointer at: %q", filename,
return 0, false, nil, nil
lfs.LinkOrCopyFromReference(cfg, ptr.Oid, ptr.Size)
path, err := cfg.Filesystem().ObjectPath(ptr.Oid)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, nil, err
if !skip && filter.Allows(filename) {
if _, statErr := os.Stat(path); statErr != nil {
q.Add(filename, path, ptr.Oid, ptr.Size, false)
return 0, true, ptr, nil
// Write 'statusFromErr(nil)', since the object is already
// present in the local cache, we will write the object's
// contents without delaying.
if err := s.WriteStatus(statusFromErr(nil)); err != nil {
return 0, false, nil, err
n, err := gf.Smudge(to, ptr, filename, false, nil, nil)
return n, false, ptr, err
if err := s.WriteStatus(statusFromErr(nil)); err != nil {
return 0, false, nil, err
n, err := ptr.Encode(to)
return int64(n), false, ptr, err
// smudge smudges the given `*lfs.Pointer`, "ptr", and writes its objects
// contents to the `io.Writer`, "to".
// If the encoded LFS pointer is not parse-able as a pointer, the contents of
// that file will instead be spooled to a temporary location on disk and then
// copied out back to Git. If the pointer file is empty, an empty file will be
// written with no error.
// If the smudged object did not "pass" the include and exclude filterset, it
// will not be downloaded, and the object will remain a pointer on disk, as if
// the smudge filter had not been applied at all.
// Any errors encountered along the way will be returned immediately if they
// were non-fatal, otherwise execution will halt and the process will be
// terminated by using the `commands.Panic()` func.
func smudge(gf *lfs.GitFilter, to io.Writer, from io.Reader, filename string, skip bool, filter *filepathfilter.Filter) (int64, error) {
ptr, pbuf, perr := lfs.DecodeFrom(from)
if perr != nil {
n, err := tools.Spool(to, pbuf, cfg.TempDir())
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, perr.Error())
if n != 0 {
return 0, errors.NewNotAPointerError(errors.Errorf(
"Unable to parse pointer at: %q", filename,
return 0, nil
lfs.LinkOrCopyFromReference(cfg, ptr.Oid, ptr.Size)
cb, file, err := gf.CopyCallbackFile("download", filename, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
download := !skip
if download {
download = filter.Allows(filename)
n, err := gf.Smudge(to, ptr, filename, download, getTransferManifestOperationRemote("download", cfg.Remote()), cb)
if file != nil {
if err != nil {
// Download declined error is ok to skip if we weren't requesting download
if !(errors.IsDownloadDeclinedError(err) && !download) {
var oid string = ptr.Oid
if len(oid) >= 7 {
oid = oid[:7]
LoggedError(err, "Error downloading object: %s (%s): %s", filename, oid, err)
if !cfg.SkipDownloadErrors() {
return n, nil
func smudgeCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
requireStdin("This command should be run by the Git 'smudge' filter")
if !smudgeSkip && cfg.Os.Bool("GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE", false) {
smudgeSkip = true
filter := filepathfilter.New(cfg.FetchIncludePaths(), cfg.FetchExcludePaths())
gitfilter := lfs.NewGitFilter(cfg)
if n, err := smudge(gitfilter, os.Stdout, os.Stdin, smudgeFilename(args), smudgeSkip, filter); err != nil {
if errors.IsNotAPointerError(err) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
} else {
} else if possiblyMalformedObjectSize(n) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Possibly malformed smudge on Windows: see `git lfs help smudge` for more info.")
func smudgeFilename(args []string) string {
if len(args) > 0 {
return args[0]
return "<unknown file>"
func possiblyMalformedObjectSize(n int64) bool {
return n > 4*humanize.Gigabyte
func init() {
RegisterCommand("smudge", smudgeCommand, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&smudgeSkip, "skip", "s", false, "")