brian m. carlson da4fdef00b
Support SHA-256 repositories
Git will start to support SHA-256 as a hash for repositories in the near
future.  Let's update gitobj to version 2 to support SHA-256
repositories properly.  We initialize the repository based on the
extensions.objectFormat value, if one is provided, since this is the
configuration key that represents the hash algorithm.

Vendor the proper dependencies in place.
2020-07-29 20:53:44 +00:00

227 lines
6.0 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
// migrateInfoTopN is a flag given to the git-lfs-migrate(1) subcommand
// 'info' which specifies how many info entries to show by default.
migrateInfoTopN int
// migrateInfoAboveFmt is a flag given to the git-lfs-migrate(1)
// subcommand 'info' specifying a human-readable string threshold of
// filesize before entries are counted.
migrateInfoAboveFmt string
// migrateInfoAbove is the number of bytes parsed from the above
// migrateInfoAboveFmt flag.
migrateInfoAbove uint64
// migrateInfoUnitFmt is a flag given to the git-lfs-migrate(1)
// subcommand 'info' specifying a human-readable string of units with
// which to display the number of bytes.
migrateInfoUnitFmt string
// migrateInfoUnit is the number of bytes in the unit given as
// migrateInfoUnitFmt.
migrateInfoUnit uint64
func migrateInfoCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
l := tasklog.NewLogger(os.Stderr,
db, err := getObjectDatabase()
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
rewriter := getHistoryRewriter(cmd, db, l)
exts := make(map[string]*MigrateInfoEntry)
above, err := humanize.ParseBytes(migrateInfoAboveFmt)
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "cannot parse --above=<n>"))
if u := cmd.Flag("unit"); u.Changed {
unit, err := humanize.ParseByteUnit(u.Value.String())
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "cannot parse --unit=<unit>"))
migrateInfoUnit = unit
migrateInfoAbove = above
migrate(args, rewriter, l, &githistory.RewriteOptions{
BlobFn: func(path string, b *gitobj.Blob) (*gitobj.Blob, error) {
ext := fmt.Sprintf("*%s", filepath.Ext(path))
// If extension exists, group all items under extension,
// else just use the file name.
var groupName string
if len(ext) > 1 {
groupName = ext
} else {
groupName = filepath.Base(path)
entry := exts[groupName]
if entry == nil {
entry = &MigrateInfoEntry{Qualifier: groupName}
entry.BytesTotal += b.Size
if b.Size > int64(migrateInfoAbove) {
entry.BytesAbove += b.Size
exts[groupName] = entry
return b, nil
entries := EntriesBySize(MapToEntries(exts))
entries = removeEmptyEntries(entries)
migrateInfoTopN = tools.ClampInt(migrateInfoTopN, len(entries), 0)
entries = entries[:tools.MaxInt(0, migrateInfoTopN)]
// MigrateInfoEntry represents a tuple of filetype to bytes and entry count
// above and below a threshold.
type MigrateInfoEntry struct {
// Qualifier is the filepath's extension.
Qualifier string
// BytesAbove is total size of all files above a given threshold.
BytesAbove int64
// TotalAbove is the count of all files above a given size threshold.
TotalAbove int64
// BytesTotal is the number of bytes of all files
BytesTotal int64
// Total is the count of all files.
Total int64
// MapToEntries creates a set of `*MigrateInfoEntry`'s for a given map of
// filepath extensions to file size in bytes.
func MapToEntries(exts map[string]*MigrateInfoEntry) []*MigrateInfoEntry {
entries := make([]*MigrateInfoEntry, 0, len(exts))
for _, entry := range exts {
entries = append(entries, entry)
return entries
// removeEmptyEntries removes `*MigrateInfoEntry`'s for which no matching file
// is above the given threshold "--above".
func removeEmptyEntries(entries []*MigrateInfoEntry) []*MigrateInfoEntry {
nz := make([]*MigrateInfoEntry, 0, len(entries))
for _, e := range entries {
if e.TotalAbove > 0 {
nz = append(nz, e)
return nz
// EntriesBySize is an implementation of sort.Interface that sorts a set of
// `*MigrateInfoEntry`'s
type EntriesBySize []*MigrateInfoEntry
// Len returns the total length of the set of `*MigrateInfoEntry`'s.
func (e EntriesBySize) Len() int { return len(e) }
// Less returns the whether or not the MigrateInfoEntry given at `i` takes up
// less total size than the MigrateInfoEntry given at `j`.
func (e EntriesBySize) Less(i, j int) bool { return e[i].BytesAbove < e[j].BytesAbove }
// Swap swaps the entries given at i, j.
func (e EntriesBySize) Swap(i, j int) { e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i] }
// Print formats the `*MigrateInfoEntry`'s in the set and prints them to the
// given io.Writer, "to", returning "n" the number of bytes written, and any
// error, if one occurred.
func (e EntriesBySize) Print(to io.Writer) (int, error) {
if len(e) == 0 {
return 0, nil
extensions := make([]string, 0, len(e))
sizes := make([]string, 0, len(e))
stats := make([]string, 0, len(e))
percentages := make([]string, 0, len(e))
for _, entry := range e {
bytesAbove := uint64(entry.BytesAbove)
above := entry.TotalAbove
total := entry.Total
percentAbove := 100 * (float64(above) / float64(total))
var size string
if migrateInfoUnit > 0 {
size = humanize.FormatBytesUnit(bytesAbove, migrateInfoUnit)
} else {
size = humanize.FormatBytes(bytesAbove)
stat := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d files(s)",
above, total)
percentage := fmt.Sprintf("%.0f%%", percentAbove)
extensions = append(extensions, entry.Qualifier)
sizes = append(sizes, size)
stats = append(stats, stat)
percentages = append(percentages, percentage)
extensions = tools.Ljust(extensions)
sizes = tools.Ljust(sizes)
stats = tools.Rjust(stats)
percentages = tools.Rjust(percentages)
output := make([]string, 0, len(e))
for i := 0; i < len(e); i++ {
extension := extensions[i]
size := sizes[i]
stat := stats[i]
percentage := percentages[i]
line := strings.Join([]string{extension, size, stat, percentage}, "\t")
output = append(output, line)
return fmt.Fprintln(to, strings.Join(output, "\n"))