brian m. carlson 75fb8f3719
commands: make sure we're in the working tree
In the normal case, Git commands perform repository autodiscovery based
on the current working directory.  However, in some cases, it's possible
to specify a Git working tree unrelated to the current working directory
by using GIT_WORK_TREE.  In such a case, we want to make sure that we
change into the working tree such that our working directory is always
within the working tree, if one exists.  This is what Git does, and it
means that when we write files into the repository, such as a
.gitattributes file, we write them into the proper place.

Note also that we adjust the code to require that the working directory
be non-empty when we require a working copy instead of that the
repository be non-bare.  That's because we don't want people to be
working inside of the Git directory in such situations, where the
repository would be non-bare but would not have a working tree.

We add tests for this case for track and untrack, which require a
working tree, and for checkout, which requires only a repository.  This
means that we can verify the behavior of the functions we've added
without needing to add tests for this case to each of the subcommands.
2020-10-14 20:58:28 +00:00

340 lines
9.7 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
prefixBlocklist = []string{
".git", ".lfs",
trackLockableFlag bool
trackNotLockableFlag bool
trackVerboseLoggingFlag bool
trackDryRunFlag bool
trackNoModifyAttrsFlag bool
trackNoExcludedFlag bool
trackFilenameFlag bool
func trackCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if !cfg.Os.Bool("GIT_LFS_TRACK_NO_INSTALL_HOOKS", false) {
if len(args) == 0 {
mp := gitattr.NewMacroProcessor()
// Intentionally do _not_ consider global- and system-level
// .gitattributes here. Parse them still to expand any macros.
git.GetSystemAttributePaths(mp, cfg.Os)
git.GetRootAttributePaths(mp, cfg.Git)
knownPatterns := git.GetAttributePaths(mp, cfg.LocalWorkingDir(), cfg.LocalGitDir())
lineEnd := getAttributeLineEnding(knownPatterns)
if len(lineEnd) == 0 {
lineEnd = gitLineEnding(cfg.Git)
wd, _ := tools.Getwd()
wd = tools.ResolveSymlinks(wd)
relpath, err := filepath.Rel(cfg.LocalWorkingDir(), wd)
if err != nil {
Exit("Current directory %q outside of git working directory %q.", wd, cfg.LocalWorkingDir())
changedAttribLines := make(map[string]string)
var readOnlyPatterns []string
var writeablePatterns []string
for _, unsanitizedPattern := range args {
pattern := trimCurrentPrefix(cleanRootPath(unsanitizedPattern))
// Generate the new / changed attrib line for merging
var encodedArg string
if trackFilenameFlag {
encodedArg = escapeGlobCharacters(pattern)
pattern = escapeGlobCharacters(pattern)
} else {
encodedArg = escapeAttrPattern(pattern)
if !trackNoModifyAttrsFlag {
for _, known := range knownPatterns {
if unescapeAttrPattern(known.Path) == filepath.Join(relpath, pattern) &&
((trackLockableFlag && known.Lockable) || // enabling lockable & already lockable (no change)
(trackNotLockableFlag && !known.Lockable) || // disabling lockable & not lockable (no change)
(!trackLockableFlag && !trackNotLockableFlag)) { // leave lockable as-is in all cases
Print("%q already supported", pattern)
continue ArgsLoop
lockableArg := ""
if trackLockableFlag { // no need to test trackNotLockableFlag, if we got here we're disabling
lockableArg = " " + git.LockableAttrib
changedAttribLines[pattern] = fmt.Sprintf("%s filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text%v%s", encodedArg, lockableArg, lineEnd)
if trackLockableFlag {
readOnlyPatterns = append(readOnlyPatterns, pattern)
} else {
writeablePatterns = append(writeablePatterns, pattern)
Print("Tracking %q", unescapeAttrPattern(encodedArg))
// Now read the whole local attributes file and iterate over the contents,
// replacing any lines where the values have changed, and appending new lines
// change this:
var (
attribContents []byte
attributesFile *os.File
if !trackNoModifyAttrsFlag {
attribContents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(".gitattributes")
// it's fine for file to not exist
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
Print("Error reading .gitattributes file")
// Re-generate the file with merge of old contents and new (to deal with changes)
attributesFile, err = os.OpenFile(".gitattributes", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, 0660)
if err != nil {
Print("Error opening .gitattributes file")
defer attributesFile.Close()
if len(attribContents) > 0 {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(attribContents))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) < 1 {
pattern := unescapeAttrPattern(fields[0])
if newline, ok := changedAttribLines[pattern]; ok {
// Replace this line (newline already embedded)
// Remove from map so we know we don't have to add it to the end
delete(changedAttribLines, pattern)
} else {
// Write line unchanged (replace newline)
attributesFile.WriteString(line + lineEnd)
// Our method of writing also made sure there's always a newline at end
// Any items left in the map, write new lines at the end of the file
// Note this is only new patterns, not ones which changed locking flags
for pattern, newline := range changedAttribLines {
if !trackNoModifyAttrsFlag {
// Newline already embedded
// Also, for any new patterns we've added, make sure any existing git
// tracked files have their timestamp updated so they will now show as
// modifed note this is relative to current dir which is how we write
// .gitattributes deliberately not done in parallel as a chan because
// we'll be marking modified
// NOTE: `git ls-files` does not do well with leading slashes.
// Since all `git-lfs track` calls are relative to the root of
// the repository, the leading slash is simply removed for its
// implicit counterpart.
if trackVerboseLoggingFlag {
Print("Searching for files matching pattern: %s", pattern)
gittracked, err := git.GetTrackedFiles(pattern)
if err != nil {
Exit("Error getting tracked files for %q: %s", pattern, err)
if trackVerboseLoggingFlag {
Print("Found %d files previously added to Git matching pattern: %s", len(gittracked), pattern)
var matchedBlocklist bool
for _, f := range gittracked {
if forbidden := blocklistItem(f); forbidden != "" {
Print("Pattern %s matches forbidden file %s. If you would like to track %s, modify .gitattributes manually.", pattern, f, f)
matchedBlocklist = true
if matchedBlocklist {
for _, f := range gittracked {
if trackVerboseLoggingFlag || trackDryRunFlag {
Print("Git LFS: touching %q", f)
if !trackDryRunFlag {
now := time.Now()
err := os.Chtimes(f, now, now)
if err != nil {
LoggedError(err, "Error marking %q modified: %s", f, err)
// now flip read-only mode based on lockable / not lockable changes
lockClient := newLockClient()
err = lockClient.FixFileWriteFlagsInDir(relpath, readOnlyPatterns, writeablePatterns)
if err != nil {
LoggedError(err, "Error changing lockable file permissions: %s", err)
func listPatterns() {
knownPatterns := getAllKnownPatterns()
if len(knownPatterns) < 1 {
Print("Listing tracked patterns")
for _, t := range knownPatterns {
if t.Lockable {
Print(" %s [lockable] (%s)", t.Path, t.Source)
} else if t.Tracked {
Print(" %s (%s)", t.Path, t.Source)
if trackNoExcludedFlag {
Print("Listing excluded patterns")
for _, t := range knownPatterns {
if !t.Tracked && !t.Lockable {
Print(" %s (%s)", t.Path, t.Source)
func getAllKnownPatterns() []git.AttributePath {
mp := gitattr.NewMacroProcessor()
// Parse these in this order so that macros in one file are properly
// expanded when referred to in a later file, then order them in the
// order we want.
systemPatterns := git.GetSystemAttributePaths(mp, cfg.Os)
globalPatterns := git.GetRootAttributePaths(mp, cfg.Git)
knownPatterns := git.GetAttributePaths(mp, cfg.LocalWorkingDir(), cfg.LocalGitDir())
knownPatterns = append(knownPatterns, globalPatterns...)
knownPatterns = append(knownPatterns, systemPatterns...)
return knownPatterns
func getAttributeLineEnding(attribs []git.AttributePath) string {
for _, a := range attribs {
if a.Source.Path == ".gitattributes" {
return a.Source.LineEnding
return ""
// blocklistItem returns the name of the blocklist item preventing the given
// file-name from being tracked, or an empty string, if there is none.
func blocklistItem(name string) string {
base := filepath.Base(name)
for _, p := range prefixBlocklist {
if strings.HasPrefix(base, p) {
return p
return ""
var (
trackEscapePatterns = map[string]string{
" ": "[[:space:]]",
"#": "\\#",
trackEscapeStrings = []string{"*", "[", "]", "?"}
func escapeGlobCharacters(s string) string {
var escaped string = strings.Replace(s, `\`, "/", -1)
for _, ch := range trackEscapeStrings {
escaped = strings.Replace(escaped, ch, fmt.Sprintf("\\%s", ch), -1)
for from, to := range trackEscapePatterns {
escaped = strings.Replace(escaped, from, to, -1)
return escaped
func escapeAttrPattern(unescaped string) string {
var escaped string = strings.Replace(unescaped, `\`, "/", -1)
for from, to := range trackEscapePatterns {
escaped = strings.Replace(escaped, from, to, -1)
return escaped
func unescapeAttrPattern(escaped string) string {
var unescaped string = escaped
for to, from := range trackEscapePatterns {
unescaped = strings.Replace(unescaped, from, to, -1)
return unescaped
func init() {
RegisterCommand("track", trackCommand, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackLockableFlag, "lockable", "l", false, "make pattern lockable, i.e. read-only unless locked")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackNotLockableFlag, "not-lockable", "", false, "remove lockable attribute from pattern")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackVerboseLoggingFlag, "verbose", "v", false, "log which files are being tracked and modified")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackDryRunFlag, "dry-run", "d", false, "preview results of running `git lfs track`")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackNoModifyAttrsFlag, "no-modify-attrs", "", false, "skip modifying .gitattributes file")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackNoExcludedFlag, "no-excluded", "", false, "skip listing excluded paths")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&trackFilenameFlag, "filename", "", false, "treat this pattern as a literal filename")