
391 lines
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package locking
import (
var (
// ErrNoMatchingLocks is an error returned when no matching locks were
// able to be resolved
ErrNoMatchingLocks = errors.New("lfs: no matching locks found")
// ErrLockAmbiguous is an error returned when multiple matching locks
// were found
ErrLockAmbiguous = errors.New("lfs: multiple locks found; ambiguous")
type LockCacher interface {
Add(l Lock) error
RemoveByPath(filePath string) error
RemoveById(id string) error
Locks() []Lock
Save() error
// Client is the main interface object for the locking package
type Client struct {
Remote string
client *lockClient
cache LockCacher
lockablePatterns []string
lockableFilter *filepathfilter.Filter
lockableMutex sync.Mutex
LocalWorkingDir string
LocalGitDir string
SetLockableFilesReadOnly bool
// NewClient creates a new locking client with the given configuration
// You must call the returned object's `Close` method when you are finished with
// it
func NewClient(remote string, lfsClient *lfsapi.Client) (*Client, error) {
return &Client{
Remote: remote,
client: &lockClient{Client: lfsClient},
cache: &nilLockCacher{},
}, nil
func (c *Client) SetupFileCache(path string) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "init lock cache")
lockFile := path
if stat.IsDir() {
lockFile = filepath.Join(path, "lockcache.db")
cache, err := NewLockCache(lockFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "init lock cache")
c.cache = cache
return nil
// Close this client instance; must be called to dispose of resources
func (c *Client) Close() error {
return c.cache.Save()
// LockFile attempts to lock a file on the current remote
// path must be relative to the root of the repository
// Returns the lock id if successful, or an error
func (c *Client) LockFile(path string) (Lock, error) {
lockRes, _, err := c.client.Lock(c.Remote, &lockRequest{Path: path})
if err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "api")
if len(lockRes.Message) > 0 {
if len(lockRes.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", lockRes.RequestID)
return Lock{}, fmt.Errorf("Server unable to create lock: %s", lockRes.Message)
lock := *lockRes.Lock
if err := c.cache.Add(lock); err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "lock cache")
abs, err := getAbsolutePath(path)
if err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "make lockpath absolute")
// Ensure writeable on return
if err := tools.SetFileWriteFlag(abs, true); err != nil {
return Lock{}, err
return lock, nil
// getAbsolutePath takes a repository-relative path and makes it absolute.
// For instance, given a repository in /usr/local/src/my-repo and a file called
// dir/foo/bar.txt, getAbsolutePath will return:
// /usr/local/src/my-repo/dir/foo/bar.txt
func getAbsolutePath(p string) (string, error) {
root, err := git.RootDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(root, p), nil
// UnlockFile attempts to unlock a file on the current remote
// path must be relative to the root of the repository
// Force causes the file to be unlocked from other users as well
func (c *Client) UnlockFile(path string, force bool) error {
id, err := c.lockIdFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get lock id: %v", err)
return c.UnlockFileById(id, force)
// UnlockFileById attempts to unlock a lock with a given id on the current remote
// Force causes the file to be unlocked from other users as well
func (c *Client) UnlockFileById(id string, force bool) error {
unlockRes, _, err := c.client.Unlock(c.Remote, id, force)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "api")
if len(unlockRes.Message) > 0 {
if len(unlockRes.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", unlockRes.RequestID)
return fmt.Errorf("Server unable to unlock: %s", unlockRes.Message)
if err := c.cache.RemoveById(id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error caching unlock information: %v", err)
if unlockRes.Lock != nil {
abs, err := getAbsolutePath(unlockRes.Lock.Path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "make lockpath absolute")
// Make non-writeable if required
if c.SetLockableFilesReadOnly && c.IsFileLockable(unlockRes.Lock.Path) {
return tools.SetFileWriteFlag(abs, false)
return nil
// Lock is a record of a locked file
type Lock struct {
// Id is the unique identifier corresponding to this particular Lock. It
// must be consistent with the local copy, and the server's copy.
Id string `json:"id"`
// Path is an absolute path to the file that is locked as a part of this
// lock.
Path string `json:"path"`
// Owner is the identity of the user that created this lock.
Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"`
// LockedAt is the time at which this lock was acquired.
LockedAt time.Time `json:"locked_at"`
// SearchLocks returns a channel of locks which match the given name/value filter
// If limit > 0 then search stops at that number of locks
// If localOnly = true, don't query the server & report only own local locks
func (c *Client) SearchLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int, localOnly bool) ([]Lock, error) {
if localOnly {
return c.searchCachedLocks(filter, limit)
} else {
return c.searchRemoteLocks(filter, limit)
func (c *Client) VerifiableLocks(ref string, limit int) (ourLocks, theirLocks []Lock, err error) {
ourLocks = make([]Lock, 0, limit)
theirLocks = make([]Lock, 0, limit)
body := &lockVerifiableRequest{
Ref: &lockRef{Name: ref},
Limit: limit,
for {
list, res, err := c.client.SearchVerifiable(c.Remote, body)
if res != nil {
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusNotImplemented:
return ourLocks, theirLocks, errors.NewNotImplementedError(err)
case http.StatusForbidden:
return ourLocks, theirLocks, errors.NewAuthError(err)
if err != nil {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, err
if list.Message != "" {
if len(list.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", list.RequestID)
return ourLocks, theirLocks, fmt.Errorf("Server error searching locks: %s", list.Message)
for _, l := range list.Ours {
ourLocks = append(ourLocks, l)
if limit > 0 && (len(ourLocks)+len(theirLocks)) >= limit {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
for _, l := range list.Theirs {
theirLocks = append(theirLocks, l)
if limit > 0 && (len(ourLocks)+len(theirLocks)) >= limit {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
if list.NextCursor != "" {
body.Cursor = list.NextCursor
} else {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
func (c *Client) searchCachedLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int) ([]Lock, error) {
cachedlocks := c.cache.Locks()
path, filterByPath := filter["path"]
id, filterById := filter["id"]
lockCount := 0
locks := make([]Lock, 0, len(cachedlocks))
for _, l := range cachedlocks {
// Manually filter by Path/Id
if (filterByPath && path != l.Path) ||
(filterById && id != l.Id) {
locks = append(locks, l)
if limit > 0 && lockCount >= limit {
return locks, nil
func (c *Client) searchRemoteLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int) ([]Lock, error) {
locks := make([]Lock, 0, limit)
apifilters := make([]lockFilter, 0, len(filter))
for k, v := range filter {
apifilters = append(apifilters, lockFilter{Property: k, Value: v})
query := &lockSearchRequest{Filters: apifilters, Limit: limit}
for {
list, _, err := c.client.Search(c.Remote, query)
if err != nil {
return locks, errors.Wrap(err, "locking")
if list.Message != "" {
if len(list.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", list.RequestID)
return locks, fmt.Errorf("Server error searching for locks: %s", list.Message)
for _, l := range list.Locks {
locks = append(locks, l)
if limit > 0 && len(locks) >= limit {
// Exit outer loop too
return locks, nil
if list.NextCursor != "" {
query.Cursor = list.NextCursor
} else {
return locks, nil
// lockIdFromPath makes a call to the LFS API and resolves the ID for the locked
// locked at the given path.
// If the API call failed, an error will be returned. If multiple locks matched
// the given path (should not happen during real-world usage), an error will be
// returnd. If no locks matched the given path, an error will be returned.
// If the API call is successful, and only one lock matches the given filepath,
// then its ID will be returned, along with a value of "nil" for the error.
func (c *Client) lockIdFromPath(path string) (string, error) {
list, _, err := c.client.Search(c.Remote, &lockSearchRequest{
Filters: []lockFilter{
{Property: "path", Value: path},
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch len(list.Locks) {
case 0:
return "", ErrNoMatchingLocks
case 1:
return list.Locks[0].Id, nil
return "", ErrLockAmbiguous
// IsFileLockedByCurrentCommitter returns whether a file is locked by the
// current user, as cached locally
func (c *Client) IsFileLockedByCurrentCommitter(path string) bool {
filter := map[string]string{"path": path}
locks, err := c.searchCachedLocks(filter, 1)
if err != nil {
tracerx.Printf("Error searching cached locks: %s\nForcing remote search", err)
locks, _ = c.searchRemoteLocks(filter, 1)
return len(locks) > 0
func init() {
type nilLockCacher struct{}
func (c *nilLockCacher) Add(l Lock) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) RemoveByPath(filePath string) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) RemoveById(id string) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) Locks() []Lock {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) Clear() {}
func (c *nilLockCacher) Save() error {
return nil