risk danger olson a12cdc889f RegisterCommand() can no longer disable commands
the config is available at init(), so isCommandEnabled() checks can be
pulled out of the RegisterCommand() callback, simplifying its signature.
2016-09-01 10:09:38 -06:00

484 lines
15 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
pruneDryRunArg bool
pruneVerboseArg bool
pruneVerifyArg bool
pruneDoNotVerifyArg bool
func pruneCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Guts of this must be re-usable from fetch --prune so just parse & dispatch
if pruneVerifyArg && pruneDoNotVerifyArg {
Exit("Cannot specify both --verify-remote and --no-verify-remote")
fetchPruneConfig := cfg.FetchPruneConfig()
verify := !pruneDoNotVerifyArg &&
(fetchPruneConfig.PruneVerifyRemoteAlways || pruneVerifyArg)
prune(fetchPruneConfig, verify, pruneDryRunArg, pruneVerboseArg)
type PruneProgressType int
const (
PruneProgressTypeLocal = PruneProgressType(iota)
PruneProgressTypeRetain = PruneProgressType(iota)
PruneProgressTypeVerify = PruneProgressType(iota)
// Progress from a sub-task of prune
type PruneProgress struct {
ProgressType PruneProgressType
Count int // Number of items done
type PruneProgressChan chan PruneProgress
func prune(fetchPruneConfig config.FetchPruneConfig, verifyRemote, dryRun, verbose bool) {
localObjects := make([]localstorage.Object, 0, 100)
retainedObjects := tools.NewStringSetWithCapacity(100)
var reachableObjects tools.StringSet
var taskwait sync.WaitGroup
// Add all the base funcs to the waitgroup before starting them, in case
// one completes really fast & hits 0 unexpectedly
// each main process can Add() to the wg itself if it subdivides the task
taskwait.Add(4) // 1..4: localObjects, current & recent refs, unpushed, worktree
if verifyRemote {
taskwait.Add(1) // 5
progressChan := make(PruneProgressChan, 100)
// Collect errors
errorChan := make(chan error, 10)
var errorwait sync.WaitGroup
var taskErrors []error
go pruneTaskCollectErrors(&taskErrors, errorChan, &errorwait)
// Populate the single list of local objects
go pruneTaskGetLocalObjects(&localObjects, progressChan, &taskwait)
// Now find files to be retained from many sources
retainChan := make(chan string, 100)
go pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(fetchPruneConfig, retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
go pruneTaskGetRetainedUnpushed(fetchPruneConfig, retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
go pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
if verifyRemote {
reachableObjects = tools.NewStringSetWithCapacity(100)
go pruneTaskGetReachableObjects(&reachableObjects, errorChan, &taskwait)
// Now collect all the retained objects, on separate wait
var retainwait sync.WaitGroup
go pruneTaskCollectRetained(&retainedObjects, retainChan, progressChan, &retainwait)
// Report progress
var progresswait sync.WaitGroup
go pruneTaskDisplayProgress(progressChan, &progresswait)
taskwait.Wait() // wait for subtasks
close(retainChan) // triggers retain collector to end now all tasks have
retainwait.Wait() // make sure all retained objects added
close(errorChan) // triggers error collector to end now all tasks have
errorwait.Wait() // make sure all errors have been processed
prunableObjects := make([]string, 0, len(localObjects)/2)
// Build list of prunables (also queue for verify at same time if applicable)
var verifyQueue *lfs.TransferQueue
var verifiedObjects tools.StringSet
var totalSize int64
var verboseOutput bytes.Buffer
var verifyc chan string
if verifyRemote {
cfg.CurrentRemote = fetchPruneConfig.PruneRemoteName
// build queue now, no estimates or progress output
verifyQueue = lfs.NewDownloadCheckQueue(0, 0)
verifiedObjects = tools.NewStringSetWithCapacity(len(localObjects) / 2)
// this channel is filled with oids for which Check() succeeded & Transfer() was called
verifyc = verifyQueue.Watch()
for _, file := range localObjects {
if !retainedObjects.Contains(file.Oid) {
prunableObjects = append(prunableObjects, file.Oid)
totalSize += file.Size
if verbose {
// Save up verbose output for the end, spinner still going
verboseOutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" * %v (%v)\n", file.Oid, humanizeBytes(file.Size)))
if verifyRemote {
tracerx.Printf("VERIFYING: %v", file.Oid)
pointer := lfs.NewPointer(file.Oid, file.Size, nil)
verifyQueue.Add(lfs.NewDownloadable(&lfs.WrappedPointer{Pointer: pointer}))
if verifyRemote {
var verifywait sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
for oid := range verifyc {
tracerx.Printf("VERIFIED: %v", oid)
progressChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeVerify, 1}
close(progressChan) // after verify (uses spinner) but before check
pruneCheckVerified(prunableObjects, reachableObjects, verifiedObjects)
} else {
if len(prunableObjects) == 0 {
Print("Nothing to prune")
if dryRun {
Print("%d files would be pruned (%v)", len(prunableObjects), humanizeBytes(totalSize))
if verbose {
} else {
Print("Pruning %d files, (%v)", len(prunableObjects), humanizeBytes(totalSize))
if verbose {
func pruneCheckVerified(prunableObjects []string, reachableObjects, verifiedObjects tools.StringSet) {
// There's no issue if an object is not reachable and missing, only if reachable & missing
var problems bytes.Buffer
for _, oid := range prunableObjects {
// Test verified first as most likely reachable
if !verifiedObjects.Contains(oid) {
if reachableObjects.Contains(oid) {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" * %v\n", oid))
} else {
// Just to indicate why it doesn't matter that we didn't verify
tracerx.Printf("UNREACHABLE: %v", oid)
// technically we could still prune the other oids, but this indicates a
// more serious issue because the local state implies that these can be
// deleted but that's incorrect; bad state has occurred somehow, might need
// push --all to resolve
if problems.Len() > 0 {
Exit("Abort: these objects to be pruned are missing on remote:\n%v", problems.String())
func pruneCheckErrors(taskErrors []error) {
if len(taskErrors) > 0 {
for _, err := range taskErrors {
LoggedError(err, "Prune error: %v", err)
Exit("Prune sub-tasks failed, cannot continue")
func pruneTaskDisplayProgress(progressChan PruneProgressChan, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
spinner := progress.NewSpinner()
localCount := 0
retainCount := 0
verifyCount := 0
var msg string
for p := range progressChan {
switch p.ProgressType {
case PruneProgressTypeLocal:
case PruneProgressTypeRetain:
case PruneProgressTypeVerify:
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%d local objects, %d retained", localCount, retainCount)
if verifyCount > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(", %d verified with remote", verifyCount)
spinner.Print(OutputWriter, msg)
spinner.Finish(OutputWriter, msg)
func pruneTaskCollectRetained(outRetainedObjects *tools.StringSet, retainChan chan string,
progressChan PruneProgressChan, retainwait *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer retainwait.Done()
for oid := range retainChan {
if outRetainedObjects.Add(oid) {
progressChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeRetain, 1}
func pruneTaskCollectErrors(outtaskErrors *[]error, errorChan chan error, errorwait *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer errorwait.Done()
for err := range errorChan {
*outtaskErrors = append(*outtaskErrors, err)
func pruneDeleteFiles(prunableObjects []string) {
spinner := progress.NewSpinner()
var problems bytes.Buffer
// In case we fail to delete some
var deletedFiles int
for i, oid := range prunableObjects {
spinner.Print(OutputWriter, fmt.Sprintf("Deleting object %d/%d", i, len(prunableObjects)))
mediaFile, err := lfs.LocalMediaPath(oid)
if err != nil {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to find media path for %v: %v\n", oid, err))
err = os.Remove(mediaFile)
if err != nil {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove file %v: %v\n", mediaFile, err))
spinner.Finish(OutputWriter, fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d files", deletedFiles))
if problems.Len() > 0 {
LoggedError(fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete some files"), problems.String())
Exit("Prune failed, see errors above")
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetLocalObjects(outLocalObjects *[]localstorage.Object, progChan PruneProgressChan, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
localObjectsChan := lfs.ScanObjectsChan()
for f := range localObjectsChan {
*outLocalObjects = append(*outLocalObjects, f)
progChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeLocal, 1}
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref string, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// Only files AT ref, recent is checked in pruneTaskGetRetainedRecentRefs
opts := lfs.NewScanRefsOptions()
opts.ScanMode = lfs.ScanRefsMode
opts.SkipDeletedBlobs = true
refchan, err := lfs.ScanRefsToChan(ref, "", opts)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for wp := range refchan.Results {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
tracerx.Printf("RETAIN: %v via ref %v", wp.Pointer.Oid, ref)
err = refchan.Wait()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(ref string, since time.Time, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
refchan, err := lfs.ScanPreviousVersionsToChan(ref, since)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for wp := range refchan.Results {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
tracerx.Printf("RETAIN: %v via ref %v >= %v", wp.Pointer.Oid, ref, since)
err = refchan.Wait()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(fetchconf config.FetchPruneConfig, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// We actually increment the waitg in this func since we kick off sub-goroutines
// Make a list of what unique commits to keep, & search backward from
commits := tools.NewStringSet()
// Do current first
ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// Now recent
if fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays > 0 {
pruneRefDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
tracerx.Printf("PRUNE: Retaining non-HEAD refs within %d (%d+%d) days", pruneRefDays, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays, fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays)
refsSince := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -pruneRefDays)
// Keep all recent refs including any recent remote branches
refs, err := git.RecentBranches(refsSince, fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsIncludeRemotes, "")
if err != nil {
Panic(err, "Could not scan for recent refs")
for _, ref := range refs {
if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
// A new commit
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// For every unique commit we've fetched, check recent commits too
// Only if we're fetching recent commits, otherwise only keep at refs
if fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays > 0 {
pruneCommitDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
for commit := range commits.Iter() {
// We measure from the last commit at the ref
summ, err := git.GetCommitSummary(commit)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Couldn't scan commits at %v: %v", commit, err)
commitsSince := summ.CommitDate.AddDate(0, 0, -pruneCommitDays)
go pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(commit, commitsSince, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedUnpushed(fetchconf config.FetchPruneConfig, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
remoteName := fetchconf.PruneRemoteName
refchan, err := lfs.ScanUnpushedToChan(remoteName)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for wp := range refchan.Results {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
tracerx.Printf("RETAIN: %v unpushed", wp.Pointer.Oid)
err = refchan.Wait()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// Retain other worktree HEADs too
// Working copy, branch & maybe commit is different but repo is shared
allWorktreeRefs, err := git.GetAllWorkTreeHEADs(config.LocalGitStorageDir)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
// Don't repeat any commits, worktrees are always on their own branches but
// may point to the same commit
commits := tools.NewStringSet()
// current HEAD is done elsewhere
headref, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for _, ref := range allWorktreeRefs {
if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
// Worktree is on a different commit
// Don't need to 'cd' to worktree since we share same repo
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetReachableObjects(outObjectSet *tools.StringSet, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// converts to `git rev-list --all`
// We only pick up objects in real commits and not the reflog
opts := lfs.NewScanRefsOptions()
opts.ScanMode = lfs.ScanAllMode
opts.SkipDeletedBlobs = false
pointerchan, err := lfs.ScanRefsToChan("", "", opts)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Error scanning for reachable objects: %v", err)
for p := range pointerchan.Results {
err = pointerchan.Wait()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
func init() {
RegisterCommand("prune", pruneCommand, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneDryRunArg, "dry-run", "d", false, "Don't delete anything, just report")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneVerboseArg, "verbose", "v", false, "Print full details of what is/would be deleted")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneVerifyArg, "verify-remote", "c", false, "Verify that remote has LFS files before deleting")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&pruneDoNotVerifyArg, "no-verify-remote", false, "Override lfs.pruneverifyremotealways and don't verify")