brian m. carlson f5d5f487eb
tools: add function to make directories honoring core.sharedRepository
Add a function to make a directory and intervening directories, honoring

To do so, add a utility function to perform an operation with the umask
set to a certain value. This is required because os.MkdirAll honors the
umask and is potentially recursive (so we can't fix things after
creating them). Without temporarily setting the umask, it isn't possible
to create directories with the right permissions if those permissions
are looser than the original umask.
2018-12-13 17:51:02 +00:00

516 lines
15 KiB

// Package tools contains other helper functions too small to justify their own package
// NOTE: Subject to change, do not rely on this package from outside git-lfs source
package tools
import (
// FileOrDirExists determines if a file/dir exists, returns IsDir() results too.
func FileOrDirExists(path string) (exists bool, isDir bool) {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false, false
} else {
return true, fi.IsDir()
// FileExists determines if a file (NOT dir) exists.
func FileExists(path string) bool {
ret, isDir := FileOrDirExists(path)
return ret && !isDir
// DirExists determines if a dir (NOT file) exists.
func DirExists(path string) bool {
ret, isDir := FileOrDirExists(path)
return ret && isDir
// FileExistsOfSize determines if a file exists and is of a specific size.
func FileExistsOfSize(path string, sz int64) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return !fi.IsDir() && fi.Size() == sz
// ResolveSymlinks ensures that if the path supplied is a symlink, it is
// resolved to the actual concrete path
func ResolveSymlinks(path string) string {
if len(path) == 0 {
return path
if resolved, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path); err == nil {
return resolved
return path
// RenameFileCopyPermissions moves srcfile to destfile, replacing destfile if
// necessary and also copying the permissions of destfile if it already exists
func RenameFileCopyPermissions(srcfile, destfile string) error {
info, err := os.Stat(destfile)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// no original file
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := os.Chmod(srcfile, info.Mode()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't set filemode on file %q: %v", srcfile, err)
if err := os.Rename(srcfile, destfile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot replace %q with %q: %v", destfile, srcfile, err)
return nil
// CleanPaths splits the given `paths` argument by the delimiter argument, and
// then "cleans" that path according to the path.Clean function (see
// Note always cleans to '/' path separators regardless of platform (git friendly)
func CleanPaths(paths, delim string) (cleaned []string) {
// If paths is an empty string, splitting it will yield [""], which will
// become the path ".". To avoid this, bail out if trimmed paths
// argument is empty.
if paths = strings.TrimSpace(paths); len(paths) == 0 {
for _, part := range strings.Split(paths, delim) {
part = strings.TrimSpace(part)
// Remove trailing `/` or `\`, but only the first one.
for _, sep := range []string{`/`, `\`} {
if strings.HasSuffix(part, sep) {
part = strings.TrimSuffix(part, sep)
cleaned = append(cleaned, part)
return cleaned
// repositoryPermissionFetcher is an interface that matches the configuration
// object and can be used to fetch repository permissions.
type repositoryPermissionFetcher interface {
RepositoryPermissions(executable bool) os.FileMode
// MkdirAll makes a directory and any intervening directories with the
// permissions specified by the core.sharedRepository setting.
func MkdirAll(path string, config repositoryPermissionFetcher) error {
umask := 0777 & ^config.RepositoryPermissions(true)
return doWithUmask(int(umask), func() error {
return os.MkdirAll(path, config.RepositoryPermissions(true))
var (
// currentUser is a wrapper over user.Current(), but instead uses the
// value of os.Getenv("HOME") for the returned *user.User's "HomeDir"
// member.
currentUser func() (*user.User, error) = func() (*user.User, error) {
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u.HomeDir = os.Getenv("HOME")
return u, nil
lookupUser func(who string) (*user.User, error) = user.Lookup
lookupConfigHome func() string = func() string {
return os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
// ExpandPath returns a copy of path with any references to the current user's
// home directory (spelled "~"), or a named user's home directory (spelled
// "~user") in the path, sanitized to the calling filesystem's path separator
// preference.
// If the "expand" argument is given as true, the resolved path to the named
// user's home directory will expanded with filepath.EvalSymlinks.
// If either the current or named user does not have a home directory, an error
// will be returned.
// Otherwise, the error returned will be nil, and the string returned will be
// the expanded path.
func ExpandPath(path string, expand bool) (string, error) {
if len(path) == 0 || path[0] != '~' {
return path, nil
var username string
if slash := strings.Index(path[1:], "/"); slash > -1 {
username = path[1 : slash+1]
} else {
username = path[1:]
var (
who *user.User
err error
if len(username) == 0 {
who, err = currentUser()
} else {
who, err = lookupUser(username)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "could not find user %s", username)
homedir := who.HomeDir
if expand {
homedir, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(homedir)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot eval symlinks for %s", homedir)
return filepath.Join(homedir, path[len(username)+1:]), nil
// ExpandConfigPath returns a copy of path expanded as with ExpandPath. If the
// path is empty, the default path is looked up inside $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, or
// ~/.config if that is not set.
func ExpandConfigPath(path, defaultPath string) (string, error) {
if path != "" {
return ExpandPath(path, false)
configHome := lookupConfigHome()
if configHome != "" {
return filepath.Join(configHome, defaultPath), nil
return ExpandPath(fmt.Sprintf("~/.config/%s", defaultPath), false)
// VerifyFileHash reads a file and verifies whether the SHA is correct
// Returns an error if there is a problem
func VerifyFileHash(oid, path string) error {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
h := NewLfsContentHash()
_, err = io.Copy(h, f)
if err != nil {
return err
calcOid := hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
if calcOid != oid {
return fmt.Errorf("File %q has an invalid hash %s, expected %s", path, calcOid, oid)
return nil
// FastWalkCallback is the signature for the callback given to FastWalkGitRepo()
type FastWalkCallback func(parentDir string, info os.FileInfo, err error)
// FastWalkGitRepo is a more optimal implementation of filepath.Walk for a Git
// repo. The callback guaranteed to be called sequentially. The function returns
// once all files and errors have triggered callbacks.
// It differs in the following ways:
// * Uses goroutines to parallelise large dirs and descent into subdirs
// * Does not provide sorted output; parents will always be before children but
// there are no other guarantees. Use parentDir argument in the callback to
// determine absolute path rather than tracking it yourself
// * Automatically ignores any .git directories
// * Respects .gitignore contents and skips ignored files/dirs
// rootDir - Absolute path to the top of the repository working directory
func FastWalkGitRepo(rootDir string, cb FastWalkCallback) {
fastWalkCallback(fastWalkWithExcludeFiles(rootDir, ".gitignore"), cb)
// FastWalkGitRepoAll behaves as FastWalkGitRepo, with the additional caveat
// that it does not ignore paths and directories found in .gitignore file(s)
// throughout the repository.
func FastWalkGitRepoAll(rootDir string, cb FastWalkCallback) {
fastWalkCallback(fastWalkWithExcludeFiles(rootDir, ""), cb)
// fastWalkCallback calls the FastWalkCallback "cb" for all files found by the
// given *fastWalker, "walker".
func fastWalkCallback(walker *fastWalker, cb FastWalkCallback) {
for file := range {
cb(file.ParentDir, file.Info, file.Err)
// Returned from FastWalk with parent directory context
// This is needed because FastWalk can provide paths out of order so the
// parent dir cannot be implied
type fastWalkInfo struct {
ParentDir string
Info os.FileInfo
Err error
type fastWalker struct {
rootDir string
excludeFilename string
ch chan fastWalkInfo
limit int32
cur *int32
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// fastWalkWithExcludeFiles walks the contents of a dir, respecting
// include/exclude patterns and also loading new exlude patterns from files
// named excludeFilename in directories walked
// rootDir - Absolute path to the top of the repository working directory
func fastWalkWithExcludeFiles(rootDir, excludeFilename string) *fastWalker {
excludePaths := []filepathfilter.Pattern{
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("LFS_FASTWALK_LIMIT"))
if limit < 1 {
limit = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) * 20
c := int32(0)
w := &fastWalker{
rootDir: rootDir,
excludeFilename: excludeFilename,
limit: int32(limit),
cur: &c,
ch: make(chan fastWalkInfo, 256),
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
go func() {
dirFi, err := os.Stat(w.rootDir)
if err != nil { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
w.Walk(true, "", dirFi, excludePaths)
return w
// Walk is the main recursive implementation of fast walk.
// Sends the file/dir and any contents to the channel so long as it passes the
// include/exclude filter. If a dir, parses any excludeFilename found and updates
// the excludePaths with its content before (parallel) recursing into contents
// Also splits large directories into multiple goroutines.
// Increments waitg.Add(1) for each new goroutine launched internally
// workDir - Relative path inside the repository
func (w *fastWalker) Walk(isRoot bool, workDir string, itemFi os.FileInfo,
excludePaths []filepathfilter.Pattern) {
var fullPath string // Absolute path to the current file or dir
var parentWorkDir string // Absolute path to the workDir inside the repository
if isRoot {
fullPath = w.rootDir
} else {
parentWorkDir = join(w.rootDir, workDir)
fullPath = join(parentWorkDir, itemFi.Name())
workPath := join(workDir, itemFi.Name())
if !filepathfilter.NewFromPatterns(nil, excludePaths).Allows(workPath) {
} <- fastWalkInfo{ParentDir: parentWorkDir, Info: itemFi}
if !itemFi.IsDir() {
// Nothing more to do if this is not a dir
var childWorkDir string
if !isRoot {
childWorkDir = join(workDir, itemFi.Name())
if len(w.excludeFilename) > 0 {
possibleExcludeFile := join(fullPath, w.excludeFilename)
var err error
excludePaths, err = loadExcludeFilename(possibleExcludeFile, childWorkDir, excludePaths)
if err != nil { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
// The absolute optimal way to scan would be File.Readdirnames but we
// still need the Stat() to know whether something is a dir, so use
// File.Readdir instead. Means we can provide os.FileInfo to callers like
// filepath.Walk as a bonus.
df, err := os.Open(fullPath)
if err != nil { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
// The number of items in a dir we process in each goroutine
jobSize := 100
for children, err := df.Readdir(jobSize); err == nil; children, err = df.Readdir(jobSize) {
// Parallelise all dirs, and chop large dirs into batches
w.walk(children, func(subitems []os.FileInfo) {
for _, childFi := range subitems {
w.Walk(false, childWorkDir, childFi, excludePaths)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { <- fastWalkInfo{Err: err}
func (w *fastWalker) walk(children []os.FileInfo, fn func([]os.FileInfo)) {
cur := atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, 1)
if cur > w.limit {
atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, -1)
go func() {
atomic.AddInt32(w.cur, -1)
func (w *fastWalker) Wait() {
// loadExcludeFilename reads the given file in gitignore format and returns a
// revised array of exclude paths if there are any changes.
// If any changes are made a copy of the array is taken so the original is not
// modified
func loadExcludeFilename(filename, workDir string, excludePaths []filepathfilter.Pattern) ([]filepathfilter.Pattern, error) {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return excludePaths, nil
return excludePaths, err
defer f.Close()
retPaths := excludePaths
modified := false
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
// Skip blanks, comments and negations (not supported right now)
if len(line) == 0 || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "!") {
if !modified {
// copy on write
retPaths = make([]filepathfilter.Pattern, len(excludePaths))
copy(retPaths, excludePaths)
modified = true
path := line
// Add pattern in context if exclude has separator, or no wildcard
// Allow for both styles of separator at this point
if strings.ContainsAny(path, "/\\") ||
!strings.Contains(path, "*") {
path = join(workDir, line)
retPaths = append(retPaths, filepathfilter.NewPattern(path))
return retPaths, nil
func join(paths ...string) string {
ne := make([]string, 0, len(paths))
for _, p := range paths {
if len(p) > 0 {
ne = append(ne, p)
return strings.Join(ne, "/")
// SetFileWriteFlag changes write permissions on a file
// Used to make a file read-only or not. When writeEnabled = false, the write
// bit is removed for all roles. When writeEnabled = true, the behaviour is
// different per platform:
// On Mac & Linux, the write bit is set only on the owner as per default umask.
// All other bits are unaffected.
// On Windows, all the write bits are set since Windows doesn't support Unix permissions.
func SetFileWriteFlag(path string, writeEnabled bool) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
mode := uint32(stat.Mode())
if (writeEnabled && (mode&0200) > 0) ||
(!writeEnabled && (mode&0222) == 0) {
// no change needed
return nil
if writeEnabled {
mode = mode | 0200 // set owner write only
// Go's own Chmod makes Windows set all though
} else {
mode = mode &^ 0222 // disable all write
return os.Chmod(path, os.FileMode(mode))
// ExecutablePermissions takes a set of Unix permissions (which may or may not
// have the executable bits set) and maps them into a set of permissions in
// which the executable bits are set, using the same technique as Git does.
func ExecutablePermissions(perms os.FileMode) os.FileMode {
// Copy read bits to executable bits.
return perms | ((perms & 0444) >> 2)