brian m. carlson 0cd0925b0c
commands/migrate: produce syntactically valid commits
When we created commits for git lfs migrate import --no-rewrite, we
wrote author and committer headers that lacked timestamps.  Such headers
are ill formed, and git fsck will complain about them.  Ensure we write
well-formed headers by using the Signature object from gitobj.

While we're at it, produce distinct author and committer headers, in
case the user has set the author and committer to be different.
2018-10-11 19:59:58 +00:00

451 lines
11 KiB

package commands
import (
func migrateImportCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
ensureWorkingCopyClean(os.Stdin, os.Stderr)
l := tasklog.NewLogger(os.Stderr)
defer l.Close()
db, err := getObjectDatabase()
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
// To avoid confusion later, let's make sure that we've installed the
// necessary hooks so that a newly migrated repository is `git
// push`-able immediately following a `git lfs migrate import`.
if migrateNoRewrite {
if migrateFixup {
ExitWithError(errors.Errorf("fatal: --no-rewrite and --fixup cannot be combined"))
if len(args) == 0 {
ExitWithError(errors.Errorf("fatal: expected one or more files with --no-rewrite"))
ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: unable to find current reference"))
sha, _ := hex.DecodeString(ref.Sha)
commit, err := db.Commit(sha)
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: unable to load commit"))
root := commit.TreeID
filter := git.GetAttributeFilter(cfg.LocalWorkingDir(), cfg.LocalGitDir())
if len(filter.Include()) == 0 {
ExitWithError(errors.Errorf("fatal: no Git LFS filters found in .gitattributes"))
gf := lfs.NewGitFilter(cfg)
for _, file := range args {
if !filter.Allows(file) {
ExitWithError(errors.Errorf("fatal: file %s did not match any Git LFS filters in .gitattributes", file))
for _, file := range args {
root, err = rewriteTree(gf, db, root, file)
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrapf(err, "fatal: could not rewrite %q", file))
name, email := cfg.CurrentAuthor()
author := &gitobj.Signature{
Name: name,
Email: email,
When: cfg.CurrentAuthorTimestamp(),
name, email = cfg.CurrentCommitter()
committer := &gitobj.Signature{
Name: name,
Email: email,
When: cfg.CurrentCommitterTimestamp(),
oid, err := db.WriteCommit(&gitobj.Commit{
Author: author.String(),
Committer: committer.String(),
ParentIDs: [][]byte{sha},
Message: generateMigrateCommitMessage(cmd, strings.Join(args, ",")),
TreeID: root,
if err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: unable to write commit"))
if err := git.UpdateRef(ref, oid, "git lfs migrate import --no-rewrite"); err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: unable to update ref"))
if err := checkoutNonBare(l); err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: could not checkout"))
if migrateFixup {
include, exclude := getIncludeExcludeArgs(cmd)
if include != nil || exclude != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Errorf("fatal: cannot use --fixup with --include, --exclude"))
rewriter := getHistoryRewriter(cmd, db, l)
tracked := trackedFromFilter(rewriter.Filter())
exts := tools.NewOrderedSet()
gitfilter := lfs.NewGitFilter(cfg)
var fixups *gitattr.Tree
migrate(args, rewriter, l, &githistory.RewriteOptions{
Verbose: migrateVerbose,
ObjectMapFilePath: objectMapFilePath,
BlobFn: func(path string, b *gitobj.Blob) (*gitobj.Blob, error) {
if filepath.Base(path) == ".gitattributes" {
return b, nil
if migrateFixup {
var ok bool
attrs := fixups.Applied(path)
for _, attr := range attrs {
if attr.K == "filter" {
ok = attr.V == "lfs"
if !ok {
return b, nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := clean(gitfilter, &buf, b.Contents, path, b.Size); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ext := filepath.Ext(path); len(ext) > 0 {
exts.Add(fmt.Sprintf("*%s filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text", ext))
return &gitobj.Blob{
Contents: &buf, Size: int64(buf.Len()),
}, nil
TreePreCallbackFn: func(path string, t *gitobj.Tree) error {
if migrateFixup && path == "/" {
var err error
fixups, err = gitattr.New(db, t)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
TreeCallbackFn: func(path string, t *gitobj.Tree) (*gitobj.Tree, error) {
if path != "/" || migrateFixup {
// Avoid updating .gitattributes in non-root
// trees, or if --fixup is given.
return t, nil
ours := tracked
if ours.Cardinality() == 0 {
// If there were no explicitly tracked
// --include, --exclude filters, assume that the
// include set is the wildcard filepath
// extensions of files tracked.
ours = exts
if ours.Cardinality() == 0 {
// If it is still the case that we have
// no patterns to track, that means that
// we are in a tree that does not
// require .gitattributes changes.
// We can return early to avoid
// comparing and saving an identical
// tree.
return t, nil
theirs, err := trackedFromAttrs(db, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a blob of the attributes that are optionally
// present in the "t" tree's .gitattributes blob, and
// union in the patterns that we've tracked.
// Perform this Union() operation each time we visit a
// root tree such that if the underlying .gitattributes
// is present and has a diff between commits in the
// range of commits to migrate, those changes are
// preserved.
blob, err := trackedToBlob(db, theirs.Clone().Union(ours))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally, return a copy of the tree "t" that has the
// new .gitattributes file included/replaced.
return t.Merge(&gitobj.TreeEntry{
Name: ".gitattributes",
Filemode: 0100644,
Oid: blob,
}), nil
UpdateRefs: true,
if err := checkoutNonBare(l); err != nil {
ExitWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: could not checkout"))
// generateMigrateCommitMessage generates a commit message used with
// --no-rewrite, using --message (if given) or generating one if it isn't.
func generateMigrateCommitMessage(cmd *cobra.Command, patterns string) string {
if cmd.Flag("message").Changed {
return migrateCommitMessage
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: convert to Git LFS", patterns)
// checkoutNonBare forces a checkout of the current reference, so long as the
// repository is non-bare.
// It returns nil on success, and a non-nil error on failure.
func checkoutNonBare(l *tasklog.Logger) error {
if bare, _ := git.IsBare(); bare {
return nil
t := l.Waiter("migrate: checkout")
defer t.Complete()
return git.Checkout("", nil, true)
// trackedFromFilter returns an ordered set of strings where each entry is a
// line in the .gitattributes file. It adds/removes the fiter/diff/merge=lfs
// attributes based on patterns included/excldued in the given filter.
func trackedFromFilter(filter *filepathfilter.Filter) *tools.OrderedSet {
tracked := tools.NewOrderedSet()
for _, include := range filter.Include() {
tracked.Add(fmt.Sprintf("%s filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text", escapeAttrPattern(include)))
for _, exclude := range filter.Exclude() {
tracked.Add(fmt.Sprintf("%s text -filter -merge -diff", escapeAttrPattern(exclude)))
return tracked
var (
// attrsCache maintains a cache from the hex-encoded SHA1 of a
// .gitattributes blob to the set of patterns parsed from that blob.
attrsCache = make(map[string]*tools.OrderedSet)
// trackedFromAttrs returns an ordered line-delimited set of the contents of a
// .gitattributes blob in a given tree "t".
// It returns an empty set if no attributes file could be found, or an error if
// it could not otherwise be opened.
func trackedFromAttrs(db *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, t *gitobj.Tree) (*tools.OrderedSet, error) {
var oid []byte
for _, e := range t.Entries {
if strings.ToLower(e.Name) == ".gitattributes" && e.Type() == gitobj.BlobObjectType {
oid = e.Oid
if oid == nil {
// TODO(@ttaylorr): make (*tools.OrderedSet)(nil) a valid
// receiver for non-mutative methods.
return tools.NewOrderedSet(), nil
sha1 := hex.EncodeToString(oid)
if s, ok := attrsCache[sha1]; ok {
return s, nil
blob, err := db.Blob(oid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attrs := tools.NewOrderedSet()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(blob.Contents)
for scanner.Scan() {
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
attrsCache[sha1] = attrs
return attrsCache[sha1], nil
// trackedToBlob writes and returns the OID of a .gitattributes blob based on
// the patterns given in the ordered set of patterns, "patterns".
func trackedToBlob(db *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, patterns *tools.OrderedSet) ([]byte, error) {
var attrs bytes.Buffer
for pattern := range patterns.Iter() {
fmt.Fprintf(&attrs, "%s\n", pattern)
return db.WriteBlob(&gitobj.Blob{
Contents: &attrs,
Size: int64(attrs.Len()),
// rewriteTree replaces the blob at the provided path within the given tree with
// a git lfs pointer. It will recursively rewrite any subtrees along the path to the
// blob.
func rewriteTree(gf *lfs.GitFilter, db *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, root []byte, path string) ([]byte, error) {
tree, err := db.Tree(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
splits := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
switch len(splits) {
case 1:
// The path points to an entry at the root of this tree, so it must be a blob.
// Try to replace this blob with a Git LFS pointer.
index := findEntry(tree, splits[0])
if index < 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to find entry %s in tree", splits[0])
blobEntry := tree.Entries[index]
blob, err := db.Blob(blobEntry.Oid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := clean(gf, &buf, blob.Contents, blobEntry.Name, blob.Size); err != nil {
return nil, err
newOid, err := db.WriteBlob(&gitobj.Blob{
Contents: &buf,
Size: int64(buf.Len()),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tree = tree.Merge(&gitobj.TreeEntry{
Name: splits[0],
Filemode: blobEntry.Filemode,
Oid: newOid,
return db.WriteTree(tree)
case 2:
// The path points to an entry in a subtree contained at the root of the tree.
// Recursively rewrite the subtree.
head, tail := splits[0], splits[1]
index := findEntry(tree, head)
if index < 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to find entry %s in tree", head)
subtreeEntry := tree.Entries[index]
if subtreeEntry.Type() != gitobj.TreeObjectType {
return nil, errors.Errorf("migrate: expected %s to be a tree, got %s", head, subtreeEntry.Type())
rewrittenSubtree, err := rewriteTree(gf, db, subtreeEntry.Oid, tail)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tree = tree.Merge(&gitobj.TreeEntry{
Filemode: subtreeEntry.Filemode,
Name: subtreeEntry.Name,
Oid: rewrittenSubtree,
return db.WriteTree(tree)
return nil, errors.Errorf("error parsing path %s", path)
// findEntry searches a tree for the desired entry, and returns the index of that
// entry within the tree's Entries array
func findEntry(t *gitobj.Tree, name string) int {
for i, entry := range t.Entries {
if entry.Name == name {
return i
return -1