Marc Strapetz ffe6220b62 locking: new "locks --verify" option
"locks --verify" verifies the server-side lock owner and denotes own
locks in the output by 'O'.

Internally, the /locks/verify API is used to have the server reporting
locks categorized by "ours" and "theirs". Note that this categorization
must be performed on the server because only the server knows the
mapping between login and lock owner name.

This basically resolves issue #3252 but does not yet address the
combination of "--verify" and "--cached".
2019-03-28 10:12:33 +01:00

516 lines
13 KiB

package locking
import (
var (
// ErrNoMatchingLocks is an error returned when no matching locks were
// able to be resolved
ErrNoMatchingLocks = errors.New("lfs: no matching locks found")
// ErrLockAmbiguous is an error returned when multiple matching locks
// were found
ErrLockAmbiguous = errors.New("lfs: multiple locks found; ambiguous")
type LockCacher interface {
Add(l Lock) error
RemoveByPath(filePath string) error
RemoveById(id string) error
Locks() []Lock
Save() error
// Client is the main interface object for the locking package
type Client struct {
Remote string
RemoteRef *git.Ref
client *lockClient
cache LockCacher
cacheDir string
cfg *config.Configuration
lockablePatterns []string
lockableFilter *filepathfilter.Filter
lockableMutex sync.Mutex
LocalWorkingDir string
LocalGitDir string
SetLockableFilesReadOnly bool
ModifyIgnoredFiles bool
// NewClient creates a new locking client with the given configuration
// You must call the returned object's `Close` method when you are finished with
// it
func NewClient(remote string, lfsClient *lfsapi.Client, cfg *config.Configuration) (*Client, error) {
return &Client{
Remote: remote,
client: &lockClient{Client: lfsClient},
cache: &nilLockCacher{},
cfg: cfg,
ModifyIgnoredFiles: lfsClient.GitEnv().Bool("lfs.lockignoredfiles", false),
}, nil
func (c *Client) SetupFileCache(path string) error {
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "init lock cache")
lockFile := path
if stat.IsDir() {
lockFile = filepath.Join(path, "lockcache.db")
cache, err := NewLockCache(lockFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "init lock cache")
c.cache = cache
c.cacheDir = filepath.Join(path, "cache")
return nil
// Close this client instance; must be called to dispose of resources
func (c *Client) Close() error {
return c.cache.Save()
// LockFile attempts to lock a file on the current remote
// path must be relative to the root of the repository
// Returns the lock id if successful, or an error
func (c *Client) LockFile(path string) (Lock, error) {
lockRes, _, err := c.client.Lock(c.Remote, &lockRequest{
Path: path,
Ref: &lockRef{Name: c.RemoteRef.Refspec()},
if err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "api")
if len(lockRes.Message) > 0 {
if len(lockRes.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", lockRes.RequestID)
return Lock{}, fmt.Errorf("Server unable to create lock: %s", lockRes.Message)
lock := *lockRes.Lock
if err := c.cache.Add(lock); err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "lock cache")
abs, err := getAbsolutePath(path)
if err != nil {
return Lock{}, errors.Wrap(err, "make lockpath absolute")
// Ensure writeable on return
if err := tools.SetFileWriteFlag(abs, true); err != nil {
return Lock{}, err
return lock, nil
// getAbsolutePath takes a repository-relative path and makes it absolute.
// For instance, given a repository in /usr/local/src/my-repo and a file called
// dir/foo/bar.txt, getAbsolutePath will return:
// /usr/local/src/my-repo/dir/foo/bar.txt
func getAbsolutePath(p string) (string, error) {
root, err := git.RootDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Join(root, p), nil
// UnlockFile attempts to unlock a file on the current remote
// path must be relative to the root of the repository
// Force causes the file to be unlocked from other users as well
func (c *Client) UnlockFile(path string, force bool) error {
id, err := c.lockIdFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get lock id: %v", err)
return c.UnlockFileById(id, force)
// UnlockFileById attempts to unlock a lock with a given id on the current remote
// Force causes the file to be unlocked from other users as well
func (c *Client) UnlockFileById(id string, force bool) error {
unlockRes, _, err := c.client.Unlock(c.RemoteRef, c.Remote, id, force)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "api")
if len(unlockRes.Message) > 0 {
if len(unlockRes.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", unlockRes.RequestID)
return fmt.Errorf("Server unable to unlock: %s", unlockRes.Message)
if err := c.cache.RemoveById(id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error caching unlock information: %v", err)
if unlockRes.Lock != nil {
abs, err := getAbsolutePath(unlockRes.Lock.Path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "make lockpath absolute")
// Make non-writeable if required
if c.SetLockableFilesReadOnly && c.IsFileLockable(unlockRes.Lock.Path) {
return tools.SetFileWriteFlag(abs, false)
return nil
// Lock is a record of a locked file
type Lock struct {
// Id is the unique identifier corresponding to this particular Lock. It
// must be consistent with the local copy, and the server's copy.
Id string `json:"id"`
// Path is an absolute path to the file that is locked as a part of this
// lock.
Path string `json:"path"`
// Owner is the identity of the user that created this lock.
Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"`
// LockedAt is the time at which this lock was acquired.
LockedAt time.Time `json:"locked_at"`
// SearchLocks returns a channel of locks which match the given name/value filter
// If limit > 0 then search stops at that number of locks
// If localOnly = true, don't query the server & report only own local locks
func (c *Client) SearchLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int, localOnly bool, cached bool) ([]Lock, error) {
if localOnly {
return c.searchLocalLocks(filter, limit)
} else if cached {
if len(filter) > 0 || limit != 0 {
return []Lock{}, errors.New("can't search cached locks when filter or limit is set")
cacheFile, err := c.prepareCacheDirectory()
if err != nil {
return []Lock{}, err
_, err = os.Stat(cacheFile)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return []Lock{}, errors.New("no cached locks present")
return []Lock{}, err
return c.readLocksFromCacheFile(cacheFile)
} else {
locks, err := c.searchRemoteLocks(filter, limit)
if err != nil {
return locks, err
if len(filter) == 0 && limit == 0 {
cacheFile, err := c.prepareCacheDirectory()
if err != nil {
return locks, err
err = c.writeLocksToCacheFile(cacheFile, locks)
return locks, err
func (c *Client) SearchLocksVerifiable(limit int) (ourLocks, theirLocks []Lock, err error) {
ourLocks = make([]Lock, 0, limit)
theirLocks = make([]Lock, 0, limit)
var requestRef *lockRef
if c.RemoteRef != nil {
requestRef = &lockRef{Name: c.RemoteRef.Refspec()}
body := &lockVerifiableRequest{
Ref: requestRef,
Limit: limit,
for {
list, res, err := c.client.SearchVerifiable(c.Remote, body)
if res != nil {
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusNotImplemented:
return ourLocks, theirLocks, errors.NewNotImplementedError(err)
case http.StatusForbidden:
return ourLocks, theirLocks, errors.NewAuthError(err)
if err != nil {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, err
if list.Message != "" {
if len(list.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", list.RequestID)
return ourLocks, theirLocks, fmt.Errorf("Server error searching locks: %s", list.Message)
for _, l := range list.Ours {
ourLocks = append(ourLocks, l)
if limit > 0 && (len(ourLocks)+len(theirLocks)) >= limit {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
for _, l := range list.Theirs {
theirLocks = append(theirLocks, l)
if limit > 0 && (len(ourLocks)+len(theirLocks)) >= limit {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
if list.NextCursor != "" {
body.Cursor = list.NextCursor
} else {
return ourLocks, theirLocks, nil
func (c *Client) searchLocalLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int) ([]Lock, error) {
cachedlocks := c.cache.Locks()
path, filterByPath := filter["path"]
id, filterById := filter["id"]
lockCount := 0
locks := make([]Lock, 0, len(cachedlocks))
for _, l := range cachedlocks {
// Manually filter by Path/Id
if (filterByPath && path != l.Path) ||
(filterById && id != l.Id) {
locks = append(locks, l)
if limit > 0 && lockCount >= limit {
return locks, nil
func (c *Client) searchRemoteLocks(filter map[string]string, limit int) ([]Lock, error) {
locks := make([]Lock, 0, limit)
apifilters := make([]lockFilter, 0, len(filter))
for k, v := range filter {
apifilters = append(apifilters, lockFilter{Property: k, Value: v})
query := &lockSearchRequest{
Filters: apifilters,
Limit: limit,
Refspec: c.RemoteRef.Refspec(),
for {
list, _, err := c.client.Search(c.Remote, query)
if err != nil {
return locks, errors.Wrap(err, "locking")
if list.Message != "" {
if len(list.RequestID) > 0 {
tracerx.Printf("Server Request ID: %s", list.RequestID)
return locks, fmt.Errorf("Server error searching for locks: %s", list.Message)
for _, l := range list.Locks {
locks = append(locks, l)
if limit > 0 && len(locks) >= limit {
// Exit outer loop too
return locks, nil
if list.NextCursor != "" {
query.Cursor = list.NextCursor
} else {
return locks, nil
// lockIdFromPath makes a call to the LFS API and resolves the ID for the locked
// locked at the given path.
// If the API call failed, an error will be returned. If multiple locks matched
// the given path (should not happen during real-world usage), an error will be
// returnd. If no locks matched the given path, an error will be returned.
// If the API call is successful, and only one lock matches the given filepath,
// then its ID will be returned, along with a value of "nil" for the error.
func (c *Client) lockIdFromPath(path string) (string, error) {
list, _, err := c.client.Search(c.Remote, &lockSearchRequest{
Filters: []lockFilter{
{Property: "path", Value: path},
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch len(list.Locks) {
case 0:
return "", ErrNoMatchingLocks
case 1:
return list.Locks[0].Id, nil
return "", ErrLockAmbiguous
// IsFileLockedByCurrentCommitter returns whether a file is locked by the
// current user, as cached locally
func (c *Client) IsFileLockedByCurrentCommitter(path string) bool {
filter := map[string]string{"path": path}
locks, err := c.searchLocalLocks(filter, 1)
if err != nil {
tracerx.Printf("Error searching cached locks: %s\nForcing remote search", err)
locks, _ = c.searchRemoteLocks(filter, 1)
return len(locks) > 0
func init() {
func (c *Client) prepareCacheDirectory() (string, error) {
cacheDir := filepath.Join(c.cacheDir, "locks")
if c.RemoteRef != nil {
cacheDir = filepath.Join(cacheDir, c.RemoteRef.Refspec())
stat, err := os.Stat(cacheDir)
if err == nil {
if !stat.IsDir() {
return cacheDir, errors.New("init cache directory " + cacheDir + " failed: already exists, but is no directory")
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = tools.MkdirAll(cacheDir, c.cfg)
if err != nil {
return cacheDir, errors.Wrap(err, "init cache directory "+cacheDir+" failed: directory creation failed")
} else {
return cacheDir, errors.Wrap(err, "init cache directory "+cacheDir+" failed")
return filepath.Join(cacheDir, "remote"), nil
func (c *Client) readLocksFromCacheFile(path string) ([]Lock, error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return []Lock{}, err
defer file.Close()
locks := []Lock{}
err = json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&locks)
if err != nil {
return []Lock{}, err
return locks, nil
func (c *Client) EncodeLocks(locks []Lock, writer io.Writer) error {
return json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(locks)
func (c *Client) EncodeLocksVerifiable(ourLocks, theirLocks []Lock, writer io.Writer) error {
return json.NewEncoder(writer).Encode(&lockVerifiableList{
Ours: ourLocks,
Theirs: theirLocks,
func (c *Client) writeLocksToCacheFile(path string, locks []Lock) error {
file, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.EncodeLocks(locks, file)
if err != nil {
return err
return file.Close()
type nilLockCacher struct{}
func (c *nilLockCacher) Add(l Lock) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) RemoveByPath(filePath string) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) RemoveById(id string) error {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) Locks() []Lock {
return nil
func (c *nilLockCacher) Clear() {}
func (c *nilLockCacher) Save() error {
return nil