When the _init-directories_ container runs, the shell script _init_directory_structure.sh_ logs to _stderr_ because debugging is enabled with _set -x_. The output from the script, should be logged to _stdout_ instead. The issue is discussed here: https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/issues/701 ### Description of the change This PR uses the _verbose_ flag with all commands in the script to log what the script is doing. ### Benefits Log entries with incorrect severity _ERROR_ will no longer be logged in _Kubernetes_. ### Possible drawbacks Log output will change. If someone had a check for certain log entries from the _init container_, that check would break. ### Checklist Updated unit tests. Co-authored-by: tobias.petersen <tobias.petersen@unity3d.com> Reviewed-on: https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/pulls/708 Reviewed-by: techknowlogick <techknowlogick@noreply.gitea.com> Reviewed-by: pat-s <pat-s@noreply.gitea.com> Co-authored-by: tobiasbp <tobiasbp@noreply.gitea.com> Co-committed-by: tobiasbp <tobiasbp@noreply.gitea.com>