<p>Starting 2.1, you can now add Custom Defined Rulesets with PMD plugin. Previously, if you want to use your own rulesets with the PMD plugin, you had to unjar the pmd.jar file & add your ruleset defination in the jar file & re-jar it & use it. But this procedure had to be repeated whenever a new PMD is out. But not anymore. Now you can simply point PMD plugin to your custom rulesets.xml file & drop your custom ruleset jars in either of jEdit jars directory(either system or user). Once this is done, you will be able to manipulate your Custom Rulesets just the way like the built-in ones.</p>
<p>PMD jEdit 2.2 adds updates PMD plugin to the latest and the greatest PMD release, updates to Dynamic class loading feature of jEdit and adds PMD to jEdit's File System Browser for easy access.</p>
<li>Added PMD in jEdit's File System Browser Plugins Menu.</li>
<li>Added "clear ErrorList" option.</li>
<li>Added "check all open buffers" option.</li>
<li>Added support to define Custom RuleSets thereby facilitating integration of Custom Rulesets with built-in rulesets & their independent development.</li>
<li>Added C/C++, PHP support to Copy/Paste Detector. Now you can find out duplicate code in your C/C++ & PHP code besides the usual Java code.</li>
<li>Integrated Copy/Paste Detector(CPD) in jEdit.</li>
<li>Updated to use pmd-1.05</li>
<p>The PMD-JEdit plugin is free software released under the Apache license.</p>