24 lines
1.3 KiB
24 lines
1.3 KiB
<!-- Row of the CLI reference table, describing an option -->
<!-- Argument summary: -->
<!-- options: comma separated list of aliases for the option.-->
<!-- option_arg: optional name for the argument of the option, eg 'arg', will be formatted eg to '<arg>'-->
<!-- description: description, you can use "some" inline markdown -->
<!-- required: whether the option is required, if specified, whatever the value, it's considered required -->
<!-- languages: languages to which the option applies -->
<!-- default: default value -->
{% assign arg = {{ include.option_arg | prepend: " <" | append: ">" | escape_once | keep_if: include.option_arg }} %}
{% capture required_label %}{% if include.required %}<span class="label label-primary">Required</span> {% endif %}{% endcapture %}
<td><code>{{ include.options | split: ',' | mappend: arg | join: "</code><br/><code>" }}</code></td>
<td>{{ required_label }}
{{ include.description
| regex_replace: "`(.*?)`", "<code>\1</code>"
| regex_replace: "\*\*(.*?)\*\*", "<b>\1</b>"
| regex_replace: "\*(.*?)\*", "<i>\1</i>"
| regex_replace: "\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "<a href='\2'>\1</a>" }}
<td><code>{{ include.default }}</code></td>
<td>{{ include.languages }}</td>