Update documentation

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Travis CI (pmd-bot)
2018-05-20 06:10:48 +00:00
parent 75ea178df4
commit 1d3906356d

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@ -564,8 +564,12 @@ In JUnit 4, only methods annotated with the @Test annotation are executed.
**This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:**
matches(@Image, $testClassPattern)
or ExtendsList/ClassOrInterfaceType[pmd-java:typeof(@Image, 'junit.framework.TestCase', 'TestCase')]]
/ClassOrInterfaceBody/ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration[MethodDeclaration[@Public=true()]/MethodDeclarator[starts-with(@Image, 'test')]]
[not(Annotation//Name[pmd-java:typeof(@Image, 'org.junit.Test', 'Test')])]
@ -583,6 +587,12 @@ public class MyTest {
**This rule has the following properties:**
|Name|Default Value|Description|Multivalued|
|testClassPattern|Test|The regex pattern used to identify test classes|no|
**Use this rule by referencing it:**
``` xml
<rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml/JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation" />