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25-September-2021 - 6.39.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.39.0.

This is a minor release.

New and noteworthy

All Contributors

PMD follows the All Contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

See credits for our complete contributors list.

Fixed Issues

  • core
    • #3499: [core] Fix XPath rulechain with combined node tests
  • java-errorprone
    • #3493: [java] AvoidAccessibilityAlteration: add tests and fix rule
  • javascript
    • #3516: [javascript] NPE while creating rule violation when specifying explicit line numbers
  • plsql
    • #3487: [plsql] Parsing exception OPEN ref_cursor_name FOR statement
    • #3515: [plsql] Parsing exception SELECT…INTO on Associative Arrays Types

API Changes

No changes.

External Contributions

  • #3516: [javascript] NPE while creating rule violation when specifying explicit line numbers - Kevin Guerra


  • 37 commits
  • 10 closed tickets & PRs
  • Days since last release: 27