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??-July-2019 - 6.17.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.17.0.

This is a minor release.

New and noteworthy

Lua support

Thanks to the contribution from Maikel Steneker, and built on top of the ongoing efforts to fully support Antlr-based languages, PMD now has CPD support for Lua.

Being based on a proper Antlr grammar, CPD can:

Fixed Issues

  • doc
    • #1896: [doc] Error in changelog 6.16.0 due to not properly closed rule tag
    • #1906: [doc] Broken link for adding own CPD languages
    • #1909: [doc] Sample usage example refers to deprecated ruleset “basic.xml” instead of “quickstart.xml”
  • xml
    • #1666: [xml] wrong cdata rule description and examples

API Changes

External Contributions

  • #1869: [xml] fix #1666 wrong cdata rule description and examples - Artem
  • #1892: [lua] [cpd] Added CPD support for Lua - Maikel Steneker
  • #1908: [doc] Update ruleset filename from deprecated basic.xml to quickstart.xml - crunsk