Rules to detect constructs that are either broken, extremely confusing or prone to runtime errors.
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Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Avoid directly accessing Trigger.old and as it can lead to a bug. Triggers should be bulkified and iterate through the map to handle the actions for each item separately.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//ArrayLoadExpression[TriggerVariableExpression and LiteralExpression]


trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) {
   Account a =[0]; //Bad: Accessing the trigger array directly is not recommended.
   foreach ( Account a : ){   
        //Good: Iterate through the array instead.

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/AvoidDirectAccessTriggerMap" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

When deploying Apex code between sandbox and production environments, or installing AppExchange packages, it is essential to avoid hardcoding IDs in the Apex code. By doing so, if the record IDs change between environments, the logic can dynamically identify the proper data to operate against and not fail.

This rule is defined by the following Java class: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.rule.errorprone.AvoidHardcodingIdRule


public without sharing class Foo {
    void foo() {
        //Error - hardcoded the record type id
        if(a.RecordTypeId == '012500000009WAr'){
            //do some logic here.....
        } else if(a.RecordTypeId == '0123000000095Km'){
            //do some logic here for a different record type...

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/AvoidHardcodingId" />


Since: PMD 6.5.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Apex supported non existent annotations for legacy reasons. In the future, use of such non-existent annotations could result in broken apex code that will not compile. This will prevent users of garbage annotations from being able to use legitimate annotations added to Apex in the future. A full list of supported annotations can be found at

This rule is defined by the following Java class: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.rule.errorprone.AvoidNonExistentAnnotationsRule


@NonExistentAnnotation public class ClassWithNonexistentAnnotation {
	@NonExistentAnnotation public void methodWithNonExistentAnnotation() {
		// ...

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/AvoidNonExistentAnnotations" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Empty Catch Block finds instances where an exception is caught, but nothing is done.
In most circumstances, this swallows an exception which should either be acted on or reported.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//CatchBlockStatement[./BlockStatement[count(*) = 0]]


public void doSomething() {
  try {
    insert accounts;
  } catch (DmlException dmle) {
    // not good

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/EmptyCatchBlock" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Empty If Statement finds instances where a condition is checked but nothing is done about it.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

 [BlockStatement[count(*) = 0]]


public class Foo {
  public void bar(Integer x) {
    if (x == 0) {
      // empty!

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/EmptyIfStmt" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Empty block statements serve no purpose and should be removed.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//Method/ModifierNode[@Abstract!='true' and ../BlockStatement[count(*) = 0]]
| //Method/BlockStatement//BlockStatement[count(*) = 0 and @Location != parent::*/@Location]


public class Foo {

   private int _bar;

   public void setBar(int bar) {
        // empty


This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/EmptyStatementBlock" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Avoid empty try or finally blocks - what’s the point?

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//TryCatchFinallyBlockStatement[./BlockStatement[count(*) = 0]]


public class Foo {
    public void bar() {
        try {
          // empty !
        } catch (Exception e) {

public class Foo {
    public void bar() {
        try {
            int x=2;
        } finally {
            // empty!

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/EmptyTryOrFinallyBlock" />


Since: PMD 6.0.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Empty While Statement finds all instances where a while statement does nothing.
If it is a timing loop, then you should use Thread.sleep() for it; if it is a while loop that does a lot in the exit expression, rewrite it to make it clearer.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//WhileLoopStatement[./BlockStatement[count(*) = 0]]


public void bar(Integer a, Integer b) {
  while (a == b) {
    // empty!

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/EmptyWhileStmt" />


Since: PMD 5.5.0

Priority: Medium (3)

Non-constructor methods should not have the same name as the enclosing class.

This rule is defined by the following Java class: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.rule.errorprone.MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClassRule


public class MyClass {
    // this is OK because it is a constructor
    public MyClass() {}
    // this is bad because it is a method
    public void MyClass() {}

This rule has the following properties:

Name Default Value Description Multivalued
cc_categories Style Deprecated Code Climate Categories yes. Delimiter is ‘|’.
cc_remediation_points_multiplier 1 Deprecated Code Climate Remediation Points multiplier no
cc_block_highlighting false Deprecated Code Climate Block Highlighting no

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/apex/errorprone.xml/MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass" />