The tool comes with a rather extensive help text, simply running with -help
Option | Description | Default value | Applies to |
-rulesets <refs> -R <refs> |
Required Comma-separated list of ruleset or rule references. |
-dir <path> -d <path> |
Required Root directory for the analyzed sources. |
-format <format> -f <format> |
Output format of the analysis report. The available formats are described here. | text |
-auxclasspath <cp> |
Specifies the classpath for libraries used by the source code.
This is used to resolve types in source files. Alternatively, a file:// URL
to a text file containing path elements on consecutive lines can be specified. |
Java |
-benchmark -b |
Enables benchmark mode, which outputs a benchmark report upon completion. The report is sent to standard error. | false |
-cache <path> |
Specifies a location for the analysis cache file to use. This can greatly improve analysis performance and is highly recommended. |
-debug -verbose -D -V |
Debug mode. Prints more log output. | false |
-encoding <charset> -e <charset> |
Specifies the character set encoding of the source code files PMD is reading.
The valid values are the standard character sets of java.nio.charset.Charset . |
UTF-8 |
-failOnViolation <bool> --failOnViolation <bool> |
Specifies whether PMD exits with non-zero status if violations are found.
By default PMD exits with status 4 if violations are found.
Disable this feature with -failOnViolation false to exit with 0 instead and just output the report. |
true |
-filelist <files> |
Path to file containing a comma delimited list of files to analyze.
If this is given, then you don't need to provide -dir . |
-help -h -H |
Display help on usage. | false |
-language <lang> -l <lang> |
Specify the language PMD should use. |
-minimumpriority <num> -min <num> |
Rule priority threshold; rules with lower priority than configured here won't be used. | 5 |
-norulesetcompatibility |
Disables the ruleset compatibility filter. The filter is active by default and tries to automatically "fix" old ruleset files with old rule names | false |
-no-cache |
Explicitly disables incremental analysis. This switch turns off suggestions to use Incremental Analysis,
and causes the -cache option to be discarded if it is provided. |
false |
-property <name>=<value> -P <name>=<value> |
Specifies a property for the report renderer. The option can be specified several times. | [] |
-reportfile <path> -r <path> |
Path to a file in which the report output will be sent. By default the report is printed on standard output. |
-shortnames |
Prints shortened filenames in the report. | false |
-showsuppressed |
Causes the suppressed rule violations to be added to the report. | false |
-stress -S |
Performs a stress test. | false |
-suppressmarker <marker> |
Specifies the comment token that marks lines which PMD should ignore. | NOPMD |
-threads <num> -t <num> |
Sets the number of threads used by PMD.
Set threads to 0 to disable multi-threading processing. |
1 |
-uri <uri> -u <uri> |
Database URI for sources. If this is given, then you don't need to provide -dir . |
-version <version> -v <version> |
Specify the version of a language PMD should use. |
Exit Status
Please note that if PMD detects any violations, it will exit with status 4 (since 5.3). This behavior has been introduced to ease PMD integration into scripts or hooks, such as SVN hooks.
0 | Everything is fine, no violations found |
1 | Couldn't understand command-line parameters or PMD exited with an exception |
4 | At least one violation has been detected, unless -failOnViolation false is set. |
Supported Languages
- apex (Salesforce Apex)
- java
- ecmascript (JavaScript)
- jsp
- plsql
- vf (Salesforce VisualForce)
- vm (Apache Velocity)
- xml and xsl
Available Report Formats
PMD comes with many different renderers.
The mnemonics in bold are used to select them on the command line, as
arguments to the -format
option. Some formats accept properties,
which can be specified with the -property
option on the command-line.
codeclimate: Renderer for Code Climate JSON format.
csv: Comma-separated values tabular format.
- problem: Include problem column. Default: true.
- package: Include package column. Default: true.
- file: Include file column. Default: true.
- priority: Include priority column. Default: true.
- line: Include line column. Default: true.
- desc: Include description column. Default: true.
- ruleSet: Include Rule set column. Default: true.
- rule: Include Rule column. Default: true.
emacs: GNU Emacs integration.
html: HTML format.
- linePrefix: Prefix for line number anchor in the source file.
- linkPrefix: Path to HTML source.
ideaj: IntelliJ IDEA integration.
- classAndMethodName: Class and method name, pass
when processing a directory. - sourcePath:
- fileName:
- classAndMethodName: Class and method name, pass
summaryhtml: Summary HTML format.
- linePrefix: Prefix for line number anchor in the source file.
- linkPrefix: Path to HTML source.
text: Text format.
textcolor: Text format, with color support (requires ANSI console support, e.g. xterm, rxvt, etc.).
- color: Enables colors with anything other than
. Default: yes.
- color: Enables colors with anything other than
textpad: TextPad integration.
vbhtml: Vladimir Bossicard HTML format.
xml: XML format.
- encoding: XML encoding format, defaults to UTF-8.
xslt: XML with a XSL transformation applied.
- encoding: XML encoding format, defaults to UTF-8.
- xsltFilename: The XSLT file name.
yahtml: Yet Another HTML format.
- outputDir: Output directory.