26-November-2022 - 6.52.0-SNAPSHOT

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.52.0-SNAPSHOT.

This is a minor release.

New and noteworthy

Modified rules

  • The rule ClassNamingConventions has a new property testClassPattern, which is applied to test classes. By default, test classes should end with the suffix “Test”. Test classes are top-level classes, that either inherit from JUnit 3 TestCase or have at least one method annotated with the Test annotations from JUnit4/5 or TestNG.

Fixed Issues

  • cli
    • #4215: NullPointerException when trying to open designer
  • doc
    • #4207: [doc] List all languages in rule doc
  • java
    • #3643: [java] More parser edge cases
    • #4152: [java] Parse error on array type annotations
  • java-codestyle
    • #2867: [java] Separate pattern for test classes in ClassNamingConventions rule for Java
    • #4201: [java] CommentDefaultAccessModifier should consider lombok’s @Value
  • java-design
    • #4188: [java] ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal false positive with Lombok’s @NoArgsConstructor
    • #4189: [java] AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod should consider lombok’s @AllArgsConstructor
    • #4200: [java] ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal should consider lombok’s @Value
  • java-errorprone
    • #4172: [java] InvalidLogMessageFormat false positive on externally formatted strings
    • #4174: [java] MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass does not consider nested builder class
    • #4185: [java] InvalidLogMessageFormat rule produces a NPE
  • java-performance
    • #4183: [java] AvoidArrayLoops regression: from false negative to false positive with final variables

API Changes


  • PMD now supports a new --use-version flag, which receives a language-version pair (such as java-8 or apex-54). This supersedes the usage of -language / -l and -version / -v, allowing for multiple versions to be set in a single run. PMD 7 will completely remove support for -language and -version in favor of this new flag.

  • Support for -V is being deprecated in favor of --verbose in preparation for PMD 7. In PMD 7, -v will enable verbose mode and -V will show the PMD version for consistency with most Unix/Linux tools.

  • Support for -min is being deprecated in favor of --minimum-priority for consistency with most Unix/Linux tools, where -min would be equivalent to -m -i -n.


  • CPD now supports using -d or --dir as an alias to --files, in favor of consistency with PMD. PMD 7 will remove support for --files in favor of these new flags.

Linux run.sh parameters

  • Using run.sh cpdgui will now warn about it being deprecated. Use run.sh cpd-gui instead.

  • The old designer (run.sh designerold) is completely deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7. Switch to the new JavaFX designer: run.sh designer.

  • The old visual AST viewer (run.sh bgastviewer) is completely deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7. Switch to the new JavaFX designer: run.sh designer for a visual tool, or use run.sh ast-dump for a text-based aleternative.

Deprecated API

The following APIs have been marked as deprecated for removal in PMD 7:

External Contributions

  • #4184: [java][doc] TestClassWithoutTestCases - fix small typo in description - Valery Yatsynovich (@valfirst)
  • #4198: [doc] Add supported CPD languages - Jeroen van Wilgenburg (@jvwilge)
  • #4202: [java] Fix #4200 and #4201: ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal, CommentDefaultAccessModifier: Exclude lombok @Value annotation - Lynn (@LynnBroe)
  • #4205: [doc] Clarify Scala support (no built-in rules) - Eldrick Wega (@Eldrick19)