??-November-2019 - 6.20.0
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.20.0.
This is a minor release.
New and noteworthy
Fixed Issues
- apex
- core
- java
- java-bestpractices
- #2016: [java] UnusedImports: False positive if wildcard is used and only static methods
- java-codestyle
- java-design
- java-errorprone
- #2102: [java] False positive MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass when inheritors are instantiable
API Changes
External Contributions
- #2088: [java] Add more version shortcuts for older java - Henning Schmiedehausen
- #2089: [core] Minor unrelated improvements to code - Gonzalo Exequiel Ibars Ingman
- #2091: [core] Fix pmd warnings (IdenticalCatchCases) - Gonzalo Exequiel Ibars Ingman
- #2106: [java] Wrong name for inner classes - Andi Pabst
- #2121: [java] Predicates treated like booleans - Ozan Gulle