Sites/Articles about PMD
February 2012 - Romain Pelisse’s lightning talk at FOSDEM 2012 about “PMD5: What can it do for you?”. Video recording is available.
May 2008 - Romain Pelisse’s article in LinuxMagazin: An introduction to PMD (in French)
July 2007 - Ryan Slobojan’s article on InfoQ discusses the PMD 4.0 release.
July 2006 - Paul Duvall’s article “Automation for the people: Continuous Inspection” on developerWorks discusses CPD.
June 2006 - Andrew Glover’s article “In pursuit of code quality: Tame the chatterbox” on developerWorks discusses PMD and JavaNCSS.
June 2006 - Tom Copeland’s article “Static Electricity: Better Living with Static Code Analysis” in Better Software discusses PMD/CPD analyses of Azureus and Columba.
April 2006 - John Ferguson Smart’s article “PMD Squashes Code Bugs” on DevX discusses PMD and the Eclipse plugin. Lots of screenshots!
November 2005 - Mike Clark’s article “Staying Out of Code Debt” on StickyMinds mentions both PMD and CPD as useful code-checking tools.
October 2005 - Levent Gurses’ article “Improving Code Quality with PMD and Eclipse” in EclipseZone talks about the PMD Eclipse plugin and explains many different facets of PMD - XPath, writing rules, the AST, all that. Good stuff!
June 2005 - Amit Chaturvedi’s article “Java & Static Analysis” in Doctor Dobb’s Journal talks about PMD and shows a screenshot of the rule designer
March 2005 - Kirk Knoernschild’s article “Benefits of the Build” in Doctor Dobb’s Journal mentions PMD as a way to automate code reviews
February 2005 - Java Is Well-Suited for Open-Source Projects - Peter Coffee’s eWeek article on open source, Java, and PMD
January 2005 - Zap bugs with PMD - Elliotte Rusty Harold’s article on installing, configuring, and running PMD
November 2004 - PMD: A code analyzer for Java programmers - Daniel Rubio’s article about PMD; includes some notes on XPath rules
June 2004 - Code Improvement Through Cyclomatic Complexity - Andrew Glover’s CCM article featuring PMD
June 2004 - Open Source-Perlen - A German article on PMD in Java Magazin
June 2004 - Improving Project Quality with PMD - Tom Wheeler’s “Java News Brief”, June 2004 issue
February 2004 - Software Development - Listed as one of their ‘Open-Source Projects to Watch’
November 2003 - JavaWorld: “Bug patrol” - Various code inspection tools
June 2003 - Software Development Times [link broken] - PMD is embedded in QStudio.
May 2003 - - PMD, Checkstyle, and Jalopy
April 2003 - O’Reilly - PMD custom rules
March 2003 - O’Reilly - overview of CPD
February 2003 - O’Reilly - overview of PMD
January 2003 - Sprout - interview with Ole-Martin and Tom