git-svn-id: https://pmd.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pmd/trunk@2542 51baf565-9d33-0410-a72c-fc3788e3496d
439 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
439 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/python
# Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, Barry Warsaw, Fred Drake, and contributors
# All rights reserved.
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
# NOTE: SourceForge currently runs Python 2.2.3, so we need to remain
# compatible with the Python 2.2 line.
"""Complicated notification for CVS checkins.
This script is used to provide email notifications of changes to the CVS
repository. These email changes will include context diffs of the changes.
Really big diffs will be trimmed.
This script is run from a CVS loginfo file (see $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/loginfo). To
set this up, create a loginfo entry that looks something like this:
mymodule /path/to/this/script %%s some-email-addr@your.domain
In this example, whenever a checkin that matches `mymodule' is made, this
script is invoked, which will generate the diff containing email, and send it
to some-email-addr@your.domain.
Note: This module used to also do repository synchronizations via
rsync-over-ssh, but since the repository has been moved to SourceForge,
this is no longer necessary. The syncing functionality has been ripped
out in the 3.0, which simplifies it considerably. Access the 2.x versions
to refer to this functionality. Because of this, the script is misnamed.
It no longer makes sense to run this script from the command line. Doing so
will only print out this usage information.
%(PROGRAM)s [options] <%%S> email-addr [email-addr ...]
Where options are:
Use <path> as the environment variable CVSROOT. Otherwise this
variable must exist in the environment.
-C #
Include # lines of context around lines that differ (default: 2).
Produce a context diff (default).
-m hostname
--mailhost hostname
The hostname of an available SMTP server. The default is
Produce a unified diff (smaller).
Prepend TEXT to the email subject line.
Add a "Reply-To: ADDR" header to the email message.
--quiet / -q
Don't print as much status to stdout.
-f hostname
The hostname that email messages appear to be coming from. The From:
header of the outgoing message will look like user@hostname. By
default, hostname is the machine's fully qualified domain name.
--help / -h
Print this text.
The rest of the command line arguments are:
CVS %%s loginfo expansion. When invoked by CVS, this will be a single
string containing the directory the checkin is being made in, relative
to $CVSROOT, followed by the list of files that are changing. If the
%%s in the loginfo file is %%{sVv}, context diffs for each of the
modified files are included in any email messages that are generated.
At least one email address.
__version__ = '1.3'
import os
import sys
import re
import time
import getopt
import smtplib
import pwd
import socket
from cStringIO import StringIO
# Which SMTP server to do we connect to?
MAILHOST = 'localhost'
# Diff trimming stuff
PROGRAM = sys.argv[0]
"(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)\n"
NOVERSION = "Couldn't generate diff; no version number found for file: %s"
BACKSLASH = "Couldn't generate diff: backslash in filespec's filename: %s"
def usage(code, msg=''):
print __doc__ % globals()
if msg:
print msg
def calculate_diff(entry, contextlines):
file = entry.name
oldrev = entry.revision
newrev = entry.new_revision
# Make sure we can find a CVS version number
if oldrev is None and newrev is None:
return NOVERSION % file
if file.find("'") <> -1:
# Those crazy users put single-quotes in their file names! Now we
# have to escape everything that is meaningful inside double-quotes.
filestr = filestr.replace('\\', '\\\\')
filestr = filestr.replace('`', '\`')
filestr = filestr.replace('"', '\"')
filestr = filestr.replace('$', '\$')
# and quote it with double-quotes.
filestr = '"' + filestr + '"'
# quote it with single-quotes.
filestr = "'" + file + "'"
if oldrev is None:
# File is being added.
if os.path.exists(file):
fp = open(file)
update_cmd = "cvs -fn update -r %s -p %s" % (newrev, filestr)
fp = os.popen(update_cmd)
lines = fp.readlines()
# Is this a binary file? Let's look at the first few
# lines to figure it out:
for line in lines[:5]:
for c in line.rstrip():
if c.isspace():
if c < ' ' or c > chr(127):
lines.insert(0, '--- NEW FILE: %s ---\n' % file)
except IOError, e:
lines = ['***** Error reading new file: ',
str(e), '\n***** file: ', file, ' cwd: ', os.getcwd()]
elif newrev is None:
lines = ['--- %s DELETED ---\n' % file]
# File has been changed.
# This /has/ to happen in the background, otherwise we'll run into CVS
# lock contention. What a crock.
if contextlines > 0:
difftype = "-C " + str(contextlines)
difftype = "-u"
diffcmd = "/usr/bin/cvs -f diff -kk %s --minimal -r %s -r %s %s" \
% (difftype, oldrev, newrev, filestr)
fp = os.popen(diffcmd)
lines = fp.readlines()
# ignore the error code, it always seems to be 1 :(
if len(lines) > DIFF_TRUNCATE_IF_LARGER:
removedlines = len(lines) - DIFF_HEAD_LINES - DIFF_TAIL_LINES
'[...%d lines suppressed...]\n' % removedlines)
return ''.join(lines)
rfc822_specials_re = re.compile(r'[\(\)\<\>\@\,\;\:\\\"\.\[\]]')
def quotename(name):
if name and rfc822_specials_re.search(name):
return '"%s"' % name.replace('"', '\\"')
return name
def blast_mail(subject, people, entries, contextlines, fromhost, replyto):
# cannot wait for child process or that will cause parent to retain cvs
# lock for too long. Urg!
if not os.fork():
# in the child
# give up the lock you cvs thang!
# Create the smtp connection to the localhost
conn = smtplib.SMTP()
conn.connect(MAILHOST, MAILPORT)
pwinfo = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
user = pwinfo[0]
name = pwinfo[4].split(',')[0]
domain = fromhost or socket.getfqdn()
address = '%s@%s' % (user, domain)
s = StringIO()
sys.stdout = s
datestamp = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000',
vars = {'address' : address,
'name' : quotename(name),
'people' : COMMASPACE.join(people),
'subject' : subject,
'version' : __version__,
'date' : datestamp,
print '''\
From: %(name)s <%(address)s>
To: %(people)s''' % vars
if replyto:
print 'Reply-To: %s' % replyto
print '''\
Subject: %(subject)s
Date: %(date)s
X-Mailer: Python syncmail %(version)s <http://sf.net/projects/cvs-syncmail>
''' % vars
# append the diffs if available
for entry in entries:
print calculate_diff(entry, contextlines)
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
resp = conn.sendmail(address, people, s.getvalue())
class CVSEntry:
def __init__(self, name, revision, timestamp, conflict, options, tagdate):
self.name = name
self.revision = revision
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.conflict = conflict
self.options = options
self.tagdate = tagdate
def get_entry(prefix, mapping, line, filename):
line = line.strip()
parts = line.split("/")
_, name, revision, timestamp, options, tagdate = parts
key = namekey(prefix, name)
entry = mapping[key]
except KeyError:
if revision == "0":
revision = None
if timestamp.find("+") != -1:
timestamp, conflict = tuple(timestamp.split("+"))
conflict = None
entry = CVSEntry(key, revision, timestamp, conflict,
options, tagdate)
mapping[key] = entry
return entry
def namekey(prefix, name):
if prefix:
return os.path.join(prefix, name)
return name
def load_change_info(prefix=None):
if prefix is not None:
entries_fn = os.path.join(prefix, "CVS", "Entries")
entries_fn = os.path.join("CVS", "Entries")
entries_log_fn = entries_fn + ".Log"
mapping = {}
f = open(entries_fn)
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
## if line.strip() == "D":
## continue
# we could recurse down subdirs, except the Entries.Log files
# we need haven't been written to the subdirs yet, so it
# doesn't do us any good
## if line[0] == "D":
## name = line.split("/")[1]
## dirname = namekey(prefix, name)
## if os.path.isdir(dirname):
## m = load_change_info(dirname)
## mapping.update(m)
if line[0] == "/":
# normal file
get_entry(prefix, mapping, line, entries_fn)
# else: bogus Entries line
if os.path.isfile(entries_log_fn):
f = open(entries_log_fn)
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if line[1:2] != ' ':
# really old version of CVS
entry = get_entry(prefix, mapping, line[2:], entries_log_fn)
parts = line.split("/")[1:]
if line[0] == "A":
# adding a file
entry.new_revision = parts[1]
elif line[0] == "R":
# removing a file
entry.new_revision = None
for entry in mapping.values():
if not hasattr(entry, "new_revision"):
print 'confused about file', entry.name, '-- ignoring'
del mapping[entry.name]
return mapping
def load_branch_name():
tag_fn = os.path.join("CVS", "Tag")
if os.path.isfile(tag_fn):
f = open(tag_fn)
line = f.readline().strip()
if line[:1] == "T":
return line[1:]
return None
# scan args for options
def main():
# XXX Should really move all the options to an object, just to
# avoid threading so many positional args through everything.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(
sys.argv[1:], 'hC:cuS:R:qf:m:',
['fromhost=', 'context=', 'cvsroot=', 'mailhost=',
'subject-prefix=', 'reply-to=',
'help', 'quiet'])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(1, msg)
# parse the options
contextlines = 2
verbose = 1
subject_prefix = ""
replyto = None
fromhost = None
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt == '--cvsroot':
os.environ['CVSROOT'] = arg
elif opt in ('-C', '--context'):
contextlines = int(arg)
elif opt == '-c':
if contextlines <= 0:
contextlines = 2
elif opt == '-u':
contextlines = 0
elif opt in ('-S', '--subject-prefix'):
subject_prefix = arg
elif opt in ('-R', '--reply-to'):
replyto = arg
elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
verbose = 0
elif opt in ('-f', '--fromhost'):
fromhost = arg
elif opt in ('-m', '--mailhost'):
# What follows is the specification containing the files that were
# modified. The argument actually must be split, with the first component
# containing the directory the checkin is being made in, relative to
# $CVSROOT, followed by the list of files that are changing.
if not args:
usage(1, 'No CVS module specified')
subject = subject_prefix + args[0]
specs = args[0].split()
del args[0]
# The remaining args should be the email addresses
if not args:
usage(1, 'No recipients specified')
# Now do the mail command
people = args
if specs[-3:] == ['-', 'Imported', 'sources']:
print 'Not sending email for imported sources.'
branch = load_branch_name()
changes = load_change_info()
if verbose:
print 'Mailing %s...' % COMMASPACE.join(people)
print 'Generating notification message...'
blast_mail(subject, people, changes.values(),
contextlines, fromhost, replyto)
if verbose:
print 'Generating notification message... done.'
if __name__ == '__main__':