111 lines
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111 lines
3.6 KiB
# The functions here require the following scripts:
# inc/logger
# The functions here require the following environment variables:
function regression_tester_setup_ci() {
# install openjdk8 for pmd-regression-tests
.ci/install-openjdk.sh 8
gpg --batch --yes --decrypt --passphrase="GnxdjywUEPveyCD1RLiTd7t8CImnefYr" \
--output .ci/files/public-env .ci/files/public-env.gpg
source .ci/files/public-env >/dev/null 2>&1
rm .ci/files/public-env
if hash "bundler" 2>/dev/null; then
log_debug "Bundler is already installed"
log_info "Installing bundler..."
gem install bundler
rm -f .bundle/config
bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
bundle config set --local with release_notes_preprocessing
bundle install
# Generate a new baseline and upload it to sourceforge
# Note: this function always succeeds, even if the upload fails.
# In that case, just a error logging is provided.
function regression_tester_uploadBaseline() {
log_debug "$FUNCNAME branch=${PMD_CI_BRANCH}"
local targetUrl="https://sourceforge.net/projects/pmd/files/pmd-regression-tester/"
local errexitstate="$(shopt -po errexit)"
set +e # disable errexit
# This handler is called if any command fails
function upload_failed() {
log_error "Error while uploading ${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip to sourceforge!"
log_error "Please upload manually: ${targetUrl}"
# exit subshell after trap
set -e
trap upload_failed ERR
log_info "Generating and uploading baseline for pmdtester..."
cd ..
bundle config --local gemfile pmd/Gemfile
pmd/.ci/travis_wait "bundle exec pmdtester
--mode single
--local-git-repo ./pmd
--patch-branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH}
--patch-config ./pmd/.ci/files/all-java.xml
--list-of-project ./pmd/.ci/files/project-list.xml --html-flag"
cd target/reports
zip -q -r ${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip ${BRANCH_FILENAME}/
../../pmd/.ci/travis_wait "rsync -avh ${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip ${PMD_SF_USER}@web.sourceforge.net:/home/frs/project/pmd/pmd-regression-tester/"
log_success "Successfully uploaded ${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip to ${targetUrl}"
# restore errexit state
eval "$errexitstate"
# Execute danger, which executes pmd-regression-tester (via Dangerfile).
# Note: this function always succeeds, even if the danger fails.
# In that case, just a error logging is provided.
function regression_tester_executeDanger() {
log_debug "$FUNCNAME"
local errexitstate="$(shopt -po errexit)"
set +e # disable errexit
# This handler is called if any command fails
function danger_failed() {
log_error "Error while executing danger/pmd-regression-tester"
# exit subshell after trap
set -e
trap danger_failed ERR
# Create a corresponding remote branch locally
if ! git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/${PMD_CI_BRANCH}; then
git fetch --no-tags origin +refs/heads/${PMD_CI_BRANCH}:refs/remotes/origin/${PMD_CI_BRANCH}
git branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH} origin/${PMD_CI_BRANCH}
log_debug "Created local branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH}"
log_info "Running danger on branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH}"
bundle exec danger --verbose
log_success "Executing danger successfully"
# restore errexit state
eval "$errexitstate"