git-svn-id: https://pmd.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pmd/trunk@3942 51baf565-9d33-0410-a72c-fc3788e3496d
217 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
217 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
;;; pmd.el --- Major mode for pluging PMD into Emacs.
;; Author: John Russell <drjimmy42 at yahoo.com>
;; Maintainer: Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto <nascif at acm.org>
;; Created: 06/16/2004 18:21
;; Version: $Revision$
;; Keywords: PMD major-mode
;; Copyright (C) 2002 John Russell
;; Copyright (C) 2003 Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Installation:
;; 1) Install the core PMD application (not part of this download, get it
;; from http://pmd.sourceforge.net/);
;; 2) Make sure the directory of pmd.el is part of your Emacs load-path;
;; 3) Add this line to your .emacs file:
;; (autoload 'pmd-current-buffer "pmd" "PMD Mode" t)
;; (autoload 'pmd-current-dir "pmd" "PMD Mode" t)
;; 4) Load pmd.el
;; 5) Configure the location of the Java executable and the PMD installation
;; directory using the command pmd-customize.
;; Once this is done, you can call the pmd-current-buffer and pmd-current-dir
;; functions using M-x <function name> or by bind them to key sequences.
;; Configuration:
;; Besides the variables described above, you can also compile the rulesets used by PMD.
;; Type:
;; M-x pmd-customize
;; --or--
;; M-x customize-group <RET>
;; pmd <RET>
;; Description:
;; This mode uses a compilation buffer to display the output of PMD
;; (http://pmd.sourceforge.net/).
;; It provides two commands, pmd-current-buffer and pmd-current-dir, which as you
;; guessed run PMD on the contents of the current buffer (must be a .java file)
;; or on all .java files in the directory associated with the current buffer.
;; You can defining the PMD rulesets by customizing the variable pmd-ruleset-list.
;; Change History
;; 10/21/2005 0.6: Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto
;; - Updated to work with PMD 3.3
;; 06/16/2004 0.5: Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto
;; - Tested with PMD 1.08
;; - fixed dependency on missing defun
;; 03/24/03 - 0.4: Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto
;; Update to align with PMD 1.04.
;; - Added new method, pmd-current-dir
;; - Removed variable pmd-version
;; - Changed customization: string variable pmd-rulesets replaced by list-based variable pmd-ruleset-list
;; 02/04/03 - 0.3: Nascif A. Abousalh-Neto
;; Updated the primary plugin with
;; contributions. Note that these changes include an updated pmd-1.02.jar file
;; to support them. These changes will be part of pmd-1.03 when it comes out;
;; this is just an updated release of pmd-1.02 to support this Emacs plugin.
;; 01/16/03 - 0.2 - John Russell
;; Completely rewritten
;; 06/06/02 - 0.1
;; First version of PMD for Emacs
;; Defined one function "pmd-current-buffer" which will
;; run PMD on the current buffer, and write the output
;; to *PMD*. Output format is in XML. I will work in trying to
;; get a better, easier to read format for everyone.
(defgroup pmd nil "PMD"
:group 'emacs)
(defcustom pmd-java-home "/usr/local/bin/java"
"Java binary to run PMD with."
:type 'file
:group 'pmd )
(defcustom pmd-home "~/pmd"
"Directory where PMD is installed."
:type 'directory
:group 'pmd)
(defcustom pmd-ruleset-list (list "basic" "braces" "clone" "codesize" "controversial" "coupling"
"design" "finalizers" "imports" "javabeans" "junit" "logging-java"
"naming" "optimizations" "strictexception" "strings" "sunsecure"
"unusedcode" "logging-jakarta-commons")
"A list of Rulesets to apply. Rulesets are specified in XML files inside the \"rulesets\" subdirectory of the main PMD jar file."
:type '(repeat (file :tag "Ruleset"))
:group 'pmd)
;;Inner workings
(defconst pmd-xemacsp (string-match "XEmacs" (emacs-version)))
(defun pmd-help ()
"Help for `pmd-mode'."
(describe-function 'pmd-mode))
;; Main functions
(defun pmd-customize ()
"Customization of group `pmd' for Pmd-mode."
(customize-group "pmd"))
(defun pmd-current-buffer ()
"Run PMD on the contents of the current buffer."
(if (string-equal (file-name-extension
(buffer-file-name)) "java")
(pmd-file-or-dir (buffer-file-name))
(message "Current buffer does not contain a Java file. Aborting.")))
(defun pmd-current-dir ()
"Run PMD on the contents of the current directory (recursively)."
(pmd-file-or-dir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))
(defun pmd-classpath ()
(let* ((path-separator (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) ";" ":"))
(path-slash (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "\\" "/"))
(pmd-etc (concat pmd-home "etc"))
(pmd-lib (concat pmd-home path-slash "lib" path-slash)))
(concat "\'"
pmd-etc path-separator
(lambda (path)
(directory-files pmd-lib t "\\.jar$")
(defun pmd-jar ()
(let* ((path-separator (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) ";" ":"))
(path-slash (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) "\\" "/"))
(pmd-etc (concat pmd-home "etc"))
(pmd-lib (concat pmd-home path-slash "lib" path-slash)))
(concat "\'"
(car (directory-files pmd-lib t ".*pmd-.*\\.jar$"))
;; (defun pmd-file-or-dir (target)
;; "Run PMD on the given target (file or dir)"
;; (if (eq (count-windows) 1)
;; (split-window-vertically))
;; (other-window 1)
;; (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*PMD*"))
;; (if pmd-append-output
;; (goto-char (point-max))
;; (erase-buffer))
;; (pmd-mode)
;; (insert-string (concat " PMD output for " target "\n\n"))
;; (insert-string (concat pmd-java-home " -cp \"" (pmd-classpath) "\" net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD "
;; target " emacs " (mapconcat (lambda (path) path) pmd-ruleset-list ",")))
;; (insert-string "\n\n")
;; (insert (concat (shell-command-to-string
;; (concat pmd-java-home " -cp \"" (pmd-classpath) "\" net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD "
;; target " emacs " (mapconcat (lambda (path) path) pmd-ruleset-list ","))) "\n"))
;; (insert-string "Done.\n")
;; (goto-char (point-min)))
(defun pmd-file-or-dir (target)
"Run PMD on the given target (file or dir)"
(let ((pmd-command
(concat pmd-java-home " -jar " (pmd-jar) " "
target " emacs " (mapconcat (lambda (path) path) pmd-ruleset-list ","))))
;; Force save-some-buffers to use the minibuffer
;; to query user about whether to save modified buffers.
(if (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(not pmd-xemacsp))
(let ((temp last-nonmenu-event))
;; The next line makes emacs think that jde-jalopy
;; was invoked from the minibuffer, even when it
;; is actually invoked from the menu-bar.
(setq last-nonmenu-event t)
(save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
(setq last-nonmenu-event temp))
(save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil))
(compile-internal pmd-command "No more errors" "PMD")))
(provide 'pmd)