This check fails under Windows
PMD CI Scripts
This folder contains scripts used for CI.
One secret is required for decrypting the GPG Key with which the PMD Releases are signed and for a ssh key, which is used to copy files to sourceforge.
Environment variables
gpg --batch --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --passphrase="$PMD_CI_SECRET_PASSPHRASE" file.txt
Known Issues
Intermittent connection resets or timeouts while downloading dependencies from maven central
Root issue seems to be SNAT Configs in Azure, which closes long running idle TCP connections after 4 minutes.
The workaround is described in actions/virtual-environments#1499 and WAGON-545 and WAGON-486:
The setting -Dmaven.wagon.httpconnectionManager.ttlSeconds=180 -Dmaven.wagon.http.retryHandler.count=3
makes sure, that Maven doesn't try to use pooled connections that have been unused for more than 180 seconds.
These settings are placed as environment variable MAVEN_OPTS
in all workflows, so that they are active for
all Maven executions (including builds done by regression tester).
Alternatively, pooling could be disabled completely via -Dhttp.keepAlive=false -Dmaven.wagon.http.pool=false
This has the consequence, that for each dependency, that is being downloaded, a new https connection is
More information about configuring this can be found at wagon-http.
However, this doesn't work when dokka-maven-plugin is used: This plugin downloads additional dokka plugins at runtime and reconfigures somehow Maven. After this plugin is loaded, the above system properties have no effect anymore. See dokka/dokka-maven-plugin#1625 and dokka/dokka-maven-plugin#1626.
The workaround now in place is, to download all the dependencies first, see inc/
Remote debugging
Debugging remotely is possible with
Just add the following step into the job:
- name: Setup tmate session
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
The workflow troubleshooting
can be started manually, which already contains the tmate action.
Note: This is dangerous for push/pull builds on pmd/pmd, because these have access to the secrets and the SSH session is not protected. Builds triggered by pull requests from forked repositories don't have access to the secrets.
Local tests with docker
Create a local docker container:
cd .ci/docker_ubuntu18.04
docker build -t pmd-ci .
This container is based on Ubuntu 18.04, which is used for ubuntu-latest
github actions runner,
see Virtual Environment.
You can run a local instance with docker and mount your local pmd checkout into the container:
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=path/to/pmd,target=/workspaces/pmd/pmd pmd-ci
You'll be dropped into a bash. Start e.g. with
cd workspaces/pmd/pmd