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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
from rigify import get_layer_dict
from rigify_utils import bone_class_instance, copy_bone_simple
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get
# not used, defined for completeness
METARIG_NAMES = ("pelvis", "ribcage")
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
def metarig_template():
# generated by rigify.write_meta_rig
obj = bpy.context.active_object
arm =
bone ='pelvis')
bone.head[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, 0.1039
bone.tail[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, -0.0159
bone.roll = 0.0000
bone.connected = False
bone ='rib_cage')
bone.head[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, 0.1039
bone.tail[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, 0.2236
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = False
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['pelvis']
bone ='spine.01')
bone.head[:] = 0.0000, 0.0000, -0.0000
bone.tail[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, 0.1039
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = False
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['rib_cage']
bone ='spine.02')
bone.head[:] = 0.0000, -0.0306, 0.1039
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, -0.0398, 0.2045
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.01']
bone ='spine.03')
bone.head[:] = -0.0000, -0.0398, 0.2045
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, -0.0094, 0.2893
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.02']
bone ='spine.04')
bone.head[:] = -0.0000, -0.0094, 0.2893
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, 0.0335, 0.3595
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.03']
bone ='spine.05')
bone.head[:] = -0.0000, 0.0335, 0.3595
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, 0.0555, 0.4327
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.04']
bone ='spine.06')
bone.head[:] = -0.0000, 0.0555, 0.4327
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, 0.0440, 0.5207
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.05']
bone ='spine.07')
bone.head[:] = -0.0000, 0.0440, 0.5207
bone.tail[:] = -0.0000, 0.0021, 0.5992
bone.roll = -0.0000
bone.connected = True
bone.parent = arm.edit_bones['spine.06']
pbone = obj.pose.bones['rib_cage']
pbone['type'] = 'spine_pivot_flex'
def metarig_definition(obj, orig_bone_name):
The bone given is the second in a chain.
Expects at least 1 parent and a chain of children withe the same basename
pelvis -> rib_cage -> spine.01 -> spine.02 -> spine.03
note: same as neck.
arm =
ribcage = arm.bones[orig_bone_name]
pelvis = ribcage.parent
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
if pelvis is None:
raise RigifyError("expected the ribcage bone:'%s' to have a parent (ribcage)." %
children = ribcage.children
if len(children) != 1:
raise RigifyError("expected the ribcage to have only 1 child.")
child = children[0]
bone_definition = [,,]
bone_definition.extend([ for child in child.children_recursive_basename])
return bone_definition
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
def fk(*args):
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
def deform(obj, definitions, base_names, options):
for org_bone_name in definitions[2:]:
# Create deform bone.
bone = copy_bone_simple(, org_bone_name, "DEF-%s" % base_names[org_bone_name], parent=True)
# Store name before leaving edit mode
bone_name =
# Leave edit mode
# Get the pose bone
bone = obj.pose.bones[bone_name]
# Constrain to the original bone
# XXX. Todo, is this needed if the bone is connected to its parent?
con ='COPY_TRANSFORMS') = "copy_loc" = obj
con.subtarget = org_bone_name
def main(obj, bone_definition, base_names, options):
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
from Mathutils import Vector, RotationMatrix
from math import radians, pi
arm =
# Initialize container classes for convenience
mt = bone_class_instance(obj, ["pelvis", "ribcage"]) # meta
mt.pelvis = bone_definition[0]
mt.ribcage = bone_definition[1]
spine_chain_orig = tuple(bone_definition[2:])
spine_chain = [arm.edit_bones[child_name] for child_name in spine_chain_orig]
spine_chain_basename = base_names[spine_chain[0].name].rsplit(".", 1)[0] # probably 'ORG-spine.01' -> 'spine'
spine_chain_len = len(spine_chain_orig)
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
child = spine_chain[0]
spine_chain_segment_length = child.length
#child.parent = mt.pelvis_e # was mt.ribcage
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# The first bone in the chain happens to be the basis of others, create them now
ex = bone_class_instance(obj, ["pelvis_copy", "ribcage_hinge", "ribcage_copy", "spine_rotate"])
ex.pelvis_copy_e = copy_bone_simple(arm, mt.pelvis, base_names[mt.pelvis]) # no parent
ex.pelvis_copy =
ex.pelvis_copy_e.local_location = False
# copy the pelvis, offset to make MCH-spine_rotate and MCH-ribcage_hinge
ex.ribcage_hinge_e = copy_bone_simple(arm, mt.pelvis, "MCH-%s_hinge" % base_names[mt.ribcage])
ex.ribcage_hinge =
ex.ribcage_hinge_e.translate(Vector(0.0, spine_chain_segment_length / 4.0, 0.0))
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
ex.spine_rotate_e = copy_bone_simple(arm, mt.ribcage, "MCH-%s_rotate" % spine_chain_basename)
ex.spine_rotate =
ex.spine_rotate_e.translate(Vector(0.0, spine_chain_segment_length / 2.0, 0.0))
ex.spine_rotate_e.connected = False
ex.spine_rotate_e.parent = ex.pelvis_copy_e
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Copy the last bone now
child = spine_chain[-1]
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
ex.ribcage_copy_e = copy_bone_simple(arm, mt.ribcage, base_names[mt.ribcage])
ex.ribcage_copy =
ex.ribcage_copy_e.connected = False
ex.ribcage_copy_e.parent = ex.ribcage_hinge_e
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
spine_chain = [ for child in spine_chain]
# We have 3 spine chains
# - original (ORG_*)
# - copy (*use original name*)
# - reverse (MCH-rev_*)
spine_chain_attrs = [("spine_%.2d" % (i + 1)) for i in range(spine_chain_len)]
mt_chain = bone_class_instance(obj, spine_chain_attrs) # ORG_*
rv_chain = bone_class_instance(obj, spine_chain_attrs) # *
ex_chain = bone_class_instance(obj, spine_chain_attrs) # MCH-rev_*
del spine_chain_attrs
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
for i, child_name in enumerate(spine_chain):
child_name_orig = base_names[spine_chain_orig[i]]
attr = mt_chain.attr_names[i] # eg. spine_04
setattr(mt_chain, attr, spine_chain_orig[i]) # the original bone
ebone = copy_bone_simple(arm, child_name, child_name_orig) # use the original name
setattr(ex_chain, attr,
ebone = copy_bone_simple(arm, child_name, "MCH-rev_%s" % child_name_orig)
setattr(rv_chain, attr,
ebone.connected = False
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Now we need to re-parent these chains
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
for i, child_name in enumerate(spine_chain_orig):
attr = ex_chain.attr_names[i] + "_e"
ebone = getattr(ex_chain, attr)
if i == 0:
ebone.connected = False
ebone.parent = ex.pelvis_copy_e
attr_parent = ex_chain.attr_names[i - 1] + "_e"
ebone.parent = getattr(ex_chain, attr_parent)
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# intentional! get the parent from the other paralelle chain member
getattr(rv_chain, attr).parent = ebone
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# ex_chain needs to interlace bones!
# Note, skip the first bone
for i in range(1, spine_chain_len): # similar to neck
child_name_orig = base_names[spine_chain_orig[i]]
spine_e = getattr(mt_chain, mt_chain.attr_names[i] + "_e")
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# dont store parent names, re-reference as each chain bones parent.
spine_e_parent ="MCH-rot_%s" % child_name_orig)
spine_e_parent.head = spine_e.head
spine_e_parent.tail = spine_e.head + (mt.ribcage_e.vector.normalize() * spine_chain_segment_length / 2.0)
spine_e_parent.roll = mt.ribcage_e.roll
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
spine_e = getattr(ex_chain, ex_chain.attr_names[i] + "_e")
orig_parent = spine_e.parent
spine_e.connected = False
spine_e.parent = spine_e_parent
spine_e_parent.connected = False
spine_e_parent.parent = orig_parent
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Rotate the rev chain 180 about the by the first bones center point
pivot = (rv_chain.spine_01_e.head + rv_chain.spine_01_e.tail) * 0.5
matrix = RotationMatrix(radians(180), 3, 'X')
for i, attr in enumerate(rv_chain.attr_names): # similar to neck
spine_e = getattr(rv_chain, attr + "_e")
# use the first bone as the pivot
spine_e.head = ((spine_e.head - pivot) * matrix) + pivot
spine_e.tail = ((spine_e.tail - pivot) * matrix) + pivot
spine_e.roll += pi # 180d roll
del spine_e
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
deform(obj, bone_definition, base_names, options)
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# refresh pose bones
# Axis locks
ex.ribcage_copy_p.lock_location = True, True, True
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
con ='COPY_ROTATION') = "hinge" = obj
con.subtarget = ex.pelvis_copy
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# add driver
fcurve = con.driver_add("influence", 0)
driver = fcurve.driver
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00
var =
driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00 = "var"
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = ex.ribcage_copy_p.path_to_id() + '["hinge"]'
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
mod.poly_order = 1
mod.coefficients[0] = 1.0
mod.coefficients[1] = -1.0
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
con ='COPY_ROTATION') = obj
con.subtarget = ex.ribcage_copy
# ex.pelvis_copy_p / rib_cage
con ='COPY_LOCATION') = obj
con.subtarget = ex.pelvis_copy
con.head_tail = 0.0
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# This stores all important ID props
prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(ex.ribcage_copy_p, "hinge", create=True)
ex.ribcage_copy_p["hinge"] = 1.0
prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
prop["soft_max"] = 1.0
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(ex.ribcage_copy_p, "pivot_slide", create=True)
ex.ribcage_copy_p["pivot_slide"] = 1.0 / spine_chain_len
prop["soft_min"] = 1.0 / spine_chain_len
prop["soft_max"] = 1.0
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Create a fake connected parent/child relationship with bone location constraints
# positioned at the tip.
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# reverse bones / MCH-rev_spine.##
for i in range(1, spine_chain_len):
spine_p = getattr(rv_chain, rv_chain.attr_names[i] + "_p")
spine_fake_parent_name = getattr(rv_chain, rv_chain.attr_names[i - 1])
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
con ='COPY_LOCATION') = obj
con.subtarget = spine_fake_parent_name
con.head_tail = 1.0
del spine_p, spine_fake_parent_name, con
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Constrain 'inbetween' bones
target_names = [("b%.2d" % (i + 1)) for i in range(spine_chain_len - 1)]
rib_driver_path = ex.ribcage_copy_p.path_to_id()
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
ex.ribcage_copy_p["bend_tot"] = 0.0
fcurve = ex.ribcage_copy_p.driver_add('["bend_tot"]', 0)
driver = fcurve.driver
driver.type = 'SUM'
fcurve.modifiers.remove(0) # grr dont need a modifier
for i in range(spine_chain_len - 1):
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00
var = = target_names[i]
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = rib_driver_path + ('["bend_%.2d"]' % (i + 1))
for i in range(1, spine_chain_len):
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# Add bend prop
prop_name = "bend_%.2d" % i
prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(ex.ribcage_copy_p, prop_name, create=True)
if ("bend_%.2d" % i) in options:
ex.ribcage_copy_p[prop_name] = options["bend_%.2d" % i]
ex.ribcage_copy_p[prop_name] = 1.0
prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
prop["soft_max"] = 1.0
spine_p = getattr(ex_chain, ex_chain.attr_names[i] + "_p")
spine_p_parent = spine_p.parent # interlaced bone
con ='COPY_ROTATION') = obj
con.subtarget = ex.spine_rotate
con.owner_space = 'LOCAL'
con.target_space = 'LOCAL'
del spine_p
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# add driver
fcurve = con.driver_add("influence", 0)
driver = fcurve.driver
driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
driver.expression = "bend/bend_tot"
fcurve.modifiers.remove(0) # grr dont need a modifier
# add target
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00
var = = "bend_tot"
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = rib_driver_path + ('["bend_tot"]')
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00
var = = "bend"
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = rib_driver_path + ('["%s"]' % prop_name)
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# original bone drivers
# note: the first bone has a lot more constraints, but also this simple one is first.
for i, attr in enumerate(mt_chain.attr_names):
spine_p = getattr(mt_chain, attr + "_p")
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
con ='COPY_ROTATION') = obj
con.subtarget = getattr(ex_chain, attr) # lock to the copy's rotation
del spine_p
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# pivot slide: - lots of copy location constraints.
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
con ='COPY_LOCATION') = "base" = obj
con.subtarget = rv_chain.spine_01 # lock to the reverse location
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
for i in range(1, spine_chain_len + 1):
con ='COPY_LOCATION') = "slide_%d" % i = obj
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
if i == spine_chain_len:
attr = mt_chain.attr_names[i - 1]
attr = mt_chain.attr_names[i]
con.subtarget = getattr(rv_chain, attr) # lock to the reverse location
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
if i == spine_chain_len:
con.head_tail = 1.0
fcurve = con.driver_add("influence", 0)
driver = fcurve.driver
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00
var =
driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
Durian Request: Drivers Recode Highlights: * Support for Multi-Target Variables This was the main reason for this recode. Previously, variables could only be used to give some RNA property used as an input source to the driver a name. However, this meant that effects such as Rotational Difference couldn't be used in conjunction with other effects and/or settings to achieve the powerful results. Now, a variable can take several input targets, perform some interesting operations on them, and spit out a representative value based on that. * New Variable Types With the introduction of multi-target variables, there are now 3 types of variable that can be used: single property (i.e. the only type previously), Rotational Difference (angle between two bones), and Distance (distance between two objects or bones). * New Driver Types In addition to the existing 'Average', 'Sum', and 'Expression' types, there is now the additional options of 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'. These take the smallest/largest value that one of the variables evaluates to. * Fix for Driver F-Curve colouring bug Newly added drivers did not get automatically coloured in the Graph Editor properly. Was caused by inappropriate notifiers being used. Notes: * This commit breaks existing 2.5 files with drivers (in other words, they are lost forever). * Rigify has been corrected to work with the new system. The PyAPI for accessing targets used for the variables could still be made nicer (using subclassing to directly access?), but that is left for later. * Version patching for 2.49 files still needs to be put back in place.
2010-01-04 21:15:45 +00:00 = "var"
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = rib_driver_path + '["pivot_slide"]'
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
mod = fcurve.modifiers[0]
mod.poly_order = 1
mod.coefficients[0] = - (i - 1)
mod.coefficients[1] = spine_chain_len
# Set pelvis and ribcage controls to use the first and last bone in the
# spine respectively for their custom shape transform
ex.ribcage_copy_p.custom_shape_transform = obj.pose.bones[bone_definition[len(bone_definition)-1]]
ex.pelvis_copy_p.custom_shape_transform = obj.pose.bones[bone_definition[2]]
2009-12-05 22:03:07 +00:00
# last step setup layers
if "ex_layer" in options:
layer = [n==options["ex_layer"] for n in range(0,32)]
layer = list(arm.bones[bone_definition[1]].layer)
for attr in ex.attr_names:
getattr(ex, attr + "_b").layer = layer
for attr in ex_chain.attr_names:
getattr(ex_chain, attr + "_b").layer = layer
for attr in rv_chain.attr_names:
getattr(rv_chain, attr + "_b").layer = layer
layer = list(arm.bones[bone_definition[1]].layer)
arm.bones[ex.pelvis_copy].layer = layer
arm.bones[ex.ribcage_copy].layer = layer
# no support for blending chains
return None