2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2005 Erwin Coumans http://www.erwincoumans.com
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.
* Erwin Coumans makes no representations about the suitability
* of this software for any purpose.
* It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
#include "ContactConstraint.h"
#include "Dynamics/RigidBody.h"
#include "SimdVector3.h"
#include "JacobianEntry.h"
#include "ContactSolverInfo.h"
#include "GEN_minmax.h"
#define ASSERT2 assert
static SimdScalar ContactThreshold = -10.0f;
float useGlobalSettingContacts = false;//true;
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SimdScalar contactDamping = 0.2f;
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SimdScalar contactTau = .02f;//0.02f;//*0.02f;
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SimdScalar restitutionCurve(SimdScalar rel_vel, SimdScalar restitution)
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
return 0.f;
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// return restitution * GEN_min(1.0f, rel_vel / ContactThreshold);
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float MAX_FRICTION = 100.f;
SimdScalar calculateCombinedFriction(RigidBody& body0,RigidBody& body1)
SimdScalar friction = body0.getFriction() * body1.getFriction();
if (friction < 0.f)
friction = 0.f;
if (friction > MAX_FRICTION)
friction = MAX_FRICTION;
return friction;
2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00
void applyFrictionInContactPointOld(RigidBody& body1, const SimdVector3& pos1,
RigidBody& body2, const SimdVector3& pos2,
const SimdVector3& normal,float normalImpulse,
const ContactSolverInfo& solverInfo)
if (normalImpulse>0.f)
SimdVector3 rel_pos1 = pos1 - body1.getCenterOfMassPosition();
SimdVector3 rel_pos2 = pos2 - body2.getCenterOfMassPosition();
SimdVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1);
SimdVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;
SimdScalar rel_vel = normal.dot(vel);
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float combinedFriction = calculateCombinedFriction(body1,body2);
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SimdVector3 lat_vel = vel - normal * rel_vel;
SimdScalar lat_rel_vel = lat_vel.length();
if (lat_rel_vel > SIMD_EPSILON)
lat_vel /= lat_rel_vel;
SimdVector3 temp1 = body1.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos1.cross(lat_vel);
SimdVector3 temp2 = body2.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos2.cross(lat_vel);
SimdScalar frictionMaxImpulse = lat_rel_vel /
(body1.getInvMass() + body2.getInvMass() + lat_vel.dot(temp1.cross(rel_pos1) + temp2.cross(rel_pos2)));
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SimdScalar frictionImpulse = (normalImpulse) * combinedFriction;
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GEN_set_min(frictionImpulse,frictionMaxImpulse );
body1.applyImpulse(lat_vel * -frictionImpulse, rel_pos1);
body2.applyImpulse(lat_vel * frictionImpulse, rel_pos2);
//bilateral constraint between two dynamic objects
void resolveSingleBilateral(RigidBody& body1, const SimdVector3& pos1,
RigidBody& body2, const SimdVector3& pos2,
SimdScalar depth, const SimdVector3& normal,SimdScalar& impulse ,float timeStep)
float normalLenSqr = normal.length2();
ASSERT2(fabs(normalLenSqr) < 1.1f);
if (normalLenSqr > 1.1f)
impulse = 0.f;
SimdVector3 rel_pos1 = pos1 - body1.getCenterOfMassPosition();
SimdVector3 rel_pos2 = pos2 - body2.getCenterOfMassPosition();
//this jacobian entry could be re-used for all iterations
SimdVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1);
SimdVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;
SimdScalar rel_vel;
JacobianEntry jac(body1.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().transpose(),
SimdScalar jacDiagAB = jac.getDiagonal();
SimdScalar jacDiagABInv = 1.f / jacDiagAB;
SimdScalar rel_vel = jac.getRelativeVelocity(
body1.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().transpose() * body1.getAngularVelocity(),
body2.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().transpose() * body2.getAngularVelocity());
float a;
rel_vel = normal.dot(vel);
/*int color = 255+255*256;
SimdScalar massTerm = 1.f / (body1.getInvMass() + body2.getInvMass());
impulse = - contactDamping * rel_vel * massTerm;//jacDiagABInv;
//SimdScalar velocityImpulse = -contactDamping * rel_vel * jacDiagABInv;
//impulse = velocityImpulse;
//velocity + friction
//response between two dynamic objects with friction
float resolveSingleCollision(RigidBody& body1, const SimdVector3& pos1,
RigidBody& body2, const SimdVector3& pos2,
SimdScalar depth, const SimdVector3& normal,
const ContactSolverInfo& solverInfo
float normalLenSqr = normal.length2();
ASSERT2(fabs(normalLenSqr) < 1.1f);
if (normalLenSqr > 1.1f)
return 0.f;
SimdVector3 rel_pos1 = pos1 - body1.getCenterOfMassPosition();
SimdVector3 rel_pos2 = pos2 - body2.getCenterOfMassPosition();
//this jacobian entry could be re-used for all iterations
SimdVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1);
SimdVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;
SimdScalar rel_vel;
rel_vel = normal.dot(vel);
// if (rel_vel< 0.f)//-SIMD_EPSILON)
// {
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
float combinedRestitution = body1.getRestitution() * body2.getRestitution();
SimdScalar rest = restitutionCurve(rel_vel, combinedRestitution);
2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
SimdScalar timeCorrection = 360.f*solverInfo.m_timeStep;
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float damping = solverInfo.m_damping ;
float tau = solverInfo.m_tau;
if (useGlobalSettingContacts)
damping = contactDamping;
tau = contactTau;
if (depth < 0.f)
return 0.f;//bdepth = 0.f;
SimdScalar penetrationImpulse = (depth*tau*timeCorrection);// * massTerm;//jacDiagABInv
SimdScalar velocityImpulse = -(1.0f + rest) * damping * rel_vel;
SimdScalar impulse = penetrationImpulse + velocityImpulse;
SimdVector3 temp1 = body1.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos1.cross(normal);
SimdVector3 temp2 = body2.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos2.cross(normal);
impulse /=
(body1.getInvMass() + body2.getInvMass() + normal.dot(temp1.cross(rel_pos1) + temp2.cross(rel_pos2)));
if (impulse > 0.f)
body1.applyImpulse(normal*(impulse), rel_pos1);
body2.applyImpulse(-normal*(impulse), rel_pos2);
} else
impulse = 0.f;
return impulse;//velocityImpulse;//impulse;
//velocity + friction
//response between two dynamic objects with friction
float resolveSingleCollisionWithFriction(
RigidBody& body1,
const SimdVector3& pos1,
RigidBody& body2,
const SimdVector3& pos2,
SimdScalar depth,
const SimdVector3& normal,
const ContactSolverInfo& solverInfo
float normalLenSqr = normal.length2();
ASSERT2(fabs(normalLenSqr) < 1.1f);
if (normalLenSqr > 1.1f)
return 0.f;
SimdVector3 rel_pos1 = pos1 - body1.getCenterOfMassPosition();
SimdVector3 rel_pos2 = pos2 - body2.getCenterOfMassPosition();
//this jacobian entry could be re-used for all iterations
JacobianEntry jac(body1.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().transpose(),
SimdScalar jacDiagAB = jac.getDiagonal();
SimdScalar jacDiagABInv = 1.f / jacDiagAB;
SimdVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1);
SimdVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;
SimdScalar rel_vel;
/* rel_vel = jac.getRelativeVelocity(
body1.getTransform().getBasis().transpose() * body1.getAngularVelocity(),
body2.getTransform().getBasis().transpose() * body2.getAngularVelocity());
rel_vel = normal.dot(vel);
// if (rel_vel< 0.f)//-SIMD_EPSILON)
// {
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
float combinedRestitution = body1.getRestitution() * body2.getRestitution();
SimdScalar rest = restitutionCurve(rel_vel, combinedRestitution);
2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00
// SimdScalar massTerm = 1.f / (body1.getInvMass() + body2.getInvMass());
SimdScalar timeCorrection = 0.5f / solverInfo.m_timeStep ;
float damping = solverInfo.m_damping ;
float tau = solverInfo.m_tau;
if (useGlobalSettingContacts)
damping = contactDamping;
tau = contactTau;
SimdScalar penetrationImpulse = (depth* tau *timeCorrection) * jacDiagABInv;
if (penetrationImpulse < 0.f)
penetrationImpulse = 0.f;
SimdScalar velocityImpulse = -(1.0f + rest) * damping * rel_vel * jacDiagABInv;
SimdScalar friction_impulse = 0.f;
if (velocityImpulse <= 0.f)
velocityImpulse = 0.f;
// SimdScalar impulse = penetrationImpulse + velocityImpulse;
//if (impulse > 0.f)
// SimdVector3 impulse_vector = normal * impulse;
body1.applyImpulse(normal*(velocityImpulse+penetrationImpulse), rel_pos1);
body2.applyImpulse(-normal*(velocityImpulse+penetrationImpulse), rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos1);
SimdVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint(rel_pos2);
SimdVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;
rel_vel = normal.dot(vel);
SimdVector3 lat_vel = vel - normal * rel_vel;
SimdScalar lat_rel_vel = lat_vel.length();
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
float combinedFriction = calculateCombinedFriction(body1,body2);
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if (lat_rel_vel > SIMD_EPSILON)
lat_vel /= lat_rel_vel;
SimdVector3 temp1 = body1.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos1.cross(lat_vel);
SimdVector3 temp2 = body2.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * rel_pos2.cross(lat_vel);
friction_impulse = lat_rel_vel /
(body1.getInvMass() + body2.getInvMass() + lat_vel.dot(temp1.cross(rel_pos1) + temp2.cross(rel_pos2)));
SimdScalar normal_impulse = (penetrationImpulse+
2005-07-29 18:14:41 +00:00
velocityImpulse) * combinedFriction;
2005-07-16 09:58:01 +00:00
GEN_set_min(friction_impulse, normal_impulse);
body1.applyImpulse(lat_vel * -friction_impulse, rel_pos1);
body2.applyImpulse(lat_vel * friction_impulse, rel_pos2);
return velocityImpulse + friction_impulse;