
760 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Name: 'Wavefront (.obj)...'
Blender: 237
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Load a Wavefront OBJ File, Shift: batch import all dir.'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ["blender", "elysiun"]
__version__ = "1.0"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script imports OBJ files to Blender.
Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file.
# $Id$
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OBJ Import v1.0 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return directory, where the file is #
def stripFile(path):
lastSlash = max(path.rfind('\\'), path.rfind('/'))
if lastSlash != -1:
path = path[:lastSlash]
return '%s%s' % (path, sys.sep)
# Strips the slashes from the back of a string #
def stripPath(path):
return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
# Strips the prefix off the name before writing #
def stripExt(name): # name is a string
index = name.rfind('.')
if index != -1:
return name[ : index ]
return name
from Blender import *
import BPyImage
import os
# So we know if os exists.
print 'Module "os" not found, install python to enable comprehensive image finding and batch loading.'
os = None
# This function sets textures defined in .mtl file #
# ___ Replaced by comprehensive imahge get
# This function sets textures defined in .mtl file #
def loadMaterialImage(mat, img_fileName, type, meshDict, dir):
TEX_ON_FLAG = NMesh.FaceModes['TEX']
texture = Texture.New(type)
# Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here
image = BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(img_fileName, dir)
if image:
texture.image = image
# adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode)
# Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func.
if image and type == 'Kd':
for meshPair in meshDict.itervalues():
for f in meshPair[0].faces:
#print meshPair[0].materials[f.mat].name,
if meshPair[0].materials[f.mat].name ==
# the inline usemat command overides the material Image
if not f.image:
f.mode |= TEX_ON_FLAG
f.image = image
# adds textures for materials (rendering)
elif type == 'Ka':
mat.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.CMIR) # TODO- Add AMB to BPY API
elif type == 'Kd':
mat.setTexture(1, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL)
elif type == 'Ks':
mat.setTexture(2, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.SPEC)
elif type == 'Bump': # New Additions
mat.setTexture(3, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.NOR)
elif type == 'D':
mat.setTexture(4, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.ALPHA)
elif type == 'refl':
mat.setTexture(5, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.REF)
# This function loads materials from .mtl file (have to be defined in obj file) #
def load_mtl(dir, mtl_file, meshDict, materialDict):
# This gets a mat or creates one of the requested name if none exist. #
def getMat(matName, materialDict):
# Make a new mat
return materialDict[matName]
#except NameError or KeyError:
except: # Better do any exception
# Do we realy need to keep the dict up to date?, not realy but keeps consuistant.
materialDict[matName] = Material.New(matName)
return materialDict[matName]
mtl_file = stripPath(mtl_file)
mtl_fileName = dir + mtl_file
fileLines= open(mtl_fileName, 'r').readlines()
except IOError:
print '\tunable to open referenced material file: "%s"' % mtl_fileName
while lIdx < len(fileLines):
l = fileLines[lIdx].split()
# Detect a line that will be ignored
if len(l) == 0 or l[0].startswith('#'):
elif l[0] == 'newmtl':
currentMat = getMat('_'.join(l[1:]), materialDict) # Material should alredy exist.
elif l[0] == 'Ka':
currentMat.setMirCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Kd':
currentMat.setRGBCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Ks':
currentMat.setSpecCol((float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3])))
elif l[0] == 'Ns':
currentMat.setHardness( int((float(l[1])*0.51)) )
elif l[0] == 'Ni': # Refraction index
currentMat.setIOR( max(1, min(float(l[1]), 3))) # Between 1 and 3
elif l[0] == 'd':
elif l[0] == 'Tr':
elif l[0] == 'map_Ka':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Ka', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_Ks':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Ks', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_Kd':
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Kd', meshDict, dir)
# new additions
elif l[0] == 'map_Bump': # Bumpmap
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'Bump', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'map_D': # Alpha map - Dissolve
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'D', meshDict, dir)
elif l[0] == 'refl': # Reflectionmap
img_fileName = ' '.join(l[1:])
loadMaterialImage(currentMat, img_fileName, 'refl', meshDict, dir)
print '\tERROR: Unable to parse MTL file: "%s"' % mtl_file
print '\tUsing MTL: "%s"' % mtl_file
# Returns unique name of object/mesh (preserve overwriting existing meshes) #
def getUniqueName(name):
newName = name[:19] # 19 chars is the longest name.
uniqueInt = 0
while newName in getUniqueName.uniqueNames:
newName = '%s.%.3i' % (name[:15], uniqueInt)
uniqueInt +=1
return newName
getUniqueName.uniqueNames = []
# This loads data from .obj file #
def load_obj(file, IMPORT_MTL=1, IMPORT_EDGES=1, IMPORT_SMOOTH_ALL=0):
print '\nImporting OBJ file: "%s"' % file
time1 = sys.time()
getUniqueName.uniqueNames.extend( [ for ob in Object.Get()] )
getUniqueName.uniqueNames.extend( NMesh.GetNames() )
# Deselect all objects in the scene.
# do this first so we dont have to bother, with objects we import
for ob in Scene.GetCurrent().getChildren():
ob.sel = 0
TEX_OFF_FLAG = ~NMesh.FaceModes['TEX']
# Get the file name with no path or .obj
fileName = stripExt( stripPath(file) )
mtl_fileName = [] # Support multiple mtl files if needed.
DIR = stripFile(file)
tempFile = open(file, 'r')
fileLines = tempFile.readlines()
del tempFile
uvMapList = [] # store tuple uv pairs here
# This dummy vert makes life a whole lot easier-
# pythons index system then aligns with objs, remove later
vertList = [] # Could havea vert but since this is a placeholder theres no Point
# Store all imported images in a dict, names are key
imageDict = {}
# This stores the index that the current mesh has for the current material.
# if the mesh does not have the material then set -1
contextMeshMatIdx = -1
# Keep this out of the dict for easy accsess.
nullMat = Material.New('(null)')
currentMat = nullMat # Use this mat.
currentImg = None # Null image is a string, otherwise this should be set to an image object.\
currentSmooth = True
currentSmooth = False
# Store a list of unnamed names
currentUnnamedGroupIdx = 1
currentUnnamedObjectIdx = 1
quadList = (0, 1, 2, 3)
faceQuadVList = [None, None, None, None]
faceTriVList = [None, None, None]
# Load all verts first (texture verts too) #
print '\tfile length: %d' % len(fileLines)
# Ignore normals and comments.
fileLines = [lsplit for l in fileLines if not l.startswith('vn') if not l.startswith('#') for lsplit in (l.split(),) if lsplit]
Vert = NMesh.Vert
vertList = [Vert(float(l[1]), float(l[2]), float(l[3]) ) for l in fileLines if l[0] == 'v']
uvMapList = [(float(l[1]), float(l[2])) for l in fileLines if l[0] == 'vt']
smoothingGroups = dict([('_'.join(l[1:]), None) for l in fileLines if l[0] == 's' ])
materialDict = dict([('_'.join(l[1:]), None) for l in fileLines if l[0] == 'usemtl']) # Store all imported materials as unique dict, names are key
print '\tvert:%i texverts:%i smoothgroups:%i materials:%s' % (len(vertList), len(uvMapList), len(smoothingGroups), len(materialDict))
# Replace filelines, Excluding v excludes "v ", "vn " and "vt "
# Remove any variables we may have created.
try: del _dummy
except: pass
try: del _x
except: pass
try: del _y
except: pass
try: del _z
except: pass
try: del lsplit
except: pass
del Vert
# With negative values this is used a lot. make faster access.
len_uvMapList = len(uvMapList)
len_vertList = len(vertList)
# Only want unique keys anyway
smoothingGroups['(null)'] = None # Make sure we have at least 1.
smoothingGroups = smoothingGroups.keys()
print '\tfound %d smoothing groups.' % (len(smoothingGroups) -1)
# Add materials to Blender for later is in teh OBJ
for k in materialDict.iterkeys():
materialDict[k] = Material.New(k)
# Make a list of all unused vert indicies that we can copy from
VERT_USED_LIST = [-1]*len_vertList
# Here we store a boolean list of which verts are used or not
# no we know weather to add them to the current mesh
# This is an issue with global vertex indicies being translated to per mesh indicies
# like blenders, we start with a dummy just like the vert.
# -1 means unused, any other value refers to the local mesh index of the vert.
# currentObjectName has a char in front of it that determins weather its a group or object.
# We ignore it when naming the object.
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_obj_0' # If we cant get one, use this
#meshDict = {} # The 3 variables below are stored in a tuple within this dict for each mesh
currentMesh = NMesh.GetRaw() # The NMesh representation of the OBJ group/Object
#currentUsedVertList = {} # A Dict of smooth groups, each smooth group has a list of used verts and they are generated on demand so as to save memory.
currentMaterialMeshMapping = {} # Used to store material indicies so we dont have to search the mesh for materials every time.
# Every mesh has a null smooth group, this is used if there are no smooth groups in the OBJ file.
# and when for faces where no smooth group is used.
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)' # The Name of the current smooth group
# For direct accsess to the Current Meshes, Current Smooth Groups- Used verts.
# This is of course context based and changes on the fly.
# Set the initial '(null)' Smooth group, every mesh has one.
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
currentUsedVertList= {currentSmoothGroup: currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup }
# 0:NMesh, 1:SmoothGroups[UsedVerts[0,0,0,0]], 2:materialMapping['matname':matIndexForThisNMesh]
meshDict = {currentObjectName: (currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping) }
# Only show the bad uv error once
badObjUvs = 0
badObjFaceVerts = 0
badObjFaceTexCo = 0
#currentMesh.verts.append(vertList[0]) # So we can sync with OBJ indicies where 1 is the first item.
if len_uvMapList > 1:
currentMesh.hasFaceUV(1) # Turn UV's on if we have ANY texture coords in this obj file.
# Load all faces into objects, main loop #
lIdx = 0
while lIdx < len(fileLines):
l = fileLines[lIdx]
#for l in fileLines:
if len(l) == 0:
elif l[0] == 'f':
# Make a face with the correct material.
# Add material to mesh
if contextMeshMatIdx == -1:
tmpMatLs = currentMesh.materials
if len(tmpMatLs) == 16:
contextMeshMatIdx = 0 # Use first material
print 'material overflow, attempting to use > 16 materials. defaulting to first.'
contextMeshMatIdx = len(tmpMatLs)
currentMaterialMeshMapping[] = contextMeshMatIdx
# Set up vIdxLs : Verts
# Set up vtIdxLs : UV
# Start with a dummy objects so python accepts OBJs 1 is the first index.
vIdxLs = []
vtIdxLs = []
fHasUV = len_uvMapList # Assume the face has a UV until it sho it dosent, if there are no UV coords then this will start as 0.
# Support stupid multiline faces
# not an obj spec but some objs exist that do this.
# f 1 2 3 \
# 4 5 6 \
# ..... instead of the more common and sane.
# f 1 2 3 4 5 6
# later lines are not modified, just skepped by advancing "lIdx"
while l[-1] == '\\':
# Done supporting crappy obj faces over multiple lines.
for v in l:
if v is not 'f': # Only the first v will be f, any better ways to skip it?
# OBJ files can have // or / to seperate vert/texVert/normal
# this is a bit of a pain but we must deal with it.
objVert = v.split('/')
# Vert Index - OBJ supports negative index assignment (like python)
index = int(objVert[0])-1
# Account for negative indicies.
if index < 0:
index = len_vertList+index+1
if fHasUV:
# UV
index = 0 # Dummy var
if len(objVert) == 1:
index = vIdxLs[-1]
elif objVert[1]: # != '' # Its possible that theres no texture vert just he vert and normal eg 1//2
index = int(objVert[1])-1
if index < 0:
index = len_uvMapList+index+1
if len_uvMapList > index:
vtIdxLs.append(index) # Seperate UV coords
# BAD FILE, I have found this so I account for it.
# Could ignore this- only happens with 1 in 1000 files.
badObjFaceTexCo +=1
fHasUV = 0
# Dont add a UV to the face if its larger then the UV coord list
# The OBJ file would have to be corrupt or badly written for thi to happen
# but account for it anyway.
if len(vtIdxLs) > 0:
if vtIdxLs[-1] > len_uvMapList:
fHasUV = 0
badObjUvs +=1 # ERROR, Cont
# Quads only, we could import quads using the method below but it polite to import a quad as a quad.
#print lIdx, len(vIdxLs), len(currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup)
#print fileLines[lIdx]
if len(vIdxLs) == 2:
# Edge
for i in (0,1):
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] == -1:
faceQuadVList[i] = vertList[vIdxLs[i]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceQuadVList[i] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]]]
currentMesh.addEdge(faceQuadVList[0], faceQuadVList[1])
elif len(vIdxLs) == 4:
# Have found some files where wach face references the same vert
# - This causes a bug and stopts the import so lets check here
if vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[1] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[2] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[3] or\
vIdxLs[1] == vIdxLs[2] or\
vIdxLs[1] == vIdxLs[3] or\
vIdxLs[2] == vIdxLs[3]:
for i in quadList: # quadList == [0,1,2,3]
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] == -1:
faceQuadVList[i] = vertList[vIdxLs[i]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceQuadVList[i] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[i]]]
f = NMesh.Face(faceQuadVList)
if fHasUV:
f.uv = [uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[0] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[1] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[2] ],uvMapList[ vtIdxLs[3] ]]
if currentImg:
f.image = currentImg
f.mode &= TEX_OFF_FLAG
f.mat = contextMeshMatIdx
f.smooth = currentSmooth
currentMesh.faces.append(f) # move the face onto the mesh
elif len(vIdxLs) >= 3: # This handles tri's and fans
for i in range(len(vIdxLs)-2):
if vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[i+1] or\
vIdxLs[0] == vIdxLs[i+2] or\
vIdxLs[i+1] == vIdxLs[i+2]:
for k, j in [(0,0), (1,i+1), (2,i+2)]:
if currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]] == -1:
faceTriVList[k] = vertList[vIdxLs[j]]
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]] = len(currentMesh.verts)-1
faceTriVList[k] = currentMesh.verts[currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup[vIdxLs[j]]]
f = NMesh.Face(faceTriVList)
if fHasUV:
f.uv = [uvMapList[vtIdxLs[0]], uvMapList[vtIdxLs[i+1]], uvMapList[vtIdxLs[i+2]]]
if currentImg:
f.image = currentImg
f.mode &= TEX_OFF_FLAG
f.mat = contextMeshMatIdx
f.smooth = currentSmooth
currentMesh.faces.append(f) # move the face onto the mesh
elif l[0] == 's':
# No value? then turn on.
if len(l) == 1:
currentSmooth = True
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
if l[1] == 'off': # We all have a null group so dont need to try, will try anyway to avoid code duplication.
currentSmooth = False
currentSmoothGroup = '(null)'
currentSmooth = True
currentSmoothGroup = '_'.join(l[1:])
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup]
except KeyError:
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
elif l[0] == 'o' or l[0] == 'g':
# Forget about the current image
currentImg = None
# This makes sure that if an object and a group have the same name then
# they are not put into the same object.
# Only make a new group.object name if the verts in the existing object have been used, this is obscure
# but some files face groups seperating verts and faces which results in silly things. (no groups have names.)
if len(l) > 1:
currentObjectName = '_'.join(l[1:])
else: # No name given
# Make a new empty name
if l[0] == 'g': # Make a blank group name
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_grp_%.4d' % currentUnnamedGroupIdx
currentUnnamedGroupIdx +=1
else: # is an object.
currentObjectName = 'unnamed_ob_%.4d' % currentUnnamedObjectIdx
currentUnnamedObjectIdx +=1
# If we havnt written to this mesh before then do so.
# if we have then we'll just keep appending to it, this is required for soem files.
# If we are new, or we are not yet in the list of added meshes
# then make us new mesh.
if len(l) == 1 or (not meshDict.has_key(currentObjectName)):
currentMesh = NMesh.GetRaw()
currentUsedVertList = {}
# Sg is a string
########currentSmoothGroup = '(null)' # From examplesm changing the g/o shouldent change the smooth group.
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
currentMaterialMeshMapping = {}
meshDict[currentObjectName] = (currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping)
contextMeshMatIdx = -1
# Since we have this in Blender then we will check if the current Mesh has the material.
# set the contextMeshMatIdx to the meshs index but only if we have it.
currentMesh, currentUsedVertList, currentMaterialMeshMapping = meshDict[currentObjectName]
#getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
contextMeshMatIdx = currentMaterialMeshMapping[] #getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
except KeyError:
contextMeshMatIdx -1
# For new meshes switch smoothing groups to null
########currentSmoothGroup = '(null)' # From examplesm changing the g/o shouldent change the smooth group.
currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup]
currentUsedVertList[currentSmoothGroup] = currentUsedVertListSmoothGroup = VERT_USED_LIST[:]
elif l[0] == 'usemtl':
if len(l) == 1 or l[1] == '(null)':
currentMat = nullMat # We know we have a null mat.
currentMat = materialDict['_'.join(l[1:])]
contextMeshMatIdx = currentMaterialMeshMapping[]
except KeyError:
contextMeshMatIdx = -1 #getMeshMaterialIndex(currentMesh, currentMat)
elif l[0] == 'usemat' or l[0] == 'usemap':
if len(l) == 1 or l[1] == '(null)' or l[1] == 'off':
currentImg = None
# Load an image.
newImgName = stripPath(' '.join(l[1:])) # Use space since its a file name.
# Assume its alredy set in the dict (may or maynot be loaded)
currentImg = imageDict[newImgName]
except KeyError: # Not in dict, add for first time.
# Image has not been added, Try and load the image
currentImg = BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(newImgName, DIR) # Use join in case of spaces
imageDict[newImgName] = currentImg
# These may be None, thats okay.
elif l[0] == 'mtllib':
mtl_fileName.append(' '.join(l[1:]) ) # SHOULD SUPPORT MULTIPLE MTL?
# Applies material properties to materials alredy on the mesh as well as Textures.
for mtl in mtl_fileName:
load_mtl(DIR, mtl, meshDict, materialDict)
importedObjects = []
for mk, me in meshDict.iteritems():
nme = me[0]
# Ignore no vert meshes.
if not nme.verts: # == []
name = getUniqueName(mk)
ob = NMesh.PutRaw(nme, name) = name
# Select all imported objects.
for ob in importedObjects:
ob.sel = 1
if badObjUvs > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces with badly formatted UV coords. everything else went okay.' % badObjUvs
if badObjFaceVerts > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces reusing the same vertex. everything else went okay.' % badObjFaceVerts
if badObjFaceTexCo > 0:
print '\tERROR: found %d faces with invalit texture coords. everything else went okay.' % badObjFaceTexCo
print "obj import time: ", sys.time() - time1
def load_obj_ui(file):
IMPORT_MTL = Draw.Create(1)
IMPORT_DIR = Draw.Create(0)
IMPORT_NEW_SCENE = Draw.Create(0)
IMPORT_EDGES = Draw.Create(1)
IMPORT_SMOOTH_ALL = Draw.Create(0)
# Get USER Options
pup_block = [\
('Material (*.mtl)', IMPORT_MTL, 'Imports material settings and images from the obj\'s .mtl file'),\
('All *.obj\'s in dir', IMPORT_DIR, 'Import all obj files in this dir (avoid overlapping data with "Create scene")'),\
('Create scene', IMPORT_NEW_SCENE, 'Imports each obj into its own scene, named from the file'),\
('Edges', IMPORT_EDGES, 'Import faces with 2 verts as in edge'),\
('Smooths all faces', IMPORT_SMOOTH_ALL, 'Smooth all faces even if they are not in a smoothing group'),\
if not os:
pup_block.pop(1) # Make sure this is the IMPORT_DIR option that requires OS
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import...', pup_block):
Window.DrawProgressBar(0, '')
time = sys.time()
#orig_scene = Scene.GetCurrent()
obj_dir = stripFile(file)
obj_files = [(obj_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(obj_dir) if f.lower().endswith('obj')]
obj_files = [(obj_dir,stripPath(file))]
obj_len = len(obj_files)
count = 0
for d, f in obj_files:
count+= 1
if not sys.exists(d+f):
print 'Error: "%s%s" does not exist' % (d,f)
scn = Scene.New('.'.join(f.split('.')[0:-1]))
Window.DrawProgressBar((float(count)/obj_len) - 0.01, '%s: %i of %i' % (f, count, obj_len))
#orig_scene.makeCurrent() # We can leave them in there new scene.
Window.DrawProgressBar(1, '')
if count > 1:
print 'Total obj import "%s" dir: %.2f' % (obj_dir, sys.time() - time)
def main():
Window.FileSelector(load_obj_ui, 'Import a Wavefront OBJ')
if __name__ == '__main__':