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BGE: DeckLink card support for video capture and streaming. You can capture and stream video in the BGE using the DeckLink video cards from Black Magic Design. You need a card and Desktop Video software version 10.4 or above to use these features in the BGE. Many thanks to Nuno Estanquiero who tested the patch extensively on a variety of Decklink products, it wouldn't have been possible without his help. You can find a brief summary of the decklink features here: The full API details and samples are in the Python API documentation. bge.texture.VideoDeckLink(format, capture=0): Use this object to capture a video stream. the format argument describes the video and pixel formats and the capture argument the card number. This object can be used as a source for bge.texture.Texture so that the frame is sent to the GPU, or by itself using the new refresh method to get the video frame in a buffer. The frames are usually not in RGB but in YUV format (8bit or 10bit); they require a shader to extract the RGB components in the GPU. Details and sample shaders in the documentation. 3D video capture is supported: the frames are double height with left and right eyes in top-bottom order. The 'eye' uniform (see setUniformEyef) can be used to sample the 3D frame when the BGE is also in stereo mode. This allows to composite a 3D video stream with a 3D scene and render it in stereo. In Windows, and if you have a nVidia Quadro GPU, you can benefit of an additional performance boost by using 'GPUDirect': a method to send a video frame to the GPU without going through the OGL driver. The 'pinned memory' OGL extension is also supported (only on high-end AMD GPU) with the same effect. bge.texture.DeckLink(cardIdx=0, format=""): Use this object to send video frame to a DeckLink card. Only the immediate mode is supported, the scheduled mode is not implemented. This object is similar to bge.texture.Texture: you need to attach a image source and call refresh() to compute and send the frame to the card. This object is best suited for video keying: a video stream (not captured) flows through the card and the frame you send to the card are displayed above it (the card does the compositing automatically based on the alpha channel). At the time of this commit, 3D video keying is supported in the BGE but not in the DeckLink card due to a color space issue.
2016-06-10 08:09:26 +00:00
** Copyright (c) 2014 Blackmagic Design
** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
** obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
** this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
** execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
** Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
** do so, all subject to the following:
** The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
** the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
** must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
** all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
** works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
** a source language processor.
#ifndef BMD_CONST
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define BMD_CONST __declspec(selectany) static const
#define BMD_CONST static const
/* DeckLink API */
#include <stdint.h>
#include "LinuxCOM.h"
#include "DeckLinkAPITypes.h"
#include "DeckLinkAPIModes.h"
#include "DeckLinkAPIDiscovery.h"
#include "DeckLinkAPIConfiguration.h"
#include "DeckLinkAPIDeckControl.h"
// Type Declarations
// Interface ID Declarations
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback = /* 20AA5225-1958-47CB-820B-80A8D521A6EE */ {0x20,0xAA,0x52,0x25,0x19,0x58,0x47,0xCB,0x82,0x0B,0x80,0xA8,0xD5,0x21,0xA6,0xEE};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkInputCallback = /* DD04E5EC-7415-42AB-AE4A-E80C4DFC044A */ {0xDD,0x04,0xE5,0xEC,0x74,0x15,0x42,0xAB,0xAE,0x4A,0xE8,0x0C,0x4D,0xFC,0x04,0x4A};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator = /* B36EB6E7-9D29-4AA8-92EF-843B87A289E8 */ {0xB3,0x6E,0xB6,0xE7,0x9D,0x29,0x4A,0xA8,0x92,0xEF,0x84,0x3B,0x87,0xA2,0x89,0xE8};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback = /* 403C681B-7F46-4A12-B993-2BB127084EE6 */ {0x40,0x3C,0x68,0x1B,0x7F,0x46,0x4A,0x12,0xB9,0x93,0x2B,0xB1,0x27,0x08,0x4E,0xE6};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkIterator = /* 50FB36CD-3063-4B73-BDBB-958087F2D8BA */ {0x50,0xFB,0x36,0xCD,0x30,0x63,0x4B,0x73,0xBD,0xBB,0x95,0x80,0x87,0xF2,0xD8,0xBA};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkAPIInformation = /* 7BEA3C68-730D-4322-AF34-8A7152B532A4 */ {0x7B,0xEA,0x3C,0x68,0x73,0x0D,0x43,0x22,0xAF,0x34,0x8A,0x71,0x52,0xB5,0x32,0xA4};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkOutput = /* CC5C8A6E-3F2F-4B3A-87EA-FD78AF300564 */ {0xCC,0x5C,0x8A,0x6E,0x3F,0x2F,0x4B,0x3A,0x87,0xEA,0xFD,0x78,0xAF,0x30,0x05,0x64};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkInput = /* AF22762B-DFAC-4846-AA79-FA8883560995 */ {0xAF,0x22,0x76,0x2B,0xDF,0xAC,0x48,0x46,0xAA,0x79,0xFA,0x88,0x83,0x56,0x09,0x95};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoFrame = /* 3F716FE0-F023-4111-BE5D-EF4414C05B17 */ {0x3F,0x71,0x6F,0xE0,0xF0,0x23,0x41,0x11,0xBE,0x5D,0xEF,0x44,0x14,0xC0,0x5B,0x17};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame = /* 69E2639F-40DA-4E19-B6F2-20ACE815C390 */ {0x69,0xE2,0x63,0x9F,0x40,0xDA,0x4E,0x19,0xB6,0xF2,0x20,0xAC,0xE8,0x15,0xC3,0x90};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions = /* DA0F7E4A-EDC7-48A8-9CDD-2DB51C729CD7 */ {0xDA,0x0F,0x7E,0x4A,0xED,0xC7,0x48,0xA8,0x9C,0xDD,0x2D,0xB5,0x1C,0x72,0x9C,0xD7};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame = /* 05CFE374-537C-4094-9A57-680525118F44 */ {0x05,0xCF,0xE3,0x74,0x53,0x7C,0x40,0x94,0x9A,0x57,0x68,0x05,0x25,0x11,0x8F,0x44};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary = /* 732E723C-D1A4-4E29-9E8E-4A88797A0004 */ {0x73,0x2E,0x72,0x3C,0xD1,0xA4,0x4E,0x29,0x9E,0x8E,0x4A,0x88,0x79,0x7A,0x00,0x04};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket = /* E43D5870-2894-11DE-8C30-0800200C9A66 */ {0xE4,0x3D,0x58,0x70,0x28,0x94,0x11,0xDE,0x8C,0x30,0x08,0x00,0x20,0x0C,0x9A,0x66};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback = /* B1D3F49A-85FE-4C5D-95C8-0B5D5DCCD438 */ {0xB1,0xD3,0xF4,0x9A,0x85,0xFE,0x4C,0x5D,0x95,0xC8,0x0B,0x5D,0x5D,0xCC,0xD4,0x38};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper = /* 504E2209-CAC7-4C1A-9FB4-C5BB6274D22F */ {0x50,0x4E,0x22,0x09,0xCA,0xC7,0x4C,0x1A,0x9F,0xB4,0xC5,0xBB,0x62,0x74,0xD2,0x2F};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkNotificationCallback = /* B002A1EC-070D-4288-8289-BD5D36E5FF0D */ {0xB0,0x02,0xA1,0xEC,0x07,0x0D,0x42,0x88,0x82,0x89,0xBD,0x5D,0x36,0xE5,0xFF,0x0D};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkNotification = /* 0A1FB207-E215-441B-9B19-6FA1575946C5 */ {0x0A,0x1F,0xB2,0x07,0xE2,0x15,0x44,0x1B,0x9B,0x19,0x6F,0xA1,0x57,0x59,0x46,0xC5};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkAttributes = /* ABC11843-D966-44CB-96E2-A1CB5D3135C4 */ {0xAB,0xC1,0x18,0x43,0xD9,0x66,0x44,0xCB,0x96,0xE2,0xA1,0xCB,0x5D,0x31,0x35,0xC4};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkKeyer = /* 89AFCAF5-65F8-421E-98F7-96FE5F5BFBA3 */ {0x89,0xAF,0xCA,0xF5,0x65,0xF8,0x42,0x1E,0x98,0xF7,0x96,0xFE,0x5F,0x5B,0xFB,0xA3};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkVideoConversion = /* 3BBCB8A2-DA2C-42D9-B5D8-88083644E99A */ {0x3B,0xBC,0xB8,0xA2,0xDA,0x2C,0x42,0xD9,0xB5,0xD8,0x88,0x08,0x36,0x44,0xE9,0x9A};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback = /* 4997053B-0ADF-4CC8-AC70-7A50C4BE728F */ {0x49,0x97,0x05,0x3B,0x0A,0xDF,0x4C,0xC8,0xAC,0x70,0x7A,0x50,0xC4,0xBE,0x72,0x8F};
BMD_CONST REFIID IID_IDeckLinkDiscovery = /* CDBF631C-BC76-45FA-B44D-C55059BC6101 */ {0xCD,0xBF,0x63,0x1C,0xBC,0x76,0x45,0xFA,0xB4,0x4D,0xC5,0x50,0x59,0xBC,0x61,0x01};
/* Enum BMDVideoOutputFlags - Flags to control the output of ancillary data along with video. */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoOutputFlags;
enum _BMDVideoOutputFlags {
bmdVideoOutputFlagDefault = 0,
bmdVideoOutputVANC = 1 << 0,
bmdVideoOutputVITC = 1 << 1,
bmdVideoOutputRP188 = 1 << 2,
bmdVideoOutputDualStream3D = 1 << 4
/* Enum BMDFrameFlags - Frame flags */
typedef uint32_t BMDFrameFlags;
enum _BMDFrameFlags {
bmdFrameFlagDefault = 0,
bmdFrameFlagFlipVertical = 1 << 0,
/* Flags that are applicable only to instances of IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame */
bmdFrameHasNoInputSource = 1 << 31
/* Enum BMDVideoInputFlags - Flags applicable to video input */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoInputFlags;
enum _BMDVideoInputFlags {
bmdVideoInputFlagDefault = 0,
bmdVideoInputEnableFormatDetection = 1 << 0,
bmdVideoInputDualStream3D = 1 << 1
/* Enum BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents - Bitmask passed to the VideoInputFormatChanged notification to identify the properties of the input signal that have changed */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents;
enum _BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents {
bmdVideoInputDisplayModeChanged = 1 << 0,
bmdVideoInputFieldDominanceChanged = 1 << 1,
bmdVideoInputColorspaceChanged = 1 << 2
/* Enum BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags - Flags passed to the VideoInputFormatChanged notification to describe the detected video input signal */
typedef uint32_t BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags;
enum _BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags {
bmdDetectedVideoInputYCbCr422 = 1 << 0,
bmdDetectedVideoInputRGB444 = 1 << 1,
bmdDetectedVideoInputDualStream3D = 1 << 2
/* Enum BMDDeckLinkCapturePassthroughMode - Enumerates whether the video output is electrically connected to the video input or if the clean switching mode is enabled */
typedef uint32_t BMDDeckLinkCapturePassthroughMode;
enum _BMDDeckLinkCapturePassthroughMode {
bmdDeckLinkCapturePassthroughModeDirect = /* 'pdir' */ 0x70646972,
bmdDeckLinkCapturePassthroughModeCleanSwitch = /* 'pcln' */ 0x70636C6E
/* Enum BMDOutputFrameCompletionResult - Frame Completion Callback */
typedef uint32_t BMDOutputFrameCompletionResult;
enum _BMDOutputFrameCompletionResult {
/* Enum BMDReferenceStatus - GenLock input status */
typedef uint32_t BMDReferenceStatus;
enum _BMDReferenceStatus {
bmdReferenceNotSupportedByHardware = 1 << 0,
bmdReferenceLocked = 1 << 1
/* Enum BMDAudioSampleRate - Audio sample rates supported for output/input */
typedef uint32_t BMDAudioSampleRate;
enum _BMDAudioSampleRate {
bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz = 48000
/* Enum BMDAudioSampleType - Audio sample sizes supported for output/input */
typedef uint32_t BMDAudioSampleType;
enum _BMDAudioSampleType {
bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger = 16,
bmdAudioSampleType32bitInteger = 32
/* Enum BMDAudioOutputStreamType - Audio output stream type */
typedef uint32_t BMDAudioOutputStreamType;
enum _BMDAudioOutputStreamType {
/* Enum BMDDisplayModeSupport - Output mode supported flags */
typedef uint32_t BMDDisplayModeSupport;
enum _BMDDisplayModeSupport {
bmdDisplayModeNotSupported = 0,
/* Enum BMDTimecodeFormat - Timecode formats for frame metadata */
typedef uint32_t BMDTimecodeFormat;
enum _BMDTimecodeFormat {
bmdTimecodeRP188VITC1 = /* 'rpv1' */ 0x72707631, // RP188 timecode where DBB1 equals VITC1 (line 9)
bmdTimecodeRP188VITC2 = /* 'rp12' */ 0x72703132, // RP188 timecode where DBB1 equals VITC2 (line 9 for progressive or line 571 for interlaced/PsF)
bmdTimecodeRP188LTC = /* 'rplt' */ 0x72706C74, // RP188 timecode where DBB1 equals LTC (line 10)
bmdTimecodeRP188Any = /* 'rp18' */ 0x72703138, // For capture: return the first valid timecode in {VITC1, LTC ,VITC2} - For playback: set the timecode as VITC1
bmdTimecodeVITC = /* 'vitc' */ 0x76697463,
bmdTimecodeVITCField2 = /* 'vit2' */ 0x76697432,
bmdTimecodeSerial = /* 'seri' */ 0x73657269
/* Enum BMDAnalogVideoFlags - Analog video display flags */
typedef uint32_t BMDAnalogVideoFlags;
enum _BMDAnalogVideoFlags {
bmdAnalogVideoFlagCompositeSetup75 = 1 << 0,
bmdAnalogVideoFlagComponentBetacamLevels = 1 << 1
/* Enum BMDAudioOutputAnalogAESSwitch - Audio output Analog/AESEBU switch */
typedef uint32_t BMDAudioOutputAnalogAESSwitch;
enum _BMDAudioOutputAnalogAESSwitch {
bmdAudioOutputSwitchAESEBU = /* 'aes ' */ 0x61657320,
bmdAudioOutputSwitchAnalog = /* 'anlg' */ 0x616E6C67
/* Enum BMDVideoOutputConversionMode - Video/audio conversion mode */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoOutputConversionMode;
enum _BMDVideoOutputConversionMode {
bmdNoVideoOutputConversion = /* 'none' */ 0x6E6F6E65,
bmdVideoOutputLetterboxDownconversion = /* 'ltbx' */ 0x6C746278,
bmdVideoOutputAnamorphicDownconversion = /* 'amph' */ 0x616D7068,
bmdVideoOutputHD720toHD1080Conversion = /* '720c' */ 0x37323063,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareLetterboxDownconversion = /* 'HWlb' */ 0x48576C62,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareAnamorphicDownconversion = /* 'HWam' */ 0x4857616D,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareCenterCutDownconversion = /* 'HWcc' */ 0x48576363,
bmdVideoOutputHardware720p1080pCrossconversion = /* 'xcap' */ 0x78636170,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareAnamorphic720pUpconversion = /* 'ua7p' */ 0x75613770,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareAnamorphic1080iUpconversion = /* 'ua1i' */ 0x75613169,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareAnamorphic149To720pUpconversion = /* 'u47p' */ 0x75343770,
bmdVideoOutputHardwareAnamorphic149To1080iUpconversion = /* 'u41i' */ 0x75343169,
bmdVideoOutputHardwarePillarbox720pUpconversion = /* 'up7p' */ 0x75703770,
bmdVideoOutputHardwarePillarbox1080iUpconversion = /* 'up1i' */ 0x75703169
/* Enum BMDVideoInputConversionMode - Video input conversion mode */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoInputConversionMode;
enum _BMDVideoInputConversionMode {
bmdNoVideoInputConversion = /* 'none' */ 0x6E6F6E65,
bmdVideoInputLetterboxDownconversionFromHD1080 = /* '10lb' */ 0x31306C62,
bmdVideoInputAnamorphicDownconversionFromHD1080 = /* '10am' */ 0x3130616D,
bmdVideoInputLetterboxDownconversionFromHD720 = /* '72lb' */ 0x37326C62,
bmdVideoInputAnamorphicDownconversionFromHD720 = /* '72am' */ 0x3732616D,
bmdVideoInputLetterboxUpconversion = /* 'lbup' */ 0x6C627570,
bmdVideoInputAnamorphicUpconversion = /* 'amup' */ 0x616D7570
/* Enum BMDVideo3DPackingFormat - Video 3D packing format */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideo3DPackingFormat;
enum _BMDVideo3DPackingFormat {
bmdVideo3DPackingSidebySideHalf = /* 'sbsh' */ 0x73627368,
bmdVideo3DPackingLinebyLine = /* 'lbyl' */ 0x6C62796C,
bmdVideo3DPackingTopAndBottom = /* 'tabo' */ 0x7461626F,
bmdVideo3DPackingFramePacking = /* 'frpk' */ 0x6672706B,
bmdVideo3DPackingLeftOnly = /* 'left' */ 0x6C656674,
bmdVideo3DPackingRightOnly = /* 'righ' */ 0x72696768
/* Enum BMDIdleVideoOutputOperation - Video output operation when not playing video */
typedef uint32_t BMDIdleVideoOutputOperation;
enum _BMDIdleVideoOutputOperation {
bmdIdleVideoOutputBlack = /* 'blac' */ 0x626C6163,
bmdIdleVideoOutputLastFrame = /* 'lafa' */ 0x6C616661,
bmdIdleVideoOutputDesktop = /* 'desk' */ 0x6465736B
/* Enum BMDDeckLinkAttributeID - DeckLink Attribute ID */
typedef uint32_t BMDDeckLinkAttributeID;
enum _BMDDeckLinkAttributeID {
/* Flags */
BMDDeckLinkSupportsInternalKeying = /* 'keyi' */ 0x6B657969,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsExternalKeying = /* 'keye' */ 0x6B657965,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsHDKeying = /* 'keyh' */ 0x6B657968,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsInputFormatDetection = /* 'infd' */ 0x696E6664,
BMDDeckLinkHasReferenceInput = /* 'hrin' */ 0x6872696E,
BMDDeckLinkHasSerialPort = /* 'hspt' */ 0x68737074,
BMDDeckLinkHasAnalogVideoOutputGain = /* 'avog' */ 0x61766F67,
BMDDeckLinkCanOnlyAdjustOverallVideoOutputGain = /* 'ovog' */ 0x6F766F67,
BMDDeckLinkHasVideoInputAntiAliasingFilter = /* 'aafl' */ 0x6161666C,
BMDDeckLinkHasBypass = /* 'byps' */ 0x62797073,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsDesktopDisplay = /* 'extd' */ 0x65787464,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsClockTimingAdjustment = /* 'ctad' */ 0x63746164,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsFullDuplex = /* 'fdup' */ 0x66647570,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsFullFrameReferenceInputTimingOffset = /* 'frin' */ 0x6672696E,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsSMPTELevelAOutput = /* 'lvla' */ 0x6C766C61,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsDualLinkSDI = /* 'sdls' */ 0x73646C73,
BMDDeckLinkSupportsIdleOutput = /* 'idou' */ 0x69646F75,
/* Integers */
BMDDeckLinkMaximumAudioChannels = /* 'mach' */ 0x6D616368,
BMDDeckLinkMaximumAnalogAudioChannels = /* 'aach' */ 0x61616368,
BMDDeckLinkNumberOfSubDevices = /* 'nsbd' */ 0x6E736264,
BMDDeckLinkSubDeviceIndex = /* 'subi' */ 0x73756269,
BMDDeckLinkPersistentID = /* 'peid' */ 0x70656964,
BMDDeckLinkTopologicalID = /* 'toid' */ 0x746F6964,
BMDDeckLinkVideoOutputConnections = /* 'vocn' */ 0x766F636E,
BMDDeckLinkVideoInputConnections = /* 'vicn' */ 0x7669636E,
BMDDeckLinkAudioOutputConnections = /* 'aocn' */ 0x616F636E,
BMDDeckLinkAudioInputConnections = /* 'aicn' */ 0x6169636E,
BMDDeckLinkDeviceBusyState = /* 'dbst' */ 0x64627374,
BMDDeckLinkVideoIOSupport = /* 'vios' */ 0x76696F73, // Returns a BMDVideoIOSupport bit field
/* Floats */
BMDDeckLinkVideoInputGainMinimum = /* 'vigm' */ 0x7669676D,
BMDDeckLinkVideoInputGainMaximum = /* 'vigx' */ 0x76696778,
BMDDeckLinkVideoOutputGainMinimum = /* 'vogm' */ 0x766F676D,
BMDDeckLinkVideoOutputGainMaximum = /* 'vogx' */ 0x766F6778,
/* Strings */
BMDDeckLinkSerialPortDeviceName = /* 'slpn' */ 0x736C706E
/* Enum BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID - DeckLinkAPI information ID */
typedef uint32_t BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID;
enum _BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID {
BMDDeckLinkAPIVersion = /* 'vers' */ 0x76657273
/* Enum BMDDeviceBusyState - Current device busy state */
typedef uint32_t BMDDeviceBusyState;
enum _BMDDeviceBusyState {
bmdDeviceCaptureBusy = 1 << 0,
bmdDevicePlaybackBusy = 1 << 1,
bmdDeviceSerialPortBusy = 1 << 2
/* Enum BMDVideoIOSupport - Device video input/output support */
typedef uint32_t BMDVideoIOSupport;
enum _BMDVideoIOSupport {
bmdDeviceSupportsCapture = 1 << 0,
bmdDeviceSupportsPlayback = 1 << 1
/* Enum BMD3DPreviewFormat - Linked Frame preview format */
typedef uint32_t BMD3DPreviewFormat;
enum _BMD3DPreviewFormat {
bmd3DPreviewFormatDefault = /* 'defa' */ 0x64656661,
bmd3DPreviewFormatLeftOnly = /* 'left' */ 0x6C656674,
bmd3DPreviewFormatRightOnly = /* 'righ' */ 0x72696768,
bmd3DPreviewFormatSideBySide = /* 'side' */ 0x73696465,
bmd3DPreviewFormatTopBottom = /* 'topb' */ 0x746F7062
/* Enum BMDNotifications - Events that can be subscribed through IDeckLinkNotification */
typedef uint32_t BMDNotifications;
enum _BMDNotifications {
bmdPreferencesChanged = /* 'pref' */ 0x70726566
#if defined(__cplusplus)
// Forward Declarations
class IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback;
class IDeckLinkInputCallback;
class IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator;
class IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback;
class IDeckLinkIterator;
class IDeckLinkAPIInformation;
class IDeckLinkOutput;
class IDeckLinkInput;
class IDeckLinkVideoFrame;
class IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame;
class IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions;
class IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame;
class IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary;
class IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket;
class IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback;
class IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper;
class IDeckLinkNotificationCallback;
class IDeckLinkNotification;
class IDeckLinkAttributes;
class IDeckLinkKeyer;
class IDeckLinkVideoConversion;
class IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback;
class IDeckLinkDiscovery;
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback - Frame completion callback. */
class IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT ScheduledFrameCompleted (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *completedFrame, /* in */ BMDOutputFrameCompletionResult result) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ScheduledPlaybackHasStopped (void) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkInputCallback - Frame arrival callback. */
class IDeckLinkInputCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT VideoInputFormatChanged (/* in */ BMDVideoInputFormatChangedEvents notificationEvents, /* in */ IDeckLinkDisplayMode *newDisplayMode, /* in */ BMDDetectedVideoInputFormatFlags detectedSignalFlags) = 0;
virtual HRESULT VideoInputFrameArrived (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame* videoFrame, /* in */ IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket* audioPacket) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkInputCallback () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator - Memory allocator for video frames. */
class IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT AllocateBuffer (/* in */ uint32_t bufferSize, /* out */ void **allocatedBuffer) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ReleaseBuffer (/* in */ void *buffer) = 0;
virtual HRESULT Commit (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT Decommit (void) = 0;
/* Interface IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback - Optional callback to allow audio samples to be pulled as required. */
class IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT RenderAudioSamples (/* in */ bool preroll) = 0;
/* Interface IDeckLinkIterator - enumerates installed DeckLink hardware */
class IDeckLinkIterator : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT Next (/* out */ IDeckLink **deckLinkInstance) = 0;
/* Interface IDeckLinkAPIInformation - DeckLinkAPI attribute interface */
class IDeckLinkAPIInformation : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT GetFlag (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID cfgID, /* out */ bool *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetInt (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID cfgID, /* out */ int64_t *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetFloat (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID cfgID, /* out */ double *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetString (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAPIInformationID cfgID, /* out */ const char **value) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkAPIInformation () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkOutput - Created by QueryInterface from IDeckLink. */
class IDeckLinkOutput : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT DoesSupportVideoMode (/* in */ BMDDisplayMode displayMode, /* in */ BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat, /* in */ BMDVideoOutputFlags flags, /* out */ BMDDisplayModeSupport *result, /* out */ IDeckLinkDisplayMode **resultDisplayMode) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetDisplayModeIterator (/* out */ IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator **iterator) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetScreenPreviewCallback (/* in */ IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback *previewCallback) = 0;
/* Video Output */
virtual HRESULT EnableVideoOutput (/* in */ BMDDisplayMode displayMode, /* in */ BMDVideoOutputFlags flags) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DisableVideoOutput (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetVideoOutputFrameMemoryAllocator (/* in */ IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator *theAllocator) = 0;
virtual HRESULT CreateVideoFrame (/* in */ int32_t width, /* in */ int32_t height, /* in */ int32_t rowBytes, /* in */ BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat, /* in */ BMDFrameFlags flags, /* out */ IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame **outFrame) = 0;
virtual HRESULT CreateAncillaryData (/* in */ BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat, /* out */ IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary **outBuffer) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DisplayVideoFrameSync (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *theFrame) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ScheduleVideoFrame (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *theFrame, /* in */ BMDTimeValue displayTime, /* in */ BMDTimeValue displayDuration, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetScheduledFrameCompletionCallback (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoOutputCallback *theCallback) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetBufferedVideoFrameCount (/* out */ uint32_t *bufferedFrameCount) = 0;
/* Audio Output */
virtual HRESULT EnableAudioOutput (/* in */ BMDAudioSampleRate sampleRate, /* in */ BMDAudioSampleType sampleType, /* in */ uint32_t channelCount, /* in */ BMDAudioOutputStreamType streamType) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DisableAudioOutput (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT WriteAudioSamplesSync (/* in */ void *buffer, /* in */ uint32_t sampleFrameCount, /* out */ uint32_t *sampleFramesWritten) = 0;
virtual HRESULT BeginAudioPreroll (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT EndAudioPreroll (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ScheduleAudioSamples (/* in */ void *buffer, /* in */ uint32_t sampleFrameCount, /* in */ BMDTimeValue streamTime, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale, /* out */ uint32_t *sampleFramesWritten) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetBufferedAudioSampleFrameCount (/* out */ uint32_t *bufferedSampleFrameCount) = 0;
virtual HRESULT FlushBufferedAudioSamples (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetAudioCallback (/* in */ IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback *theCallback) = 0;
/* Output Control */
virtual HRESULT StartScheduledPlayback (/* in */ BMDTimeValue playbackStartTime, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale, /* in */ double playbackSpeed) = 0;
virtual HRESULT StopScheduledPlayback (/* in */ BMDTimeValue stopPlaybackAtTime, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *actualStopTime, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale) = 0;
virtual HRESULT IsScheduledPlaybackRunning (/* out */ bool *active) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetScheduledStreamTime (/* in */ BMDTimeScale desiredTimeScale, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *streamTime, /* out */ double *playbackSpeed) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetReferenceStatus (/* out */ BMDReferenceStatus *referenceStatus) = 0;
/* Hardware Timing */
virtual HRESULT GetHardwareReferenceClock (/* in */ BMDTimeScale desiredTimeScale, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *hardwareTime, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *timeInFrame, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *ticksPerFrame) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetFrameCompletionReferenceTimestamp (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *theFrame, /* in */ BMDTimeScale desiredTimeScale, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *frameCompletionTimestamp) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkOutput () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkInput - Created by QueryInterface from IDeckLink. */
class IDeckLinkInput : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT DoesSupportVideoMode (/* in */ BMDDisplayMode displayMode, /* in */ BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat, /* in */ BMDVideoInputFlags flags, /* out */ BMDDisplayModeSupport *result, /* out */ IDeckLinkDisplayMode **resultDisplayMode) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetDisplayModeIterator (/* out */ IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator **iterator) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetScreenPreviewCallback (/* in */ IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback *previewCallback) = 0;
/* Video Input */
virtual HRESULT EnableVideoInput (/* in */ BMDDisplayMode displayMode, /* in */ BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat, /* in */ BMDVideoInputFlags flags) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DisableVideoInput (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetAvailableVideoFrameCount (/* out */ uint32_t *availableFrameCount) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetVideoInputFrameMemoryAllocator (/* in */ IDeckLinkMemoryAllocator *theAllocator) = 0;
/* Audio Input */
virtual HRESULT EnableAudioInput (/* in */ BMDAudioSampleRate sampleRate, /* in */ BMDAudioSampleType sampleType, /* in */ uint32_t channelCount) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DisableAudioInput (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetAvailableAudioSampleFrameCount (/* out */ uint32_t *availableSampleFrameCount) = 0;
/* Input Control */
virtual HRESULT StartStreams (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT StopStreams (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT PauseStreams (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT FlushStreams (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetCallback (/* in */ IDeckLinkInputCallback *theCallback) = 0;
/* Hardware Timing */
virtual HRESULT GetHardwareReferenceClock (/* in */ BMDTimeScale desiredTimeScale, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *hardwareTime, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *timeInFrame, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *ticksPerFrame) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkInput () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoFrame - Interface to encapsulate a video frame; can be caller-implemented. */
class IDeckLinkVideoFrame : public IUnknown
virtual long GetWidth (void) = 0;
virtual long GetHeight (void) = 0;
virtual long GetRowBytes (void) = 0;
virtual BMDPixelFormat GetPixelFormat (void) = 0;
virtual BMDFrameFlags GetFlags (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetBytes (/* out */ void **buffer) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetTimecode (/* in */ BMDTimecodeFormat format, /* out */ IDeckLinkTimecode **timecode) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetAncillaryData (/* out */ IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary **ancillary) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoFrame () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame - Created by IDeckLinkOutput::CreateVideoFrame. */
class IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame : public IDeckLinkVideoFrame
virtual HRESULT SetFlags (/* in */ BMDFrameFlags newFlags) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetTimecode (/* in */ BMDTimecodeFormat format, /* in */ IDeckLinkTimecode *timecode) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetTimecodeFromComponents (/* in */ BMDTimecodeFormat format, /* in */ uint8_t hours, /* in */ uint8_t minutes, /* in */ uint8_t seconds, /* in */ uint8_t frames, /* in */ BMDTimecodeFlags flags) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetAncillaryData (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary *ancillary) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetTimecodeUserBits (/* in */ BMDTimecodeFormat format, /* in */ BMDTimecodeUserBits userBits) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions - Optional interface implemented on IDeckLinkVideoFrame to support 3D frames */
class IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions : public IUnknown
virtual BMDVideo3DPackingFormat Get3DPackingFormat (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetFrameForRightEye (/* out */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame* *rightEyeFrame) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoFrame3DExtensions () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame - Provided by the IDeckLinkVideoInput frame arrival callback. */
class IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame : public IDeckLinkVideoFrame
virtual HRESULT GetStreamTime (/* out */ BMDTimeValue *frameTime, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *frameDuration, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetHardwareReferenceTimestamp (/* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *frameTime, /* out */ BMDTimeValue *frameDuration) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoInputFrame () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary - Obtained through QueryInterface() on an IDeckLinkVideoFrame object. */
class IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT GetBufferForVerticalBlankingLine (/* in */ uint32_t lineNumber, /* out */ void **buffer) = 0;
virtual BMDPixelFormat GetPixelFormat (void) = 0;
virtual BMDDisplayMode GetDisplayMode (void) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoFrameAncillary () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket - Provided by the IDeckLinkInput callback. */
class IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket : public IUnknown
virtual long GetSampleFrameCount (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetBytes (/* out */ void **buffer) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetPacketTime (/* out */ BMDTimeValue *packetTime, /* in */ BMDTimeScale timeScale) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkAudioInputPacket () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback - Screen preview callback */
class IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT DrawFrame (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *theFrame) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkScreenPreviewCallback () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper - Created with CoCreateInstance(). */
class IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper : public IUnknown
/* Methods must be called with OpenGL context set */
virtual HRESULT InitializeGL (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT PaintGL (void) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetFrame (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame *theFrame) = 0;
virtual HRESULT Set3DPreviewFormat (/* in */ BMD3DPreviewFormat previewFormat) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkNotificationCallback - DeckLink Notification Callback Interface */
class IDeckLinkNotificationCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT Notify (/* in */ BMDNotifications topic, /* in */ uint64_t param1, /* in */ uint64_t param2) = 0;
/* Interface IDeckLinkNotification - DeckLink Notification interface */
class IDeckLinkNotification : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT Subscribe (/* in */ BMDNotifications topic, /* in */ IDeckLinkNotificationCallback *theCallback) = 0;
virtual HRESULT Unsubscribe (/* in */ BMDNotifications topic, /* in */ IDeckLinkNotificationCallback *theCallback) = 0;
/* Interface IDeckLinkAttributes - DeckLink Attribute interface */
class IDeckLinkAttributes : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT GetFlag (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAttributeID cfgID, /* out */ bool *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetInt (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAttributeID cfgID, /* out */ int64_t *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetFloat (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAttributeID cfgID, /* out */ double *value) = 0;
virtual HRESULT GetString (/* in */ BMDDeckLinkAttributeID cfgID, /* out */ const char **value) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkAttributes () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkKeyer - DeckLink Keyer interface */
class IDeckLinkKeyer : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT Enable (/* in */ bool isExternal) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetLevel (/* in */ uint8_t level) = 0;
virtual HRESULT RampUp (/* in */ uint32_t numberOfFrames) = 0;
virtual HRESULT RampDown (/* in */ uint32_t numberOfFrames) = 0;
virtual HRESULT Disable (void) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkKeyer () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkVideoConversion - Created with CoCreateInstance(). */
class IDeckLinkVideoConversion : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT ConvertFrame (/* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame* srcFrame, /* in */ IDeckLinkVideoFrame* dstFrame) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkVideoConversion () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback - DeckLink device arrival/removal notification callbacks */
class IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT DeckLinkDeviceArrived (/* in */ IDeckLink* deckLinkDevice) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DeckLinkDeviceRemoved (/* in */ IDeckLink* deckLinkDevice) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Interface IDeckLinkDiscovery - DeckLink device discovery */
class IDeckLinkDiscovery : public IUnknown
virtual HRESULT InstallDeviceNotifications (/* in */ IDeckLinkDeviceNotificationCallback* deviceNotificationCallback) = 0;
virtual HRESULT UninstallDeviceNotifications (void) = 0;
virtual ~IDeckLinkDiscovery () {} // call Release method to drop reference count
/* Functions */
extern "C" {
IDeckLinkIterator* CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance (void);
IDeckLinkDiscovery* CreateDeckLinkDiscoveryInstance (void);
IDeckLinkAPIInformation* CreateDeckLinkAPIInformationInstance (void);
IDeckLinkGLScreenPreviewHelper* CreateOpenGLScreenPreviewHelper (void);
IDeckLinkVideoConversion* CreateVideoConversionInstance (void);
bool IsDeckLinkAPIPresent (void);
#endif // defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* defined(BMD_DECKLINKAPI_H) */