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# $Id$
# Documentation for game objects
class KX_GameObject:
All game objects are derived from this class.
Properties assigned to game objects are accessible as attributes
in objects of this class.
mass: The object's mass (provided the object has a physics controller). float. read only
parent: The object's parent object. KX_GameObject. read only
visible: visibility flag. boolean.
position: The object's position. list [x, y, z]
orientation: The object's orientation. 3x3 Matrix. You can also write a Quaternion or Euler vector.
scaling: The object's scaling factor. list [sx, sy, sz]
def setVisible(visible):
Sets the game object's visible flag.
@type visible: boolean
def setPosition(pos):
Sets the game object's position.
@type pos: [x, y, z]
@param pos: the new position, in world coordinates.
def getPosition():
Gets the game object's position.
@rtype list [x, y, z]
@return the object's position in world coordinates.
def setOrientation(orn):
Sets the game object's orientation.
@type orn: 3x3 rotation matrix, or Quaternion.
@param orn: a rotation matrix specifying the new rotation.
def getOrientation():
Gets the game object's orientation.
@rtype 3x3 rotation matrix
@return The game object's rotation matrix
def getLinearVelocity():
Gets the game object's linear velocity.
This method returns the game object's velocity through it's centre of mass,
ie no angular velocity component.
cf getVelocity()
@rtype list [vx, vy, vz]
@return the object's linear velocity.
def getVelocity(point):
Gets the game object's velocity at the specified point.
Gets the game object's velocity at the specified point, including angular
@type point: list [x, y, z]
@param point: the point to return the velocity for, in local coordinates. (optional: default = [0, 0, 0])
@rtype list [vx, vy, vz]
@return the velocity at the specified point.
def getMass():
Gets the game object's mass.
@rtype float
@return the object's mass.
def getReactionForce():
Gets the game object's reaction force.
The reaction force is the force applied to this object over the last simulation timestep.
This also includes impulses, eg from collisions.
@rtype list [fx, fy, fz]
@return the reaction force of this object.
def applyImpulse(point, impulse):
Applies an impulse to the game object.
This will apply the specified impulse to the game object at the specified point.
If point != getPosition(), applyImpulse will also change the object's angular momentum.
Otherwise, only linear momentum will change.
@type point: list [x, y, z]
@param point: the point to apply the impulse to (in world coordinates)
def suspendDynamics():
Suspends physics for this object.
def restoreDynamics():
Resumes physics for this object.
def enableRigidBody():
Enables rigid body physics for this object.
Rigid body physics allows the object to roll on collisions.
def disableRigidBody():
Disables rigid body physics for this object.
def getParent():
Gets this object's parent.
@rtype: game object
@return this object's parent object, or None if this object has no parent.
def getMesh(mesh):
Gets the mesh object for this object.
@type mesh: integer
@param mesh: the mesh object to return (optional: default mesh = 0)
@rtype: mesh object
@returns the first mesh object associated with this game object, or None if this object has no meshs.
def getPhysicsId():
Returns the user data object associated with this game object's physics controller.