
386 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Name: 'Motion Capture (.bvh)...'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Export'
Tip: 'Export a (.bvh) motion capture file'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun")
__version__ = "1.1 12/16/05"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script exports animation data to BVH motion capture file format.
Known issues:<br>
# $Id$
# BVH Export script 1.0 by Campbell Barton #
# Copyright MetaVR 30/03/2004, #
# if you have any questions about this script #
# email me #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BVH Export v1.1 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Blender
from Blender import Scene, Object
import math
time = Blender.sys.time
from math import *
# Get the current scene.
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
context = scn.getRenderingContext()
frameRate = 1.0/context.framesPerSec() # 0.04 = 25fps
scale = 1.0
indent = '\t' # 2 space indent per object
prefixDelimiter = '_'
# Vars used in eular rotation funtcion
RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0/3.14159265359
DEG_TO_RAD = math.pi/180.0
# Search for children of this object and return them #
def getChildren(parent):
children = [] # We'll assume none.
for child in Object.Get():
if child.parent == parent:
children.append( child )
return children
# MESSY BUT WORKS: Make a string that shows the #
# hierarchy as a list and then eval it #
def getHierarchy(root, hierarchy):
hierarchy = '%s["%s",' % (hierarchy,
for child in getChildren(root):
hierarchy = getHierarchy(child, hierarchy)
hierarchy = '%s],' % hierarchy
return hierarchy
# Strips the prefix off the name before writing #
def stripName(name): # name is a string
# WARNING!!! Special case for a custom RIG for output
# for MetaVR's HPX compatable RIG.
# print 'stripname', name[0:10]
if name.lower().startswith('transform('):
name = name[10:].split(prefixDelimiter)[0]
return name.split('_')[0]
# Recieves an object name, gets all the data for that#
# node from blender and returns it for formatting #
# and writing to a file. #
def getNodeData(nodeOb):
ob = nodeOb
obipo = ob.getIpo()
# Get real location
offset = [o*scale for o in ob.getLocation()]
# Test for X/Y/Z IPO's #
# IF we dont have an IPO then dont check the curves.
# This was added to catch end nodes that never have an IPO, only an offset.
# DUMMY channels xloc, yloc, zloc, xrot, yrot, zrot
# [<bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>]
channels = [0,0,0,0,0,0] # xloc,yloc,zloc,xrot,yrot,zrot
if obipo != None: # Do have an IPO, checkout which curves are in use.
# Assume the rot's/loc's dont exist until they proven they do.
if obipo.getCurve('LocX') != None:
channels[0] = 1
if obipo.getCurve('LocY') != None:
channels[1] = 1
if obipo.getCurve('LocZ') != None:
channels[2] = 1
# Now for the rotations, Because of the conversion of rotation coords
# if there is one rotation er need to store all 3
if obipo.getCurve('RotX') != None or \
obipo.getCurve('RotY') != None or \
obipo.getCurve('RotZ') != None:
channels[3] = channels[4] = channels[5] = 1
#print ob, channels
return offset, channels
# Writes the BVH hierarchy to a file #
# hierarchy: is a list of the empty hierarcht #
# level: how many levels we are down the tree, #
# ...used for indenting #
# Also gathers channelList , so we know the order to #
# write the motiondata in #
def hierarchy2bvh(file, hierarchy, level, channelList, nodeObjectList):
nodeName = hierarchy[0]
ob = Object.Get(nodeName)
obipo = ob.getIpo()
if obipo != None:
obcurves = obipo.getCurves()
obcurves = None
file.write(level * indent)
if level == 0:
# Add object to nodeObjectList
#nodeObjectList.append( (ob, obipo, obcurves) )
nodeObjectList.append( ob )
file.write( 'ROOT %s\n' % stripName(nodeName) )
# If this is the last object in the list then we
# dont bother withwriting its real name, use "End Site" instead
elif len(hierarchy) == 1:
file.write( 'End Site\n' )
# Ok This is a normal joint
# Add object to nodeObjectList
#nodeObjectList.append((ob, obipo, obcurves))
nodeObjectList.append( ob )
file.write( 'JOINT %s\n' % stripName(nodeName) )
# Indent again, this line is just for the brackets
file.write( '%s{\n' % (level * indent) )
# Indent
level += 1
# Data for writing to a file offset and channels #
offset, channels = getNodeData(ob)
# Offset #
file.write( '%sOFFSET %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' %\
(level*indent, scale*offset[0], scale*offset[1], scale*offset[2]) )
# Channels #
if len(hierarchy) != 1:
# Channels, remember who is where so when we write motiondata
file.write('%sCHANNELS %i ' % (level*indent, len([c for c in channels if c ==1]) ))
if channels[0]:
file.write('Xposition ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 0])
if channels[1]:
file.write('Yposition ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 1])
if channels[2]:
file.write('Zposition ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 2])
if channels[5]:
file.write('Zrotation ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 5])
if channels[3]:
file.write('Xrotation ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 3])
if channels[4]:
file.write('Yrotation ')
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 4])
# Loop through children if any and run this function (recursively)
for hierarchyIdx in range(len(hierarchy)-1):
level = hierarchy2bvh(file, hierarchy[hierarchyIdx+1], level, channelList, nodeObjectList)
# Unindent
level -= 1
file.write('%s}\n' % (level * indent))
return level
# added by Ben Batt 30/3/2004 to make the exported rotations correct
def ZYXToZXY(x, y, z):
Converts a set of Euler rotations (x, y, z) (which are intended to be
applied in z, y, x order, into a set which are intended to be applied in
z, x, y order (the order expected by .bvh files)
A,B = cos(x),sin(x)
C,D = cos(y),sin(y)
E,F = cos(z),sin(z)
x = asin(-B*C)
y = atan2(D, A*C)
z = atan2(-B*D*E + A*F, B*D*F + A*E)
# this seems to be necessary - not sure why (right/left-handed coordinates?)
# x = -x # x is negative, see below.
return -x*RAD_TO_DEG, y*RAD_TO_DEG, z*RAD_TO_DEG
def getIpoLocation(object, obipo, curves, frame):
x = y = z = rx = ry = rz =0
if obipo:
for i in range(obipo.getNcurves()):
if curves[i].getName() =='LocX':
x = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif curves[i].getName() =='LocY':
y = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif curves[i].getName() =='LocZ':
z = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif curves[i].getName() =='RotX':
rx = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif curves[i].getName() =='RotY':
ry = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif curves[i].getName() =='RotZ':
rz = obipo.EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
return x, y, z, rx*10*DEG_TO_RAD, ry*10*DEG_TO_RAD, rz*10*DEG_TO_RAD
# Return the BVH motion for the spesified frame #
# hierarchy: is a list of the empty hierarcht #
# level: how many levels we are down the tree, #
# ...used for indenting #
def motion2bvh(file, frame, chennelList, nodeObjectList):
for chIdx in chennelList:
#ob, obipo, obcurves = nodeObjectList[chIdx[0]]
ob = nodeObjectList[chIdx[0]]
chType = chIdx[1]
# Get object rotation
x, y, z = ob.getEuler()
# Convert the rotation from ZYX order to ZXY order
x, y, z = ZYXToZXY(x, y, z)
# Location
xloc, yloc, zloc = ob.matrixLocal[3][:3]
# Using regular Locations stuffs upIPO locations stuffs up
# Get IPO locations instead
#xloc, yloc, zloc, x, y, z = getIpoLocation(ob, obipo, obcurves, frame)
# Convert the rotation from ZYX order to ZXY order
#x, y, z = ZYXToZXY(x, y, z)
# WARNING non standard Location
# xloc, zloc, yloc = -xloc, yloc, zloc
if chType == 0:
file.write('%.6f ' % (scale * xloc))
if chType == 1:
file.write('%.6f ' % (scale * yloc))
if chType == 2:
file.write('%.6f ' % (scale * zloc))
if chType == 3:
file.write('%.6f ' % x)
if chType == 4:
file.write('%.6f ' % y)
if chType == 5:
file.write('%.6f ' % z)
def saveBVH(filename):
t = time()
if not filename.lower().endswith('.bvh'):
filename += '.bvh' # for safety
# Here we store a serialized list of blender objects as they appier
# in the hierarchy, this is refred to when writing motiondata
nodeObjectList = []
# In this list we store a 2 values for each node
# 1) An index pointing to a blender object
# in objectList
# 2) The type if channel x/y/z rot:x/y/z - Use 0-5 to indicate this
chennelList = []
print '\nBVH 1.1 by Campbell Barton (Ideasman) -'
# Get the active object and recursively traverse its kids to build
# the BVH hierarchy, then eval the string to make a hierarchy list.
hierarchy = eval(getHierarchy(scn.getActiveObject(),''))[0] # somhow this returns a tuple with one list in it.
# Put all data in the file we have selected file.
file = open(filename, "w")
file.write('HIERARCHY\n') # all bvh files have this on the first line
# Write the whole hirarchy to a list
level = 0 # Indenting level, start with no indent
level = hierarchy2bvh(file, hierarchy, level, chennelList, nodeObjectList)
# MOTION: Loop through the frames ande write out #
# the motion data for each #
# Do some basic motion file header stuff
file.write( 'MOTION\n' )
file.write( 'Frames: %i\n' % ( 1 + context.endFrame() - context.startFrame() ) )
file.write( 'Frame Time: %.6f\n' % frameRate )
frames = range(context.startFrame()+1, context.endFrame()+1)
print 'exporting %i of motion...' % len(frames)
for frame in frames:
scn.update(1) # Update locations so we can write the new locations. This is the SLOW part.
# Blender.Window.RedrawAll() # Debugging.
motion2bvh(file, frame, chennelList, nodeObjectList) # Write the motion to a file.
file.write('\n') # newline
print '...Done in %.4f seconds.' % (time()-t)
Blender.Window.FileSelector(saveBVH, 'Export BVH')