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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2009 Mikko Mononen
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Reference to navigation polygon.
typedef unsigned short dtStatPolyRef;
// Maximum number of vertices per navigation polygon.
static const int DT_STAT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON = 6;
// Structure holding the navigation polygon data.
struct dtStatPoly
unsigned short v[DT_STAT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON]; // Indices to vertices of the poly.
dtStatPolyRef n[DT_STAT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON]; // Refs to neighbours of the poly.
unsigned char nv; // Number of vertices.
unsigned char flags; // Flags (not used).
struct dtStatPolyDetail
unsigned short vbase; // Offset to detail vertex array.
unsigned short nverts; // Number of vertices in the detail mesh.
unsigned short tbase; // Offset to detail triangle array.
unsigned short ntris; // Number of triangles.
struct dtStatBVNode
unsigned short bmin[3], bmax[3];
int i;
struct dtStatNavMeshHeader
int magic;
int version;
int npolys;
int nverts;
int nnodes;
int ndmeshes;
int ndverts;
int ndtris;
float cs;
float bmin[3], bmax[3];
dtStatPoly* polys;
float* verts;
dtStatBVNode* bvtree;
dtStatPolyDetail* dmeshes;
float* dverts;
unsigned char* dtris;
class dtStatNavMesh
// Initializes the navmesh with data.
// Params:
// data - (in) Pointer to navmesh data.
// dataSize - (in) size of the navmesh data.
// ownsData - (in) Flag indicating if the navmesh should own and delete the data.
bool init(unsigned char* data, int dataSize, bool ownsData);
// Finds the nearest navigation polygon around the center location.
// Params:
// center - (in) The center of the search box.
// extents - (in) The extents of the search box.
// Returns: Reference identifier for the polygon, or 0 if no polygons found.
dtStatPolyRef findNearestPoly(const float* center, const float* extents);
// Returns polygons which touch the query box.
// Params:
// center - (in) the center of the search box.
// extents - (in) the extents of the search box.
// polys - (out) array holding the search result.
// maxPolys - (in) The max number of polygons the polys array can hold.
// Returns: Number of polygons in search result array.
int queryPolygons(const float* center, const float* extents,
dtStatPolyRef* polys, const int maxPolys);
// Finds path from start polygon to end polygon.
// If target polygon canno be reached through the navigation graph,
// the last node on the array is nearest node to the end polygon.
// Params:
// startRef - (in) ref to path start polygon.
// endRef - (in) ref to path end polygon.
// path - (out) array holding the search result.
// maxPathSize - (in) The max number of polygons the path array can hold.
// Returns: Number of polygons in search result array.
int findPath(dtStatPolyRef startRef, dtStatPolyRef endRef,
const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
dtStatPolyRef* path, const int maxPathSize);
// Finds a straight path from start to end locations within the corridor
// described by the path polygons.
// Start and end locations will be clamped on the corridor.
// Params:
// startPos - (in) Path start location.
// endPos - (in) Path end location.
// path - (in) Array of connected polygons describing the corridor.
// pathSize - (in) Number of polygons in path array.
// straightPath - (out) Points describing the straight path.
// maxStraightPathSize - (in) The max number of points the straight path array can hold.
// Returns: Number of points in the path.
int findStraightPath(const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
const dtStatPolyRef* path, const int pathSize,
float* straightPath, const int maxStraightPathSize);
// Finds intersection againts walls starting from start pos.
// Params:
// startRef - (in) ref to the polygon where the start lies.
// startPos - (in) start position of the query.
// endPos - (in) end position of the query.
// t - (out) hit parameter along the segment, 0 if no hit.
// endRef - (out) ref to the last polygon which was processed.
// Returns: Number of polygons in path or 0 if failed.
int raycast(dtStatPolyRef startRef, const float* startPos, const float* endPos,
float& t, dtStatPolyRef* path, const int pathSize);
// Returns distance to nearest wall from the specified location.
// Params:
// centerRef - (in) ref to the polygon where the center lies.
// centerPos - (in) center if the query circle.
// maxRadius - (in) max search radius.
// hitPos - (out) location of the nearest hit.
// hitNormal - (out) normal of the nearest hit.
// Returns: Distance to nearest wall from the test location.
float findDistanceToWall(dtStatPolyRef centerRef, const float* centerPos, float maxRadius,
float* hitPos, float* hitNormal);
// Finds polygons found along the navigation graph which touch the specified circle.
// Params:
// centerRef - (in) ref to the polygon where the center lies.
// centerPos - (in) center if the query circle
// radius - (in) radius of the query circle
// resultRef - (out, opt) refs to the polygons touched by the circle.
// resultParent - (out, opt) parent of each result polygon.
// resultCost - (out, opt) search cost at each result polygon.
// maxResult - (int) maximum capacity of search results.
// Returns: Number of results.
int findPolysAround(dtStatPolyRef centerRef, const float* centerPos, float radius,
dtStatPolyRef* resultRef, dtStatPolyRef* resultParent, float* resultCost,
const int maxResult);
// Returns closest point on navigation polygon.
// Params:
// ref - (in) ref to the polygon.
// pos - (in) the point to check.
// closest - (out) closest point.
// Returns: true if closest point found.
bool closestPointToPoly(dtStatPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* closest) const;
// Returns height of the polygon at specified location.
// Params:
// ref - (in) ref to the polygon.
// pos - (in) the point where to locate the height.
// height - (out) height at the location.
// Returns: true if oer polygon.
bool getPolyHeight(dtStatPolyRef ref, const float* pos, float* height) const;
// Returns pointer to a polygon based on ref.
const dtStatPoly* getPolyByRef(dtStatPolyRef ref) const;
// Returns polygon index based on ref, or -1 if failed.
int getPolyIndexByRef(dtStatPolyRef ref) const;
// Returns number of navigation polygons.
inline int getPolyCount() const { return m_header ? m_header->npolys : 0; }
// Rerturns pointer to specified navigation polygon.
inline const dtStatPoly* getPoly(int i) const { return &m_header->polys[i]; }
// Returns number of vertices.
inline int getVertexCount() const { return m_header ? m_header->nverts : 0; }
// Returns pointer to specified vertex.
inline const float* getVertex(int i) const { return &m_header->verts[i*3]; }
// Returns number of navigation polygons details.
inline int getPolyDetailCount() const { return m_header ? m_header->ndmeshes : 0; }
// Rerturns pointer to specified navigation polygon detail.
const dtStatPolyDetail* getPolyDetail(int i) const { return &m_header->dmeshes[i]; }
// Returns pointer to specified vertex.
inline const float* getDetailVertex(int i) const { return &m_header->dverts[i*3]; }
// Returns pointer to specified vertex.
inline const unsigned char* getDetailTri(int i) const { return &m_header->dtris[i*4]; }
bool isInClosedList(dtStatPolyRef ref) const;
int getMemUsed() const;
inline unsigned char* getData() const { return m_data; }
inline int getDataSize() const { return m_dataSize; }
inline const dtStatNavMeshHeader* getHeader() const { return m_header; }
inline const dtStatBVNode* getBvTreeNodes() const { return m_header ? m_header->bvtree : 0; }
inline int getBvTreeNodeCount() const { return m_header ? m_header->nnodes : 0; }
// Copies the locations of vertices of a polygon to an array.
int getPolyVerts(dtStatPolyRef ref, float* verts) const;
// Returns portal points between two polygons.
bool getPortalPoints(dtStatPolyRef from, dtStatPolyRef to, float* left, float* right) const;
// Returns edge mid point between two polygons.
bool getEdgeMidPoint(dtStatPolyRef from, dtStatPolyRef to, float* mid) const;
unsigned char* m_data;
int m_dataSize;
dtStatNavMeshHeader* m_header;
class dtNodePool* m_nodePool;
class dtNodeQueue* m_openList;