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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
# Populate a template file (POT format currently) from Blender RNA/py/C data.
# XXX: This script is meant to be used from inside Blender!
# You should not directly use this script, rather use!
import collections
import copy
import datetime
import os
import re
import sys
# XXX Relative import does not work here when used from Blender...
2013-03-19 08:33:24 +00:00
from bl_i18n_utils import settings as settings_i18n, utils
import bpy
##### Utils #####
# check for strings like "+%f°"
ignore_reg = re.compile(r"^(?:[-*.()/\\+%°0-9]|%d|%f|%s|%r|\s)*$")
filter_message = ignore_reg.match
def init_spell_check(settings, lang="en_US"):
2013-03-19 08:33:24 +00:00
from bl_i18n_utils import utils_spell_check
return utils_spell_check.SpellChecker(settings, lang)
except Exception as e:
2013-03-19 08:33:24 +00:00
print("Failed to import utils_spell_check ({})".format(str(e)))
return None
def _gen_check_ctxt(settings):
return {
"multi_rnatip": set(),
"multi_lines": set(),
"py_in_rna": set(),
"not_capitalized": set(),
"end_point": set(),
"undoc_ops": set(),
"spell_checker": init_spell_check(settings),
"spell_errors": {},
def _gen_reports(check_ctxt):
return {
"check_ctxt": check_ctxt,
"rna_structs": [],
"rna_structs_skipped": [],
"rna_props": [],
"rna_props_skipped": [],
"py_messages": [],
"py_messages_skipped": [],
"src_messages": [],
"src_messages_skipped": [],
"messages_skipped": set(),
def check(check_ctxt, msgs, key, msgsrc, settings):
Performs a set of checks over the given key (context, message)...
if check_ctxt is None:
multi_rnatip = check_ctxt.get("multi_rnatip")
multi_lines = check_ctxt.get("multi_lines")
py_in_rna = check_ctxt.get("py_in_rna")
not_capitalized = check_ctxt.get("not_capitalized")
end_point = check_ctxt.get("end_point")
undoc_ops = check_ctxt.get("undoc_ops")
spell_checker = check_ctxt.get("spell_checker")
spell_errors = check_ctxt.get("spell_errors")
if multi_rnatip is not None:
if key in msgs and key not in multi_rnatip:
if multi_lines is not None:
if '\n' in key[1]:
if py_in_rna is not None:
if key in py_in_rna[1]:
if not_capitalized is not None:
if(key[1] not in settings.WARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED and
key[1][0].isalpha() and not key[1][0].isupper()):
if end_point is not None:
if (key[1].strip().endswith('.') and not key[1].strip().endswith('...') and
key[1] not in settings.WARN_MSGID_END_POINT_ALLOWED):
if undoc_ops is not None:
if key[1] == settings.UNDOC_OPS_STR:
if spell_checker is not None and spell_errors is not None:
err = spell_checker.check(key[1])
if err:
spell_errors[key] = err
def print_info(reports, pot):
def _print(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs["file"] = sys.stderr
print(*args, **kwargs)
_print("{} RNA structs were processed (among which {} were skipped), containing {} RNA properties "
"(among which {} were skipped).".format(len(reports["rna_structs"]), len(reports["rna_structs_skipped"]),
len(reports["rna_props"]), len(reports["rna_props_skipped"])))
_print("{} messages were extracted from Python UI code (among which {} were skipped), and {} from C source code "
"(among which {} were skipped).".format(len(reports["py_messages"]), len(reports["py_messages_skipped"]),
len(reports["src_messages"]), len(reports["src_messages_skipped"])))
_print("{} messages were rejected.".format(len(reports["messages_skipped"])))
_print("Current POT stats:")
pot.print_stats(prefix="\t", output=_print)
check_ctxt = reports["check_ctxt"]
if check_ctxt is None:
multi_rnatip = check_ctxt.get("multi_rnatip")
multi_lines = check_ctxt.get("multi_lines")
py_in_rna = check_ctxt.get("py_in_rna")
not_capitalized = check_ctxt.get("not_capitalized")
end_point = check_ctxt.get("end_point")
undoc_ops = check_ctxt.get("undoc_ops")
spell_errors = check_ctxt.get("spell_errors")
# XXX Temp, no multi_rnatip nor py_in_rna, see below.
keys = multi_lines | not_capitalized | end_point | undoc_ops | spell_errors.keys()
if keys:
for key in keys:
if undoc_ops and key in undoc_ops:
_print("\tThe following operators are undocumented!")
if multi_lines and key in multi_lines:
_print("\t\t-> newline in this message!")
if not_capitalized and key in not_capitalized:
_print("\t\t-> message not capitalized!")
if end_point and key in end_point:
_print("\t\t-> message with endpoint!")
# XXX Hide this one for now, too much false positives.
# if multi_rnatip and key in multi_rnatip:
# _print("\t\t-> tip used in several RNA items")
# if py_in_rna and key in py_in_rna:
# _print("\t\t-> RNA message also used in py UI code!")
if spell_errors and spell_errors.get(key):
lines = ["\t\t-> {}: misspelled, suggestions are ({})".format(w, "'" + "', '".join(errs) + "'")
for w, errs in spell_errors[key]]
def enable_addons(addons={}, support={}, disable=False):
Enable (or disable) addons based either on a set of names, or a set of 'support' types.
Returns the list of all affected addons (as fake modules)!
import addon_utils
userpref = bpy.context.user_preferences
used_ext = {ext.module for ext in userpref.addons}
ret = [mod for mod in addon_utils.modules(addon_utils.addons_fake_modules)
if ((addons and mod.__name__ in addons) or
(not addons and addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod)["support"] in support))]
for mod in ret:
module_name = mod.__name__
if disable:
if module_name not in used_ext:
print(" Disabling module ", module_name)
if module_name in used_ext:
print(" Enabling module ", module_name)
# XXX There are currently some problems with bpy/rna...
# *Very* tricky to solve!
# So this is a hack to make all newly added operator visible by
# bpy.types.OperatorProperties.__subclasses__()
for cat in dir(bpy.ops):
cat = getattr(bpy.ops, cat)
for op in dir(cat):
getattr(cat, op).get_rna()
return ret
def process_msg(msgs, msgctxt, msgid, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt, settings):
if filter_message(msgid):
reports["messages_skipped"].add((msgid, msgsrc))
if not msgctxt:
# We do *not* want any "" context!
msgctxt = settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
# Always unescape keys!
msgctxt = utils.I18nMessage.do_unescape(msgctxt)
msgid = utils.I18nMessage.do_unescape(msgid)
key = (msgctxt, msgid)
check(check_ctxt, msgs, key, msgsrc, settings)
msgsrc = settings.PO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM + msgsrc
if key not in msgs:
msgs[key] = utils.I18nMessage([msgctxt], [msgid], [], [msgsrc], settings=settings)
##### RNA #####
def dump_messages_rna(msgs, reports, settings):
Dump into messages dict all RNA-defined UI messages (labels en tooltips).
def class_blacklist():
blacklist_rna_class = [
# core classes
"Context", "Event", "Function", "UILayout", "UnknownType",
# registerable classes
"Panel", "Menu", "Header", "RenderEngine", "Operator", "OperatorMacro", "Macro", "KeyingSetInfo",
# window classes
# Collect internal operators
# extend with all internal operators
# note that this uses internal api introspection functions
# all possible operator names
op_ids = set(cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.OperatorProperties.__subclasses__()) | \
set(cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.Operator.__subclasses__()) | \
set(cls.bl_rna.identifier for cls in bpy.types.OperatorMacro.__subclasses__())
get_instance = __import__("_bpy").ops.get_instance
# path_resolve = type(bpy.context).__base__.path_resolve
for idname in op_ids:
op = get_instance(idname)
# XXX Do not skip INTERNAL's anymore, some of those ops show up in UI now!
# if 'INTERNAL' in path_resolve(op, "bl_options"):
# blacklist_rna_class.append(idname)
# Collect builtin classes we don't need to doc
blacklist_rna_class.extend([cls.__name__ for cls in bpy.types.Property.__subclasses__()])
# Collect classes which are attached to collections, these are api access only.
collection_props = set()
for cls_id in dir(bpy.types):
cls = getattr(bpy.types, cls_id)
for prop in
if prop.type == 'COLLECTION':
prop_cls = prop.srna
if prop_cls is not None:
return blacklist_rna_class
check_ctxt_rna = check_ctxt_rna_tip = None
check_ctxt = reports["check_ctxt"]
if check_ctxt:
check_ctxt_rna = {
"multi_lines": check_ctxt.get("multi_lines"),
"not_capitalized": check_ctxt.get("not_capitalized"),
"end_point": check_ctxt.get("end_point"),
"undoc_ops": check_ctxt.get("undoc_ops"),
"spell_checker": check_ctxt.get("spell_checker"),
"spell_errors": check_ctxt.get("spell_errors"),
check_ctxt_rna_tip = check_ctxt_rna
check_ctxt_rna_tip["multi_rnatip"] = check_ctxt.get("multi_rnatip")
default_context = settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
# Function definitions
def walk_properties(cls):
bl_rna = cls.bl_rna
# Get our parents' properties, to not export them multiple times.
bl_rna_base = bl_rna.base
if bl_rna_base:
bl_rna_base_props = set(
bl_rna_base_props = set()
for prop in
# Only write this property if our parent hasn't got it.
if prop in bl_rna_base_props:
if prop.identifier == "rna_type":
reports["rna_props"].append((cls, prop))
msgsrc = "bpy.types.{}.{}".format(bl_rna.identifier, prop.identifier)
msgctxt = prop.translation_context or default_context
if and ( != prop.identifier or msgctxt != default_context):
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt,, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna, settings)
if prop.description:
process_msg(msgs, default_context, prop.description, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip, settings)
if isinstance(prop, bpy.types.EnumProperty):
for item in prop.enum_items:
msgsrc = "bpy.types.{}.{}:'{}'".format(bl_rna.identifier, prop.identifier, item.identifier)
if and != item.identifier:
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt,, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna, settings)
if item.description:
process_msg(msgs, default_context, item.description, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip,
blacklist_rna_class = class_blacklist()
def walk_class(cls):
bl_rna = cls.bl_rna
if bl_rna.identifier in blacklist_rna_class:
# XXX translation_context of Operator sub-classes are not "good"!
# So ignore those Operator sub-classes (anyway, will get the same from OperatorProperties sub-classes!)...
if issubclass(cls, bpy.types.Operator):
msgsrc = "bpy.types." + bl_rna.identifier
msgctxt = bl_rna.translation_context or default_context
if and ( != bl_rna.identifier or msgctxt != default_context):
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt,, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna, settings)
if bl_rna.description:
process_msg(msgs, default_context, bl_rna.description, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip, settings)
elif cls.__doc__: # XXX Some classes (like KeyingSetInfo subclasses) have void description... :(
process_msg(msgs, default_context, cls.__doc__, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna_tip, settings)
if hasattr(bl_rna, 'bl_label') and bl_rna.bl_label:
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt, bl_rna.bl_label, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_rna, settings)
def walk_keymap_hierarchy(hier, msgsrc_prev):
for lvl in hier:
msgsrc = msgsrc_prev + "." + lvl[1]
process_msg(msgs, default_context, lvl[0], msgsrc, reports, None, settings)
if lvl[3]:
walk_keymap_hierarchy(lvl[3], msgsrc)
# Dump Messages
def process_cls_list(cls_list):
if not cls_list:
def full_class_id(cls):
""" gives us 'ID.Lamp.AreaLamp' which is best for sorting."""
cls_id = ""
bl_rna = cls.bl_rna
while bl_rna:
cls_id = bl_rna.identifier + "." + cls_id
bl_rna = bl_rna.base
return cls_id
for cls in cls_list:
# Recursively process subclasses.
# Parse everything (recursively parsing from bpy_struct "class"...).
# And parse keymaps!
from bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils import KM_HIERARCHY
walk_keymap_hierarchy(KM_HIERARCHY, "KM_HIERARCHY")
##### Python source code #####
def dump_py_messages_from_files(msgs, reports, files, settings):
Dump text inlined in the python files given, e.g. 'My Name' in:
layout.prop("someprop", text="My Name")
import ast
bpy_struct = bpy.types.ID.__base__
root_paths = tuple(bpy.utils.resource_path(t) for t in ('USER', 'LOCAL', 'SYSTEM'))
def make_rel(path):
for rp in root_paths:
if path.startswith(rp):
return os.path.relpath(path, rp)
# Use binary's dir as fallback...
return os.path.relpath(path, os.path.dirname(
# Helper function
def extract_strings_ex(node, is_split=False):
Recursively get strings, needed in case we have "Blah" + "Blah", passed as an argument in that case it won't
evaluate to a string. However, break on some kind of stopper nodes, like e.g. Subscript.
if type(node) == ast.Str:
eval_str = ast.literal_eval(node)
if eval_str:
yield (is_split, eval_str, (node,))
is_split = (type(node) in separate_nodes)
for nd in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
if type(nd) not in stopper_nodes:
yield from extract_strings_ex(nd, is_split=is_split)
def _extract_string_merge(estr_ls, nds_ls):
return "".join(s for s in estr_ls if s is not None), tuple(n for n in nds_ls if n is not None)
def extract_strings(node):
estr_ls = []
nds_ls = []
for is_split, estr, nds in extract_strings_ex(node):
ret = _extract_string_merge(estr_ls, nds_ls)
return ret
def extract_strings_split(node):
Returns a list args as returned by 'extract_strings()', But split into groups based on separate_nodes, this way
expressions like ("A" if test else "B") wont be merged but "A" + "B" will.
estr_ls = []
nds_ls = []
bag = []
for is_split, estr, nds in extract_strings_ex(node):
if is_split:
bag.append((estr_ls, nds_ls))
estr_ls = []
nds_ls = []
bag.append((estr_ls, nds_ls))
return [_extract_string_merge(estr_ls, nds_ls) for estr_ls, nds_ls in bag]
def _ctxt_to_ctxt(node):
return extract_strings(node)[0]
def _op_to_ctxt(node):
opname, _ = extract_strings(node)
if not opname:
return settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
op = bpy.ops
for n in opname.split('.'):
op = getattr(op, n)
return op.get_rna().bl_rna.translation_context
except Exception as e:
default_op_context =
print("ERROR: ", str(e))
print(" Assuming default operator context '{}'".format(default_op_context))
return default_op_context
# Gather function names.
# In addition of UI func, also parse pgettext ones...
# Tuples of (module name, (short names, ...)).
pgettext_variants = (
("pgettext", ("_",)),
("pgettext_iface", ("iface_",)),
("pgettext_tip", ("tip_",))
pgettext_variants_args = {"msgid": (0, {"msgctxt": 1})}
# key: msgid keywords.
# val: tuples of ((keywords,), context_getter_func) to get a context for that msgid.
# Note: order is important, first one wins!
translate_kw = {
"text": ((("text_ctxt",), _ctxt_to_ctxt),
(("operator",), _op_to_ctxt),
"msgid": ((("msgctxt",), _ctxt_to_ctxt),
"message": (),
context_kw_set = {}
for k, ctxts in translate_kw.items():
s = set()
for c, _ in ctxts:
s |= set(c)
context_kw_set[k] = s
# {func_id: {msgid: (arg_pos,
# {msgctxt: arg_pos,
# ...
# }
# ),
# ...
# },
# ...
# }
func_translate_args = {}
# First, functions from UILayout
# First loop is for msgid args, second one is for msgctxt args.
for func_id, func in bpy.types.UILayout.bl_rna.functions.items():
# check it has one or more arguments as defined in translate_kw
for arg_pos, (arg_kw, arg) in enumerate(func.parameters.items()):
if ((arg_kw in translate_kw) and (not arg.is_output) and (arg.type == 'STRING')):
func_translate_args.setdefault(func_id, {})[arg_kw] = (arg_pos, {})
for func_id, func in bpy.types.UILayout.bl_rna.functions.items():
if func_id not in func_translate_args:
for arg_pos, (arg_kw, arg) in enumerate(func.parameters.items()):
if (not arg.is_output) and (arg.type == 'STRING'):
for msgid, msgctxts in context_kw_set.items():
if arg_kw in msgctxts:
func_translate_args[func_id][msgid][1][arg_kw] = arg_pos
# The report() func of operators.
for func_id, func in bpy.types.Operator.bl_rna.functions.items():
# check it has one or more arguments as defined in translate_kw
for arg_pos, (arg_kw, arg) in enumerate(func.parameters.items()):
if ((arg_kw in translate_kw) and (not arg.is_output) and (arg.type == 'STRING')):
func_translate_args.setdefault(func_id, {})[arg_kw] = (arg_pos, {})
# We manually add funcs from
for func_id, func_ids in pgettext_variants:
func_translate_args[func_id] = pgettext_variants_args
for func_id in func_ids:
func_translate_args[func_id] = pgettext_variants_args
# Break recursive nodes look up on some kind of nodes.
# E.g. we dont want to get strings inside subscripts (blah["foo"])!
stopper_nodes = {ast.Subscript}
# Consider strings separate: ("a" if test else "b")
separate_nodes = {ast.IfExp}
check_ctxt_py = None
if reports["check_ctxt"]:
check_ctxt = reports["check_ctxt"]
check_ctxt_py = {
"py_in_rna": (check_ctxt.get("py_in_rna"), set(msgs.keys())),
"multi_lines": check_ctxt.get("multi_lines"),
"not_capitalized": check_ctxt.get("not_capitalized"),
"end_point": check_ctxt.get("end_point"),
"spell_checker": check_ctxt.get("spell_checker"),
"spell_errors": check_ctxt.get("spell_errors"),
for fp in files:
with open(fp, 'r', encoding="utf8") as filedata:
root_node = ast.parse(, fp, 'exec')
fp_rel = make_rel(fp)
for node in ast.walk(root_node):
if type(node) == ast.Call:
# print("found function at")
# print("%s:%d" % (fp, node.lineno))
# We can't skip such situations! from blah import foo\nfoo("bar") would also be an ast.Name func!
if type(node.func) == ast.Name:
func_id =
elif hasattr(node.func, "attr"):
func_id = node.func.attr
# Ugly things like getattr(self, con.type)(context, box, con)
func_args = func_translate_args.get(func_id, {})
# First try to get i18n contexts, for every possible msgid id.
msgctxts = dict.fromkeys(func_args.keys(), "")
for msgid, (_, context_args) in func_args.items():
context_elements = {}
for arg_kw, arg_pos in context_args.items():
if arg_pos < len(node.args):
context_elements[arg_kw] = node.args[arg_pos]
for kw in node.keywords:
if kw.arg == arg_kw:
context_elements[arg_kw] = kw.value
for kws, proc in translate_kw[msgid]:
if set(kws) <= context_elements.keys():
args = tuple(context_elements[k] for k in kws)
#print("running ", proc, " with ", args)
ctxt = proc(*args)
if ctxt:
msgctxts[msgid] = ctxt
# do nothing if not found
for arg_kw, (arg_pos, _) in func_args.items():
msgctxt = msgctxts[arg_kw]
estr_lst = [(None, ())]
if arg_pos < len(node.args):
estr_lst = extract_strings_split(node.args[arg_pos])
#print(estr, nds)
for kw in node.keywords:
if kw.arg == arg_kw:
estr_lst = extract_strings_split(kw.value)
#print(estr, nds)
for estr, nds in estr_lst:
if estr:
if nds:
msgsrc = "{}:{}".format(fp_rel, sorted({nd.lineno for nd in nds})[0])
msgsrc = "{}:???".format(fp_rel)
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt, estr, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_py, settings)
reports["py_messages"].append((msgctxt, estr, msgsrc))
def dump_py_messages(msgs, reports, addons, settings, addons_only=False):
def _get_files(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
return []
if os.path.isdir(path):
return [os.path.join(dpath, fn) for dpath, _, fnames in os.walk(path) for fn in fnames
if not fn.startswith("_") and fn.endswith(".py")]
return [path]
files = []
if not addons_only:
for path in settings.CUSTOM_PY_UI_FILES:
for root in (bpy.utils.resource_path(t) for t in ('USER', 'LOCAL', 'SYSTEM')):
files += _get_files(os.path.join(root, path))
# Add all given addons.
for mod in addons:
fn = mod.__file__
if os.path.basename(fn) == "":
files += _get_files(os.path.dirname(fn))
dump_py_messages_from_files(msgs, reports, sorted(files), settings)
##### C source code #####
def dump_src_messages(msgs, reports, settings):
def get_contexts():
"""Return a mapping {C_CTXT_NAME: ctxt_value}."""
return {k: getattr(, n) for k, n in}
contexts = get_contexts()
# Build regexes to extract messages (with optional contexts) from C source.
pygettexts = tuple(re.compile(r).search for r in settings.PYGETTEXT_KEYWORDS)
_clean_str = re.compile(settings.str_clean_re).finditer
clean_str = lambda s: "".join("clean") for m in _clean_str(s))
def dump_src_file(path, rel_path, msgs, reports, settings):
def process_entry(_msgctxt, _msgid):
# Context.
msgctxt = settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT
if _msgctxt:
if _msgctxt in contexts:
msgctxt = contexts[_msgctxt]
elif '"' in _msgctxt or "'" in _msgctxt:
msgctxt = clean_str(_msgctxt)
print("WARNING: raw context “{}” couldnt be resolved!".format(_msgctxt))
# Message.
msgid = ""
if _msgid:
if '"' in _msgid or "'" in _msgid:
msgid = clean_str(_msgid)
print("WARNING: raw message “{}” couldnt be resolved!".format(_msgid))
return msgctxt, msgid
check_ctxt_src = None
if reports["check_ctxt"]:
check_ctxt = reports["check_ctxt"]
check_ctxt_src = {
"multi_lines": check_ctxt.get("multi_lines"),
"not_capitalized": check_ctxt.get("not_capitalized"),
"end_point": check_ctxt.get("end_point"),
"spell_checker": check_ctxt.get("spell_checker"),
"spell_errors": check_ctxt.get("spell_errors"),
data = ""
with open(path) as f:
data =
for srch in pygettexts:
m = srch(data)
line = pos = 0
while m:
d = m.groupdict()
# Line.
line += data[pos:m.start()].count('\n')
msgsrc = rel_path + ":" + str(line)
_msgid = d.get("msg_raw")
# First, try the "multi-contexts" stuff!
_msgctxts = tuple(d.get("ctxt_raw{}".format(i)) for i in range(settings.PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT))
if _msgctxts[0]:
for _msgctxt in _msgctxts:
if not _msgctxt:
msgctxt, msgid = process_entry(_msgctxt, _msgid)
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt, msgid, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_src, settings)
reports["src_messages"].append((msgctxt, msgid, msgsrc))
_msgctxt = d.get("ctxt_raw")
msgctxt, msgid = process_entry(_msgctxt, _msgid)
process_msg(msgs, msgctxt, msgid, msgsrc, reports, check_ctxt_src, settings)
reports["src_messages"].append((msgctxt, msgid, msgsrc))
pos = m.end()
line += data[m.start():pos].count('\n')
m = srch(data, pos)
forbidden = set()
forced = set()
if os.path.isfile(settings.SRC_POTFILES):
with open(settings.SRC_POTFILES) as src:
for l in src:
if l[0] == '-':
elif l[0] != '#':
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(settings.POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR):
if "/.svn" in root:
for fname in files:
if os.path.splitext(fname)[1] not in settings.PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS:
path = os.path.join(root, fname)
rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, settings.SOURCE_DIR)
if rel_path in forbidden:
elif rel_path not in forced:
for rel_path in sorted(forced):
path = os.path.join(settings.SOURCE_DIR, rel_path)
if os.path.exists(path):
dump_src_file(path, rel_path, msgs, reports, settings)
##### Main functions! #####
def dump_messages(do_messages, do_checks, settings):
bl_ver = "Blender " +
bl_rev =
bl_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( + "T" +,
pot = utils.I18nMessages.gen_empty_messages(settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID, bl_ver, bl_rev, bl_date, bl_date.year,
msgs = pot.msgs
# Enable all wanted addons.
# For now, enable all official addons, before extracting msgids.
addons = enable_addons(support={"OFFICIAL"})
# Note this is not needed if we have been started with factory settings, but just in case...
enable_addons(support={"COMMUNITY", "TESTING"}, disable=True)
reports = _gen_reports(_gen_check_ctxt(settings) if do_checks else None)
# Get strings from RNA.
dump_messages_rna(msgs, reports, settings)
# Get strings from UI layout definitions text="..." args.
dump_py_messages(msgs, reports, addons, settings)
# Get strings from C source code.
dump_src_messages(msgs, reports, settings)
# Get strings from addons' categories.
for uid, label, tip in bpy.types.WindowManager.addon_filter[1]['items'](bpy.context.window_manager, bpy.context):
process_msg(msgs, settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, label, "Addons' categories", reports, None, settings)
if tip:
process_msg(msgs, settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, tip, "Addons' categories", reports, None, settings)
# Get strings specific to translations' menu.
for lng in settings.LANGUAGES:
process_msg(msgs, settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, lng[1], "Languages labels from bl_i18n_utils/",
reports, None, settings)
for cat in settings.LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES:
process_msg(msgs, settings.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, cat[1],
"Language categories labels from bl_i18n_utils/", reports, None, settings)
pot.unescape() # Strings gathered in py/C source code may contain escaped chars...
print_info(reports, pot)
if do_messages:
print("Writing messages…")
pot.write('PO', settings.FILE_NAME_POT)
print("Finished extracting UI messages!")
def dump_addon_messages(module_name, messages_formats, do_checks, settings):
# Enable our addon and get strings from RNA.
addon = enable_addons(addons={module_name})[0]
addon_info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(addon)
ver = + " " + ".".join(addon_info.version)
rev = "???"
date = datetime.datetime()
pot = utils.I18nMessages.gen_empty_messages(settings.PARSER_TEMPLATE_ID, ver, rev, date, date.year,
msgs = pot.msgs
minus_msgs = copy.deepcopy(msgs)
check_ctxt = _gen_check_ctxt(settings) if do_checks else None
minus_check_ctxt = _gen_check_ctxt(settings) if do_checks else None
# Get current addon state (loaded or not):
was_loaded = addon_utils.check(module_name)[1]
# Enable our addon and get strings from RNA.
addons = enable_addons(addons={module_name})
reports = _gen_reports(check_ctxt)
dump_messages_rna(msgs, reports, settings)
# Now disable our addon, and rescan RNA.
enable_addons(addons={module_name}, disable=True)
reports["check_ctxt"] = minus_check_ctxt
dump_messages_rna(minus_msgs, reports, settings)
# Restore previous state if needed!
if was_loaded:
# and make the diff!
for key in minus_msgs:
if key == settings.PO_HEADER_KEY:
del msgs[key]
if check_ctxt:
for key in check_ctxt:
for warning in minus_check_ctxt[key]:
# and we are done with those!
del minus_msgs
del minus_check_ctxt
# get strings from UI layout definitions text="..." args
reports["check_ctxt"] = check_ctxt
dump_messages_pytext(msgs, reports, addons, settings, addons_only=True)
print_info(reports, pot)
return pot
def main():
import bpy
except ImportError:
print("This script must run from inside blender")
import sys
back_argv = sys.argv
# Get rid of Blender args!
sys.argv = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1:]
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process UI messages from inside Blender.")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--no_checks', default=True, action="store_false", help="No checks over UI messages.")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--no_messages', default=True, action="store_false", help="No export of UI messages.")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default=None, help="Output POT file path.")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--settings', default=None,
help="Override (some) default settings. Either a JSon file name, or a JSon string.")
args = parser.parse_args()
2013-03-19 08:33:24 +00:00
settings = settings_i18n.I18nSettings()
if args.output:
settings.FILE_NAME_POT = args.output
dump_messages(do_messages=args.no_messages, do_checks=args.no_checks, settings=settings)
sys.argv = back_argv
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("\n\n *** Running {} *** \n".format(__file__))