
275 lines
9.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2010-02-12 13:34:04 +00:00
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
#for full docs see...
import bpy
def extend(obj, operator, EXTEND_MODE):
me =
me_verts = me.verts
# script will fail without UVs
if not me.active_uv_texture:
# Toggle Edit mode
is_editmode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
if is_editmode:
#t = sys.time()
edge_average_lengths = {}
OTHER_INDEX = 2, 3, 0, 1
FAST_INDICIES = 0, 2, 1, 3 # order is faster
def extend_uvs(face_source, face_target, edge_key):
Takes 2 faces,
Projects its extends its UV coords onto the face next to it.
Both faces must share an edge
def face_edge_vs(vi):
# assume a quad
return [(vi[0], vi[1]), (vi[1], vi[2]), (vi[2], vi[3]), (vi[3], vi[0])]
vidx_source = face_source.verts
vidx_target = face_target.verts
faceUVsource =[face_source.index]
uvs_source = [faceUVsource.uv1, faceUVsource.uv2, faceUVsource.uv3, faceUVsource.uv4]
faceUVtarget =[face_target.index]
uvs_target = [faceUVtarget.uv1, faceUVtarget.uv2, faceUVtarget.uv3, faceUVtarget.uv4]
# vertex index is the key, uv is the value
2010-07-15 00:52:26 +00:00
uvs_vhash_source = {vindex: uvs_source[i] for i, vindex in enumerate(vidx_source)}
2010-07-15 00:52:26 +00:00
uvs_vhash_target = {vindex: uvs_target[i] for i, vindex in enumerate(vidx_target)}
edge_idxs_source = face_edge_vs(vidx_source)
edge_idxs_target = face_edge_vs(vidx_target)
source_matching_edge = -1
target_matching_edge = -1
edge_key_swap = edge_key[1], edge_key[0]
source_matching_edge = edge_idxs_source.index(edge_key)
source_matching_edge = edge_idxs_source.index(edge_key_swap)
target_matching_edge = edge_idxs_target.index(edge_key)
target_matching_edge = edge_idxs_target.index(edge_key_swap)
edgepair_inner_source = edge_idxs_source[source_matching_edge]
edgepair_inner_target = edge_idxs_target[target_matching_edge]
edgepair_outer_source = edge_idxs_source[OTHER_INDEX[source_matching_edge]]
edgepair_outer_target = edge_idxs_target[OTHER_INDEX[target_matching_edge]]
if edge_idxs_source[source_matching_edge] == edge_idxs_target[target_matching_edge]:
iA = 0 # Flipped, most common
iB = 1
else: # The normals of these faces must be different
iA = 1
iB = 0
# Set the target UV's touching source face, no tricky calc needed,
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_inner_target[0]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[iA]]
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_inner_target[1]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[iB]]
# Set the 2 UV's on the target face that are not touching
# for this we need to do basic expaning on the source faces UV's
try: # divide by zero is possible
measure the length of each face from the middle of each edge to the opposite
allong the axis we are copying, use this
i1a = edgepair_outer_target[iB]
i2a = edgepair_inner_target[iA]
if i1a > i2a:
i1a, i2a = i2a, i1a
i1b = edgepair_outer_source[iB]
i2b = edgepair_inner_source[iA]
if i1b > i2b:
i1b, i2b = i2b, i1b
# print edge_average_lengths
factor = edge_average_lengths[i1a, i2a][0] / edge_average_lengths[i1b, i2b][0]
# Div By Zero?
factor = 1.0
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iB]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] + factor * (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[1]])
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iA]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] + factor * (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[0]])
# same as above but with no factors
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iB]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] + (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[1]])
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iA]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] + (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[0]])
if me.active_uv_texture == None:
face_act =
if face_act == -1:{'ERROR'}, "No active face.")
Apply first pass of edits to rna values from rna_booleans.txt. These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release. ActionGroup.selected -> select: boolean Action Group is selected BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point: boolean Control point selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected Bone.selected -> select: boolean CurveMapPoint.selected -> select: boolean Selection state of the curve point EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected EditBone.selected -> select: boolean EditBone.selected_head -> select_head: boolean EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail: boolean EditBone.locked -> lock: boolean Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode EditBone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled: boolean F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating FCurve.locked -> lock: boolean F-Curve's settings cannot be edited FCurve.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve is not evaluated FCurve.selected -> select: boolean F-Curve is selected for editing NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide: boolean F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs FCurveSample.selected -> select: boolean Selection status GPencilFrame.selected -> select: boolean Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet GPencilLayer.locked -> lock: boolean Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes GPencilLayer.selected -> select: boolean Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet Keyframe.selected -> select: boolean Control point selection status Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status MeshEdge.selected -> select: boolean MeshEdge.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.selected -> select: boolean MeshVertex.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshVertex.selected -> select: boolean MotionPathVert.selected -> select: boolean Path point is selected for editing NlaStrip.selected -> select: boolean NLA Strip is selected NlaTrack.locked -> lock: boolean NLA Track is locked NlaTrack.muted -> mute: boolean NLA Track is not evaluated NlaTrack.selected -> select: boolean NLA Track is selected Object.restrict_render -> hide_render: boolean Restrict renderability Object.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Restrict selection in the viewport Object.restrict_view -> hide: boolean Restrict visibility in the viewport Object.selected -> select: boolean Object selection state ObjectBase.selected -> select: boolean Object base selection state PoseBone.selected -> select: boolean Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle: boolean Sequence.selected -> select: boolean SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point: boolean Selection status TimelineMarker.selected -> select: boolean Marker selection state Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle: boolean ActionGroup.locked -> lock: boolean Action Group is locked Bone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes) SplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status FModifier.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
2010-07-15 16:56:04 +00:00
face_sel = [f for f in me.faces if len(f.verts) == 4 and]
face_act_local_index = -1
for i, f in enumerate(face_sel):
if f.index == face_act:
face_act_local_index = i
if face_act_local_index == -1:{'ERROR'}, "Active face not selected.")
# Modes
# 0 unsearched
# 1:mapped, use search from this face. - removed!!
# 2:all siblings have been searched. dont search again.
face_modes = [0] * len(face_sel)
face_modes[face_act_local_index] = 1 # extend UV's from this face.
# Edge connectivty
edge_faces = {}
for i, f in enumerate(face_sel):
for edkey in f.edge_keys:
edge_faces[edkey] = [i]
#SEAM = me.edges.seam
edge_loops = me.edge_loops_from_faces(face_sel, [ed.key for ed in me.edges if ed.seam])
me_verts = me.verts
for loop in edge_loops:
looplen = [0.0]
for ed in loop:
edge_average_lengths[ed] = looplen
looplen[0] += (me_verts[ed[0]].co - me_verts[ed[1]].co).length
looplen[0] = looplen[0] / len(loop)
# remove seams, so we dont map accross seams.
for ed in me.edges:
if ed.seam:
# remove the edge pair if we can
del edge_faces[ed.key]
# Done finding seams
# face connectivity - faces around each face
# only store a list of indicies for each face.
face_faces = [[] for i in range(len(face_sel))]
for edge_key, faces in edge_faces.items():
if len(faces) == 2: # Only do edges with 2 face users for now
face_faces[faces[0]].append((faces[1], edge_key))
face_faces[faces[1]].append((faces[0], edge_key))
# Now we know what face is connected to what other face, map them by connectivity
ok = True
while ok:
ok = False
for i in range(len(face_sel)):
if face_modes[i] == 1: # searchable
for f_sibling, edge_key in face_faces[i]:
if face_modes[f_sibling] == 0:
face_modes[f_sibling] = 1 # mapped and search from.
extend_uvs(face_sel[i], face_sel[f_sibling], edge_key)
face_modes[i] = 1 # we can map from this one now.
ok = True # keep searching
face_modes[i] = 2 # dont search again
if is_editmode:
def main(context, operator):
obj = context.active_object
extend(obj, operator,
class FollowActiveQuads(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Follow UVs from active quads along continuous face loops'''
bl_idname = "uv.follow_active_quads"
bl_label = "Follow Active Quads"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
mode = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(("EVEN", "Even", "Space all UVs evently"), ("LENGTH", "Length", "Average space UVs edge length of each loop")),
name="Edge Length Mode",
description="Method to space UV edge loops",
def poll(context):
obj = context.active_object
return (obj is not None and obj.type == 'MESH')
def execute(self, context):
main(context, self)
return {'FINISHED'}
# Add to a menu
menu_func = (lambda self, context: self.layout.operator(FollowActiveQuads.bl_idname))
def register():
2010-03-06 01:40:29 +00:00
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":