
444 lines
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New scripts: - hotkeys, obdatacopier and renameobjectbyblock, all from Jean-Michel Soler (jms); - bevel_center by Loic Berthe, suggested for inclusion by jms; - doc_browser, by Daniel Dunbar (Zr) Thanks to them for the new contributions! (I included doc_browser at 'Misc' because only users interested in script writing would actually use it, but it could also be under 'Help'. Opinions?) BPython related: - Added scriptlink methods to object, lamp, camera and world. - Object: added object.makeTrack and object.clearTrack (old track method). - sys: made sys.exists(path) return 0 for not found; 1 for file, 2 for dir and -1 for neither. - doc updates and fixes. - made ONLOAD event work. G.f's SCENESCRIPT bit was being zeroed in set_app_data. - Blender: updated functions Load and Save to support the builtin importers and exporters besides .blend (dxf, videoscape, vrml 1.0, stl, ...) - Draw: added mouse wheel events. - Scene: added to play back animations (like ALT+A and SHIFT+ALT+A). Makes a good counter, too, when the 'win' attribute is set to a space that doesn't "animate". The addition and the fix to ONLOAD scriptlinks is part of the work for a Blender demo mode. It already works, but I'll still add support for Radiosity calculations and fix a thing in main(): it executes onload scripts too early (BIF_Init), giving funny results in alt+a animations and renderings when firing up Blender. Loading after the program is up has no such problems. When I finish I'll post examples of demo mode scripts.
2004-07-03 05:17:04 +00:00
Name: 'BPy Doc Browser'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Misc'
Tip: 'Browse BPython (scripting API) modules doc strings.'
__author__ = "Daniel Dunbar"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun")
__version__ = "1.0"
__bpydoc__ = """\
The "Doc Browser" lets users navigate the documentation strings of part of
the Blender Python API.
It doesn't give access yet to object method functions and variables, only to
module functions, but still it is a handy reference. Specially for quick
access, for example to Blender.BGL: the module that wraps OpenGL calls.
Everyone interested in the bpython api is also invited to read "The Blender
Python API Reference" doc, available online ("Python Scripting Reference"
entry in Blender's Help menu).
New scripts: - hotkeys, obdatacopier and renameobjectbyblock, all from Jean-Michel Soler (jms); - bevel_center by Loic Berthe, suggested for inclusion by jms; - doc_browser, by Daniel Dunbar (Zr) Thanks to them for the new contributions! (I included doc_browser at 'Misc' because only users interested in script writing would actually use it, but it could also be under 'Help'. Opinions?) BPython related: - Added scriptlink methods to object, lamp, camera and world. - Object: added object.makeTrack and object.clearTrack (old track method). - sys: made sys.exists(path) return 0 for not found; 1 for file, 2 for dir and -1 for neither. - doc updates and fixes. - made ONLOAD event work. G.f's SCENESCRIPT bit was being zeroed in set_app_data. - Blender: updated functions Load and Save to support the builtin importers and exporters besides .blend (dxf, videoscape, vrml 1.0, stl, ...) - Draw: added mouse wheel events. - Scene: added to play back animations (like ALT+A and SHIFT+ALT+A). Makes a good counter, too, when the 'win' attribute is set to a space that doesn't "animate". The addition and the fix to ONLOAD scriptlinks is part of the work for a Blender demo mode. It already works, but I'll still add support for Radiosity calculations and fix a thing in main(): it executes onload scripts too early (BIF_Init), giving funny results in alt+a animations and renderings when firing up Blender. Loading after the program is up has no such problems. When I finish I'll post examples of demo mode scripts.
2004-07-03 05:17:04 +00:00
# $Id$
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2004: Daniel Dunbar, ddunbar _at_
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Blender help browser
# By Daniel Dunbar,
# This should function as a self-explanatory (interface, not code)
# (mostly) help browser. The code is wacky and nasty and or fun,
# but mainly bad, just cause it works doesn't mean its readable!
# The row_draw function could easily be made into a more generic
# and usefull table drawing function...
import Blender
from types import ListType, IntType, FloatType, StringType, ModuleType
from Blender.Draw import *
from Blender.BGL import *
# Simple version check, since I use the
# buffer calls... DONT use this code,
# assume everyone has 1.73+, and force
# them to upgrade if they dont
a= BufList
version= 172
version= 173
# I could have used the split from the string module,
# but some people might not have it
def split(str, on):
out= [""]
for s in str:
if s in on: out.append("")
else: out[-1]= out[-1]+s
if out[-1]=="": del(out[-1])
return out
last_sort= 1; direction= 1
def sort_browselist(type):
global browselist
global last_sort, direction
if (type==last_sort): direction= -direction
else: direction= 1
last_sort= type
if (direction==1):
def byname(x, y): return cmp(x[0],y[0]);
def bytype(x, y): return cmp(x[1],y[1])
def bydata(x, y): return cmp(x[2],y[2])
def byname(x, y): return cmp(y[0],x[0]);
def bytype(x, y): return cmp(y[1],x[1])
def bydata(x, y): return cmp(y[2],x[2])
if (type==1): browselist.sort(byname)
elif (type==2): browselist.sort(bytype)
elif (type==3): browselist.sort(bydata)
selected= -1
def view_doc(num):
global selected, selected_page
if (selected==num): selected= -1
else: selected= num
selected_page= 0
function_filter= 0
def toggle_function_filter():
global function_filter
function_filter= not function_filter
def view_page(dir):
global selected_page
selected_page= selected_page + dir
browse_scrollstart= 0
def browse_module(num):
global browsing, selected, browse_scrollstart
if (num>=0): newstr= browsing.val + "." + browselist[num][0]
modules= split(browsing.val, ".")
newstr= ""
for m in modules[:-1]:
newstr= newstr+m
browsing= Create(newstr)
browsing= Create('Blender')
browse_scrollstart= 0
scrolling= 0
selected= -1
def make_browselist():
global browselist
browselist= []
module= eval(browsing.val)
items= dir(module)
for item_name in items:
if (item_name[:2]=='__'): continue
data= [item_name, 'None', '', '']
item= eval(item_name,module.__dict__)
t= type(item)
if (t==IntType): data[1]= 'Int'; data[2]= `item`
elif (t==FloatType): data[1]= 'Float'; data[2]= `item`
elif (t==StringType): data[1]= 'String'
elif (t==ModuleType): data[1]= 'Module'
elif (callable(item)):
data[1]= 'Function'
doc= item.__doc__
if (doc): data[3]= doc
if (function_filter and data[1]!='Function'): continue
browsing= Create('Blender')
scr= Create(0)
browse_scrollstart= 0
winrect= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
def draw():
global browsing, winrect, scr, browse_scrollstart
# Blender doesn't give us direct access to
# the window size yet, but it does set the
# GL scissor box for it, so we can get the
# size from that.
if (version<173):
size= Buffer(GL_FLOAT, None, 4)
glGetFloat(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, size)
size= BufList(size)
size= Buffer(GL_FLOAT, 4)
glGetFloatv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, size)
size= size.list
winrect= size[:]
size[0]= size[1]= 0.0
# Shrink the size to make a nice frame
# (also a good technique so you can be sure you are clipping things properly)
size[0], size[1]= int(size[0]+10), int(size[1]+10)
size[2], size[3]= int(size[2]-12), int(size[3]-10)
glClearColor(0.6, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0)
# The frame
glColor3f(0.4, 0.5, 0.2)
glRectf(size[0], size[1], size[2], size[3])
# Window header
glColor3f(0.2, 0.2, 0.4)
glRectf(size[0], size[3]-25, size[2], size[3])
glColor3f(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)
glRasterPos2f(size[0]+15, size[3]-17)
Text("Zr's Help Browser")
Button("Filter", FILTER_DISPLAY, size[2]-400, size[3]-22, 45, 18)
Button("Back", BACK_MODULE, size[2]-300, size[3]-22, 45, 18)
browsing= String("Browse: ", BROWSE_EVT, size[2]-250, size[3]-22, 245, 18, browsing.val, 30)
# The real table
def row_draw(rect, data, cols, cell_colors, text_colors):
if (len(data)!=len(cols)):
print "Must have same length data and columns"
if (type(cell_colors)!=ListType): cell_colors= [cell_colors]
if (type(text_colors)!=ListType): text_colors= [text_colors]
sx= rect[0]
for i in range(len(data)):
d= data[i]
c= cols[i]
c, align= c[0], c[1]
if (type(c)==FloatType): c= c*(rect[2]-rect[0])
ex= sx + c
color= cell_colors[i%len(cell_colors)]
apply(glColor3f, color)
glRectf(sx, rect[1], ex, rect[3])
color= text_colors[i%len(text_colors)]
apply(glColor3f, color)
if (type(d)==StringType):
str_width= len(d)*8
if (align=='left'): glRasterPos2f(sx+3, rect[1]+5)
elif (align=='center'): glRasterPos2f((sx+ex)/2 - str_width/2 +3, rect[1]+5)
elif (align=='right'): glRasterPos2f(ex - str_width -3, rect[1]+5)
d(map(int,[sx, rect[1], ex, rect[3]]))
sx= ex
# Some colors
black= (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
white= (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
red= (0.8, 0.1, 0.1)
gray0= (0.17, 0.17, 0.17)
gray1= (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
gray2= (0.33, 0.33, 0.33)
gray3= (0.41, 0.41, 0.41)
gray4= (0.49, 0.49, 0.49)
gray5= (0.57, 0.57, 0.57)
gray6= (0.65, 0.65, 0.65)
cols= [[.3, 'left'], [.2, 'left'], [.4, 'right'], [.1, 'center']]
header= [size[0]+20, size[3]-60, size[2]-40, size[3]-40]
def sort_byname(co): Button("Name",SORT_BYNAME, co[0]+3, co[1], co[2]-co[0]-4, 19)
def sort_bytype(co): Button("Type",SORT_BYTYPE, co[0]+3, co[1], co[2]-co[0]-4, 19)
def sort_bydata(co): Button("Data",SORT_BYDATA, co[0]+3, co[1], co[2]-co[0]-4, 19)
row_draw(header, [sort_byname, sort_bytype, sort_bydata,'Link'], cols, [gray0, gray1], gray6)
if (selected!=-1):
table= [size[0]+20, size[1]+220, size[2]-40, size[3]-60]
table= [size[0]+20, size[1]+20, size[2]-40, size[3]-60]
row_height= 25
items= (table[3]-table[1])/row_height
items= 10
if (items>len(browselist)): items= len(browselist)
end= len(browselist)-items
if (end>0):
scr= Scrollbar(SCROLLBAR, table[2]+5, table[1], 20, table[3]-table[1], scr.val, 0.0, end, 0, "Page Up/Down scrolls list.")
row= table
row[1]= row[3]-row_height
start= browse_scrollstart
if (start+items>len(browselist)): items= len(browselist)-start
for i in range(items):
i= start+i
data= browselist[i][:]
if (i%2): colors= [gray1, gray2]
else: colors= [gray2, gray3]
# Strange pythonic code
def view_doc(co,num=i):
Button("Doc",VIEW_DOC+num, co[0]+3, co[1]+2, co[2]-co[0]-4, 19)
def browse_module(co,num=i):
Button("Browse",BROWSE_MODULE+num, co[0]+3, co[1]+2, co[2]-co[0]-4, 19)
if (data[1]=='Function'):
if data[3]:
data[3]= view_doc
tcolor= black
tcolor= red
data[2]= 'NO DOC STRING'
data[3]= ''
if (data[1]=='Module'): data[3]= browse_module
else: data[3]= ''
tcolor= black
row_draw(row, data, cols, colors, tcolor)
row[1]= row[1]-row_height
row[3]= row[3]-row_height
if (selected!=-1):
table= [size[0]+20, size[1]+20, size[2]-40, size[1]+180]
apply(glColor3f, gray5)
glRectf(table[0], table[3], table[2], table[3]+20)
apply(glColor3f, gray2)
glRectf(table[0], table[1], table[2], table[3])
apply(glColor3f, black)
glRasterPos2f(table[0]+3, table[3]+5)
Text("Function: " + browsing.val + "." + browselist[selected][0])
Button("Close", CLOSE_VIEW, table[2]-50, table[3], 45, 18)
row_height= 20
view_lines= int((table[3]-table[1])/row_height)-1
lines= split(browselist[selected][3], "\n")
doc_lines= len(lines)
sindex= view_lines*selected_page
eindex= view_lines*(selected_page+1)
if (sindex>0):
sindex= sindex-1
eindex= eindex-1
lines= lines[sindex:eindex]
y= table[3]-20
for line in lines:
glRasterPos2f(table[0]+3, y)
y= y-20
if (sindex): Button("Page up", DOC_PAGE_UP, table[2]-100, table[3]-20, 90, 18)
if (eindex<doc_lines): Button("Page down", DOC_PAGE_DOWN, table[2]-100, table[1]+5, 90, 18)
lmouse= [0, 0]
def event(evt, val):
global browse_scrollstart
if (evt==QKEY or evt==ESCKEY): Exit()
elif (evt in [PAGEUPKEY, PAGEDOWNKEY] and val):
if (evt==PAGEUPKEY): browse_scrollstart= browse_scrollstart-5
else: browse_scrollstart= browse_scrollstart+5
if (browse_scrollstart<0): browse_scrollstart= 0
elif (browse_scrollstart>=len(browselist)): browse_scrollstart= len(browselist)-1
def bevent(evt):
if (evt==BROWSE_EVT): make_browselist()
elif (evt==SORT_BYNAME): sort_browselist(1)
elif (evt==SORT_BYTYPE): sort_browselist(2)
elif (evt==SORT_BYDATA): sort_browselist(3)
elif (evt==DOC_PAGE_UP): view_page(-1)
elif (evt==DOC_PAGE_DOWN): view_page(1)
elif (evt==BACK_MODULE): browse_module(-1)
elif (evt==CLOSE_VIEW): view_doc(-1)
elif (evt==FILTER_DISPLAY): toggle_function_filter()
elif (evt==SCROLLBAR):
global browse_scrollstart
browse_scrollstart= int(scr.val)
elif (evt>=BROWSE_MODULE): browse_module(evt-BROWSE_MODULE)
elif (evt>=VIEW_DOC): view_doc(evt-VIEW_DOC)
Register(draw, event, bevent)