* This module currently provides iterative methods to solve problems of the form \c A \c x = \c b, where \c A is a squared matrix, usually very large and sparse.
* Those solvers are accessible via the following classes:
* - ConjugateGradient for selfadjoint (hermitian) matrices,
* - BiCGSTAB for general square matrices.
* These iterative solvers are associated with some preconditioners:
* - IdentityPreconditioner - not really useful
* - DiagonalPreconditioner - also called JAcobi preconditioner, work very well on diagonal dominant matrices.
* - IncompleteILUT - incomplete LU factorization with dual thresholding
* Such problems can also be solved using the direct sparse decomposition modules: SparseCholesky, CholmodSupport, UmfPackSupport, SuperLUSupport.