
587 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Name: 'Bridge/Skin/Loft'
Blender: 234
Group: 'Mesh'
Tooltip: 'Select 2 or more vert loops, then run this script'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton AKA Ideasman"
__url__ = ["", "blender", "elysiun"]
__version__ = "1.1 2005/06/13"
__bpydoc__ = """\
With this script vertex loops can be skinned: faces are created to connect the
selected loops of vertices.
In mesh Edit mode select the vertices of the loops (closed paths / curves of
vertices: circles, for example) that should be skinned, then run this script.
A pop-up will provide further options.
If the results of a method chosen from the pop-up are not adequate, undo and try one of the others.
# $Id$
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skin Selected edges 1.0 By Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Made by Ideasman/Campbell 2004/04/25 -
import Blender
from Blender import *
import math
from math import *
choice = Draw.PupMenu(\
'Loft-loop - shortest edge method|\
Loft-loop - even method|\
Loft-segment - shortest edge|\
Loft-segment - even method')
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
# Math functions #
# Measure 2 points
def measure(v1, v2):
return Mathutils.Vector([v1[0]-v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1], v1[2] - v2[2]]).length
# Clamp
def clamp(max, number):
while number >= max:
number = number - max
return number
# List func that takes the last item and adds it to the front #
def listRotate(ls):
# Recieve a list of locs: [x,y,z] and return the average location #
def averageLocation(locList):
avLoc = [0,0,0]
# Loop through x/y/z
for coordIdx in [0,1,2]:
# Add all the values from 1 of the 3 coords at the avLoc.
for loc in locList:
avLoc[coordIdx] += loc[coordIdx]
avLoc[coordIdx] = avLoc[coordIdx] / len(locList)
return avLoc
# Blender functions/shortcuts #
def error(str):
# Returns a new face that has the same properties as the origional face
# With no verts though
def copyFace(face):
newFace = NMesh.Face()
# Copy some generic properties
newFace.mode = face.mode
if face.image != None:
newFace.image = face.image
newFace.flag = face.flag
newFace.mat = face.mat
newFace.smooth = face.smooth
return newFace
# Find a selected vert that 2 faces share. #
def selVertBetween2Faces(face1, face2):
for v1 in face1.v:
if v1.sel:
for v2 in face2.v:
if v1 == v2:
return v1
# Measure the total distance between all the edges in #
# 2 vertex loops #
def measureVloop(mesh, v1loop, v2loop, surplusFaces, bestSoFar):
totalDist = 0
# Rotate the vertloops to cycle through each pair.
# of faces to compate the distance between the 2 poins
for ii in range(len(v1loop)):
if ii not in surplusFaces:
# Clamp
v2clampii = ii
while v2clampii >= len(v2loop):
v2clampii -= len(v2loop)
print v2clampii
V1 = selVertBetween2Faces(mesh.faces[v1loop[ii-1]], mesh.faces[v1loop[ii]])
V2 = selVertBetween2Faces(mesh.faces[v2loop[v2clampii-1]], mesh.faces[v2loop[v2clampii]])
totalDist += measure(V1, V2)
# Bail out early if not an improvement on previously measured.
if bestSoFar != None and totalDist > bestSoFar:
return totalDist
#selVertBetween2Faces(mesh.faces[v2loop[0]], mesh.faces[v2loop[1]])
return totalDist
# Remove the shortest edge from a vert loop
def removeSmallestFace(mesh, vloop):
bestDistSoFar = None
bestFIdxSoFar = None
for fIdx in vloop:
vSelLs = []
for v in mesh.faces[fIdx].v:
if v.sel:
dist = measure(vSelLs[0].co, vSelLs[1].co)
if bestDistSoFar == None:
bestDistSoFar = dist
bestFIdxSoFar = fIdx
elif dist < bestDistSoFar:
bestDistSoFar = dist
bestFIdxSoFar = fIdx
# Return the smallest face index of the vloop that was sent
return bestFIdxSoFar
# Take 2 vert loops and skin them #
def skinVertLoops(mesh, v1loop, v2loop):
# Handle uneven vert loops, this is tricky #
# Reorder so v1loop is always the biggest
if len(v1loop) < len(v2loop):
v1loop, v2loop = v2loop, v1loop
# Work out if the vert loops are equel or not, if not remove the extra faces from the larger
surplusFaces = []
tempv1loop = v1loop[:] # strip faces off this one, use it to keep track of which we have taken faces from.
if len(v1loop) > len(v2loop):
# Even face method.
if arg[1] == '2':
remIdx = 0
faceStepping = len( v1loop) / len(v2loop)
while len(v1loop) - len(surplusFaces) > len(v2loop):
remIdx += faceStepping
surplusFaces.append(tempv1loop[ clamp(len(tempv1loop),remIdx) ])
# Shortest face
elif arg[1] == '1':
while len(v1loop) - len(surplusFaces) > len(v2loop):
surplusFaces.append(removeSmallestFace(mesh, tempv1loop))
tempv1loop = None
v2loop = optimizeLoopOrdedShortEdge(mesh, v1loop, v2loop, surplusFaces)
# make Faces from
lenVloop = len(v1loop)
lenSupFaces = len(surplusFaces)
fIdx = 0
offset = 0
while fIdx < lenVloop:
face = copyFace( mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+1)]] )
if v1loop[fIdx] in surplusFaces:
# Draw a try, this face does not catch with an edge.
# So we must draw a tri and wedge it in.
# Copy old faces properties
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx)]],\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+1)]]) )
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+1)]],\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+2)]]) )
#face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
#mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset +1 ))]],\
#mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset + 2))]]) )
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset))]],\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, fIdx - offset + 1)]]) )
# We need offset to work out how much smaller v2loop is at this current index.
# Draw a normal quad between the 2 edges/faces
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx)]],\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+1)]]) )
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+1)]],\
mesh.faces[v1loop[clamp(lenVloop, fIdx+2)]]) )
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset +1 ))]],\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset + 2))]]) )
face.v.append( selVertBetween2Faces(\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, (fIdx - offset))]],\
mesh.faces[v2loop[clamp(lenVloop - lenSupFaces, fIdx - offset + 1)]]) )
fIdx +=1
return mesh
# Takes a face and returns the number of selected verts #
def faceVSel(face):
vSel = 0
for v in face.v:
if v.sel:
vSel +=1
return vSel
# This function takes a face and returns its selected vert loop #
# it returns a list of face indicies
def vertLoop(mesh, startFaceIdx, fIgLs): # fIgLs is a list of faces to ignore.
# Here we store the faces indicies that
# are a part of the first vertex loop
vertLoopLs = [startFaceIdx]
restart = 0
while restart == 0:
# this keeps the face loop going until its told to stop,
# If the face loop does not find an adjacent face then the vert loop has been compleated
restart = 1
# Get my selected verts for the active face/edge.
selVerts = []
for v in mesh.faces[vertLoopLs[-1]].v:
fIdx = 0
while fIdx < len(mesh.faces) and restart:
# Not already added to the vert list
if fIdx not in fIgLs + vertLoopLs:
# Has 2 verts selected
if faceVSel(mesh.faces[fIdx]) > 1:
# Now we need to find if any of the selected verts
# are shared with our active face. (are we next to ActiveFace)
for v in mesh.faces[fIdx].v:
if v in selVerts:
restart = 0 # restart the face loop.
fIdx +=1
return vertLoopLs
# Now we work out the optimum order to 'skin' the 2 vert loops #
# by measuring the total distance of all edges created, #
# test this for every possible series of joins #
# and find the shortest, Once this is done the #
# shortest dist can be skinned. #
# returns only the 2nd-reordered vert loop #
def optimizeLoopOrded(mesh, v1loop, v2loop):
bestSoFar = None
# Measure the dist, ii is just a counter
for ii in range(len(v1loop)):
# Loop twice , Once for the forward test, and another for the revearsed
for iii in [None, None]:
dist = measureVloop(mesh, v1loop, v2loop, bestSoFar)
# Initialize the Best distance recorded
if bestSoFar == None or dist < bestSoFar:
bestSoFar = dist
bestv2Loop = v2loop[:]
# We might have got the vert loop backwards, try the other way
return bestv2Loop
# Now we work out the optimum order to 'skin' the 2 vert loops #
# by measuring the total distance of all edges created, #
# test this for every possible series of joins #
# and find the shortest, Once this is done the #
# shortest dist can be skinned. #
# returns only the 2nd-reordered vert loop #
def optimizeLoopOrdedShortEdge(mesh, v1loop, v2loop, surplusFaces):
bestSoFar = None
# Measure the dist, ii is just a counter
for ii in range(len(v2loop)):
# Loop twice , Once for the forward test, and another for the revearsed
for iii in [None, None]:
dist = measureVloop(mesh, v1loop, v2loop, surplusFaces, bestSoFar)
print 'dist', dist
# Initialize the Best distance recorded
if bestSoFar == None or dist < bestSoFar:
bestSoFar = dist
bestv2Loop = v2loop[:]
# We might have got the vert loop backwards, try the other way
#v2loop = listRotate(v2loop)
print 'best so far ', bestSoFar
return bestv2Loop
# Find our vert loop list #
# Find a face with 2 verts selected,
#this will be the first face in out vert loop
def findVertLoop(mesh, fIgLs): # fIgLs is a list of faces to ignore.
startFaceIdx = None
fIdx = 0
while fIdx < len(mesh.faces):
if fIdx not in fIgLs:
# Do we have an edge?
if faceVSel(mesh.faces[fIdx]) > 1:
startFaceIdx = fIdx
# Here we access the function that generates the real vert loop
if startFaceIdx != None:
return vertLoop(mesh, startFaceIdx, fIgLs)
# We are out'a vert loops, return a None,
return None
# Get the average loc of a vertloop #
# This is used when working out the #
# order to loft an object #
def vLoopAverageLoc(mesh, vertLoop):
locList = [] # List of vert locations
fIdx = 0
while fIdx < len(mesh.faces):
if fIdx in vertLoop:
for v in mesh.faces[fIdx].v:
if v.sel:
return averageLocation(locList)
# Vert loop group functions
def getAllVertLoops(mesh):
# Make a chain of vert loops.
fIgLs = [] # List of faces to ignore
allVLoops = [findVertLoop(mesh, fIgLs)]
while allVLoops[-1] != None:
# In future ignore all faces in this vert loop
fIgLs += allVLoops[-1]
# Add the new vert loop to the list
allVLoops.append( findVertLoop(mesh, fIgLs) )
return allVLoops[:-1] # Remove the last Value- None.
def reorderCircularVLoops(mesh, allVLoops):
# Now get a location for each vert loop.
allVertLoopLocs = []
for vLoop in allVLoops:
allVertLoopLocs.append( vLoopAverageLoc(mesh, vLoop) )
# We need to find the longest distance between 2 vert loops so we can
reorderedVLoopLocs = []
# Start with this one, then find the next closest.
# in doing this make a new list called reorderedVloop
currentVLoop = 0
reorderedVloopIdx = [currentVLoop]
newOrderVLoops = [allVLoops[0]] # This is a re-ordered allVLoops
while len(reorderedVloopIdx) != len(allVLoops):
bestSoFar = None
bestVIdxSoFar = None
for vLoopIdx in range(len(allVLoops)):
if vLoopIdx not in reorderedVloopIdx + [currentVLoop]:
if bestSoFar == None:
bestSoFar = measure( allVertLoopLocs[vLoopIdx], allVertLoopLocs[currentVLoop] )
bestVIdxSoFar = vLoopIdx
newDist = measure( allVertLoopLocs[vLoopIdx], allVertLoopLocs[currentVLoop] )
if newDist < bestSoFar:
bestSoFar = newDist
bestVIdxSoFar = vLoopIdx
newOrderVLoops.append( allVLoops[bestVIdxSoFar] )
# Start looking for the next best fit
currentVLoop = bestVIdxSoFar
# This is not the locicle place to put this but its convieneint.
# Here we find the 2 vert loops that are most far apart
# We use this to work out which 2 vert loops not to skin when making an open loft.
vLoopIdx = 0
# Longest measured so far - 0 dummy.
bestSoFar = 0
while vLoopIdx < len(reorderedVLoopLocs):
# Skin back to the start if needs be, becuase this is a crcular loft
toSkin2 = vLoopIdx + 1
if toSkin2 == len(reorderedVLoopLocs):
toSkin2 = 0
newDist = measure( reorderedVLoopLocs[vLoopIdx], reorderedVLoopLocs[toSkin2] )
if newDist >= bestSoFar:
bestSoFar = newDist
vLoopIdxNotToSkin = vLoopIdx + 1
vLoopIdx +=1
return newOrderVLoops, vLoopIdxNotToSkin
is_editmode = Window.EditMode()
if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0)
# Get a mesh and raise errors if we cant
mesh = None
if choice == -1:
elif len(Object.GetSelected()) > 0:
if Object.GetSelected()[0].getType() == 'Mesh':
mesh = Object.GetSelected()[0].getData()
error('please select a mesh')
error('no mesh object selected')
time1 = sys.time()
if mesh != None:
allVLoops = getAllVertLoops(mesh)
# Re order the vert loops
allVLoops, vLoopIdxNotToSkin = reorderCircularVLoops(mesh, allVLoops)
vloopIdx = 0
while vloopIdx < len(allVLoops):
#print range(len(allVLoops) )
#print vloopIdx
#print allVLoops[vloopIdx]
# Skin back to the start if needs be, becuase this is a crcular loft
toSkin2 = vloopIdx + 1
if toSkin2 == len(allVLoops):
toSkin2 = 0
# Circular loft or not?
if arg[0] == 'B': # B for open
if vloopIdx != vLoopIdxNotToSkin:
mesh = skinVertLoops(mesh, allVLoops[vloopIdx], allVLoops[toSkin2])
elif arg[0] == 'A': # A for closed
mesh = skinVertLoops(mesh, allVLoops[vloopIdx], allVLoops[toSkin2])
vloopIdx +=1
mesh.update(1,(mesh.edges != []),0)
if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1)
print "skinning time: %.2f" % (sys.time() - time1)