
380 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
2010-02-12 13:34:04 +00:00
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
def write_svg(fw, mesh, image_width, image_height, face_iter):
# for making an XML compatible string
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from os.path import basename
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
fw('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>\n')
fw('<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" \n')
fw(' "">\n')
fw('<svg width="%dpx" height="%dpx" viewBox="0px 0px %dpx %dpx"\n' % (image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height))
fw(' xmlns="" version="1.1">\n')
desc = "%r, %s, (Blender %s)" % (basename(,,
fw('<desc>%s</desc>\n' % escape(desc))
# svg colors
fill_settings = []
fill_default = 'fill="grey"'
for mat in mesh.materials if mesh.materials else [None]:
if mat:
fill_settings.append('fill="rgb(%d, %d, %d)"' % tuple(int(c * 255) for c in mat.diffuse_color))
faces = mesh.faces
for i, uvs in face_iter:
try: # rare cases material index is invalid.
fill = fill_settings[faces[i].material_index]
except IndexError:
fill = fill_default
fw('<polygon %s fill-opacity="0.5" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px" \n' % fill)
fw(' points="')
for j, uv in enumerate(uvs):
x, y = uv[0], 1.0 - uv[1]
fw('%.3f,%.3f ' % (x * image_width, y * image_height))
fw('" />\n')
def write_eps(fw, mesh, image_width, image_height, face_iter):
fw('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n')
fw("%%%%Creator: Blender %s\n" %
fw('%%Pages: 1\n')
fw('%%Orientation: Portrait\n')
fw("%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n" % (image_width, image_height))
fw("%%%%HiResBoundingBox: 0.0 0.0 %.4f %.4f\n" % (image_width, image_height))
fw('%%Page: 1 1\n')
fw('0 0 translate\n')
fw('1.0 1.0 scale\n')
fw('0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n')
fw('[] 0 setdash\n')
fw('1 setlinewidth\n')
fw('1 setlinejoin\n')
fw('1 setlinecap\n')
fw('/DRAW {')
# can remove from here to next comment to disable filling, aparently alpha is not supported
fw('0.7 setgray\n')
fw('0 setgray\n')
# remove to here
fw('} def\n')
firstline = True
for i, uvs in face_iter:
for j, uv in enumerate(uvs):
x, y = uv[0], uv[1]
if j == 0:
if not firstline:
firstline = False
fw('%.5f %.5f moveto\n' % (x * image_width, y * image_height))
fw('%.5f %.5f lineto\n' % (x * image_width, y * image_height))
def write_png(fw, mesh_source, image_width, image_height, face_iter):
filepath =
material_solids = ["uv_temp_solid") for i in range(max(1, len(mesh_source.materials)))]
material_wire ="uv_temp_wire")
scene ="uv_temp")
mesh ="uv_temp")
for mat_solid in material_solids:
tot_verts = 0
face_lens = []
for f in mesh_source.faces:
tot_verts += len(f.vertices)
faces_source = mesh_source.faces
# get unique UV's incase there are many overlapping which slow down filling.
face_hash_3 = set()
face_hash_4 = set()
for i, uv in face_iter:
material_index = faces_source[i].material_index
if len(uv) == 3:
face_hash_3.add((uv[0][0], uv[0][1], uv[1][0], uv[1][1], uv[2][0], uv[2][1], material_index))
face_hash_4.add((uv[0][0], uv[0][1], uv[1][0], uv[1][1], uv[2][0], uv[2][1], uv[3][0], uv[3][1], material_index))
# now set the faces coords and locations
# build mesh data
mesh_new_vertices = []
mesh_new_materials = []
mesh_new_face_vertices = []
current_vert = 0
for face_data in face_hash_3:
mesh_new_vertices.extend([face_data[0], face_data[1], 0.0, face_data[2], face_data[3], 0.0, face_data[4], face_data[5], 0.0])
mesh_new_face_vertices.extend([current_vert, current_vert + 1, current_vert + 2, 0])
current_vert += 3
for face_data in face_hash_4:
mesh_new_vertices.extend([face_data[0], face_data[1], 0.0, face_data[2], face_data[3], 0.0, face_data[4], face_data[5], 0.0, face_data[6], face_data[7], 0.0])
mesh_new_face_vertices.extend([current_vert, current_vert + 1, current_vert + 2, current_vert + 3])
current_vert += 4
mesh.vertices.add(len(mesh_new_vertices) // 3)
mesh.faces.add(len(mesh_new_face_vertices) // 4)
mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", mesh_new_vertices)
mesh.faces.foreach_set("vertices_raw", mesh_new_face_vertices)
mesh.faces.foreach_set("material_index", mesh_new_materials)
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
obj_solid ="uv_temp_solid", mesh)
obj_wire ="uv_temp_wire", mesh)
base_solid =
base_wire =
base_solid.layers[0] = True
base_wire.layers[0] = True
# place behind the wire
obj_solid.location = 0, 0, -1
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
obj_wire.material_slots[0].link = 'OBJECT'
obj_wire.material_slots[0].material = material_wire
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
# setup the camera
cam ="uv_temp")
cam.type = 'ORTHO'
cam.ortho_scale = 1.0
obj_cam ="uv_temp_cam", cam)
obj_cam.location = 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 = obj_cam
# setup materials
for i, mat_solid in enumerate(material_solids):
if mesh_source.materials and mesh_source.materials[i]:
mat_solid.diffuse_color = mesh_source.materials[i].diffuse_color
mat_solid.use_shadeless = True
mat_solid.use_transparency = True
mat_solid.alpha = 0.25
material_wire.type = 'WIRE'
material_wire.use_shadeless = True
material_wire.diffuse_color = 0, 0, 0
# scene render settings
scene.render.use_raytrace = False
scene.render.alpha_mode = 'STRAIGHT'
scene.render.color_mode = 'RGBA'
scene.render.resolution_x = image_width
scene.render.resolution_y = image_height
scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100
if image_width > image_height:
scene.render.pixel_aspect_y = image_width / image_height
elif image_width < image_height:
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
scene.render.pixel_aspect_x = image_height / image_width
scene.frame_start = 1
scene.frame_end = 1
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
scene.render.file_format = 'PNG'
scene.render.filepath = filepath
data_context = {"blend_data": bpy.context.blend_data, "scene": scene}
bpy.ops.render.render(data_context, write_still=True)
# cleanup
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
for mat_solid in material_solids:
class ExportUVLayout(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Export UV layout to file"""
bl_idname = "uv.export_layout"
bl_label = "Export UV Layout"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
filepath = StringProperty(name="File Path", description="File path used for exporting the SVG file", maxlen=1024, default="", subtype='FILE_PATH')
check_existing = BoolProperty(name="Check Existing", description="Check and warn on overwriting existing files", default=True, options={'HIDDEN'})
export_all = BoolProperty(name="All UV's", description="Export all UVs in this mesh (not just the visible ones)", default=False)
mode = EnumProperty(items=(
('SVG', "Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg)", "Export the UV layout to a vector SVG file"),
('EPS', "Encapsulate PostScript (.eps)", "Export the UV layout to a vector EPS file"),
('PNG', "PNG Image (.png)", "Export the UV layout a bitmap image")),
description="File format to export the UV layout to",
size = IntVectorProperty(size=2, default=(1024, 1024), min=8, max=32768, description="Dimensions of the exported file")
def poll(cls, context):
2010-01-29 15:20:25 +00:00
obj = context.active_object
return (obj and obj.type == 'MESH' and
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
def _space_image(self, context):
space_data = context.space_data
if isinstance(space_data, bpy.types.SpaceImageEditor):
return space_data
return None
def _image_size(self, context, default_width=1024, default_height=1024):
# fallback if not in image context.
image_width, image_height = default_width, default_height
space_data = self._space_image(context)
if space_data:
image = space_data.image
if image:
width, height = tuple(context.space_data.image.size)
# incase no data is found.
if width and height:
image_width, image_height = width, height
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
return image_width, image_height
def _face_uv_iter(self, context):
obj = context.active_object
mesh =
uv_layer =
uv_layer_len = len(uv_layer)
if not self.export_all:
local_image = Ellipsis
if context.tool_settings.show_uv_local_view:
space_data = self._space_image(context)
if space_data:
local_image = space_data.image
faces = mesh.faces
for i in range(uv_layer_len):
uv_elem = uv_layer[i]
# context checks
Apply first pass of edits to rna values from rna_booleans.txt. These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release. ActionGroup.selected -> select: boolean Action Group is selected BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point: boolean Control point selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected Bone.selected -> select: boolean CurveMapPoint.selected -> select: boolean Selection state of the curve point EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected EditBone.selected -> select: boolean EditBone.selected_head -> select_head: boolean EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail: boolean EditBone.locked -> lock: boolean Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode EditBone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled: boolean F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating FCurve.locked -> lock: boolean F-Curve's settings cannot be edited FCurve.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve is not evaluated FCurve.selected -> select: boolean F-Curve is selected for editing NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide: boolean F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs FCurveSample.selected -> select: boolean Selection status GPencilFrame.selected -> select: boolean Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet GPencilLayer.locked -> lock: boolean Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes GPencilLayer.selected -> select: boolean Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet Keyframe.selected -> select: boolean Control point selection status Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status MeshEdge.selected -> select: boolean MeshEdge.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.selected -> select: boolean MeshVertex.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshVertex.selected -> select: boolean MotionPathVert.selected -> select: boolean Path point is selected for editing NlaStrip.selected -> select: boolean NLA Strip is selected NlaTrack.locked -> lock: boolean NLA Track is locked NlaTrack.muted -> mute: boolean NLA Track is not evaluated NlaTrack.selected -> select: boolean NLA Track is selected Object.restrict_render -> hide_render: boolean Restrict renderability Object.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Restrict selection in the viewport Object.restrict_view -> hide: boolean Restrict visibility in the viewport Object.selected -> select: boolean Object selection state ObjectBase.selected -> select: boolean Object base selection state PoseBone.selected -> select: boolean Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle: boolean Sequence.selected -> select: boolean SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point: boolean Selection status TimelineMarker.selected -> select: boolean Marker selection state Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle: boolean ActionGroup.locked -> lock: boolean Action Group is locked Bone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes) SplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status FModifier.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
2010-07-15 16:56:04 +00:00
if faces[i].select and (local_image is Ellipsis or local_image == uv_elem.image):
#~ uv = uv_elem.uv
Apply first pass of edits to rna values from rna_booleans.txt. These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release. ActionGroup.selected -> select: boolean Action Group is selected BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point: boolean Control point selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected Bone.selected -> select: boolean CurveMapPoint.selected -> select: boolean Selection state of the curve point EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected EditBone.selected -> select: boolean EditBone.selected_head -> select_head: boolean EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail: boolean EditBone.locked -> lock: boolean Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode EditBone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled: boolean F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating FCurve.locked -> lock: boolean F-Curve's settings cannot be edited FCurve.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve is not evaluated FCurve.selected -> select: boolean F-Curve is selected for editing NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide: boolean F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs FCurveSample.selected -> select: boolean Selection status GPencilFrame.selected -> select: boolean Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet GPencilLayer.locked -> lock: boolean Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes GPencilLayer.selected -> select: boolean Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet Keyframe.selected -> select: boolean Control point selection status Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status MeshEdge.selected -> select: boolean MeshEdge.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshFace.selected -> select: boolean MeshVertex.hidden -> hide: boolean MeshVertex.selected -> select: boolean MotionPathVert.selected -> select: boolean Path point is selected for editing NlaStrip.selected -> select: boolean NLA Strip is selected NlaTrack.locked -> lock: boolean NLA Track is locked NlaTrack.muted -> mute: boolean NLA Track is not evaluated NlaTrack.selected -> select: boolean NLA Track is selected Object.restrict_render -> hide_render: boolean Restrict renderability Object.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Restrict selection in the viewport Object.restrict_view -> hide: boolean Restrict visibility in the viewport Object.selected -> select: boolean Object selection state ObjectBase.selected -> select: boolean Object base selection state PoseBone.selected -> select: boolean Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle: boolean Sequence.selected -> select: boolean SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point: boolean Selection status TimelineMarker.selected -> select: boolean Marker selection state Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle: boolean ActionGroup.locked -> lock: boolean Action Group is locked Bone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes) SplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status FModifier.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
2010-07-15 16:56:04 +00:00
#~ if False not in uv_elem.select_uv[:len(uv)]:
#~ yield (i, uv)
# just write what we see.
yield (i, uv_layer[i].uv)
# all, simple
for i in range(uv_layer_len):
yield (i, uv_layer[i].uv)
def execute(self, context):
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
2010-01-29 15:20:25 +00:00
obj = context.active_object
is_editmode = (obj.mode == 'EDIT')
if is_editmode:
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
2010-01-29 15:20:25 +00:00
mesh =
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
mode = self.mode
filepath = self.filepath
filepath = bpy.path.ensure_ext(filepath, "." + mode.lower())
file = open(filepath, "w")
fw = file.write
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
if mode == 'SVG':
func = write_svg
elif mode == 'EPS':
func = write_eps
elif mode == 'PNG':
func = write_png
func(fw, mesh, self.size[0], self.size[1], self._face_uv_iter(context))
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
if is_editmode:
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
return {'FINISHED'}
def check(self, context):
filepath = bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, "." + self.mode.lower())
if filepath != self.filepath:
self.filepath = filepath
return True
return False
def invoke(self, context, event):
import os
self.size = self._image_size(context)
self.filepath = os.path.splitext([0]
wm = context.window_manager
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
2010-01-31 14:46:28 +00:00
def menu_func(self, context):
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":