
352 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Name: 'Poly Reduce Selection (Unsubsurf)'
Blender: 245
Group: 'Mesh'
Tooltip: 'pradictable mesh simplifaction maintaining face loops'
from Blender import Scene, Mesh, Window, sys
import BPyMessages
import bpy
# Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def my_mesh_util(me):
me_verts = me.verts
vert_faces = [ [] for v in me_verts]
vert_faces_corner = [ [] for v in me_verts]
# Ignore topology where there are not 2 faces connected to an edge.
edge_count = {}
for f in me.faces:
for edkey in f.edge_keys:
edge_count[edkey] += 1
edge_count[edkey] = 1
for edkey, count in edge_count.iteritems():
# Ignore verts that connect to edges with more then 2 faces.
if count != 2:
vert_faces[edkey[0]] = None
vert_faces[edkey[1]] = None
# Done
def faces_set_verts(face_ls):
unique_verts = set()
for f in face_ls:
for v in f:
return unique_verts
for f in me.faces:
for corner, v in enumerate(f):
i = v.index
if vert_faces[i] != None:
vert_faces_corner[i].append( corner )
grid_data_ls = []
for vi, face_ls in enumerate(vert_faces):
if face_ls != None:
if len(face_ls) == 4:
if face_ls[0].sel and face_ls[1].sel and face_ls[2].sel and face_ls[3].sel:
# Support triangles also
unique_vert_count = len(faces_set_verts(face_ls))
quads = 0
for f in face_ls:
if len(f) ==4:
quads += 1
if unique_vert_count==5+quads: # yay we have a grid
grid_data_ls.append( (vi, face_ls) )
elif len(face_ls) == 3:
if face_ls[0].sel and face_ls[1].sel and face_ls[2].sel:
unique_vert_count = len(faces_set_verts(face_ls))
if unique_vert_count==4: # yay we have 3 triangles to make into a bigger triangle
grid_data_ls.append( (vi, face_ls) )
# Now sort out which grid faces to use
# This list will be used for items we can convert, vertex is key, faces are values
grid_data_dict = {}
if not grid_data_ls:
print "doing nothing"
# quick lookup for the opposing corner of a qiad
quad_diag_mapping = 2,3,0,1
verts_used = [0] * len(me_verts) # 0 == untouched, 1==should touch, 2==touched
verts_used[grid_data_ls[0][0]] = 1 # start touching 1!
# From the corner vert, get the 2 edges that are not the corner or its opposing vert, this edge will make a new face
quad_edge_mapping = (1,3), (2,0), (1,3), (0,2) # hi-low, low-hi order is intended
tri_edge_mapping = (1,2), (0,2), (0,1)
done_somthing = True
while done_somthing:
done_somthing = False
grid_data_ls_index = -1
for vi, face_ls in grid_data_ls:
grid_data_ls_index += 1
if len(face_ls) == 3:
grid_data_dict[vi] = face_ls
grid_data_ls.pop( grid_data_ls_index )
elif len(face_ls) == 4:
# print vi
if verts_used[vi] == 1:
verts_used[vi] = 2 # dont look at this again.
done_somthing = True
grid_data_dict[vi] = face_ls
# Tag all faces verts as used
for i, f in enumerate(face_ls):
# i == face index on vert, needed to recall which corner were on.
v_corner = vert_faces_corner[vi][i]
fv =f.v
if len(f) == 4:
v_other = quad_diag_mapping[v_corner]
# get the 2 other corners
corner1, corner2 = quad_edge_mapping[v_corner]
if verts_used[fv[v_other].index] == 0:
verts_used[fv[v_other].index] = 1 # TAG for touching!
corner1, corner2 = tri_edge_mapping[v_corner]
verts_used[fv[corner1].index] = 2 # Dont use these, they are
verts_used[fv[corner2].index] = 2
# remove this since we have used it.
grid_data_ls.pop( grid_data_ls_index )
if done_somthing == False:
# See if there are any that have not even been tagged, (probably on a different island), then tag them.
for vi, face_ls in grid_data_ls:
if verts_used[vi] == 0:
verts_used[vi] = 1
done_somthing = True
# Now we have all the areas we will fill, calculate corner triangles we need to fill in.
new_faces = []
quad_del_vt_map = (1,2,3), (0,2,3), (0,1,3), (0,1,2)
for vi, face_ls in grid_data_dict.iteritems():
for i, f in enumerate(face_ls):
if len(f) == 4:
# i == face index on vert, needed to recall which corner were on.
v_corner = vert_faces_corner[vi][i]
v_other = quad_diag_mapping[v_corner]
fv =f.v
#print verts_used[fv[v_other].index]
#if verts_used[fv[v_other].index] != 2: # DOSNT WORK ALWAYS
if 1: # THIS IS LAzY - some of these faces will be removed after adding.
# Ok we are removing half of this face, add the other half
# This is probably slower
# new_faces.append( [fv[ii].index for ii in (0,1,2,3) if ii != v_corner ] )
# do this instead
new_faces.append( (fv[quad_del_vt_map[v_corner][0]], fv[quad_del_vt_map[v_corner][1]], fv[quad_del_vt_map[v_corner][2]]) )
del grid_data_ls
# me.sel = 0
def faceCombine4(vi, face_ls):
edges = []
for i, f in enumerate(face_ls):
fv = f.v
v_corner = vert_faces_corner[vi][i]
if len(f)==4: ed = quad_edge_mapping[v_corner]
else: ed = tri_edge_mapping[v_corner]
edges.append( [fv[ed[0]].index, fv[ed[1]].index] )
# get the face from the edges
face = edges.pop()
while len(face) != 4:
# print len(edges), edges, face
for ed_idx, ed in enumerate(edges):
if face[-1] == ed[0] and (ed[1] != face[0]):
elif face[-1] == ed[1] and (ed[0] != face[0]):
edges.pop(ed_idx) # we used the edge alredy
return face
for vi, face_ls in grid_data_dict.iteritems():
if len(face_ls) == 4:
new_faces.append( faceCombine4(vi, face_ls) )
if len(face_ls) == 3: # 3 triangles
face = list(faces_set_verts(face_ls))
new_faces.append( face )
# Now remove verts surounded by 3 triangles
# print new_edges
# me.faces.extend(new_faces, ignoreDups=True)
faces_remove = []
for vi, face_ls in grid_data_dict.iteritems():
orig_facelen = len(me.faces)
orig_faces = list(me.faces)
me.faces.extend(new_faces, ignoreDups=True)
new_faces = list(me.faces)[len(orig_faces):]
if me.faceUV:
uvnames = me.getUVLayerNames()
act_uvlay = me.activeUVLayer
vert_faces_uvs = []
vert_faces_images = []
act_uvlay = me.activeUVLayer
for uvlay in uvnames:
me.activeUVLayer = uvlay
vert_faces_uvs[:] = [None] * len(me.verts)
vert_faces_images[:] = vert_faces_uvs[:]
for i,f in enumerate(orig_faces):
img = f.image
fv = f.v
uv = f.uv
mat = f.mat
for i,v in enumerate(fv):
vi = v.index
vert_faces_uvs[vi] = uv[i] # no nice averaging
vert_faces_images[vi] = img
# Now copy UVs across
for f in new_faces:
fi = [v.index for v in f.v]
f.image = vert_faces_images[fi[0]]
uv = f.uv
for i,vi in enumerate(fi):
uv[i][:] = vert_faces_uvs[vi]
if len(me.materials) > 1:
vert_faces_mats = [None] * len(me.verts)
for i,f in enumerate(orig_faces):
mat = f.mat
for i,v in enumerate(f.v):
vi = v.index
vert_faces_mats[vi] = mat
# Now copy UVs across
for f in new_faces:
print vert_faces_mats[f.v[0].index]
f.mat = vert_faces_mats[f.v[0].index]
# me.faces.delete(1, faces_remove)
if me.faceUV:
me.activeUVLayer = act_uvlay
def main():
# Gets the current scene, there can be many scenes in 1 blend file.
sce =
# Get the active object, there can only ever be 1
# and the active object is always the editmode object.
ob_act =
if not ob_act or ob_act.type != 'Mesh':
is_editmode = Window.EditMode()
if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(0)
me = ob_act.getData(mesh=1) # old NMesh api is default
t = sys.time()
# Run the mesh editing function
# Restore editmode if it was enabled
if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1)
# Timing the script is a good way to be aware on any speed hits when scripting
print 'My Script finished in %.2f seconds' % (sys.time()-t)
# This lets you can import the script without running it
if __name__ == '__main__':