
253 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# for slightly faster access
from bpy.__ops__ import add as op_add
from bpy.__ops__ import remove as op_remove
from bpy.__ops__ import dir as op_dir
from bpy.__ops__ import call as op_call
from bpy.__ops__ import as_string as op_as_string
from bpy.__ops__ import get_rna as op_get_rna
# Keep in sync with WM_types.h
context_dict = {
class bpy_ops(object):
Fake module like class.
def add(self, pyop):
def remove(self, pyop):
def __getattr__(self, module):
gets a bpy.ops submodule
return bpy_ops_submodule(module)
def __dir__(self):
submodules = set()
# add this classes functions
for id_name in dir(self.__class__):
if not id_name.startswith('__'):
for id_name in op_dir():
id_split = id_name.split('_OT_', 1)
if len(id_split) == 2:
return list(submodules)
def __repr__(self):
return "<module like class 'bpy.ops'>"
class bpy_ops_submodule(object):
Utility class to fake submodules.
eg. bpy.ops.object
__keys__ = ('module',)
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
def __getattr__(self, func):
gets a bpy.ops.submodule function
return bpy_ops_submodule_op(self.module, func)
def __dir__(self):
functions = set()
module_upper = self.module.upper()
for id_name in op_dir():
id_split = id_name.split('_OT_', 1)
if len(id_split) == 2 and module_upper == id_split[0]:
return list(functions)
def __repr__(self):
return "<module like class 'bpy.ops.%s'>" % self.module
class bpy_ops_submodule_op(object):
Utility class to fake submodule operators.
eg. bpy.ops.object.somefunc
__keys__ = ('module', 'func')
def __init__(self, module, func):
self.module = module
self.func = func
def idname(self):
# -> SUBMOD_OT_foo
return self.module.upper() + '_OT_' + self.func
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
# Get the operator from blender
if len(args) > 1:
raise ValueError("only one argument for the execution context is supported ")
if args:
context = context_dict[args[0]]
raise ValueError("Expected a single context argument in: " + str(list(context_dict.keys())))
return op_call(self.idname(), kw, context)
return op_call(self.idname(), kw)
def get_rna(self):
currently only used for '__rna__'
return op_get_rna(self.idname())
def __repr__(self): # useful display, repr(op)
return op_as_string(self.idname())
def __str__(self): # used for print(...)
return "<function bpy.ops.%s.%s at 0x%x'>" % (self.module, self.func, id(self))
import bpy
bpy.ops = bpy_ops()
# TODO, C macro's cant define settings :|
class MESH_OT_delete_edgeloop(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Export a single object as a stanford PLY with normals, colours and texture coordinates.'''
__idname__ = "mesh.delete_edgeloop"
__label__ = "Delete Edge Loop"
def execute(self, context):
return ('FINISHED',)
class WM_OT_context_set(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Set a context value.'''
__idname__ = "wm.context_set"
__label__ = "Context Set"
__register__ = True
__undo__ = True
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="Context Attributes", description="rna context string", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="value", name="Value", description="Assignment value (as a string)", maxlen= 1024, default= "")
def execute(self, context):
exec("context.%s=%s" % (self.path, self.value)) # security nuts will complain.
return ('FINISHED',)
class WM_OT_context_toggle(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Toggle a context value.'''
__idname__ = "wm.context_toggle"
__label__ = "Context Toggle"
__register__ = True
__undo__ = True
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="Context Attributes", description="rna context string", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
def execute(self, context):
exec("context.%s=not (context.%s)" % (self.path, self.path)) # security nuts will complain.
return ('FINISHED',)
class WM_OT_context_toggle_values(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Toggle a context value.'''
__idname__ = "wm.context_toggle_values"
__label__ = "Context Toggle Values"
__register__ = True
__undo__ = True
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="Context Attributes", description="rna context string", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="value_1", name="Value", description="Toggle value (as a string)", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="value_2", name="Value", description="Toggle value (as a string)", maxlen= 1024, default= "")
def execute(self, context):
exec("context.%s = [%s, %s][context.%s!=%s]" % (self.path, self.value_1, self.value_2, self.path, self.value_2)) # security nuts will complain.
return ('FINISHED',)
class WM_OT_context_cycle_enum(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Toggle a context value.'''
__idname__ = "wm.context_cycle_enum"
__label__ = "Context Toggle Values"
__register__ = True
__undo__ = True
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="Context Attributes", description="rna context string", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="reverse", name="Reverse", description="Cycle backwards", default= False)
def execute(self, context):
orig_value = eval("context.%s" % self.path) # security nuts will complain.
# Have to get rna enum values
rna_struct_str, rna_prop_str = self.path.rsplit('.', 1)
i = rna_prop_str.find('[')
if i != -1: rna_prop_str = rna_prop_str[0:i] # just incse we get "[0]"
rna_struct = eval("context.%s.rna_type" % rna_struct_str)
rna_prop =[rna_prop_str]
if type(rna_prop) != bpy.types.EnumProperty:
raise Exception("expected an enum property")
enums =[rna_prop_str].items.keys()
orig_index = enums.index(orig_value)
# Have the info we need, advance to the next item
if self.reverse:
if orig_index==0: advance_enum = enums[-1]
else: advance_enum = enums[orig_index-1]
if orig_index==len(enums)-1: advance_enum = enums[0]
else: advance_enum = enums[orig_index+1]
# set the new value
exec("context.%s=advance_enum" % self.path)
return ('FINISHED',)