Some updates to armature documentation.

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Gilbert 2005-11-21 15:36:36 +00:00
parent 256b878b50
commit 0e62c58b08
2 changed files with 76 additions and 353 deletions

@ -17,38 +17,41 @@ Example::
armatures = Armature.Get()
for a in armatures:
print "Armature ", a
print "- The root bones of %s: %s" % (, a.getBones())
for bone_name, bone in a.bones.items():
print bone_name, bone.weight
def New (name = 'ArmatureData'):
Create a new Armature object.
@type name: string
@param name: The Armature name.
@rtype: Blender Armature
@return: The created Armature object.
def Get (name = None):
Get the Armature object(s) from Blender.
@type name: string
@param name: The name of the Armature.
@type name: string, nothing, or list of strings
@param name: The string name of an armature.
@rtype: Blender Armature or a list of Blender Armatures
@return: It depends on the I{name} parameter:
- (name): The Armature object with the given I{name};
- (name, name, ...): A list of Armature objects
- (): A list with all Armature objects in the current scene.
class Armature:
class ArmatureType:
The Armature object
The ArmatureType object
This object gives access to Armature-specific data in Blender.
@ivar name: The Armature name.
@ivar bones: A List of Bones that make up this armature.
@ivar bones: A Dictionary of Bones that make up this armature.
def __init__(name = myArmature):
Initializer for the ArmatureType TypeObject.
@param name: The name for the new armature
@type name: string
myNewArmature = Blender.Armature.ArmatureType('AR_1')
def getName():
Get the name of this Armature object.
@ -65,30 +68,70 @@ class Armature:
def getBones():
Get all the Armature bones.
@rtype: PyList
@rtype: PyBonesDict
@return: a list of PyBone objects that make up the armature.
def makeEditable():
Put the armature into EditMode for editing purposes.
@warning: The armature should not be in manual editmode
prior to calling this method.
def addBone(bone):
def saveChanges():
Add a bone to the armature.
@type bone: PyBone
@param bone: The Python Bone to add to the armature.
@warn: If a bone is added to the armature with no parent
if will not be parented. You should set the parent of the bone
before adding to the armature.
Save all changes and update the armature.
@preconditions: Must have called makeEditable() first.
def drawAxes(bool):
class BonesDict:
The BonesDict object
This object gives gives dictionary like access to the bones in an armature.
def items():
Set whether or not to draw the armature's axes per bone.
@type bool: boolean (true or false)
@param bool: specifies whether or not to draw axes
Retun the key, value pairs in this dictionary
@rtype: string, BPy_bone
@return: All strings, and py_bones in the armature (in that order)
def drawNames(bool):
def keys():
Set whether or not to draw the armature's names per bone.
@type bool: boolean (true or false)
@param bool: specifies whether or not to draw names
Retun the keys in this dictionary
@rtype: string
@return: All strings representing the bone names
def values():
Retun the values in this dictionary
@rtype: BPy_bone
@return: All BPy_bones in this dictionary
class BoneType:
The BoneType object
This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender.
@ivar name: The name of this Bone.
@ivar roll: This Bone's roll value.
@ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state.
@ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state.
@ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix.
@ivar parent: The parent Bone.
@ivar children: The children bones.
@ivar weight: The bone's weight.
@ivar options: Various bone options which can be:
-CONNECTED: IK to parent
-HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling
-NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometetry
-MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope
-HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode
@ivar subdivision: The number of bone subdivisions.
@ivar deform_dist: The deform distance of the bone

@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
# Blender.Armature.Bone module and the Bone PyType object
The Blender.Armature.Bone submodule.
This module provides access to B{Bone} objects in Blender. Bones are used to
create armatures.
import Blender
from Blender import *
from Blender.Armature import *
from Blender.Armature.Bone import *
armObj = Object.New('Armature', "Armature_obj")
armData = Armature.New()
scn = Blender.Scene.getCurrent()
@var PoseFlags: The available flags for setting keyframed poses.
- ROT - add bone's rotation to keyframe
- LOC - add bone's location to keyframe
- SIZE- add bone's size to keyframe
@var BoneclassFlags: The available flags for setting boneclass.
class Bone:
The Bone object
This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender.
@ivar name: The name of this Bone.
@ivar roll: This Bone's roll value.
@ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state.
@ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state.
@ivar loc: This Bone's location.
@ivar size: This Bone's size.
@ivar quat: This Bone's quaternion.
@ivar parent: The parent Bone.
@ivar children: The children bones.
@ivar weight: The bone's weight.
@ivar ik: Whether the bone is set to IK.
@ivar boneclass: The boneclass of this bone.
def getName():
Get the name of this Bone.
@rtype: string
def getRoll():
Get the roll value.
@rtype: float
@warn: Roll values are local to parent's objectspace when
bones are parented.
def getWeight():
Get the bone's weight..
@rtype: float
def getHead():
Get the "head" ending position.
@rtype: list of three floats
def getTail():
Get the "tail" ending position.
@rtype: list of three floats
def getLoc():
Get the location of this Bone.
@rtype: list of three floats
def getSize():
Get the size attribute.
@rtype: list of three floats
def getQuat():
Get this Bone's quaternion.
@rtype: Quaternion object.
def hasParent():
True if this Bone has a parent Bone.
@rtype: true or false
def getParent():
Get this Bone's parent Bone, if available.
@rtype: Blender Bone
def getWeight():
Get the bone's weight.
@rtype: float
def getChildren():
Get this Bone's children Bones, if available.
@rtype: list of Blender Bones
def setName(name):
Rename this Bone.
@type name: string
@param name: The new name.
def setRoll(roll):
Set the roll value.
@type roll: float
@param roll: The new value.
@warn: Roll values are local to parent's objectspace when
bones are parented.
def setHead(x,y,z):
Set the "head" ending position.
@type x: float
@type y: float
@type z: float
@param x: The new x value.
@param y: The new y value.
@param z: The new z value.
def setTail(x,y,z):
Set the "tail" ending position.
@type x: float
@type y: float
@type z: float
@param x: The new x value.
@param y: The new y value.
@param z: The new z value.
def setLoc(x,y,z):
Set the new location for this Bone.
@type x: float
@type y: float
@type z: float
@param x: The new x value.
@param y: The new y value.
@param z: The new z value.
def setSize(x,y,z):
Set the new size for this Bone.
@type x: float
@type y: float
@type z: float
@param x: The new x value.
@param y: The new y value.
@param z: The new z value.
def setQuat(quat):
Set the new quaternion for this Bone.
@type quat: Quaternion object or PyList of floats
@param quat: Can be a Quaternion or PyList of 4 floats.
def setParent(bone):
Set the bones's parent in the armature.
@type bone: PyBone
@param bone: The Python bone that is the parent to this bone.
def setWeight(weight):
Set the bones's weight.
@type weight: float
@param weight: set the the bone's weight.
def hide():
Hides this bone.
def unhide():
Unhide this bone.
def clearParent():
Attempts to clear the parenting of this bone. Because the bone is no longer
parented it will be set in the armature as a root bone.
def clearChildren():
Attemps to remove all the children of this bone. Because each of the
children no longer are parented they will be set a root bones in the
def setPose(flags, Action):
Set the pose for this bone. The pose will be set at the Scene's current
frame. If an action is passed as the optional second parameter the pose
will be added as a keyframe to that action. Otherwise a default action
will be created an the pose set to it.
@type flags: PyList of enums
@param flags: expects ROT, LOC, SIZE in a list. Whichever of these is
passed the keyframe generated will set information about the rotation,
and/or location, and/or size of the bone.
@type Action: PyAction
@param Action: a python action that has either been created or returned
from an object
def setBoneclass(boneclass):
Set the bones's boneclass.
@type boneclass: Enumeration constant. See above.
@param boneclass: The boneclass of this bone.
def getBoneclass():
Get this Bone's boneclass.
@rtype: Enumeration const (string)
def hasIK():
Determines whether or not this bone as flaged as IK.
@rtype: true (1) or false (0)
def getRestMatrix(locale = 'worldspace'):
Return a matrix that represents the rotation and position of this bone.
There are two types of matrices that can be returned:
1. bonespace (in the coord. system of parent) or
2. worldspace (in the coord system of blender).
The rotation will be in either worldspace or bonespace. Translation vectors
(row 4) will be the bone's head position (if worldspace) or the difference
from this bone's head to the parent head (if bonespace).
@type locale: string. Values are:
@param locale: possible values are:
- worldspace (default)
- bonespace
@rtype: 4x4 PyMatrix