Accidentally committed corrupt SConstruct.... here's the one fixed

This commit is contained in:
Ton Roosendaal 2004-12-21 17:00:25 +00:00
parent 0ef03ae620
commit 2d7289f3f5

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ bs_config.parseOpts()
if os.path.isdir (bs_globals.root_build_dir) == 0:
os.makedirs (bs_globals.root_build_dir)
# Blender version.
shortversion = '236' # for wininst target -> nsis installer creation
@ -131,123 +130,6 @@ if sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386':
openal_include = ['/usr/include']
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
<<<<<<< SConstruct
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'true'
use_openal = 'true'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_precomp = 'true'
use_sumo = 'true'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'true'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
# TODO: replace darwin-6.1-powerpc with the actual directiory on the
# build machine
<<<<<<< SConstruct
darwin_precomp = '#../lib/darwin-6.6-powerpc'
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
# darwin-6.1 is the name of cvs precomp folder
# a symbolic link named darwin-X.Y-powerpc must be manually done
#for now. X-Y is darwin kernel rev number
darwin_precomp = '#../lib/darwin-6.1-powerpc/'
fink_path = '/sw/'
# TODO : try -mpowerpc -mpowerpc-gopt -mpowerpc-gfxopt optims
# doing actual profiling
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char', '-ffast-math', '-mpowerpc']
# , '-malign-natural'] malign is causing problems with jpeg lib but worth a 1-2% speedup
#'-force_cpusubtype_ALL', '-mpowerpc-gpopt',
>>>>>>> 1.82
cxxflags = []
defines = ['_THREAD_SAFE' ]
if use_quicktime == 'true':
defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME']
<<<<<<< SConstruct
warn_flags = ['-Wall']
release_flags = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall'] # , '-W'
release_flags = ['-O3']
>>>>>>> 1.82
debug_flags = ['-g']
window_system = 'CARBON'
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = []
z_include = []
# TODO : add a flag to allow each lib to be build from fink or precomp
# without having to have to specify the path manually in config.opts.
# png library information
png_lib = ['libpng']
png_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'png/lib']
png_include = [darwin_precomp + 'png/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['libjpeg']
jpeg_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/lib']
jpeg_include = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = []
opengl_include = []
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
# Want to use precompiled libraries?
if use_precomp == 'true':
sdl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/include']
sdl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/lib']
sdl_lib = ['libSDL.a']
platform_libs = ['stdc++']
extra_includes = ['/sw/include']
platform_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries']
platform_linkflags = []
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = ['libsolid']
solid_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'solid/lib']
solid_include = [darwin_precomp + 'solid/include']
qhull_lib = ['libqhull']
qhull_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'qhull/lib']
qhull_include = [darwin_precomp + 'qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['libode']
ode_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/lib']
ode_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/include/ode']
# Python variables.
# TODO : fill vars differently if we are on 10.2 or 10.3
# python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
# python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
# python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
# python_linkflags = Split (sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED'))
python_lib = []
python_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/config']
python_include = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/include/python2.3']
python_linkflags = ['-u', '__dummy', '-u', '_PyMac_Error',
'-framework', 'System',
'-framework', 'Python',
'-framework', 'CoreServices',
'-framework', 'Foundation',
'-framework', 'OpenGL']
# International stuff
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['libfreetype']
freetype_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/lib']
freetype_include = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/include']
gettext_lib = ['libintl']
gettext_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/lib']
gettext_include = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/include']
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['libopenal']
openal_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/lib']
openal_include = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/include']
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'true'
use_openal = 'true'
@ -353,7 +235,6 @@ elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
openal_lib = ['libopenal']
openal_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/lib']
openal_include = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/include']
>>>>>>> 1.92
elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
use_international = 'false'