Part one of the final yafray commit.

Totally updated blender shader in yafray, hopefully better matches blender
results. Though ramps are now partially supported, they cannot work in all
cases properly in yafray, and in fact are a bit useless probably as far as
yafray is concerned. In fact the 'Result' ramp input mode is not supported
at all, because it works on the total lighting result, and in a yafray
shader this is not possible since it works per light.
Also, since Blender and Yafray have totally different lighting models,
the 'Energy' ramp input mode also won't generally give the same results
as in Blender, since it works with light energy and in yafray this is
different from Blender. Even worse, the only ramp shader that will work
properly when used with GI is the 'Normal' ramp input mode.
As contradictory as this might seem, at various stages of the GI process,
lighting is not known, so properly getting light (ramp 'energy' mode)
or shader information (ramp 'shader' mode, which depends on lighting)
is not possible. Which all means that when the ramp is in 'energy' or
'shader' mode and using it with GI enabled, yafray can only 'see' the
underlying material color, not the ramps, which results in a mix of the
ramp colors (from direct light) with the material color (from indirect light).
There is currently nothing that can be done about that.

The supported texture mapping modes now includes raymir as well, transparency
as far as texturing is concerned now works similar to Blender, with the
exception that you still have to set alpha to a low value to get any
transparency effect at all in yafray. So the Blender 'filter' parameter
now also will affect yafray.
All texture blending modes are now supported (same for ramps).
'Translu' and 'Amb' texture modulation are not supported.
Texture interpolation can be switched off ('InterPol' switch in blender
image texture button section).

All Blender brdf models (aka 'shaders' for the Blender users) are now supported,
and again, you won't necessarily get the same results as in Blender.
The reason for that is partially of course the lighting differences, but also,
not all Blender 'shader' implementations are  actually correct, and copying
those errors just for the sake of matching Blender results doesn't really
seem like a good idea...
Though this really is only the case for WardIso, less so for Minnaert and
Blinn, which in yafray are more or less (but not totally) a copy of
the Blender code.
In any case, in practice those differences might not be
too noticable at all (I hope).

Continue to the next part...
This commit is contained in:
Alfredo de Greef 2005-05-21 20:49:24 +00:00
parent 21d07f7ea3
commit 33832f52ea
4 changed files with 354 additions and 76 deletions

@ -224,7 +224,14 @@ bool yafrayFileRender_t::writeRender()
ostr << "\tAA_pixelwidth=\"1.5\" AA_threshold=\"0.05\" bias=\"" << R.r.YF_raybias << "\"\n";
if (hasworld) ostr << "\tbackground_name=\"world_background\"\n";
if (hasworld) {
World *world = G.scene->world;
if (world->mode & WO_MIST) {
ostr << "\tfog_density=\"" << world->mistdist << "\" ";
ostr << "fog_color r=\"" << world->horr << "\" g=\"" << world->horg << "\" b=\"" << world->horb << "\"\n";
ostr << "\tbackground_name=\"world_background\"\n";
// alpha channel render when RGBA button enabled
if (R.r.planes==R_PLANES32) ostr << "\n\tsave_alpha=\"on\"";
@ -398,6 +405,10 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeTextures()
ts = (tex->stype & 1) ? "rings" : "bands"; //stype 1&3 ringtype
ostr << "\t\t<wood_type value=\"" << ts << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<noise_type value=\"" << ntype << "\" />\n";
// shape parameter, for some reason noisebasis2 is used...
ts = "sin";
if (tex->noisebasis2==1) ts="saw"; else if (tex->noisebasis2==2) ts="tri";
ostr << "\t\t<shape value=\"" << ts << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</attributes>\n</shader>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
@ -412,6 +423,9 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeTextures()
ostr << "\t\t<hard value=\"" << hardnoise << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<sharpness value=\"" << (float)(1<<tex->stype) << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<noise_type value=\"" << ntype << "\" />\n";
ts = "sin";
if (tex->noisebasis2==1) ts="saw"; else if (tex->noisebasis2==2) ts="tri";
ostr << "\t\t<shape value=\"" << ts << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</attributes>\n</shader>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
@ -544,6 +558,7 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeTextures()
string texpath(ima->name);
ostr << "\t\t<filename value=\"" << texpath << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<interpolate value=\"" << ((tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL) ? "bilinear" : "none") << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</attributes>\n</shader>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
@ -601,16 +616,55 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeTextures()
void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr, const string &facetexname)
// if material has ramps, export colorbands first
if (matr->mode & (MA_RAMP_COL|MA_RAMP_SPEC))
// both colorbands without input shader
ColorBand* cb = matr->ramp_col;
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_COL) && (cb!=NULL))
ostr << "<shader type=\"colorband\" name=\"" << shader_name+"_difframp" << "\" >\n";
ostr << "\t<attributes>\n\t</attributes>\n";
for (int i=0;i<cb->tot;i++) {
ostr << "\t<modulator value=\"" << cb->data[i].pos << "\" >\n";
ostr << "\t\t<color r=\"" << cb->data[i].r << "\"" <<
" g=\"" << cb->data[i].g << "\"" <<
" b=\"" << cb->data[i].b << "\"" <<
" a=\"" << cb->data[i].a << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</modulator>\n";
ostr << "</shader>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
cb = matr->ramp_spec;
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_SPEC) && (cb!=NULL))
ostr << "<shader type=\"colorband\" name=\"" << shader_name+"_specramp" << "\" >\n";
ostr << "\t<attributes>\n\t</attributes>\n";
for (int i=0;i<cb->tot;i++) {
ostr << "\t<modulator value=\"" << cb->data[i].pos << "\" >\n";
ostr << "\t\t<color r=\"" << cb->data[i].r << "\"" <<
" g=\"" << cb->data[i].g << "\"" <<
" b=\"" << cb->data[i].b << "\"" <<
" a=\"" << cb->data[i].a << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</modulator>\n";
ostr << "</shader>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
ostr << "<shader type=\"blendershader\" name=\"" << shader_name << "\" >\n";
ostr << "\t<attributes>\n";
float diff = matr->alpha;
float diff = 1; //matr->alpha;
ostr << "\t\t<color r=\"" << matr->r*diff << "\" g=\"" << matr->g*diff << "\" b=\"" << matr->b*diff << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<specular_color r=\"" << matr->specr << "\" g=\"" << matr->specg << "\" b=\"" << matr->specb << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<mirror_color r=\"" << matr->mirr << "\" g=\"" << matr->mirg << "\" b=\"" << matr->mirb << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_reflect value=\"" << matr->ref << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<specular_amount value=\"" << matr->spec << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<hard value=\"" << matr->har << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<alpha value=\"" << matr->alpha << "\" />\n";
// if no GI used, the GIpower parameter is not always initialized, so in that case ignore it
float bg_mult = (R.r.GImethod==0) ? 1 : R.r.GIpower;
@ -620,19 +674,27 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr,
if ( (matr->mode & MA_RAYMIRROR) || (matr->mode & MA_RAYTRANSP) )
ostr << "\t\t<IOR value=\"" << matr->ang << "\" />\n";
if (matr->mode & MA_RAYMIRROR) {
float rf = matr->ray_mirror;
// blender uses mir color for reflection as well
ostr << "\t\t<reflected r=\"" << matr->mirr << "\" g=\"" << matr->mirg << "\" b=\"" << matr->mirb << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<min_refle value=\""<< rf << "\" />\n";
if (matr->ray_depth>maxraydepth) maxraydepth = matr->ray_depth;
//ostr << "\t\t<reflected r=\"" << matr->mirr << "\" g=\"" << matr->mirg << "\" b=\"" << matr->mirb << "\" />\n";
// Sofar yafray's min_refle parameter (which misleadingly actually controls fresnel reflection offset)
// has been mapped to Blender's ray_mirror parameter.
// This causes it be be misinterpreted and misused as a reflection amount control however.
// Besides that, it also causes extra complications for the yafray Blendershader.
// So added an actual amount of reflection parameter instead, and another
// extra parameter 'frsOfs' to actually control fresnel offset (re-uses Blender fresnel_mir_i param).
ostr << "\t\t<reflect value=\"on\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<reflect_amount value=\""<< matr->ray_mirror << "\" />\n";
float fo = 1.f-(matr->fresnel_mir_i-1.f)*0.25f; // blender param range [1,5], also here reversed (1 in Blender -> no fresnel)
ostr << "\t\t<fresnel_offset value=\""<< fo << "\" />\n";
if (matr->mode & MA_RAYTRANSP)
float tr=1.0-matr->alpha;
ostr << "\t\t<transmitted r=\"" << matr->r * tr << "\" g=\"" << matr->g * tr << "\" b=\"" << matr->b * tr << "\" />\n";
//float tr=1.0-matr->alpha;
//ostr << "\t\t<transmitted r=\"" << matr->r*tr << "\" g=\"" << matr->g*tr << "\" b=\"" << matr->b*tr << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<refract value=\"on\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<transmit_filter value=\"" << matr->filter << "\" />\n";
// tir on by default
ostr << "\t\t<tir value=\"on\" />\n";
if (matr->ray_depth_tra>maxraydepth) maxraydepth = matr->ray_depth_tra;
string Mmode = "";
@ -644,6 +706,70 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr,
if (matr->mode & MA_ZTRA) Mmode += " ztransp";
if (matr->mode & MA_ONLYSHADOW) Mmode += " onlyshadow";
if (Mmode!="") ostr << "\t\t<matmodes value=\"" << Mmode << "\" />\n";
// diffuse & specular brdf, lambert/cooktorr defaults
// diffuse
if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_ORENNAYAR) {
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_brdf value=\"oren_nayar\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<roughness value=\"" << matr->roughness << "\" />\n";
else if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_TOON) {
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_brdf value=\"toon\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<toondiffuse_size value=\"" << matr->param[0] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<toondiffuse_smooth value=\"" << matr->param[1] << "\" />\n";
else if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_MINNAERT) {
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_brdf value=\"minnaert\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<darkening value=\"" << matr->darkness << "\" />\n";
else ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_brdf value=\"lambert\" />\n";
// specular
if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_PHONG) {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_brdf value=\"phong\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<hard value=\"" << matr->har << "\" />\n";
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_BLINN) {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_brdf value=\"blinn\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<blinn_ior value=\"" << matr->refrac << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<hard value=\"" << matr->har << "\" />\n";
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_TOON) {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_brdf value=\"toon\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<toonspecular_size value=\"" << matr->param[2] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<toonspecular_smooth value=\"" << matr->param[3] << "\" />\n";
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_WARDISO) {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_brdf value=\"ward\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<u_roughness value=\"" << matr->rms << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<v_roughness value=\"" << matr->rms << "\" />\n";
else {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_brdf value=\"blender_cooktorr\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<hard value=\"" << matr->har << "\" />\n";
// ramps, if used
if (matr->mode & (MA_RAMP_COL|MA_RAMP_SPEC))
const string rm_blend[9] = {"mix", "add", "mul", "sub", "screen", "divide", "difference", "darken", "lighten"};
const string rm_mode[4] = {"shader", "energy", "normal", "result"};
// diffuse
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_COL) && (matr->ramp_col!=NULL))
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_ramp value=\"" << shader_name+"_difframp" << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_ramp_mode value=\"" << rm_mode[(int)matr->rampin_col] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_ramp_blend value=\"" << rm_blend[(int)matr->rampblend_col] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<diffuse_ramp_factor value=\"" << matr->rampfac_col << "\" />\n";
// specular
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_SPEC) && (matr->ramp_spec!=NULL)) {
ostr << "\t\t<specular_ramp value=\"" << shader_name+"_specramp" << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<specular_ramp_mode value=\"" << rm_mode[(int)matr->rampin_spec] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<specular_ramp_blend value=\"" << rm_blend[(int)matr->rampblend_spec] << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t\t<specular_ramp_factor value=\"" << matr->rampfac_spec << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t</attributes>\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
@ -681,12 +807,9 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr,
ostr << "\t\t<input value=\"" << shader_name << "_map" << m2 << "\" />\n";
// blendtype
string ts = "mix";
if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_MUL) ts="mul";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_ADD) ts="add";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_SUB) ts="sub";
ostr << "\t\t<mode value=\"" << ts << "\" />\n";
// blendtype, would have been nice if the order would have been the same as for ramps...
const string blendtype[9] = {"mix", "mul", "add", "sub", "divide", "darken", "difference", "lighten", "screen"};
ostr << "\t\t<mode value=\"" << blendtype[(int)mtex->blendtype] << "\" />\n";
// texture color (for use with MUL and/or no_rgb etc..)
ostr << "\t\t<texcol r=\"" << mtex->r << "\" g=\"" << mtex->g << "\" b=\"" << mtex->b << "\" />\n";
@ -749,7 +872,6 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr,
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_ALPHA) t = -1;
ostr << "\t\t<alpha value=\"" << t << "\" />\n";
// emit modulation
@ -759,9 +881,16 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr,
ostr << "\t\t<emit value=\"" << t << "\" />\n";
// raymir modulation
if ((mtex->mapto & MAP_RAYMIRR) || (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_RAYMIRR)) {
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_RAYMIRR) t = -1;
ostr << "\t\t<raymir value=\"" << t << "\" />\n";
// texture flag, combination of strings
string ts = "";
ts = "";
if (mtex->texflag & MTEX_RGBTOINT) ts += "no_rgb ";
if (mtex->texflag & MTEX_STENCIL) ts += "stencil ";
if (mtex->texflag & MTEX_NEGATIVE) ts += "negative";
@ -827,9 +956,9 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeMaterialsAndModulators()
if (mtexL!=used_textures.end()) {
ostr << "<shader type=\"blendermapper\" name=\"" << blendmat->first + "_map" << m <<"\"";
if ((mtex->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_REFL))
if ((mtex->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_REFL) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_NORM))
// For object & reflection mapping, add the object matrix to the modulator,
// For object, reflection & normal mapping, add the object matrix to the modulator,
// as in LF script, use camera matrix if no object specified.
// In this case this means the inverse of that matrix
float texmat[4][4], itexmat[4][4];
@ -839,13 +968,13 @@ void yafrayFileRender_t::writeMaterialsAndModulators()
MTC_Mat4CpyMat4(texmat, maincam_obj->obmat);
MTC_Mat4Invert(itexmat, texmat);
ostr << "\n\t\tm00=\"" << itexmat[0][0] << "\" m01=\"" << itexmat[1][0]
<< "\" m02=\"" << itexmat[2][0] << "\" m03=\"" << itexmat[3][0] << "\"\n";
<< "\" m02=\"" << itexmat[2][0] << "\" m03=\"" << itexmat[3][0] << "\"\n";
ostr << "\t\tm10=\"" << itexmat[0][1] << "\" m11=\"" << itexmat[1][1]
<< "\" m12=\"" << itexmat[2][1] << "\" m13=\"" << itexmat[3][1] << "\"\n";
<< "\" m12=\"" << itexmat[2][1] << "\" m13=\"" << itexmat[3][1] << "\"\n";
ostr << "\t\tm20=\"" << itexmat[0][2] << "\" m21=\"" << itexmat[1][2]
<< "\" m22=\"" << itexmat[2][2] << "\" m23=\"" << itexmat[3][2] << "\"\n";
<< "\" m22=\"" << itexmat[2][2] << "\" m23=\"" << itexmat[3][2] << "\"\n";
ostr << "\t\tm30=\"" << itexmat[0][3] << "\" m31=\"" << itexmat[1][3]
<< "\" m32=\"" << itexmat[2][3] << "\" m33=\"" << itexmat[3][3] << "\">\n";
<< "\" m32=\"" << itexmat[2][3] << "\" m33=\"" << itexmat[3][3] << "\">\n";
else ostr << ">\n";
ostr << "\t<attributes>\n";
@ -1662,11 +1791,12 @@ bool yafrayFileRender_t::writeWorld()
if (BLI_testextensie(wimg->name, ".hdr")) {
ostr << "<background type=\"HDRI\" name=\"world_background\" ";
ostr << "<background type=\"image\" name=\"world_background\" ";
// since exposure adjust is an integer, using the texbri slider isn't actually very useful here (result either -1/0/1)
// GIpower could be used, but is only active for GI
ostr << "exposure_adjust=\"" << int(world->mtex[i]->tex->bright-1) << "\" mapping=\"probe\" >\n";
ostr << "exposure_adjust=\"" << wtex->tex->bright-1.f << "\" mapping=\"probe\" >\n";
ostr << "\t<filename value=\"" << wt_path << "\" />\n";
ostr << "\t<interpolate value=\"" << ((wtex->tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL) ? "bilinear" : "none") << "\" />\n";
ostr << "</background>\n\n";
xmlfile << ostr.str();
return true;

@ -222,30 +222,37 @@ bool yafrayPluginRender_t::writeRender()
if ((R.r.GImethod!=0) && (R.r.GIquality>1) && (!R.r.GIcache))
params["AA_passes"] = yafray::parameter_t(5);
params["AA_minsamples"] = yafray::parameter_t(5);
else if ((R.r.mode & R_OSA) && (R.r.osa))
params["AA_passes"]=yafray::parameter_t((R.r.osa%4)==0 ? R.r.osa/4 : 1);
params["AA_minsamples"]=yafray::parameter_t((R.r.osa%4)==0 ? 4 : R.r.osa);
params["AA_passes"] = yafray::parameter_t((R.r.osa%4)==0 ? R.r.osa/4 : 1);
params["AA_minsamples"] = yafray::parameter_t((R.r.osa%4)==0 ? 4 : R.r.osa);
params["AA_passes"] = yafray::parameter_t(0);
params["AA_minsamples"] = yafray::parameter_t(1);
params["AA_pixelwidth"] = yafray::parameter_t(1.5);
params["AA_threshold"] = yafray::parameter_t(0.05f);
if(R.r.mode & R_BORDER)
params["border_xmin"]=yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.xmin*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_xmax"]=yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.xmax*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_ymin"]=yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.ymin*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_ymax"]=yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.ymax*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_xmin"] = yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.xmin*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_xmax"] = yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.xmax*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_ymin"] = yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.ymin*2.0-1.0 );
params["border_ymax"] = yafray::parameter_t( R.r.border.ymax*2.0-1.0 );
if (hasworld) {
World *world = G.scene->world;
if (world->mode & WO_MIST) {
params["fog_density"] = yafray::parameter_t(world->mistdist);
params["fog_color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(world->horr, world->horg, world->horb));
params["background_name"] = yafray::parameter_t("world_background");
if (hasworld) params["background_name"]=yafray::parameter_t("world_background");
blenderYafrayOutput_t output;
@ -413,6 +420,10 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
ts = (tex->stype & 1) ? "rings" : "bands"; //stype 1&3 ringtype
params["wood_type"] = yafray::parameter_t(ts);
params["noise_type"] = yafray::parameter_t(ntype);
// shape parameter, for some reason noisebasis2 is used...
ts = "sin";
if (tex->noisebasis2==1) ts="saw"; else if (tex->noisebasis2==2) ts="tri";
params["shape"] = yafray::parameter_t(ts);
@ -424,6 +435,9 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
params["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(hardnoise);
params["sharpness"] = yafray::parameter_t((float)(1<<tex->stype));
params["noise_type"] = yafray::parameter_t(ntype);
ts = "sin";
if (tex->noisebasis2==1) ts="saw"; else if (tex->noisebasis2==2) ts="tri";
params["shape"] = yafray::parameter_t(ts);
@ -538,6 +552,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
string texpath = ima->name;
params["filename"] = yafray::parameter_t(texpath);
params["interpolate"] = yafray::parameter_t((tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL) ? "bilinear" : "none");
@ -554,14 +569,14 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
params["name"]=yafray::parameter_t(blendtex->first + "_coba");
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("colorband");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(blendtex->first + "_coba");
params["input"] = yafray::parameter_t(blendtex->first);
for (int i=0;i<cb->tot;i++)
yafray::paramMap_t mparams;
mparams["value"] = yafray::parameter_t(cb->data[i].pos);
mparams["color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::colorA_t(cb->data[i].r,
@ -580,6 +595,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
// skip if already written above
if (dupimg.find(imgtex->first)==dupimg.end()) {
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(imgtex->first->;
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("image");
@ -597,15 +613,52 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeTextures()
void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr, const string &facetexname)
yafray::paramMap_t params;
list<yafray::paramMap_t> lparams;
// if material has ramps, export colorbands first
if (matr->mode & (MA_RAMP_COL|MA_RAMP_SPEC))
// both colorbands without input shader
ColorBand* cb = matr->ramp_col;
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_COL) && (cb!=NULL))
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("colorband");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(shader_name+"_difframp");
for (int i=0;i<cb->tot;i++) {
yafray::paramMap_t mparams;
mparams["value"] = yafray::parameter_t(cb->data[i].pos);
mparams["color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::colorA_t(cb->data[i].r, cb->data[i].g, cb->data[i].b, cb->data[i].a));
yafrayGate->addShader(params, lparams);
cb = matr->ramp_spec;
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_SPEC) && (cb!=NULL))
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("colorband");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(shader_name+"_specramp");
for (int i=0;i<cb->tot;i++) {
yafray::paramMap_t mparams;
mparams["value"] = yafray::parameter_t(cb->data[i].pos);
mparams["color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::colorA_t(cb->data[i].r, cb->data[i].g, cb->data[i].b, cb->data[i].a));
yafrayGate->addShader(params, lparams);
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("blendershader");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(shader_name);
float diff = matr->alpha;
float diff = 1; //matr->alpha;
params["color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->r*diff, matr->g*diff, matr->b*diff));
params["specular_color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->specr, matr->specg, matr->specb));
params["mirror_color"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->mirr, matr->mirg, matr->mirb));
params["diffuse_reflect"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->ref);
params["specular_amount"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->spec);
params["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->har);
params["alpha"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->alpha);
// if no GI used, the GIpower parameter is not always initialized, so in that case ignore it
@ -615,21 +668,30 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
// reflection/refraction
if ( (matr->mode & MA_RAYMIRROR) || (matr->mode & MA_RAYTRANSP) )
params["IOR"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->ang);
if (matr->mode & MA_RAYMIRROR)
if (matr->mode & MA_RAYMIRROR)
float rf = matr->ray_mirror;
// blender uses mir color for reflection as well
params["reflected"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->mirr, matr->mirg, matr->mirb));
params["min_refle"] = yafray::parameter_t(rf);
if (matr->ray_depth>maxraydepth) maxraydepth = matr->ray_depth;
//params["reflected"] = yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->mirr, matr->mirg, matr->mirb));
// Sofar yafray's min_refle parameter (which misleadingly actually controls fresnel reflection offset)
// has been mapped to Blender's ray_mirror parameter.
// This causes it be be misinterpreted and misused as a reflection amount control however.
// Besides that, it also causes extra complications for the yafray Blendershader.
// So added an actual amount of reflection parameter instead, and another
// extra parameter to actually control fresnel offset (re-uses Blender fresnel_mir_i param)
// Hopefully that clears things up a bit...
params["reflect"] = yafray::parameter_t("on");
params["reflect_amount"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->ray_mirror);
float fo = 1.f-(matr->fresnel_mir_i-1.f)*0.25f; // blender param range [1,5], also here reversed (1 in Blender -> no fresnel)
params["fresnel_offset"] = yafray::parameter_t(fo);
if (matr->mode & MA_RAYTRANSP)
float tr = 1.0-matr->alpha;
params["transmitted"]=yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->r*tr, matr->g*tr, matr->b*tr));
//float tr = 1.0-matr->alpha;
//params["transmitted"]=yafray::parameter_t(yafray::color_t(matr->r*tr, matr->g*tr, matr->b*tr));
params["refract"] = yafray::parameter_t("on");
params["transmit_filter"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->filter);
// tir on by default
params["tir"] = yafray::parameter_t("on");
if (matr->ray_depth_tra>maxraydepth) maxraydepth = matr->ray_depth_tra;
string Mmode = "";
@ -642,9 +704,70 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
if (matr->mode & MA_ONLYSHADOW) Mmode += " onlyshadow";
if (Mmode!="") params["matmodes"] = yafray::parameter_t(Mmode);
// modulators
list<yafray::paramMap_t> lparams;
// diffuse & specular brdf, lambert/cooktorr defaults
// diffuse
if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_ORENNAYAR) {
params["diffuse_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("oren_nayar");
params["roughness"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->roughness);
else if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_TOON) {
params["diffuse_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("toon");
params["toondiffuse_size"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->param[0]);
params["toondiffuse_smooth"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->param[1]);
else if (matr->diff_shader==MA_DIFF_MINNAERT) {
params["diffuse_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("minnaert");
params["darkening"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->darkness);
else params["diffuse_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("lambert");
// specular
if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_PHONG) {
params["specular_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("phong");
params["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->har);
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_BLINN) {
params["specular_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("blinn");
params["blinn_ior"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->refrac);
params["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->har);
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_TOON) {
params["specular_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("toon");
params["toonspecular_size"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->param[2]);
params["toonspecular_smooth"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->param[3]);
else if (matr->spec_shader==MA_SPEC_WARDISO) {
params["specular_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("ward");
params["u_roughness"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->rms);
params["v_roughness"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->rms);
else {
params["specular_brdf"] = yafray::parameter_t("blender_cooktorr");
params["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->har);
// ramps, if used
if (matr->mode & (MA_RAMP_COL|MA_RAMP_SPEC))
const string rm_blend[9] = {"mix", "add", "mul", "sub", "screen", "divide", "difference", "darken", "lighten"};
const string rm_mode[4] = {"shader", "energy", "normal", "result"};
// diffuse
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_COL) && (matr->ramp_col!=NULL))
params["diffuse_ramp"] = yafray::parameter_t(shader_name+"_difframp");
params["diffuse_ramp_mode"] = yafray::parameter_t(rm_mode[(int)matr->rampin_col]);
params["diffuse_ramp_blend"] = yafray::parameter_t(rm_blend[(int)matr->rampblend_col]);
params["diffuse_ramp_factor"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->rampfac_col);
// specular
if ((matr->mode & MA_RAMP_SPEC) && (matr->ramp_spec!=NULL)) {
params["specular_ramp"] = yafray::parameter_t(shader_name+"_specramp");
params["specular_ramp_mode"] = yafray::parameter_t(rm_mode[(int)matr->rampin_spec]);
params["specular_ramp_blend"] = yafray::parameter_t(rm_blend[(int)matr->rampblend_spec]);
params["specular_ramp_factor"] = yafray::parameter_t(matr->rampfac_spec);
// modulators
// first modulator is the texture of the face, if used (TexFace mode)
if (facetexname.length()!=0) {
yafray::paramMap_t mparams;
@ -679,7 +802,12 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_MUL) ts="mul";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_ADD) ts="add";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_SUB) ts="sub";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_DIV) ts="divide";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_DARK) ts="darken";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_DIFF) ts="difference";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_LIGHT) ts="lighten";
else if (mtex->blendtype==MTEX_SCREEN) ts="screen";
mparams["mode"] = yafray::parameter_t(ts);
// texture color (for use with MUL and/or no_rgb etc..)
@ -707,17 +835,17 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
// all blender texture modulation as switches, either 1 or -1 (negative state of button)
// Csp, specular color modulation
if (mtex->mapto & MAP_COLSPEC)
mparams["colspec"] = yafray::parameter_t(1.0);
// CMir, mirror color modulation
if (mtex->mapto & MAP_COLMIR)
mparams["colmir"] = yafray::parameter_t(1.0);
// Ref, diffuse reflection amount modulation
if ((mtex->mapto & MAP_REF) || (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_REF))
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_REF) t = -1;
mparams["difref"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// Spec, specular amount mod
@ -725,7 +853,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_SPEC) t = -1;
mparams["specular"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// hardness modulation
@ -733,7 +861,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_HAR) t = -1;
mparams["hard"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// alpha modulation
@ -741,14 +869,21 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_ALPHA) t = -1;
mparams["alpha"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// emit modulation
if ((mtex->mapto & MAP_EMIT) || (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_EMIT)) {
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_EMIT) t = -1;
mparams["emit"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// raymir modulation
if ((mtex->mapto & MAP_RAYMIRR) || (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_RAYMIRR)) {
int t = 1;
if (mtex->maptoneg & MAP_RAYMIRR) t = -1;
mparams["raymir"] = yafray::parameter_t(t);
// texture flag, combination of strings
@ -782,7 +917,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeShader(const string &shader_name, Material* matr
yafrayGate->addShader(params, lparams);
@ -818,9 +953,9 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeMaterialsAndModulators()
sprintf(temp, "_map%d", m);
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("blendermapper");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(blendmat->first + string(temp));
if ((mtex->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_REFL))
if ((mtex->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_REFL) || (mtex->texco & TEXCO_NORM))
// For object & reflection mapping, add the object matrix to the modulator,
// For object, reflection & normal mapping, add the object matrix to the modulator,
// as in LF script, use camera matrix if no object specified.
// In this case this means the inverse of that matrix
float texmat[4][4], itexmat[4][4];
@ -1380,8 +1515,9 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeLamps()
char temp[16];
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t(temp);
// color already premultiplied by energy, so only need distance here
float pwr = 1; // default for sun/hemi, distance irrelevant
float pwr = 1;
if ((lamp->type!=LA_SUN) && (lamp->type!=LA_HEMI)) {
if (lamp->mode & LA_SPHERE) {
// best approx. as used in LFexport script (LF d.f.m. 4pi?)
@ -1562,6 +1698,19 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeCamera()
void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeHemilight()
// updated to use Blender AO params
World *world = G.scene->world;
if (world==NULL) return;
yafray::paramMap_t params;
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("hemilight");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t("hemi_LT");
params["power"] = yafray::parameter_t(R.r.GIpower);
params["samples"] = yafray::parameter_t(world->aosamp*world->aosamp);
params["maxdistance"] = yafray::parameter_t(world->aodist);
params["use_QMC"] = yafray::parameter_t((world->aomode & WO_AORNDSMP) ? "off" : "on");
yafray::paramMap_t params;
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("hemilight");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t("hemi_LT");
@ -1576,6 +1725,7 @@ void yafrayPluginRender_t::writeHemilight()
default: params["samples"]=yafray::parameter_t(25);
void yafrayPluginRender_t::writePathlight()
@ -1658,12 +1808,13 @@ bool yafrayPluginRender_t::writeWorld()
string wt_path = wimg->name;
if (BLI_testextensie(wimg->name, ".hdr")) {
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("HDRI");
params["type"] = yafray::parameter_t("image");
params["name"] = yafray::parameter_t("world_background");
// since exposure adjust is an integer, using the texbri slider isn't actually very useful here (result either -1/0/1)
params["exposure_adjust"] = yafray::parameter_t(int(world->mtex[i]->tex->bright-1));
params["exposure_adjust"] = yafray::parameter_t(wtex->tex->bright-1.f);
params["mapping"] = yafray::parameter_t("probe");
params["filename"] = yafray::parameter_t(wt_path);
params["interpolate"] = yafray::parameter_t((wtex->tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL) ? "bilinear" : "none");
return true;
@ -1737,12 +1888,12 @@ bool blenderYafrayOutput_t::putPixel(int x, int y, const yafray::color_t &c,
zbuf[x] = (int)(depth*mz);
if (out==4096)
RE_local_render_display(0,R.recty-1, R.rectx, R.recty, R.rectot);
out = 0;
if (RE_local_test_break())
return false;
return true;

@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ bool yafrayRender_t::exportScene()
mainCamLens = 35.0;
if (maincam_obj->type==OB_CAMERA) mainCamLens=((Camera*)maincam_obj->data)->lens;
maxraydepth = 5; // will be set to maximum depth used in blender materials
// recreate the scene as object data, as well as sorting the material & textures, ignoring duplicates
if (!getAllMatTexObs())

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ class yafrayRender_t
Object* maincam_obj;
float mainCamLens;
int maxraydepth;
bool hasworld;
std::map<Object*, std::vector<VlakRen*> > all_objects;