Removed the unused socket template system from the bpy_types Node base class (it interferes with the input_templates/output_templates functions from C nodes). This can be reimplemented in a nicer way for pynode subclasses later on, but should not be part of the basic Node class.

This commit is contained in:
Lukas Toenne 2013-05-08 15:40:51 +00:00
parent ee950c9dcb
commit 451a32070c

@ -752,100 +752,7 @@ class NodeTree(bpy_types.ID, metaclass=RNAMetaPropGroup):
__slots__ = ()
class NodeSocketTemplate():
type = 'UNDEFINED'
# Default implementation:
# Create a single property using the socket template's 'value_property' attribute
# value_property should be created in the __init__ function
# If necessary this function can be overloaded in subclasses, e.g. to create multiple value properties
def define_node_properties(self, node_type, prefix):
if hasattr(self, "value_property"):
setattr(node_type, prefix+"value", self.value_property)
def init_socket(self, socket):
socket.type = self.type
if hasattr(self, "value_property"):
socket.value_property = self.value_property[1]['attr']
def gen_valid_identifier(seq):
# get an iterator
itr = iter(seq)
# pull characters until we get a legal one for first in identifer
for ch in itr:
if ch == '_' or ch.isalpha():
yield ch
# pull remaining characters and yield legal ones for identifier
for ch in itr:
if ch == '_' or ch.isalpha() or ch.isdigit():
yield ch
def sanitize_identifier(name):
return ''.join(gen_valid_identifier(name))
def unique_identifier(name, identifier_list):
# First some basic sanitation, to make a usable identifier string from the name
base = sanitize_identifier(name)
# Now make a unique identifier by appending an unused index
identifier = base
index = 0
while identifier in identifier_list:
index += 1
identifier = base + str(index)
return identifier
class RNAMetaNode(RNAMetaPropGroup):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict, **args):
# Wrapper for node.init, to add sockets from templates
def create_sockets(self):
inputs = getattr(self, 'input_templates', None)
if inputs:
for temp in inputs:
socket =,, identifier=temp.identifier)
outputs = getattr(self, 'output_templates', None)
if outputs:
for temp in outputs:
socket =,, identifier=temp.identifier)
init_base = classdict.get('init', None)
if init_base:
def init_node(self, context):
init_base(self, context)
def init_node(self, context):
classdict['init'] = init_node
# Create the regular class
result = RNAMetaPropGroup.__new__(cls, name, bases, classdict)
# Add properties from socket templates
inputs = classdict.get('input_templates', None)
if inputs:
for i, temp in enumerate(inputs):
temp.identifier = unique_identifier(, [t.identifier for t in inputs[0:i]])
temp.define_node_properties(result, "input_"+temp.identifier+"_")
outputs = classdict.get('output_templates', None)
if outputs:
for i, temp in enumerate(outputs):
temp.identifier = unique_identifier(, [t.identifier for t in outputs[0:i]])
temp.define_node_properties(result, "output_"+temp.identifier+"_")
return result
class Node(StructRNA, metaclass=RNAMetaNode):
class Node(StructRNA, metaclass=RNAMetaPropGroup):
__slots__ = ()