*Armature api documentation

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Gilbert 2005-12-12 20:12:50 +00:00
parent ebfe09a223
commit 540e5bb77d
2 changed files with 200 additions and 36 deletions

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The Blender Python API Reference
- L{Armature} (work in progress)
- L{Armature}
- L{NLA}
- L{BGL}
- L{Camera}

@ -12,14 +12,60 @@ example.
import Blender
from Blender import Armature
from Blender import Armature as A
from Blender.Mathutils import *
armatures = Armature.Get()
for a in armatures:
print "Armature ", a
for bone_name, bone in a.bones.items():
print bone_name, bone.weight
arms = A.Get()
for arm in arms.values():
arm.drawType = A.STICK #set the draw type
arm.makeEditable() #enter editmode
#generating new editbone
eb = A.Editbone()
eb.roll = 10
eb.parent = arm.bones['Bone.003']
eb.head = Vector(1,1,1)
eb.tail = Vector(0,0,1)
eb.options = [A.HINGE, A.CONNECTED]
#add the bone
arm.bones['myNewBone'] = eb
#delete an old bone
del arm.bones['Bone.002']
arm.update() #save changes
for bone in arm.bones.values():
#print bone.matrix['ARMATURESPACE']
print bone.parent, bone.name
print bone.children, bone.name
print bone.options, bone.name
@var CONNECTED: Connect this bone to parent
@type CONNECTED: Constant
@var HINGE: Don't inherit rotation or scale from parent
@type HINGE: Constant
@var NO_DEFORM: If bone will not deform geometry
@type NO_DEFORM: Constant
@var MULTIPLY: Multiply bone with vertex group
@type MULTIPLY: Constant
@var HIDDEN_EDIT: Bone is hidden in editmode
@type HIDDEN_EDIT: Constant
@var ROOT_SELECTED: Root of the Bone is selected
@type ROOT_SELECTED: Constant
@var BONE_SELECTED: Bone is selected
@type BONE_SELECTED: Constant
@var TIP_SELECTED: Tip of the Bone is selected
@type TIP_SELECTED: Constant
@var OCTAHEDRON: Bones drawn as octahedrons
@type OCTAHEDRON: Constant
@var STICK: Bones drawn as a line
@type STICK: Constant
@var BBONE: Bones draw as a segmented B-spline
@type BBONE: Constant
@var ENVELOPE: Bones draw as a stick with envelope influence
@type ENVELOPE: Constant
def Get (name = None):
@ -34,58 +80,85 @@ def Get (name = None):
- (): A list with all Armature objects in the current scene.
class ArmatureType:
class Armature:
The ArmatureType object
The Armature object
This object gives access to Armature-specific data in Blender.
@ivar name: The Armature name.
@ivar bones: A Dictionary of Bones that make up this armature.
@ivar vertexGroups: (bool) Whether vertex groups define deformation
@ivar envelopes: (bool) Whether bone envelopes define deformation
@ivar restPosition: (bool) Show rest position (no posing possible)
@ivar delayDeform: (bool) Dont deform children when manipulating bones
@ivar drawAxes: (bool) Draw bone axes
@ivar drawNames: (bool) Draw bone names
@type name: String
@ivar bones: A Dictionary of Bones (BonesDict) that make up this armature.
@type bones: BonesDict Object
@ivar vertexGroups: Whether vertex groups define deformation
@type vertexGroups: Bool
@ivar envelopes: Whether bone envelopes define deformation
@type envelopes: Bool
@ivar restPosition: Show rest position (no posing possible)
@type restPosition: Bool
@ivar delayDeform: Dont deform children when manipulating bones
@type delayDeform: Bool
@ivar drawAxes: Draw bone axes
@type drawAxes: Bool
@ivar drawNames: Draw bone names
@type drawNames: Bool
@ivar ghost: Draw ghosts around frame for current Action
@type ghost: Bool
@ivar ghostStep: Number of frames between ghosts
@type ghostStep: Int
@ivar drawType: The drawing type that is used to display the armature
Acceptable values are:
- Armature.OCTAHEDRON: bones drawn as octahedrons
- Armature.STICK: bones drawn as sticks
- Armature.BBONE: bones drawn as b-bones
- Armature.ENVELOPE: bones drawn as sticks with envelopes
@ivar mirrorEdit: (bool) X-axis mirrored editing
@ivar autoIK: (bool) Adds temporary IK chains while grabbing bones
@type drawType: Constant Object
@ivar mirrorEdit: X-axis mirrored editing
@type mirrorEdit: Bool
@ivar autoIK: Adds temporary IK chains while grabbing bones
@type autoIK: Bool
def __init__(name = 'myArmature'):
Initializer for the ArmatureType TypeObject.
Initializer for the Armature TypeObject.
myNewArmature = Blender.Armature.ArmatureType('AR_1')
myNewArmature = Blender.Armature.Armature('AR_1')
@param name: The name for the new armature
@type name: string
@return: New Armature Object
@rtype: Armature Object
def makeEditable():
Put the armature into EditMode for editing purposes.
@warning: The armature should not be in manual editmode
prior to calling this method.
prior to calling this method. The armature must be parented
to an object prior to editing.
@rtype: None
def saveChanges():
def update():
Save all changes and update the armature.
@note: Must have called makeEditable() first.
@rtype: None
class BonesDict:
The BonesDict object
This object gives gives dictionary like access to the bones in an armature.
This object gives gives dictionary like access to the bones in an armature.
It is internal to blender but is called as 'Armature.bones'
Removing a bone:
del myArmature.bones['bone_name']
Adding a bone:
myEditBone = Armature.Editbone()
myArmature.bones['bone_name'] = myEditBone
def items():
@ -109,25 +182,116 @@ class BonesDict:
@return: All BPy_bones in this dictionary
class BoneType:
class Bone:
The BoneType object
This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender.
The Bone object
This object gives access to Bone-specific data in Blender. This object
cannot be instantiated but is returned by BonesDict when the armature is not in editmode.
@ivar name: The name of this Bone.
@type name: String
@ivar roll: This Bone's roll value.
Keys are:
- 'ARMATURESPACE' - this roll in relation to the armature
- 'BONESPACE' - the roll in relation to itself
@type roll: Dictionary
@ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state.
Keys are:
- 'ARMATURESPACE' - this head position in relation to the armature
- 'BONESPACE' - the head position in relation to itself
@type head: Dictionary
@ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state.
@ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix.
Keys are:
- 'ARMATURESPACE' - this tail position in relation to the armature
- 'BONESPACE' - the tail position in relation to itself
@type tail: Dictionary
@ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix. This cannot be set.
Keys are:
- 'ARMATURESPACE' - this matrix of the bone in relation to the armature
- 'BONESPACE' - the matrix of the bone in relation to itself
@type matrix: Matrix Object
@ivar parent: The parent Bone.
@type parent: Bone Object
@ivar children: The children bones.
@type children: List of Bone Objects
@ivar weight: The bone's weight.
@type weight: Float
@ivar options: Various bone options which can be:
-CONNECTED: IK to parent
-HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling
-NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometetry
-MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope
-HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode
- Armature.CONNECTED: IK to parent
- Armature.HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling
- Armature.NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometetry
- Armature.MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope
- Armature.HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode
- Armature.ROOT_SELECTED: Selection of root ball of bone
- Armature.BONE_SELECTED: Selection of bone
- Armature.TIP_SELECTED: Selection of tip ball of bone
@type options: List of Constants
@ivar subdivision: The number of bone subdivisions.
@ivar deform_dist: The deform distance of the bone
@type subdivision: Int
@ivar deformDist: The deform distance of the bone
@type deformDist: Float
@ivar length: The length of the bone. This cannot be set.
@type length: Float
def hasParent():
Whether or not this bone has a parent
@rtype: Bool
def hasChildren():
Whether or not this bone has children
@rtype: Bool
class Editbone:
The Editbone Object
This object is a wrapper for editbone data and is used only in the manipulation
of the armature in editmode.
@ivar name: The name of this Bone.
@type name: String
@ivar roll: This Bone's roll value (armaturespace).
@type roll: Float
@ivar head: This Bone's "head" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace).
@type head: Vector Object
@ivar tail: This Bone's "tail" ending position when in rest state (armaturespace).
@type tail: Vector Object
@ivar matrix: This Bone's matrix. (armaturespace) This cannot be set.
@type matrix: Matrix Object
@ivar parent: The parent Bone.
@type parent: Editbone Object
@ivar weight: The bone's weight.
@type weight: Float
@ivar options: Various bone options which can be:
- Armature.CONNECTED: IK to parent
- Armature.HINGE: No parent rotation or scaling
- Armature.NO_DEFORM: The bone does not deform geometetry
- Armature.MULTIPLY: Multiply vgroups by envelope
- Armature.HIDDEN_EDIT: Hide bones in editmode
- Armature.ROOT_SELECTED: Selection of root ball of bone
- Armature.BONE_SELECTED: Selection of bone
- Armature.TIP_SELECTED: Selection of tip ball of bone
@type options: List of Constants
@ivar subdivision: The number of bone subdivisions.
@type subdivision: Int
@ivar deformDist: The deform distance of the bone
@type deformDist: Float
@ivar length: The length of the bone. This cannot be set.
@type length: Float
def hasParent():
Whether or not this bone has a parent
@rtype: Bool
def clearParent():
Set the parent to None
@rtype: None