Updated this script and added some functions, this wont effect eny existing python tools.

added functions
pickMeshRayFace(me, orig, dir):
pickMeshGroupWeight(me, act_group, orig, dir):
pickMeshGroupVCol(me, orig, dir):
edgeFaceUserCount(me, faces= None):
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2006-06-16 10:59:56 +00:00
parent be22b6e8e8
commit a4c2492d6e

@ -191,6 +191,236 @@ def getMeshFromObject(ob, container_mesh=None, apply_modifiers=True, vgroups=Tru
return mesh return mesh
def faceRayIntersect(f, orig, dir):
Returns face, side
Side is the side of a quad we intersect.
side 0 == 0,1,2
side 1 == 0,2,3
f_v= f.v
isect= Blender.Mathutils.Intersect(f_v[0].co, f_v[1].co, f_v[2].co, dir, orig, 1) # 1==clip
if isect:
return isect, 0
if len(f_v)==4:
isect= Blender.Mathutils.Intersect(f_v[0].co, f_v[2].co, f_v[3].co, dir, orig, 1) # 1==clip
if isect:
return isect, 1
return False, 0
def pickMeshRayFace(me, orig, dir):
best_dist= 1<<30
best_isect= best_side= best_face= None
for f in me.faces:
isect, side= faceRayIntersect(f, orig, dir)
if isect:
dist= (isect-orig).length
if dist<best_dist:
best_dist= dist
best_face= f
best_side= side
best_isect= isect
f= best_face
isect= best_isect
side= best_side
if f==None:
return None, None, None, None, None
f_v= [v.co for v in f.v]
if side==1: # we can leave side 0 without changes.
f_v = f_v[0], f_v[2], f_v[3]
l0= (f_v[0]-isect).length
l1= (f_v[1]-isect).length
l2= (f_v[2]-isect).length
w0 = (l1+l2)
w1 = (l0+l2)
w2 = (l1+l2)
totw= w0 + w1 + w2
return f, side, w0, w1, w2
def pickMeshGroupWeight(me, act_group, orig, dir):
f, side, w0, w1, w2= pickMeshRayFace(me, orig, dir)
f_v= f.v
if side==0:
f_vi= (f_v[0].index, f_v[1].index, f_v[2].index)
f_vi= (f_v[0].index, f_v[2].index, f_v[3].index)
vws= [0.0,0.0,0.0]
for i in xrange(3):
try: vws[i]= me.getVertsFromGroup(act_group, 1, [f_vi[i],])[0][1]
except: pass
return w0*vws[0] + w1*vws[1] + w2*vws[2]
def pickMeshGroupVCol(me, orig, dir):
Vector= Blender.Mathutils.Vector
f, side, w0, w1, w2= pickMeshRayFace(me, orig, dir)
def col2vec(c):
return Vector(c.r, c.g, c.b)
if side==0:
idxs= 0,1,2
idxs= 0,2,3
f_c= f.col
f_colvecs= [col2vec(f_c[i]) for i in idxs]
return f_colvecs[0]*w0 + f_colvecs[1]*w1 + f_colvecs[2]*w2
# reuse me more.
def sorted_edge_indicies(ed):
i1= ed.v1.index
i2= ed.v2.index
if i1>i2:
i1,i2= i2,i1
return i1, i2
def edge_face_users(me):
Takesa mesh and returns a list aligned with the meshes edges.
Each item is a list of the faces that use the edge
would be the equiv for having ed.face_users as a property
face_edges_dict= dict([(sorted_edge_indicies(ed), (ed.index, [])) for ed in me.edges])
for f in me.faces:
fvi= [v.index for v in f.v]# face vert idx's
for i in xrange(len(f)):
i1= fvi[i]
i2= fvi[i-1]
if i1>i2:
i1,i2= i2,i1
face_edges= [None] * len(me.edges)
for ed_index, ed_faces in face_edges_dict.itervalues():
face_edges[ed_index]= ed_faces
return face_edges
def face_edges(me):
Returns a list alligned to the meshes faces.
each item is a list of lists: that is
face_edges -> face indicies
face_edges[i] -> list referencs local faces v indicies 1,2,3 &| 4
face_edges[i][j] -> list of faces that this edge uses.
crap this is tricky to explain :/
face_edges= [ [None] * len(f) for f in me.faces ]
face_edges_dict= dict([(sorted_edge_indicies(ed), []) for ed in me.edges])
for fidx, f in enumerate(me.faces):
fvi= [v.index for v in f.v]# face vert idx's
for i in xrange(len(f)):
i1= fvi[i]
i2= fvi[i-1]
if i1>i2:
i1,i2= i2,i1
edge_face_users= face_edges_dict[i1,i2]
face_edges[fidx][i]= edge_face_users
return face_edges
def facePlanerIslands(me):
DotVecs= Blender.Mathutils.DotVecs
def roundvec(v):
return round(v[0], 4), round(v[1], 4), round(v[2], 4)
face_props= [(cent, no, roundvec(no), DotVecs(cent, no)) for f in me.faces for no, cent in ((f.no, f.cent),)]
face_edge_users= face_edges(me)
islands= []
used_faces= [0] * len(me.faces)
while True:
new_island= False
for i, used_val in enumerate(used_faces):
if used_val==0:
island= set()
new_island= True
used_faces[i]= 1
if not new_island:
island_growing= True
while island_growing:
island_growing= False
for fidx1 in list(island):
if used_faces[fidx1]==1:
used_faces[fidx1]= 2
face_prop1= face_props[fidx1]
for ed in face_edge_users[fidx1]:
for f2 in ed:
fidx2= f2.index
if fidx1 != fidx2 and used_faces[fidx2]==0:
island_growing= True
face_prop2= face_props[fidx2]
# normals are the same?
if face_prop1[2]==face_prop2[2]:
if abs(face_prop1[3] - DotVecs(face_prop1[1], face_prop2[0])) < 0.000001:
used_faces[fidx2]= 1
tmp= [me.faces[i] for i in island]
return islands
def edgeFaceUserCount(me, faces= None):
Return an edge aligned list with the count for all the faces that use that edge. -
can spesify a subset of the faces, so only those will be counted.
if faces==None:
faces= me.faces
max_vert= len(me.verts)
# find the lighest vert index
edge_users= [0] * len(me.edges)
edges_idx_dict= dict([(sorted_edge_indicies(ed), ed.index) for ed in me.edges])
for f in faces:
fvi= [v.index for v in f.v]# face vert idx's
for i in xrange(len(f)):
i1= fvi[i]
i2= fvi[i-1]
if i1>i2:
i1,i2= i2,i1
edge_users[edges_idx_dict[i1,i2]] += 1
return edge_users
#============================================================================# #============================================================================#
# Takes a face, and a pixel x/y on the image and returns a worldspace x/y/z # # Takes a face, and a pixel x/y on the image and returns a worldspace x/y/z #