Made it so blender has an active render layer for Uv and Vertex color mesh layers.

This means changing the active UV/VCol layers wont change what renders.
needed to adjust the minor version so old files will copy the active layer to the render-uv/vcol layer. - redoen in C now, dont need python version.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2007-05-02 00:01:23 +00:00
parent 0b0f0b0ffb
commit c24aa10561
9 changed files with 118 additions and 522 deletions

@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
# 2D Box packing function used by archimap
# packs any list of 2d boxes into a square and returns a list of packed boxes.
# Example of usage.
import boxpack2d
# Build boxe list.
# the unique ID is not used.
# just the width and height.
boxes2Pack = []
anyUniqueID = 0; w = 2.2; h = 3.8
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 1; w = 4.1; h = 1.2
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 2; w = 5.2; h = 9.2
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 3; w = 8.3; h = 7.3
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 4; w = 1.1; h = 5.1
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 5; w = 2.9; h = 8.1
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
anyUniqueID = 6; w = 4.2; h = 6.2
boxes2Pack.append([anyUniqueID, w,h])
# packedLs is a list of [(anyUniqueID, left, bottom, width, height)...]
packWidth, packHeight, packedLs = boxpack2d.boxPackIter(boxes2Pack)
from Blender import NMesh, Window, Object, Scene
def debug_(x,y,z):
ob = Object.New("Empty")
ob.loc= x,y,z
# a box packing vert
class vt:
def __init__(self, x,y):
self.x, self.y = x, y = 15
# Set flags so cant test bottom left of 0/0
#~ BLF = 1; TRF = 2; TLF = 4; BRF = 8
#self.users = [] # A list of boxes.
# Rather then users, store Quadrents
self.blb = self.tlb = self.brb = self.trb = None
# A hack to remember the box() that last intersectec this vert
self.intersectCache = ([], [], [], [])
class vertList:
def __init__(self, verts=[]):
self.verts = verts
def sortCorner(self,w,h):
Sorts closest first. - uses the box w/h as a bias,
this makes it so its less likely to have lots of poking out bits
that use too much
Lambada based sort
# self.verts.sort(lambda A, B: cmp(max(A.x+w, A.y+h) , max(B.x+w, B.y+h))) # Reverse area sort
try: self.verts.sort(key = lambda b: max(b.x+w, b.y+h) ) # Reverse area sort
except: self.verts.sort(lambda A, B: cmp(max(A.x+w, A.y+h) , max(B.x+w, B.y+h))) # Reverse area sort
class box:
def __init__(self, width, height, id=None): id
self.area = width * height # real area
self.farea = width + height # fake area
#self.farea = float(min(width, height)) / float(max(width, height)) # fake area
self.width = width
self.height = height
# Append 4 new verts
# (BL,TR,TL,BR) / 0,1,2,3
self.v=v= [vt(0,0), vt(width,height), vt(0,height), vt(width,0)]
# Set the interior quadrents as used.
v[0].free &= ~TRF
v[1].free &= ~BLF
v[2].free &= ~BRF
v[3].free &= ~TLF
#for v in self.v:
# v.users.append(self)
v[0].trb = self
v[1].blb = self
v[2].brb = self
v[3].tlb = self
def updateV34(self):
Updates verts 3 & 4 from 1 and 2
since 3 and 4 are only there foill need is resizing/ rotating of patterns on the fly while I painr new box placement
but may be merged later with other verts
self.v[TL].x = self.v[BL].x
self.v[TL].y = self.v[TR].y
self.v[BR].x = self.v[TR].x
self.v[BR].y = self.v[BL].y
def setLeft(self, lft):
self.v[TR].x = lft + self.v[TR].x - self.v[BL].x
self.v[BL].x = lft
# update othere verts
def setRight(self, rgt):
self.v[BL].x = rgt - (self.v[TR].x - self.v[BL].x)
self.v[TR].x = rgt
def setBottom(self, btm):
self.v[TR].y = btm + self.v[TR].y - self.v[BL].y
self.v[BL].y = btm
def setTop(self, tp):
self.v[BL].y = tp - (self.v[TR].y - self.v[BL].y)
self.v[TR].y = tp
def getLeft(self):
return self.v[BL].x
def getRight(self):
return self.v[TR].x
def getBottom(self):
return self.v[BL].y
def getTop(self):
return self.v[TR].y
def overlapAll(self, boxLs, intersectCache): # Flag index lets us know which quadere
''' Returns none, meaning it didnt overlap any new boxes '''
v= self.v
if v[BL].x < 0:
return True
elif v[BL].y < 0:
return True
bIdx = len(intersectCache)
while bIdx:
b = intersectCache[bIdx]
if not ( v[TR].y <= b.v[BL].y or\
v[BL].y >= b.v[TR].y or\
v[BL].x >= b.v[TR].x or\
v[TR].x <= b.v[BL].x ):
return True # Intersection with existing box
#return 0 # Must keep looking
for b in boxLs.boxes:
if not (v[TR].y <= b.v[BL].y or\
v[BL].y >= b.v[TR].y or\
v[BL].x >= b.v[TR].x or\
v[TR].x <= b.v[BL].x ):
return b # Intersection with new box.
return False
def place(self, vert, quad):
Place the box on the free quadrent of the vert
if quad == BLF:
elif quad == TRF:
elif quad == TLF:
elif quad == BRF:
# Trys to lock a box onto another box's verts
# cleans up double verts after
def tryVert(self, boxes, baseVert):
for flagIndex, freeQuad in enumerate(quadFlagLs):
#print 'Testing ', self.width
if & freeQuad:, freeQuad)
overlapBox = self.overlapAll(boxes, baseVert.intersectCache[flagIndex])
if overlapBox is False: # There is no overlap &= ~freeQuad # Removes quad
# Appends all verts but the one that matches. this removes the need for remove doubles
for vIdx in (0,1,2,3): # (BL,TR,TL,BR) / 0,1,2,3
self_v= self.v[vIdx] # shortcut
if not (self_v.x == baseVert.x and self_v.y == baseVert.y):
else: &= # make sure the that any unfree areas are wiped.
# Inherit used boxes from old verts
if self_v.blb: baseVert.blb = self_v.blb
if self_v.brb: baseVert.brb = self_v.brb #print 'inherit2'
if self_v.tlb: baseVert.tlb = self_v.tlb #print 'inherit3'
if self_v.trb: baseVert.trb = self_v.trb #print 'inherit4'
self.v[vIdx] = baseVert
# Logical checking for used verts by compares box sized and works out verts that may be free.
# Verticle
if baseVert.tlb and baseVert.trb and\
(self == baseVert.tlb or self == baseVert.trb):
if baseVert.tlb.height > baseVert.trb.height:
baseVert.trb.v[TL].free &= ~(TLF|BLF)
elif baseVert.tlb.height < baseVert.trb.height:
baseVert.tlb.v[TR].free &= ~(TRF|BRF)
else: # same
baseVert.tlb.v[TR].free &= ~BLF
baseVert.trb.v[TL].free &= ~BRF
elif baseVert.blb and baseVert.brb and\
(self == baseVert.blb or self == baseVert.brb):
if baseVert.blb.height > baseVert.brb.height:
baseVert.brb.v[BL].free &= ~(TLF|BLF)
elif baseVert.blb.height < baseVert.brb.height:
baseVert.blb.v[BR].free &= ~(TRF|BRF)
else: # same
baseVert.blb.v[BR].free &= ~TRF
baseVert.brb.v[BL].free &= ~TLF
# Horizontal
if baseVert.tlb and baseVert.blb and\
(self == baseVert.tlb or self == baseVert.blb):
if baseVert.tlb.width > baseVert.blb.width:
baseVert.blb.v[TL].free &= ~(TLF|TRF)
elif baseVert.tlb.width < baseVert.blb.width:
baseVert.tlb.v[BL].free &= ~(BLF|BRF)
else: # same
baseVert.blb.v[TL].free &= ~TRF
baseVert.tlb.v[BL].free &= ~BRF
elif baseVert.trb and baseVert.brb and\
(self == baseVert.trb or self == baseVert.brb):
if baseVert.trb.width > baseVert.brb.width:
baseVert.brb.v[TR].free &= ~(TRF|TRF)
elif baseVert.trb.width < baseVert.brb.width:
baseVert.trb.v[BR].free &= ~(BLF|BRF)
else: # same
baseVert.brb.v[TR].free &= ~TLF
baseVert.trb.v[BR].free &= ~BLF
return 1 # Working
# We have a box that intersects that quadrent.
elif overlapBox is not False and overlapBox is not True: # True is used for a box thats alredt in the freq list or out of bounds error.
# There was an overlap, add this box to the verts list
#quadFlagLs = (BLF,BRF,TLF,TRF)
# Limit the cache size
if len(baseVert.intersectCache[flagIndex]) > 8:
del baseVert.intersectCache[flagIndex][0]
return 0
class boxList:
#Global vert pool, stores used lists
packedVerts = vertList() # will be vertList()
def __init__(self, boxes):
self.boxes = boxes
# keep a running update of the width and height so we know the area
# initialize with first box, fixes but where we whwere only packing 1 box
# At the moment we only start with 1 box so the code below will loop over 1. but thats ok.
width = height = 0.0
if boxes:
for b in boxes:
if width < b.width: width= b.width
if height < b.height: height= b.height
self.width= width
self.height= height
# boxArea is the total area of all boxes in the list,
# can be used with packArea() to determine waistage.
self.boxArea = 0 # incremented with addBox()
# Just like MyBoxLs.boxes.append(), but sets bounds
def addBoxPack(self, box):
'''Adds the box to the boxlist and resized the main bounds and adds area. '''
self.width = max(self.width, box.getRight())
self.height = max(self.height, box.getTop())
self.boxArea += box.area
# iterate through these
#~ quadFlagLs = (1,8,4,2)
#~ # Flags for vert idx used quads
#~ BLF = 1; TRF = 2; TLF = 4; BRF = 8
#~ quadFlagLs = (BLF,BRF,TLF,TRF)
# Look through all the free vert quads and see if there are some we can remove
for v in box.v:
# Is my bottom being used.
if & BLF and & BRF: # BLF and BRF
for b in self.boxes:
if b.v[TR].y == v.y:
if b.v[TR].x > v.x:
if b.v[BL].x < v.x: &= ~(BLF|BRF) # Removes quad
# Is my left being used.
if & BLF and & TLF:
for b in self.boxes:
if b.v[TR].x == v.x:
if b.v[TR].y > v.y:
if b.v[BL].y < v.y: &= ~(BLF|TLF) # Removes quad
if & TRF and & TLF:
# Is my top being used.
for b in self.boxes:
if b.v[BL].y == v.y:
if b.v[TR].x > v.x:
if b.v[BL].x < v.x: &= ~(TLF|TRF) # Removes quad
# Is my right being used.
if & TRF and & BRF:
for b in self.boxes:
if b.v[BL].x == v.x:
if b.v[TR].y > v.y:
if b.v[BL].y < v.y: &= ~(BRF|TRF) # Removes quad
# Just like MyBoxLs.boxes.append(), but sets bounds
def addBox(self, box):
self.boxArea += box.area
# The area of the backing bounds.
def packedArea(self):
return self.width * self.height
# Sort boxes by area
def sortArea(self):
try: self.boxes.sort(key=lambda b: b.area )
except: self.boxes.sort(lambda A, B: cmp(A.area, B.area) )
# BLENDER only
def draw(self):
m = NMesh.GetRaw()
for b in self.boxes:
z = min(b.width, b.height ) / max(b.width, b.height )
#z = b.farea
f = NMesh.Face()
m.verts.append(NMesh.Vert(b.getLeft(), b.getBottom(), z))
m.verts.append(NMesh.Vert(b.getRight(), b.getBottom(), z))
m.verts.append(NMesh.Vert(b.getRight(), b.getTop(), z))
m.verts.append(NMesh.Vert(b.getLeft(), b.getTop(), z))
NMesh.PutRaw(m, 's')
def pack(self):
if not self.boxes:
packedboxes = boxList([self.boxes[-1]])
# Remove verts we KNOW cant be added to
unpackedboxes = self.boxes[:-1]
# Start with this box, the biggest box
while unpackedboxes: # != [] - while the list of unpacked boxes is not empty.
freeBoxIdx = len(unpackedboxes)
while freeBoxIdx:
freeBoxContext= unpackedboxes[freeBoxIdx]
# Sort the verts with this boxes dimensions as a bias, so less poky out bits are made.
boxList.packedVerts.sortCorner(freeBoxContext.width, freeBoxContext.height)
vertIdx = 0
for baseVert in boxList.packedVerts.verts:
if # != 0
# This will lock the box if its possibel
if freeBoxContext.tryVert(packedboxes, baseVert):
packedboxes.addBoxPack( unpackedboxes.pop(freeBoxIdx) ) # same as freeBoxContext. but may as well pop at the same time.
freeBoxIdx = -1
freeBoxIdx +=1
boxList.packedVerts.verts = [] # Free the list, so it dosent use ram between runs.
self.width = packedboxes.width
self.height = packedboxes.height
def list(self):
''' Once packed, return a list of all boxes as a list of tuples - (X/Y/WIDTH/HEIGHT) '''
return [(, b.getLeft(), b.getBottom(), b.width, b.height ) for b in self.boxes]
''' Define all globals here '''
# vert IDX's, make references easier to understand.
BL = 0; TR = 1; TL = 2; BR = 3
# iterate through these
# Flags for vert idx used quads
BLF = 1; TRF = 2; TLF = 4; BRF = 8
quadFlagLs = (BLF,BRF,TLF,TRF)
# Packs a list w/h's into box types and places then #Iter times
def boxPackIter(boxLs, iter=1, draw=0):
iterIdx = 0
bestArea = None
# Iterate over packing the boxes to get the best FIT!
while iterIdx < iter:
myBoxLs = boxList([])
for b in boxLs:
myBoxLs.addBox( box(b[1], b[2], b[0]) ) # w/h/id
# myBoxLs.draw() # Draw as we go?
newArea = myBoxLs.packedArea()
#print 'pack test %s of %s, area:%.2f' % (iterIdx, iter, newArea)
# First time?
if bestArea == None:
bestArea = newArea
bestBoxLs = myBoxLs
elif newArea < bestArea:
bestArea = newArea
bestBoxLs = myBoxLs
if draw:
#print 'best area: %.4f, %.2f%% efficient' % (bestArea, (float(bestBoxLs.boxArea) / (bestArea+0.000001))*100)
return bestBoxLs.width, bestBoxLs.height, bestBoxLs.list()

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct ListBase;
struct MemFile; struct MemFile;

@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ void *CustomData_get_layer_named(const struct CustomData *data, int type,
int CustomData_get_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type); int CustomData_get_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type);
int CustomData_get_named_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type, char *name); int CustomData_get_named_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type, char *name);
int CustomData_get_active_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type); int CustomData_get_active_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type);
int CustomData_get_render_layer_index(const struct CustomData *data, int type);
/* copies the data from source to the data element at index in the first /* copies the data from source to the data element at index in the first
* layer of type * layer of type
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ void *CustomData_set_layer_n(const struct CustomData *data, int type, int n, voi
/* sets the nth layer of type as active */ /* sets the nth layer of type as active */
void CustomData_set_layer_active(struct CustomData *data, int type, int n); void CustomData_set_layer_active(struct CustomData *data, int type, int n);
void CustomData_set_layer_render(struct CustomData *data, int type, int n);
/* adds flag to the layer flags */ /* adds flag to the layer flags */
void CustomData_set_layer_flag(struct CustomData *data, int type, int flag); void CustomData_set_layer_flag(struct CustomData *data, int type, int flag);

@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ void CustomData_merge(const struct CustomData *source, struct CustomData *dest,
{ {
const LayerTypeInfo *typeInfo; const LayerTypeInfo *typeInfo;
CustomDataLayer *layer, *newlayer; CustomDataLayer *layer, *newlayer;
int i, type, number = 0, lasttype = -1, lastactive = 0; int i, type, number = 0, lasttype = -1, lastactive = 0, lastrender = 0;
for(i = 0; i < source->totlayer; ++i) { for(i = 0; i < source->totlayer; ++i) {
layer = &source->layers[i]; layer = &source->layers[i];
@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ void CustomData_merge(const struct CustomData *source, struct CustomData *dest,
if (type != lasttype) { if (type != lasttype) {
number = 0; number = 0;
lastactive = layer->active; lastactive = layer->active;
lastrender = layer->active_rnd;
lasttype = type; lasttype = type;
} }
else else
@ -437,8 +438,10 @@ void CustomData_merge(const struct CustomData *source, struct CustomData *dest,
newlayer = customData_add_layer__internal(dest, type, alloctype, newlayer = customData_add_layer__internal(dest, type, alloctype,
layer->data, totelem, layer->name); layer->data, totelem, layer->name);
if(newlayer) if(newlayer) {
newlayer->active = lastactive; newlayer->active = lastactive;
newlayer->active_rnd = lastrender;
} }
} }
@ -526,6 +529,17 @@ int CustomData_get_active_layer_index(const CustomData *data, int type)
return -1; return -1;
} }
int CustomData_get_render_layer_index(const CustomData *data, int type)
int i;
for(i=0; i < data->totlayer; ++i)
if(data->layers[i].type == type)
return i + data->layers[i].active_rnd;
return -1;
void CustomData_set_layer_active(CustomData *data, int type, int n) void CustomData_set_layer_active(CustomData *data, int type, int n)
{ {
int i; int i;
@ -535,6 +549,16 @@ void CustomData_set_layer_active(CustomData *data, int type, int n)
data->layers[i].active = n; data->layers[i].active = n;
} }
void CustomData_set_layer_render(CustomData *data, int type, int n)
int i;
for(i=0; i < data->totlayer; ++i)
if(data->layers[i].type == type)
data->layers[i].active_rnd = n;
void CustomData_set_layer_flag(struct CustomData *data, int type, int flag) void CustomData_set_layer_flag(struct CustomData *data, int type, int flag)
{ {
int i; int i;
@ -617,11 +641,14 @@ static CustomDataLayer *customData_add_layer__internal(CustomData *data,
else else
data->layers[index].name[0] = '\0'; data->layers[index].name[0] = '\0';
if(index > 0 && data->layers[index-1].type == type) if(index > 0 && data->layers[index-1].type == type) {
data->layers[index].active = data->layers[index-1].active; data->layers[index].active = data->layers[index-1].active;
else data->layers[index].active_rnd = data->layers[index-1].active_rnd;
} else {
data->layers[index].active = 0; data->layers[index].active = 0;
data->layers[index].active_rnd = 0;
customData_update_offsets(data); customData_update_offsets(data);
return &data->layers[index]; return &data->layers[index];
@ -679,8 +706,10 @@ int CustomData_free_layer(CustomData *data, int type, int totelem, int index)
i = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type); i = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type);
if (i >= 0) if (i >= 0)
for (; i < data->totlayer && data->layers[i].type == type; i++) for (; i < data->totlayer && data->layers[i].type == type; i++) {
data->layers[i].active--; data->layers[i].active--;
} }
if (data->totlayer <= data->maxlayer-CUSTOMDATA_GROW) if (data->totlayer <= data->maxlayer-CUSTOMDATA_GROW)

@ -4316,6 +4316,18 @@ static void customdata_version_242(Mesh *me)
mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me);
} }
/*only copy render texface layer from active*/
static void customdata_version_243(Mesh *me)
CustomDataLayer *layer;
int a;
for (a=0; a < me->fdata.totlayer; a++) {
layer= &me->fdata.layers[a];
layer->active_rnd = layer->active;
/* struct NodeImageAnim moved to ImageUser, and we make it default available */ /* struct NodeImageAnim moved to ImageUser, and we make it default available */
static void do_version_ntree_242_2(bNodeTree *ntree) static void do_version_ntree_242_2(bNodeTree *ntree)
{ {
@ -6416,6 +6428,13 @@ static void do_versions(FileData *fd, Library *lib, Main *main)
} }
} }
} }
/* render layer added, this is not the active layer */
if(main->versionfile <= 243 || main->subversionfile < 2) {
Mesh *me;
for(me=main->mesh.first; me; me=me->
} }
/* WATCH IT!!!: pointers from libdata have not been converted yet here! */ /* WATCH IT!!!: pointers from libdata have not been converted yet here! */

@ -406,6 +406,8 @@ void curvemap_buttons(struct uiBlock *block, struct CurveMapping *cumap, char la
#define B_SETTFACE 2079 #define B_SETTFACE 2079
#define B_SETMCOL 2080 #define B_SETMCOL 2080
#define B_JOINTRIA 2081 #define B_JOINTRIA 2081
#define B_SETTFACE_RND 2082
#define B_SETMCOL_RND 2083
/* *********************** */ /* *********************** */
#define B_VGROUPBUTS 2100 #define B_VGROUPBUTS 2100

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ typedef struct CustomDataLayer {
int offset; /* in editmode, offset of layer in block */ int offset; /* in editmode, offset of layer in block */
int flag; /* general purpose flag */ int flag; /* general purpose flag */
int active; /* number of the active layer of this type */ int active; /* number of the active layer of this type */
int active_rnd; /* number of the layer to render*/
char pad[4];
char name[32]; /* layer name */ char name[32]; /* layer name */
void *data; /* layer data */ void *data; /* layer data */
} CustomDataLayer; } CustomDataLayer;

@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ static void use_mesh_edge_lookup(Render *re, DerivedMesh *dm, MEdge *medge, Vlak
if(layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) { if(layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) {
mtface= &((MTFace*)layer->data)[edp->f]; mtface= &((MTFace*)layer->data)[edp->f];
n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mtfn++, layer->active); n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mtfn++, layer->active_rnd);
mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(re, vlr, n, &name, 1); mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(re, vlr, n, &name, 1);
*mtf= *mtface; *mtf= *mtface;
@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ static void use_mesh_edge_lookup(Render *re, DerivedMesh *dm, MEdge *medge, Vlak
} }
else if(layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) { else if(layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) {
mcol= &((MCol*)layer->data)[edp->f*4]; mcol= &((MCol*)layer->data)[edp->f*4];
n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mcn++, layer->active); n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mcn++, layer->active_rnd);
mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(re, vlr, n, &name, 1); mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(re, vlr, n, &name, 1);
mc[0]= mcol[edp->i1]; mc[0]= mcol[edp->i1];
@ -1996,13 +1996,13 @@ static void init_render_mesh(Render *re, Object *ob, Object *par, int only_verts
name= layer->name; name= layer->name;
if(layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) { if(layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) {
n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mtfn++, layer->active); n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mtfn++, layer->active_rnd);
mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(re, vlr, n, &name, 1); mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(re, vlr, n, &name, 1);
mtface= (MTFace*)layer->data; mtface= (MTFace*)layer->data;
*mtf= mtface[a]; *mtf= mtface[a];
} }
else if(layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) { else if(layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) {
n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mcn++, layer->active); n= vlakren_customdata_layer_num(mcn++, layer->active_rnd);
mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(re, vlr, n, &name, 1); mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(re, vlr, n, &name, 1);
mcol= (MCol*)layer->data; mcol= (MCol*)layer->data;
memcpy(mc, &mcol[a*4], sizeof(MCol)*4); memcpy(mc, &mcol[a*4], sizeof(MCol)*4);

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
static float editbutweight= 1.0; static float editbutweight= 1.0;
float editbutvweight= 1; float editbutvweight= 1;
static int actmcol= 0, acttface= 0; static int actmcol= 0, acttface= 0, acttface_rnd = 0, actmcol_rnd = 0;
extern ListBase editNurb; extern ListBase editNurb;
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ static void delete_customdata_layer(void *data1, void *data2)
Mesh *me= (Mesh*)data1; Mesh *me= (Mesh*)data1;
CustomData *data= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata; CustomData *data= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata;
CustomDataLayer *layer= (CustomDataLayer*)data2; CustomDataLayer *layer= (CustomDataLayer*)data2;
void *actlayerdata, *layerdata=layer->data; void *actlayerdata, *rndlayerdata, *layerdata=layer->data;
int type= layer->type; int type= layer->type;
int index= CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type); int index= CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type);
int i, actindex; int i, actindex, rndindex;
/*ok, deleting a non-active layer needs to preserve the active layer indices. /*ok, deleting a non-active layer needs to preserve the active layer indices.
to do this, we store a pointer to the .data member of both layer and the active layer, to do this, we store a pointer to the .data member of both layer and the active layer,
@ -704,6 +704,7 @@ static void delete_customdata_layer(void *data1, void *data2)
this is necassary because the deletion functions only support deleting the active this is necassary because the deletion functions only support deleting the active
layer. */ layer. */
actlayerdata = data->layers[CustomData_get_active_layer_index(data, type)].data; actlayerdata = data->layers[CustomData_get_active_layer_index(data, type)].data;
rndlayerdata = data->layers[CustomData_get_render_layer_index(data, type)].data;
CustomData_set_layer_active(data, type, layer - &data->layers[index]); CustomData_set_layer_active(data, type, layer - &data->layers[index]);
/* Multires is handled seperately because the display data is separate /* Multires is handled seperately because the display data is separate
@ -741,6 +742,21 @@ static void delete_customdata_layer(void *data1, void *data2)
CustomData_set_layer_active(data, type, actindex); CustomData_set_layer_active(data, type, actindex);
} }
if (rndlayerdata != layerdata) {
/*find index. . .*/
rndindex = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type);
for (i=rndindex; i<data->totlayer; i++) {
if (data->layers[i].data == rndlayerdata) {
rndindex = i - rndindex;
/*set index. . .*/
CustomData_set_layer_render(data, type, rndindex);
DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA);
if(type == CD_MTFACE) if(type == CD_MTFACE)
@ -753,7 +769,12 @@ static void delete_customdata_layer(void *data1, void *data2)
allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0);
} }
static int customdata_buttons(uiBlock *block, Mesh *me, CustomData *data, int type, int *activep, int setevt, int newevt, char *label, char *shortlabel, char *browsetip, char *newtip, char *deltip, int x, int y) static int customdata_buttons(
uiBlock *block, Mesh *me, CustomData *data,
int type, int *activep, int *renderp,
int setevt, int setevt_rnd, int newevt,
char *label, char *shortlabel, char *browsetip, char *browsetip_rnd,
char *newtip, char *deltip, int x, int y)
{ {
CustomDataLayer *layer; CustomDataLayer *layer;
uiBut *but; uiBut *but;
@ -777,9 +798,11 @@ static int customdata_buttons(uiBlock *block, Mesh *me, CustomData *data, int ty
if(layer->type == type) { if(layer->type == type) {
*activep= layer->active + 1; *activep= layer->active + 1;
*renderp= layer->active_rnd + 1;
uiDefButI(block, ROW, setevt, "", x,y,25,19, activep, 1.0, count, 0, 0, browsetip); uiDefButI(block, ROW, setevt, "A", x,y,25,19, activep, 1.0, count, 0, 0, browsetip);
but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, setevt, "", x+25,y,170,19, layer->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, label); uiDefButI(block, ROW, setevt_rnd, "R", x+25,y,25,19, renderp, 1.0, count, 0, 0, browsetip_rnd);
but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, setevt, "", x+50,y,145,19, layer->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, label);
uiButSetFunc(but, verify_customdata_name_func, data, layer); uiButSetFunc(but, verify_customdata_name_func, data, layer);
but= uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, VICON_X, x+195,y,25,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, deltip); but= uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, VICON_X, x+195,y,25,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, deltip);
uiButSetFunc(but, delete_customdata_layer, me, layer); uiButSetFunc(but, delete_customdata_layer, me, layer);
@ -848,14 +871,14 @@ static void editing_panel_mesh_type(Object *ob, Mesh *me)
uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockEndAlign(block);
fdata= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata; fdata= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata;
yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MTFACE, &acttface, yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MTFACE, &acttface, &acttface_rnd,
B_SETTFACE, B_NEWTFACE, "UV Texture", "UV Texture:", B_SETTFACE, B_SETTFACE_RND, B_NEWTFACE, "UV Texture", "UV Texture:",
"Set active UV texture", "Creates a new UV texture layer", "Set active UV texture", "Set rendering UV texture", "Creates a new UV texture layer",
"Removes the current UV texture layer", 190, 130); "Removes the current UV texture layer", 190, 130);
yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MCOL, &actmcol, yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MCOL, &actmcol, &actmcol_rnd,
B_SETMCOL, B_NEWMCOL, "Vertex Color", "Vertex Color:", B_SETMCOL, B_SETMCOL_RND, B_NEWMCOL, "Vertex Color", "Vertex Color:",
"Sets active vertex color layer", "Creates a new vertex color layer", "Sets active vertex color layer", "Sets rendering vertex color layer", "Creates a new vertex color layer",
"Removes the current vertex color layer", 190, yco-5); "Removes the current vertex color layer", 190, yco-5);
if(yco < 0) if(yco < 0)
@ -4147,6 +4170,15 @@ void do_meshbuts(unsigned short event)
allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0);
} }
break; break;
if (G.obedit || me) {
CustomData *fdata= (G.obedit)? &em->fdata: &me->fdata;
CustomData_set_layer_render(fdata, CD_MCOL, actmcol_rnd-1);
BIF_undo_push("Set Render Vertex Color");
allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0);
if(me) if(me)
@ -4197,7 +4229,15 @@ void do_meshbuts(unsigned short event)
allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0);
} }
break; break;
if (G.obedit || me) {
CustomData *fdata= (G.obedit)? &em->fdata: &me->fdata;
CustomData_set_layer_render(fdata, CD_MTFACE, acttface_rnd-1);
BIF_undo_push("Set Render UV Texture");
allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0);
if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit) {
flip_editnormals(); flip_editnormals();