Screw Modifier (old patch was called Lathe)

didnt commit this patch because curves are generally better to create a shape to lathe however now that curves can have modifiers applied to them I think its good to have this.

Added options to offset the lathe so it can work like the screw tool as well.

- optional object for axis which also controls the center point.
- screw offset so rather then just lathing this can work more like the screw tool.
- screw optionally using the object distance along the axis.
- iterations so the screw can be applied multiple times.

tested to work well with curves.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2010-03-22 00:22:52 +00:00
parent 74b3336107
commit fb9546746e
7 changed files with 940 additions and 1 deletions

@ -497,6 +497,28 @@ class DATA_PT_modifiers(DataButtonsPanel):
def PARTICLE_SYSTEM(self, layout, ob, md, wide_ui):
layout.label(text="See Particle panel.")
def SCREW(self, layout, ob, md, wide_ui):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.prop(md, "axis")
col.prop(md, "object", text="AxisOb")
col.prop(md, "angle")
col.prop(md, "steps")
col.prop(md, "render_steps")
col = split.column()
row = col.row() = (md.object is None or md.use_object_screw_offset == False)
row.prop(md, "screw_offset")
row = col.row() = (md.object is not None)
row.prop(md, "use_object_screw_offset")
col.prop(md, "use_normal_calculate")
col.prop(md, "use_normal_flip")
col.prop(md, "iterations")
def SHRINKWRAP(self, layout, ob, md, wide_ui):
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()

@ -5991,6 +5991,803 @@ static DerivedMesh *solidifyModifier_applyModifierEM(ModifierData *md,
return solidifyModifier_applyModifier(md, ob, derivedData, 0, 1);
/* Screw */
/* Screw */
/* Screw modifier: revolves the edges about an axis
/* used for gathering edge connectivity */
typedef struct ScrewVertConnect {
float dist; /* distance from the center axis */
float co[3]; /* loaction relative to the transformed axis */
float no[3]; /* calc normal of the vertex */
int v[2]; /* 2 verts on either side of this one */
MEdge *e[2]; /* edges on either side, a bit of a waste since each edge ref's 2 edges */
char flag;
} ScrewVertConnect;
typedef struct ScrewVertIter {
ScrewVertConnect * v_array;
ScrewVertConnect * v_poin;
int v;
int v_other;
MEdge *e;
} ScrewVertIter;
#define ScrewVertIter_INIT(iter, array, v_init, dir)\
iter.v_array = array;\
iter.v = v_init;\
if (v_init>=0) {\
iter.v_poin = &array[v_init];\
iter.v_other = iter.v_poin->v[dir];\
if (dir)\
iter.e = iter.v_poin->e[0];\
iter.e = iter.v_poin->e[1];\
} else {\
iter.v_poin= NULL;\
iter.e= NULL;\
#define ScrewVertIter_NEXT(iter)\
if (iter.v_poin->v[0] == iter.v_other) {\
iter.v_other= iter.v;\
iter.v= iter.v_poin->v[1];\
} else if (iter.v_poin->v[1] == iter.v_other) {\
iter.v_other= iter.v;\
iter.v= iter.v_poin->v[0];\
if (iter.v >=0) {\
iter.v_poin= &iter.v_array[iter.v];\
if ( iter.v_poin->e[0] != iter.e ) iter.e= iter.v_poin->e[0];\
else iter.e= iter.v_poin->e[1];\
} else {\
iter.e= NULL;\
iter.v_poin= NULL;\
static void screwModifier_initData(ModifierData *md)
ScrewModifierData *ltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md;
ltmd->ob_axis= NULL;
ltmd->angle= M_PI * 2.0;
ltmd->axis= 2;
ltmd->flag= 0;
ltmd->steps= 16;
ltmd->render_steps= 16;
ltmd->iter= 1;
static void screwModifier_copyData(ModifierData *md, ModifierData *target)
ScrewModifierData *sltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md;
ScrewModifierData *tltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) target;
tltmd->ob_axis= sltmd->ob_axis;
tltmd->angle= sltmd->angle;
tltmd->axis= sltmd->axis;
tltmd->flag= sltmd->flag;
tltmd->steps= sltmd->steps;
tltmd->render_steps= sltmd->render_steps;
tltmd->iter= sltmd->iter;
static DerivedMesh *screwModifier_applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
DerivedMesh *derivedData,
int useRenderParams, int isFinalCalc)
DerivedMesh *dm= derivedData;
DerivedMesh *result;
ScrewModifierData *ltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md;
int *origindex;
int mface_index=0;
int i, j;
int i1,i2;
int steps= ltmd->steps;
int maxVerts=0, maxEdges=0, maxFaces=0;
int totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm);
int totedge= dm->getNumEdges(dm);
char axis_char, close;
float angle= ltmd->angle;
float screw_ofs= ltmd->screw_ofs;
float axis_vec[3]= {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float tmp_vec1[3], tmp_vec2[3];
float mat3[3][3];
float mtx_tx[4][4]; /* transform the coords by an object relative to this objects transformation */
float mtx_tx_inv[4][4]; /* inverted */
float mtx_tmp_a[4][4];
int vc_tot_linked= 0;
short other_axis_1, other_axis_2;
float *tmpf1, *tmpf2;
MFace *mface_new, *mf_new;
MEdge *medge_orig, *med_orig, *med_new, *med_new_firstloop, *medge_new;
MVert *mvert_new, *mvert_orig, *mv_orig, *mv_new, *mv_new_base;
ScrewVertConnect *vc, *vc_tmp, *vert_connect= NULL;
float mat[4][4] = {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}};
/* dont do anything? */
if (!totvert)
return CDDM_from_template(dm, 0, 0, 0);
if (useRenderParams)
steps= ltmd->render_steps;
steps= ltmd->steps;
if (ltmd->axis==0) {
} else if (ltmd->axis==1) {
} else {
axis_vec[ltmd->axis]= 1.0;
if (ltmd->ob_axis) {
float mtx3_tx[3][3];
/* calc the matrix relative to the axis object */
invert_m4_m4(mtx_tmp_a, ob->obmat);
copy_m4_m4(mtx_tx_inv, ltmd->ob_axis->obmat);
mul_m4_m4m4(mtx_tx, mtx_tx_inv, mtx_tmp_a);
copy_m3_m4(mtx3_tx, mtx_tx);
/* calc the axis vec */
mul_m3_v3(mtx3_tx, axis_vec);
/* screw */
if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_OFFSET) {
/* find the offset along this axis relative to this objects matrix */
float totlen = len_v3(mtx_tx[3]);
if(totlen != 0.0f) {
float zero[3]={0,0,0};
float cp[3];
screw_ofs= closest_to_line_v3(cp, mtx_tx[3], zero, axis_vec);
else {
screw_ofs= 0.0f;
/* angle */
#if 0 // cant incluide this, not pradictable enough, though quite fun,.
if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE) {
float vec[3] = {0,1,0};
float cross1[3];
float cross2[3];
cross_v3_v3v3(cross1, vec, axis_vec);
mul_v3_m3v3(cross2, mtx3_tx, cross1);
float c1[3];
float c2[3];
float axis_tmp[3];
cross_v3_v3v3(c1, cross2, axis_vec);
cross_v3_v3v3(c2, axis_vec, c1);
angle= angle_v3v3(cross1, c2);
cross_v3_v3v3(axis_tmp, cross1, c2);
if(len_v3v3(axis_tmp, axis_vec) > 1.0)
angle= -angle;
} else {
/* exis char is used by i_rotate*/
axis_char= 'X' + ltmd->axis;
/* useful to be able to use the axis vec in some cases still */
axis_vec[ltmd->axis]= 1.0;
/* apply the multiplier */
angle *= ltmd->iter;
screw_ofs *= ltmd->iter;
/* multiplying the steps is a bit tricky, this works best */
steps += 1;
steps = (steps * ltmd->iter) - (ltmd->iter - 1);
if(steps < 2) steps= 2;
/* will the screw be closed? */
if (fabs(screw_ofs) <= (FLT_EPSILON*100) && fabs(fabs(angle) - M_PI * 2.0) <= (FLT_EPSILON*100)) {
close= 1;
maxVerts = totvert * steps; /* -1 because we're joining back up */
maxEdges = (totvert * steps) + /* these are the edges between new verts */
(totedge * steps); /* -1 because vert edges join */
maxFaces = totedge * steps;
screw_ofs= 0.0f;
} else {
close= 0;
maxVerts = totvert * steps; /* -1 because we're joining back up */
maxEdges = (totvert * (steps-1)) + /* these are the edges between new verts */
(totedge * steps); /* -1 because vert edges join */
maxFaces = totedge * (steps-1);
result= CDDM_from_template(dm, maxVerts, maxEdges, maxFaces);
/* copy verts from mesh */
mvert_orig = dm->getVertArray(dm);
medge_orig = dm->getEdgeArray(dm);
mvert_new = result->getVertArray(result);
mface_new = result->getFaceArray(result);
medge_new = result->getEdgeArray(result);
origindex= result->getFaceDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX);
/* Set the locations of the first set of verts */
mv_new= mvert_new;
mv_orig= mvert_orig;
/* Copy the first set of edges */
med_orig= medge_orig;
med_new= medge_new;
for (i=0; i < totedge; i++, med_orig++, med_new++) {
med_new->v1= med_orig->v1;
med_new->v2= med_orig->v2;
med_new->crease= med_orig->crease;
med_new->flag= med_orig->flag & ~ME_LOOSEEDGE;
if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_CALC) {
* Normal Calculation (for face flipping)
* Sort edge verts for correct face flipping
* NOT REALLY NEEDED but face flipping is nice.
* */
/* Notice!
* Since we are only ordering the edges here it can avoid mallocing the
* extra space by abusing the vert array berfore its filled with new verts.
* The new array for vert_connect must be at least sizeof(ScrewVertConnect) * totvert
* and the size of our resulting meshes array is sizeof(MVert) * totvert * 3
* so its safe to use the second 2 thrids of MVert the array for vert_connect,
* just make sure ScrewVertConnect struct is no more then twice as big as MVert,
* at the moment there is no chance of that being a problem,
* unless MVert becomes half its current size.
* once the edges are ordered, vert_connect is not needed and it can be used for verts
* This makes the modifier faster with one less alloc.
vert_connect= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ScrewVertConnect) * totvert, "ScrewVertConnect");
//vert_connect= (ScrewVertConnect *) &medge_new[totvert]; /* skip the first slice of verts */
vc= vert_connect;
/* Copy Vert Locations */
/* - We can do this in a later loop - only do here if no normal calc */
if (!totedge) {
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_orig++, mv_new++) {
copy_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mv_orig->co);
normalize_v3_v3(vc->no, mv_new->co); /* no edges- this is realy a dummy normal */
} else {
/*printf("\n\n\n\n\nStarting Modifier\n");*/
/* set edge users */
med_new= medge_new;
mv_new= mvert_new;
if (ltmd->ob_axis) {
/*mtx_tx is initialized early on */
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new++, mv_orig++, vc++) {
vc->co[0]= mv_new->co[0]= mv_orig->co[0];
vc->co[1]= mv_new->co[1]= mv_orig->co[1];
vc->co[2]= mv_new->co[2]= mv_orig->co[2];
vc->flag= 0;
vc->e[0]= vc->e[1]= NULL;
vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -1;
mul_m4_v3(mtx_tx, vc->co);
/* length in 2d, dont sqrt because this is only for comparison */
vc->dist = vc->co[other_axis_1]*vc->co[other_axis_1] +
/* printf("location %f %f %f -- %f\n", vc->co[0], vc->co[1], vc->co[2], vc->dist);*/
} else {
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new++, mv_orig++, vc++) {
vc->co[0]= mv_new->co[0]= mv_orig->co[0];
vc->co[1]= mv_new->co[1]= mv_orig->co[1];
vc->co[2]= mv_new->co[2]= mv_orig->co[2];
vc->flag= 0;
vc->e[0]= vc->e[1]= NULL;
vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -1;
/* length in 2d, dont sqrt because this is only for comparison */
vc->dist = vc->co[other_axis_1]*vc->co[other_axis_1] +
/* printf("location %f %f %f -- %f\n", vc->co[0], vc->co[1], vc->co[2], vc->dist);*/
/* this loop builds connectivity info for verts */
for (i=0; i<totedge; i++, med_new++) {
vc= &vert_connect[med_new->v1];
if (vc->v[0]==-1) { /* unused */
vc->v[0]= med_new->v2;
vc->e[0]= med_new;
} else if (vc->v[1]==-1) {
vc->v[1]= med_new->v2;
vc->e[1]= med_new;
} else {
vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -2; /* erro value - dont use, 3 edges on vert */
vc= &vert_connect[med_new->v2];
/* same as above but swap v1/2 */
if (vc->v[0]==-1) { /* unused */
vc->v[0]= med_new->v1;
vc->e[0]= med_new;
} else if (vc->v[1]==-1) {
vc->v[1]= med_new->v1;
vc->e[1]= med_new;
} else {
vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -2; /* erro value - dont use, 3 edges on vert */
/* find the first vert */
vc= vert_connect;
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, vc++) {
int VBEST=-1, ed_loop_closed=0; /* vert and vert new */
int ed_loop_flip;
float fl= -1.0f;
ScrewVertIter lt_iter;
/* Now do search for connected verts, order all edges and flip them
* so resulting faces are flipped the right way */
vc_tot_linked= 0; /* count the number of linked verts for this loop */
if (vc->flag==0) {
/*printf("Loop on connected vert: %i\n", i);*/
for(j=0; j<2; j++) {
/*printf("\tSide: %i\n", j);*/
ScrewVertIter_INIT(lt_iter, vert_connect, i, j);
if (j==1) {
while (lt_iter.v_poin) {
/*printf("\t\tVERT: %i\n", lt_iter.v);*/
if (lt_iter.v_poin->flag) {
/*printf("\t\t\tBreaking Found end\n");*/
//endpoints[0]= endpoints[1]= -1;
ed_loop_closed= 1; /* circle */
lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 1;
/*printf("Testing 2 floats %f : %f\n", fl, lt_iter.v_poin->dist);*/
if (fl <= lt_iter.v_poin->dist) {
fl= lt_iter.v_poin->dist;
VBEST= lt_iter.v;
/*printf("\t\t\tVERT BEST: %i\n", VBEST);*/
if (!lt_iter.v_poin) {
/*printf("\t\t\tFound End Also Num %i\n", j);*/
/*endpoints[j]= lt_iter.v_other;*/ /* other is still valid */
/* now we have a collection of used edges. flip their edges the right way*/
/*if (VBEST !=-1) - */
/*printf("Done Looking - vc_tot_linked: %i\n", vc_tot_linked);*/
if (vc_tot_linked>1) {
float vf_1, vf_2, vf_best;
vc_tmp= &vert_connect[VBEST];
tmpf1= vert_connect[vc_tmp->v[0]].co;
tmpf2= vert_connect[vc_tmp->v[1]].co;
/* edge connects on each side! */
if ((vc_tmp->v[0] > -1) && (vc_tmp->v[1] > -1)) {
/*printf("Verts on each side (%i %i)\n", vc_tmp->v[0], vc_tmp->v[1]);*/
/* find out which is higher */
vf_1= tmpf1[ltmd->axis];
vf_2= tmpf2[ltmd->axis];
vf_best= vc_tmp->co[ltmd->axis];
if (vf_1 < vf_best && vf_best < vf_2) {
ed_loop_flip= 0;
} else if (vf_1 > vf_best && vf_best > vf_2) {
ed_loop_flip= 1;
} else {
/* not so simple to work out wich edge is higher */
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, tmpf1, vc_tmp->co);
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, tmpf2, vc_tmp->co);
if (tmp_vec1[ltmd->axis] < tmp_vec2[ltmd->axis]) {
ed_loop_flip= 1;
} else {
ed_loop_flip= 0;
} else if (vc_tmp->v[0] >= 0) { /*vertex only connected on 1 side */
/*printf("Verts on ONE side (%i %i)\n", vc_tmp->v[0], vc_tmp->v[1]);*/
if (tmpf1[ltmd->axis] < vc_tmp->co[ltmd->axis]) { /* best is above */
ed_loop_flip= 1;
} else { /* best is below or even... in even case we cant know whet to do. */
ed_loop_flip= 0;
}/* else {
printf("No Connected ___\n");
/*printf("flip direction %i\n", ed_loop_flip);*/
/* switch the flip option if set */
if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP) {
if (ed_loop_flip) ed_loop_flip= 0;
else ed_loop_flip= 1;
if (angle < 0.0f) {
if (ed_loop_flip) ed_loop_flip= 0;
else ed_loop_flip= 1;
/* if its closed, we only need 1 loop */
for(j=ed_loop_closed; j<2; j++) {
/*printf("Ordering Side J %i\n", j);*/
ScrewVertIter_INIT(lt_iter, vert_connect, VBEST, j);
/*printf("\n\nStarting - Loop\n");*/
lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 1; /* so a non loop will traverse the other side */
/* If this is the vert off the best vert and
* the best vert has 2 edges connected too it
* then swap the flip direction */
if (j==1 && (vc_tmp->v[0] > -1) && (vc_tmp->v[1] > -1)) {
if (ed_loop_flip) ed_loop_flip= 0;
else ed_loop_flip= 1;
while (lt_iter.v_poin && lt_iter.v_poin->flag != 2) {
/*printf("\tOrdering Vert V %i\n", lt_iter.v);*/
lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 2;
if (lt_iter.e) {
if (lt_iter.v == lt_iter.e->v1) {
if (ed_loop_flip==0) {
/*printf("\t\t\tFlipping 0\n");*/
SWAP( int, lt_iter.e->v1, lt_iter.e->v2 );
}/* else {
printf("\t\t\tFlipping Not 0\n");
} else if (lt_iter.v == lt_iter.e->v2) {
if (ed_loop_flip==1) {
/*printf("\t\t\tFlipping 1\n");*/
SWAP( int, lt_iter.e->v1, lt_iter.e->v2 );
}/* else {
printf("\t\t\tFlipping Not 1\n");
}/* else {
printf("\t\tIncorrect edge topology");
}/* else {
printf("\t\tNo Edge at this point\n");
* we know the surrounding edges are ordered correctly now
* so its safe to create vertex normals.
* calculate vertex normals that can be propodated on lathing
* use edge connectivity work this out */
if (vc->v[0]>=0) {
if (vc->v[1]>=0) {
/* 2 edges connedted */
/* make 2 connecting vert locations relative to the middle vert */
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, mvert_new[vc->v[0]].co, mvert_new[i].co);
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec2, mvert_new[vc->v[1]].co, mvert_new[i].co);
/* normalize so both edges have the same influence, no matter their length */
/* vc_no_tmp1 - this line is the average direction of both connecting edges
* Use the edge order to make the subtraction, flip the normal the right way
* edge should be there but check just in case... */
if (vc->e && vc->e[0]->v1 == i) {
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, tmp_vec1, tmp_vec2);
} else {
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, tmp_vec2, tmp_vec1);
} else {
/* only 1 edge connected - same as above except
* dont need to average edge direction */
if (vc->e && vc->e[0]->v2 == i) {
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, mvert_new[i].co, mvert_new[vc->v[0]].co);
} else {
sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, mvert_new[vc->v[0]].co, mvert_new[i].co);
/* vc_no_tmp2 - is a line 90d from the pivot to the vec
* This is used so the resulting normal points directly away from the middle */
cross_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec2, axis_vec, vc->co);
/* edge average vector and right angle to the pivot make the normal */
cross_v3_v3v3(vc->no, tmp_vec1, tmp_vec2);
} else {
copy_v3_v3(vc->no, vc->co);
/* we wont be looping on this data again so copy normals here */
if (angle < 0.0)
normal_float_to_short_v3(mvert_new[i].no, vc->no);
/* Done with normals */
else {
if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP) {
mv_orig= mvert_orig;
mv_new= mvert_new + (totvert-1);
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new--, mv_orig++) {
copy_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mv_orig->co);
else {
mv_orig= mvert_orig;
mv_new= mvert_new;
for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new++, mv_orig++) {
copy_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mv_orig->co);
/* done with edge connectivity based normal flipping */
/* Add Faces */
for (i=1; i < steps; i++) {
float step_angle;
float no_tx[3];
/* Rotation Matrix */
if (close) step_angle= (angle / steps) * i;
else step_angle= (angle / (steps-1)) * i;
if (ltmd->ob_axis) {
axis_angle_to_mat3(mat3, axis_vec, step_angle);
copy_m4_m3(mat, mat3);
} else {
rotate_m4(mat, axis_char, step_angle);
copy_m3_m4(mat3, mat);
madd_v3_v3fl(mat[3], axis_vec, screw_ofs * ((float)i / (float)(steps-1)));
mv_new_base= mvert_new;
mv_new= &mvert_new[totvert*i]; /* advance to the next slice */
for (j=0; j<totvert; j++, mv_new_base++, mv_new++) {
/* set normal */
if(vert_connect) {
mul_v3_m3v3(no_tx, mat3, vert_connect[j].no);
/* set the normal now its transformed */
normal_float_to_short_v3(mv_new->no, no_tx);
/* set location */
copy_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mv_new_base->co);
/* only need to set these if using non cleared memory */
/*mv_new->mat_nr= mv_new->flag= 0;*/
if (ltmd->ob_axis) {
sub_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mtx_tx[3]);
mul_m4_v3(mat, mv_new->co);
add_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mtx_tx[3]);
} else {
mul_m4_v3(mat, mv_new->co);
/* add the new edge */
med_new->v1= j+(i*totvert);
med_new->v2= med_new->v1 - totvert;
/* we can avoid if using vert alloc trick */
if(vert_connect) {
vert_connect= NULL;
if (close) {
/* last loop of edges, previous loop dosnt account for the last set of edges */
for (i=0; i<totvert; i++) {
med_new->v1= i+((steps-1)*totvert);
med_new->v2= i;
mf_new= mface_new;
med_new_firstloop= medge_new;
for (i=0; i < totedge; i++, med_new_firstloop++) {
/* for each edge, make a cylinder of quads */
i1= med_new_firstloop->v1;
i2= med_new_firstloop->v2;
for (j=0; j < steps-1; j++) {
/* new face */
mf_new->v1= i1;
mf_new->v2= i2;
mf_new->v3= i2 + totvert;
mf_new->v4= i1 + totvert;
if( !mf_new->v3 || !mf_new->v4 ) {
SWAP( int, mf_new->v1, mf_new->v3 );
SWAP( int, mf_new->v2, mf_new->v4 );
mf_new->flag= ME_SMOOTH;
origindex[mface_index]= ORIGINDEX_NONE;
/* new vertical edge */
if (j) { /* The first set is alredy dome */
med_new->v1= i1;
med_new->v2= i2;
med_new->flag= med_new_firstloop->flag;
med_new->crease= med_new_firstloop->crease;
i1 += totvert;
i2 += totvert;
/* close the loop*/
if (close) {
mf_new->v1= i1;
mf_new->v2= i2;
mf_new->v3= med_new_firstloop->v2;
mf_new->v4= med_new_firstloop->v1;
if( !mf_new->v3 || !mf_new->v4 ) {
SWAP( int, mf_new->v1, mf_new->v3 );
SWAP( int, mf_new->v2, mf_new->v4 );
mf_new->flag= ME_SMOOTH;
origindex[mface_index]= ORIGINDEX_NONE;
/* new vertical edge */
med_new->v1= i1;
med_new->v2= i2;
med_new->flag= med_new_firstloop->flag & ~ME_LOOSEEDGE;
med_new->crease= med_new_firstloop->crease;
if((ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_CALC)==0) {
return result;
static void screwModifier_updateDepgraph(
ModifierData *md, DagForest *forest,
Scene *scene, Object *ob, DagNode *obNode)
ScrewModifierData *ltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md;
if(ltmd->ob_axis) {
DagNode *curNode= dag_get_node(forest, ltmd->ob_axis);
dag_add_relation(forest, curNode, obNode,
"Screw Modifier");
static void screwModifier_foreachObjectLink(
ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
void (*walk)(void *userData, Object *ob, Object **obpoin),
void *userData)
ScrewModifierData *ltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md;
walk(userData, ob, &ltmd->ob_axis);
/* This dosnt work with material*/
static DerivedMesh *screwModifier_applyModifierEM(
ModifierData *md, Object *ob, EditMesh *editData,
DerivedMesh *derivedData)
return screwModifier_applyModifier(md, ob, derivedData, 0, 1);
static int screwModifier_dependsOnTime(ModifierData *md)
return 0;
/* Smoke */
static void smokeModifier_initData(ModifierData *md)
@ -8921,6 +9718,22 @@ ModifierTypeInfo *modifierType_getInfo(ModifierType type)
mti->applyModifier = solidifyModifier_applyModifier;
mti->applyModifierEM = solidifyModifier_applyModifierEM;
typeArrInit = 0;
mti = INIT_TYPE(Screw);
mti->type = eModifierTypeType_Constructive;
mti->flags = eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh
| eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode
| eModifierTypeFlag_EnableInEditmode
| eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsCVs;
mti->initData = screwModifier_initData;
mti->copyData = screwModifier_copyData;
mti->foreachObjectLink = screwModifier_foreachObjectLink;
mti->dependsOnTime = screwModifier_dependsOnTime;
mti->updateDepgraph = screwModifier_updateDepgraph;
mti->applyModifier = screwModifier_applyModifier;
mti->applyModifierEM = screwModifier_applyModifierEM;
#undef INIT_TYPE

@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ DEF_ICON(ICON_MOD_FLUIDSIM)
DEF_ICON(ICON_MOD_SCREW) // XXX, needs drawing

@ -4219,6 +4219,8 @@ static void tselem_draw_icon(uiBlock *block, int xmax, float x, float y, TreeSto
UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SMOKE); break;
case eModifierType_Solidify:
UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SOLIDIFY); break;
case eModifierType_Screw:
UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MOD_SCREW); break;
UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DOT); break;

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ typedef enum ModifierType {
} ModifierType;
@ -692,4 +693,22 @@ typedef struct SolidifyModifierData {
#define MOD_SOLIDIFY_EVEN (1<<1)
typedef struct ScrewModifierData {
ModifierData modifier;
struct Object *ob_axis;
int steps;
int render_steps;
int iter;
float screw_ofs;
float angle;
short axis;
short flag;
} ScrewModifierData;
#define MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP (1<<0)
#define MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_CALC (1<<1)
// #define MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE (1<<4)

@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ extern StructRNA RNA_SceneGameData;
extern StructRNA RNA_SceneRenderLayer;
extern StructRNA RNA_SceneSequence;
extern StructRNA RNA_Screen;
extern StructRNA RNA_ScrewModifier;
extern StructRNA RNA_Sculpt;
extern StructRNA RNA_Sensor;
extern StructRNA RNA_Sequence;

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ EnumPropertyItem modifier_type_items[] ={
{eModifierType_EdgeSplit, "EDGE_SPLIT", ICON_MOD_EDGESPLIT, "Edge Split", ""},
{eModifierType_Mask, "MASK", ICON_MOD_MASK, "Mask", ""},
{eModifierType_Mirror, "MIRROR", ICON_MOD_MIRROR, "Mirror", ""},
{eModifierType_Screw, "SCREW", ICON_MOD_SCREW, "Screw", ""},
{eModifierType_Multires, "MULTIRES", ICON_MOD_MULTIRES, "Multiresolution", ""},
{eModifierType_Solidify, "SOLIDIFY", ICON_MOD_SOLIDIFY, "Solidify", ""},
{eModifierType_Subsurf, "SUBSURF", ICON_MOD_SUBSURF, "Subdivision Surface", ""},
@ -164,6 +165,8 @@ static StructRNA* rna_Modifier_refine(struct PointerRNA *ptr)
return &RNA_SmokeModifier;
case eModifierType_Solidify:
return &RNA_SolidifyModifier;
case eModifierType_Screw:
return &RNA_ScrewModifier;
return &RNA_Modifier;
@ -1191,6 +1194,7 @@ static void rna_def_modifier_edgesplit(BlenderRNA *brna)
RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "EdgeSplitModifierData");
RNA_def_struct_ui_icon(srna, ICON_MOD_EDGESPLIT);
// XXX, convert to radians.
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "split_angle", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_range(prop, 0, 180);
RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 0, 180, 100, 2);
@ -2069,6 +2073,83 @@ static void rna_def_modifier_solidify(BlenderRNA *brna)
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", MOD_SOLIDIFY_NORMAL_CALC);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "High Quality Normals", "Calculate normals which result in more even thickness (slow, disable when not needed)");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
static void rna_def_modifier_screw(BlenderRNA *brna)
static EnumPropertyItem axis_items[]= {
{0, "X", 0, "X Axis", ""},
{1, "Y", 0, "Y Axis", ""},
{2, "Z", 0, "Z Axis", ""},
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}};
StructRNA *srna;
PropertyRNA *prop;
srna= RNA_def_struct(brna, "ScrewModifier", "Modifier");
RNA_def_struct_ui_text(srna, "Screw Modifier", "Revolve edges");
RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, "ScrewModifierData");
RNA_def_struct_ui_icon(srna, ICON_MOD_SCREW);
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "object", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna(prop, NULL, "ob_axis");
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Object", "Object to define the screw axis");
RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_EDITABLE|PROP_ID_SELF_CHECK);
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_dependency_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "steps", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 1, 1024, 1, 0);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Steps", "Number of steps in the revolution");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "render_steps", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 1, 1024, 1, 0);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Render Steps", "Number of steps in the revolution");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "iterations", PROP_INT, PROP_UNSIGNED);
RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, "iter");
RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 1, 1024, 1, 0);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Iterations", "Number of times to apply the screw operation");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "axis", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, axis_items);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Axis", "Screw axis");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
// XXX, convert to radians.
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "angle", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_ANGLE);
//RNA_def_property_range(prop, 0, 180);
//RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, 0, 180, 100, 2);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Angle", "Angle of revolution");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "screw_offset", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_DISTANCE);
RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "screw_ofs");
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Screw", "Offset the revolution along its axis");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "use_normal_flip", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Flip", "Flip normals of lathed faces");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "use_normal_calculate", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_CALC);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Calc Order", "Calculate the order of edges (needed for meshes, but not curves)");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "use_object_screw_offset", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_OFFSET);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Object Screw", "Use the distance between the objects to make a screw");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");
/*prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "use_angle_object", PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, "flag", MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE);
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Object Angle", "Use the angle between the objects rather then the fixed angle");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, 0, "rna_Modifier_update");*/
void RNA_def_modifier(BlenderRNA *brna)
@ -2160,6 +2241,7 @@ void RNA_def_modifier(BlenderRNA *brna)